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You need 150 points of compatibility to effectively use a Glomschal, as measured by your average of illusion and skiaturgy, +50 points for being a drow, and +100 points for being a Hantaka.

  • Attack rating bonus based on Illusion skill. (And maybe Skiaturgy.)
  • Skill buffs to Balance, Stealth, and maybe others, scaling with your facility with a Glomschal.
  • Note: As of change 7864, glomschals run off of magickal energy and Thaumaturgy instead of Skiaturgy.

Additionally activatable for:


    This cloak is made from the felivanus dark violet hide of large and powerful beast with a strange anatomy: sewn-off stubs of at least six limbs flank the sides, with two more flaring at the shoulders.  It is shadowy and at times oddly translucent.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as a glomschal, a vanishingly rare magickal cloak.  Invented by the drow, glomschals were used by nefarious Yathrelar rogues and outlaws to great effect, leading to their stigmatization and suppression.  Each one is made from the hide of a felivanus, skinned and cured by an expert tanner trained specifically for the task, and enchanted to impart the illusory powers of the beast using techniques now lost to time.  The best known power of the cloak is to augment one's ability at various forms of evasion with a displacement illusion -- that is, by making one appear a short distance from where one actually is, making them extremely difficult to strike.  Its bearers have also been known to move in seemingly impossible ways, stepping at impossible angles to fit through small spaces, or moving ten paces with a single step.  It affords excellent protection even apart from these enchantments, as felivanus hide is remarkably tough and supernaturally light.  One's effectiveness with cloak's magicks depend upon one's facility in the arts of Skiaturgy and Illusion.  It is said that the use of the cloaks can be quite draining on those unpracticed in the arts of the magicks that infuse it.


   It drains 5 magickal energy (with conversion from spiritual energy possible) every two minutes when worn under ordinary conditions, and 10 magickal energy (with previously noted conversion possible) every ten seconds while making its wearer intangible.  Keeping the glomschal costs eight keep points.  The glomschal was created by Twilight and is maintained by Chaos and Marcosy; the source code was last updated Sun May 14 10:03:18 2023.  The cloak armour type was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sun Mar 15 13:10:11 2020.  The material hide was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Mar 15 02:18:37 2016.


    You feel knowledge drifting into your mind like a long-forgotten memory, making you aware that the glomschal can, if worn by one who is sufficiently attuned to it, be activated to make the wearer intangible by visualizing a triangle disappearing within a circle, with intangibility being deactivated by visualizing a triangle appearing within a circle.
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