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 _  _  _  [ = Nverik-Xar = ]
/ _/ _/     [ Type                    : ] enhancement
\  | /      [ Description             : ] limb regenerativity
o------o    [ Significance            : ] high
  /|\       [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] none
_/_|_\_     [ Maintenance Spirit Cost : ] one every one minute and thirty seconds to two minutes and thirty seconds
   o        [ Control Skills          : ] five parts power tuning,
                                          four parts somatesthesia, four parts regeneration,
                                          three parts power focusing, three parts power generation,
                                      and one part power direction
            [ Specialty Access        : ] somatesthesia degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] rune lore skill of 65 or higher
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] have at least 200 points among
                                          100% of somatesthesia skill,
                                          100% of regeneration skill,
                                          50% of anatomy skill,
                                      and 30 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest

The rune nverik-xar alters the nature of the wraith-substance of the bearer's body, making it capable of regrowing lost limbs (or enhancing such a capability of already present).