Direction of the winds (Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris spell)
From LSWiki
Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris Spell: Tropos
Common Name: Direction of the Winds Knowledge Requirement: None Summary: orientation
This simple spell is a relative staple of Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris; allowing the caster to magickally detect the slightest currents and eddies in the ambient air around them. The knowledge imparted lets the skilled caster know where the wind has been, and ultimately, where they are.
Steps: 1) speaking the winds Type: Speech Importance: minor, optional Difficulty: very easy Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small) 2) the opening of the way Type: Praxis Importance: minor, optional Difficulty: very easy Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty 2) orient oneself by patterns in the wind Type: Gesture Importance: major Difficulty: easy Skills: aeroturgy (moderate), orienteering (small), prestidigitation (small), and evocation (small)
Development Information: This spell was created by Twilight and is maintained by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Oct 06 00:47:34 2017.