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     /   [ = Sithalg = ]
    /\     [ Type                    : ] attack
  \   \    [ Description             : ] plasma dart spray
  /\  /    [ Significance            : ] high
 /   /     [ Activity Cost           : ] forty
/\  /      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] fifty
  \/       [ Control Skills          : ] five parts power generation,
   \                                     four parts power direction,
                                         three parts physics, three parts power focusing, three parts pyraturgy,
                                         two parts telesmatic weapon,
                                     and one part power tuning
           [ Specialty Access        : ] physics, pyraturgy, telesmatic weapon degree I access
           [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 120 points among
                                         rune lore skill,
                                         physics skill,
                                     and pyraturgy skill
           [ Requirements to Use     : ] have at least 200 points among
                                         100% of physics skill,
                                         100% of pyraturgy skill,
                                         25% of mathematics skill,
                                         35% of fire affinity skill,
                                         35% of heat affinity skill,
                                         35% of lightning affinity skill,
                                     and 100 points for having completed the Power Potion Quest

A Ring of Power with the rune sithalg can project a spray of plasma darts. A target may be given as a specification; otherwise, your current opponent will be targeted. Be aware that the plasma dart spray is not tremendously accurate; when fighting more than one opponent, the spray will usually disperse somewhat among them, and an occasional dart may hit a bystander or friendly target, though improved control over the rune reduces the likelihood of this.

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