Wolpertinger (Empathic Bond)

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Wolpertingers are chimeric mammals in the form of rabbits with fangs, wings and horns. They prefer mountainous areas and are associated with weird experiments. They have at least a little night vision.


Note: These aren't completely confirmed, as Legend Lore may play a role.


Intelligence, Willpower and Perception are boosted for the consort.


The wolpertinger familiar charges the Svadhisthana (orange) chakra, which provides a large bonus to Agility, numerous skills, and will grant the Paraneurism trait when fully charged.

Skill Effects

Skill Access Bonus
Killer Instinct 16 37.5 + 5% base
Elude Pursuit 12 30
Flight 12 30
Magick Affinity 11 27.5
Chaos Affinity 9 22.5
Intimidation 8 20
Tracking 8 20
Forestry 4 10
Mountaineering 4 10



Sanguivore Diet and Exsanguinating Bite

Paraneurism granted by Chakra