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  • Location: Floor Nine North Cell of the Shadow Tower
  • Occupation: Lightbringer
  • Look:
This is a female yeti with white fur and green eyes.  She has a surprisingly friendly, if aggressive, demeanor.  She is enclosed in a huge
spherical aura of translucent bright green lumen that follows her as she moves.  She is giving off a faint, barely-perceptible light.  
She looks about twenty-seven dimins tall, eight and nine tenths dimins wide, and two and a quarter dimins front to back.  
She is in good shape.  
She wears a huge bright green luminax tabard over her body and a huge  bright green diamond lens on her left palm.
  • Info:
Her limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right claw, left claw, right leg, left leg, right foot, and left foot.  Boudikka was created by
Chaos, Fixy, and Dodger; the source code was last updated Thu Oct 06 16:59:41 2016.  The yeti race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last
updated Wed May 17 13:53:25 2023.
  • Notes:

As a permenent guest of Kalyxes, Boudikka is in a no-TP room and therefore not a valid target for the Teleportation volition.

Boudikka grins broadly.
Boudikka states, .) ))  That Kalyxes is a nasty little sorceror, he is, locking me up like this.  (( (. in Norska.
Boudikka states, .) ))  Old Ylon always said I was a little wild for the Lightbringers, but I din't pay him no mind.  (( (. in Norska.
Boudikka flexes her muscles.