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    /     [ = Ylamari = ]
   /   /    [ Type                    : ] enhancement
  /   /     [ Description             : ] psychic integrity
 /\  /      [ Significance            : ] moderate
/  \/       [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] none
   /\___    [ Maintenance Spirit Cost : ] one every one minute and thirty seconds to two minutes and thirty seconds
  /         [ Control Skills          : ] eight parts psychic integrity,
 /                                        four parts power tuning,
                                          three parts power focusing,
                                          two parts power direction, and two parts power generation
            [ Specialty Access        : ] psychic integrity degree II access, degree I bonus
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] rune lore skill of 70 or higher,
                                       or complete the Power Potion Quest
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] complete the Power Potion Quest

The presence of the rune ylamari on one's Ring of Power allows it to reinforce the integrity of one's psyche, resisting effects that work to break down the structure of one's mind. Being subject to the effects of this rune over long periods of time results in higher psychic integrity even when the Ring of Power is not worn.

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