Aristeia Achievements

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=Aristeia Achievements= =Aristeia Achievements=
-If your favorite niche build isn't on this list, no need to be sad:+ 
 +===Always on the Edge===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- [2018 Feb 26 13:37] .+\ +> Aristeios Twilight <+ /+. also i am adding little achievements pretty much constantly so don't be surprised if something you tried that didn't work turns out to work eventually+You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Always on the Edge.
 +Your next rank in Always on the Edge will be earned at 2,072 points; you presently have 1,621 points.
 +Points in Always on the Edge are earned by fighting with perdition.
 +You have not elected to make the Always on the Edge achievement a core part of yourself.
 +When the Always on the Edge achievement is active, you will randomly gain up to four hundred point of healing or enhancement to your agility, strength, and vitality ability scores in combat, scaling with the direness of your circumstances.
</pre> </pre>
-==General==+ '''Bonus Specs (4):''' None
===Anodyne=== ===Anodyne===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank V in the achievement Anodyne.+You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Anodyne.
 +Your next rank in Anodyne will be earned at 514,073 points; you presently have 406,132 points.
Points in Anodyne are earned by fighting while analgetic. Points in Anodyne are earned by fighting while analgetic.
 +The Anodyne achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your pain tolerance skill.
The Anodyne achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your pain tolerance skill. The Anodyne achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your pain tolerance skill.
-The Anodyne achievement, when active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your pain tolerance skill. 
-One times your skill in pain tolerance will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, deflect, and reaction when your Anodyne achievement is active and when you have the trait of analgesia. 
</pre> </pre>
- '''Pain Tolerance''' - .2 per Rank to Attack, Damage, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (5) [Confirmed]:''' Pain Tolerance
===Arrow Catcher=== ===Arrow Catcher===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Arrow Catcher.+ You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Arrow Catcher.
-Points in Arrow Catcher are earned by successfully catching projectiles aimed at you.+ Your next rank in Arrow Catcher will be earned at 869 points; you presently have 574 points.
-The Arrow Catcher achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.+ Points in Arrow Catcher are earned by successfully catching projectiles aimed at you.
-Two fifths times your skill in combat reflexes will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Arrow Catcher achievement is active.+ The Arrow Catcher achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
</pre> </pre>
'''Bonus''' (Inactive): Rank 10 - The Arrow Catcher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts and combat reflexes skills. '''Bonus''' (Inactive): Rank 10 - The Arrow Catcher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts and combat reflexes skills.
- '''Combat Reflexes''' - .4 per Rank to Deflect 
===Atlas=== ===Atlas===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Atlas.+You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Atlas.
 +Your next rank in Atlas will be earned at 1,757,634 points; you presently have 1,205,340 points.
Points in Atlas are earned by fighting while at least moderately encumbered. Points in Atlas are earned by fighting while at least moderately encumbered.
-The Atlas achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your armour use and load bearing skills.+The Atlas achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your armour use and load bearing skills.
-Nine tenths times your skill in armour use will improve your combat ratings in deflect, attack, and damage when your Atlas achievement is active and when you are at least moderately encumbered.+The Atlas achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your armour use and load bearing skills.
-Nine tenths times your skill in load bearing will improve your combat ratings in deflect, attack, and damage when your Atlas achievement is active and when you are at least moderately encumbered.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 10 - The Atlas achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your armour use and load bearing skills.+ '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Armour Use, Load Bearing
- +
- '''Armour Use''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+
- '''Load Bearing''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+
===Battle Hungry=== ===Battle Hungry===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank V in the achievement Battle Hungry.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Battle Hungry.
 +Your next rank in Battle Hungry will be earned at 81,202 points; you presently have 70,788 points.
Points in Battle Hungry are earned by fighting while hungry. Points in Battle Hungry are earned by fighting while hungry.
-The Battle Hungry achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your cooking skill.+The Battle Hungry achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your cooking skill.
-One and a half times your skill in cooking will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, launch attack, launch damage, throw attack, and throw damage when your Battle Hungry achievement is active and when you are hungry.+The Battle Hungry achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cooking skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Cooking''' - .3 per Rank to Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack and Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Cooking
===Blindsight=== ===Blindsight===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You sense that you have earned rank I in the achievement Blindsight.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Blindsight.
-The Blindsight achievement, when active, will now grant you two degrees of specialty access to your blindfighting skill.+Your next rank in Blindsight will be earned at 543,386 points; you presently have 433,572 points.
-A half times your skill in blindfighting will now improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and reaction when your Blindsight achievement is active and when you are unable to see.+Points in Blindsight are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while blind.
 +You have not elected to make the Blindsight achievement a core part of yourself.
 +The Blindsight achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your blindfighting skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Blindfighting''' - .4 per Rank to Attack, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (19):''' None
===Breaker of Horses=== ===Breaker of Horses===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Breaker of Horses.+You have achieved rank XXVI in the achievement Breaker of Horses.
 +Your next rank in Breaker of Horses will be earned at 1,049,164 points; you presently have 970,754 points.
Points in Breaker of Horses are earned by fighting while mounted on an equine being. Points in Breaker of Horses are earned by fighting while mounted on an equine being.
-The Breaker of Horses achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your equestrian skill.+The Breaker of Horses achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your equestrian, mounted combat, and riding skills.
-A quarter times your mount expert effective skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Breaker of Horses achievement is active and when you mounted on an equine being.+The Breaker of Horses achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your equestrian, mounted combat, and riding skills.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Equestrian, Mounted Combat and Riding''' - .25 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (26):''' Equestrian, Mounted Combat, Riding
- - ''Note it doesn't appear to be exactly 1:1 with the multiplication''+
===Comrade-in-Arms=== ===Comrade-in-Arms===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Comrade-in-Arms.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Comrade-in-Arms.
 +Your next rank in Comrade-in-Arms will be earned at 82,248 points; you presently have 64,709 points.
Points in Comrade-in-Arms are earned by fighting in a group of two or more incarnoi. Points in Comrade-in-Arms are earned by fighting in a group of two or more incarnoi.
-The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your tactics skill.+The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you fourteen degrees of specialty access to your tactics skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in tactics will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, reaction, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your Comrade-in-Arms achievement is active and when you are in a group of two or more incarnoi.+The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your leadership and subordination skills.
 +The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your leadership, subordination, and tactics skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]:''' [[Leadership]], [[Subordination]], [[Tactics]]
===Dangerous Mute Lunatic=== ===Dangerous Mute Lunatic===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Dangerous Mute Lunatic.+You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Dangerous Mute Lunatic.
 +Your next rank in Dangerous Mute Lunatic will be earned at 3,305 points; you presently have 3,021 points.
Points in Dangerous Mute Lunatic are earned by killing opponents while mute and while having a mental disorder. Points in Dangerous Mute Lunatic are earned by killing opponents while mute and while having a mental disorder.
-The Dangerous Mute Lunatic achievement, when active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.+The Dangerous Mute Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
-Three and three fifths times your skill in killer instinct will improve your combat ratings in damage, discharge damage, throw damage, and launch damage when your Dangerous Mute Lunatic achievement is active and when you have the trait of muteness and have a mental disorder of severity at least 1% of the maximum possible degree.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Killer Instinct''' - .4 per Rank to Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
===Dragoon=== ===Dragoon===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Dragoon.+You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Dragoon.
 +Your next rank in Dragoon will be earned at 1,385,735 points; you presently have 1,122,539 points.
Points in Dragoon are earned by fighting while mounted. Points in Dragoon are earned by fighting while mounted.
-You have not elected to make the Dragoon achievement a core part of yourself.+The Dragoon achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your riding and mounted combat skills.
-The Dragoon achievement, when active, will grant you forty-two degrees of specialty access to your riding and mounted combat skills.+
-Four and a fifth times your mount skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Dragoon achievement is active and when you are mounted.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Mounted Combat and Riding''' - .2 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (27):''' None
- - Includes '''Equestrian''' if you are mounted on an equine being+
- - ''Note it doesn't appear to be exactly 1:1 with the multiplication''+
===Drunken Master=== ===Drunken Master===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Drunken Master.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Drunken Master.
 +Your next rank in Drunken Master will be earned at 22,313 points; you presently have 18,185 points.
Points in Drunken Master are earned by killing opponents while drunk. Points in Drunken Master are earned by killing opponents while drunk.
-The Drunken Master achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your carousing skill.+The Drunken Master achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your carousing skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in carousing will improve your combat ratings in reaction, deflect, and damage when your Drunken Master achievement is active and when you are intoxicated to at least level 1.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Carousing''' - .3 per Rank to Damage, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
===Dry Spell=== ===Dry Spell===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank V in the achievement Dry Spell.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Dry Spell.
 +Your next rank in Dry Spell will be earned at 20,565 points; you presently have 18,714 points.
Points in Dry Spell are earned by fighting in an area where magick is suppressed. Points in Dry Spell are earned by fighting in an area where magick is suppressed.
-You have adopted the Dry Spell achievement into your being.+The Dry Spell achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your spirit resistance and magick resistance skills.
-The Dry Spell achievement, when active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your spirit resistance and magick resistance skills.+
-The Dry Spell achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spirit resistance and magick resistance skills.+
-Two and a half times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Dry Spell achievement is active and when you are in an area where magick is suppressed.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
===Et in Arcadia Ego=== ===Et in Arcadia Ego===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Et in Arcadia Ego.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Et in Arcadia Ego.
 +Your next rank in Et in Arcadia Ego will be earned at 53,553 points; you presently have 44,196 points.
Points in Et in Arcadia Ego are earned by fighting having died recently. Points in Et in Arcadia Ego are earned by fighting having died recently.
-The Et in Arcadia Ego achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your entropy affinity skill.+The Et in Arcadia Ego achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your courage, discipline, and tenacity skills.
-One and three tenths times your skill in entropy affinity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Et in Arcadia Ego achievement is active and when you have died recently.+The Et in Arcadia Ego achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your courage, discipline, and tenacity skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Courage, Discipline, Tenacity
===Faultfinder=== ===Faultfinder===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Faultfinder.+You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Faultfinder.
 +Your next rank in Faultfinder will be earned at 2,923,487 points; you presently have 2,527,406 points.
Points in Faultfinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent where sie is weak. Points in Faultfinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent where sie is weak.
The Faultfinder achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your find weakness skill. The Faultfinder achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your find weakness skill.
-Three twentieths times your skill in find weakness will improve your combat ratings in damage, throw damage, launch damage, and discharge damage when your Faultfinder achievement is active and when you have found your opponent's weakness.+The Faultfinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your find weakness skill.
-Seven twentieths times your ability to take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses will improve your combat ratings in damage, throw damage, launch damage, and discharge damage when your Faultfinder achievement is active and when you have found your opponent's weakness.+The Faultfinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your find weakness skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Find Weakness''' - .15 per Rank to Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Find Weakness
- '''Find Weakness (''Advantage'')''' - .35 per Rank to Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+
===Flesh Wound=== ===Flesh Wound===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Flesh Wound.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Flesh Wound.
-Points in Flesh Wound are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a limb missing.+Your next rank in Flesh Wound will be earned at 12,266 points; you presently have 7,319 points.
-The Flesh Wound achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your somatesthesia skill.+Points in Flesh Wound are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a significant limb missing.
-One times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and reaction when your Flesh Wound achievement is active and when you have a limb missing.+The Flesh Wound achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your somatesthesia skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (13):''' None
===Hungry, Foolish=== ===Hungry, Foolish===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Hungry, Foolish.
 +Your next rank in Hungry, Foolish will be earned at 4,369 points; you presently have 4,057 points.
Points in Hungry, Foolish are earned by fighting something dangerous while hungry. Points in Hungry, Foolish are earned by fighting something dangerous while hungry.
- +The Hungry, Foolish achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in killer instinct will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, launch attack, launch damage, throw attack, and throw damage when your Hungry, Foolish achievement is active and when you are hungry and are fighting something dangerous.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (16):''' None
===Hushed=== ===Hushed===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Hushed.+You have achieved rank XXXII in the achievement Hushed.
 +Your next rank in Hushed will be earned at 2,027,472 points; you presently have 1,730,356 points.
Points in Hushed are earned by fighting while mute. Points in Hushed are earned by fighting while mute.
-The Hushed achievement, when active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your introspection skill.+The Hushed achievement, even when not active, will grant you sixteen degrees of specialty access to your introspection skill.
-One and two fifths times your skill in introspection will improve your combat ratings in deflect and reaction when your Hushed achievement is active and when you have the trait of muteness.+The Hushed achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your introspection skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Introspection''' - .35 per Rank to Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Introspection
===In One Breath=== ===In One Breath===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement In One Breath.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement In One Breath.
 +Your next rank in In One Breath will be earned at 1,650,409 points; you presently have 1,291,585 points.
Points in In One Breath are earned by fighting while holding your breath. Points in In One Breath are earned by fighting while holding your breath.
-The In One Breath achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your breath control skill.+The In One Breath achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your breath control skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in breath control will improve your combat ratings in attack, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your In One Breath achievement is active and when you are holding your breath.+The In One Breath achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your breath control skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Breath Control''' - .4 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Breath Control
===In the Spotlight=== ===In the Spotlight===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XXVI in the achievement In the Spotlight.
 +Your next rank in In the Spotlight will be earned at 2,536,295 points; you presently have 2,028,971 points.
Points in In the Spotlight are earned by fighting while illuminated by faerie fire. Points in In the Spotlight are earned by fighting while illuminated by faerie fire.
-The In the Spotlight achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.+The In the Spotlight achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.
-Three fifths times your skill in courage will improve your combat ratings in attack, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your In the Spotlight achievement is active and when you are illuminated by faerie fire.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Courage''' - .6 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (26):''' None
===Like Water=== ===Like Water===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Like Water.
 +Your next rank in Like Water will be earned at 3,334,960 points; you presently have 2,151,028 points.
Points in Like Water are earned by dodging attacks. Points in Like Water are earned by dodging attacks.
-The Like Water achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dodge skill.+The Like Water achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your dodge skill.
-A quarter times your skill in dodge will improve your combat ratings in reaction when your Like Water achievement+The Like Water achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dodge skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Dodge''' - .25 per Rank to Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (18) [Confirmed]:''' Dodge
===Liquid Heroics=== ===Liquid Heroics===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Liquid Heroics.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Liquid Heroics.
 +Your next rank in Liquid Heroics will be earned at 44,789 points; you presently have 35,420 points.
Points in Liquid Heroics are earned by fighting while under the effects of a potion of heroism. Points in Liquid Heroics are earned by fighting while under the effects of a potion of heroism.
-The Liquid Heroics achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your alchemy skill.+The Liquid Heroics achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your alchemy skill.
-One times your skill in alchemy will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Liquid Heroics achievement is active and when you are under the effects of a potion of power.+The Liquid Heroics achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your alchemy skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Alchemy''' - 1 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' Alchemy
===Lunatic=== ===Lunatic===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lunatic.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Lunatic.
 +Your next rank in Lunatic will be earned at 58,546 points; you presently have 47,097 points.
Points in Lunatic are earned by killing an opponent while having a mental disorder. Points in Lunatic are earned by killing an opponent while having a mental disorder.
-The Lunatic achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.+The Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in killer instinct will improve your combat ratings in attack, discharge attack, throw attack, and launch attack when your Lunatic achievement is active and when you have a mental disorder of severity at least 1% of the maximum possible degree.+The Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your killer instinct skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Killer Instinct''' - .3 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (12):''' Killer Instinct
===Mission-Driven=== ===Mission-Driven===
- You think about your achievement mission-driven.+'''NEEDS UPDATING'''
- You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Mission-Driven.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Your next rank in Mission-Driven will be earned at 18 points; you presently you have 17 points.+ You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Mission-Driven.
- Points in Mission-Driven are earned by participating in special events.+ Your next rank in Mission-Driven will be earned at 5 points; you presently have 4 points.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your hardiness skill.+ Points in Mission-Driven are earned by participating in special events.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your stamina skill.+ The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your hardiness skill.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your centering skill.+ The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your stamina skill.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your regeneration skill.+ The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your centering skill.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your recuperation skill.+ The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your regeneration skill.
- The Mission-Driven achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access and two degrees of specialty bonus to your equilibrium skill.+</pre>
- One and seven tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Mission-Driven achievement is active.+
===Multitasker=== ===Multitasker===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Multitasker. You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Multitasker.
-Your next rank in Multitasker will be earned at 137,328 points; you presently have 123,068 points.+Your next rank in Multitasker will be earned at 137,328 points; you presently have 132,755 points.
Points in Multitasker are earned by striking an opponent that is not your primary attack target. Points in Multitasker are earned by striking an opponent that is not your primary attack target.
-You have not elected to make the Multitasker achievement a core part of yourself.+The Multitasker achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your awareness skill.
-The Multitasker achievement, when active, will grant you twenty-four degrees of specialty access to your awareness skill.+
-Six times your skill in awareness will improve your combat ratings in damage, discharge damage, throw damage, and launch damage when your Multitasker achievement is active and when you engage an opponent that is not your primary attack target.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Awareness''' - .5 per Rank to Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (19):''' None
-===Noiselss Signal===+===Noiseless Signal===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Noiseless Signal.+You have achieved rank XXIII in the achievement Noiseless Signal.
 +Your next rank in Noiseless Signal will be earned at 187,442 points; you presently have 150,750 points.
Points in Noiseless Signal are earned by fighting while deaf. Points in Noiseless Signal are earned by fighting while deaf.
-The Noiseless Signal achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your lip reading skill.+The Noiseless Signal achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your lip reading skill.
-Seven twentieths times your skill in lip reading will improve your combat ratings in attack, throw attack, launch attack, and discharge attack when your Noiseless Signal achievement is active and when you have the trait of deafness.+The Noiseless Signal achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your lip reading skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]:''' Lip Reading
===On the Wing=== ===On the Wing===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement On the Wing.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement On the Wing.
 +Your next rank in On the Wing will be earned at 153,563 points; you presently have 123,380 points.
Points in On the Wing are earned by fighting while flying using wings. Points in On the Wing are earned by fighting while flying using wings.
-You have not elected to make the On the Wing achievement a core part of yourself.+The On the Wing achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.
-The On the Wing achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.+The On the Wing achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your flight skill.
-A fifth times your skill in flight will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, reaction, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your On the Wing achievement is active and when you fly using wings.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Flight
===Painted Target=== ===Painted Target===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Painted Target.+You have achieved rank XXIII in the achievement Painted Target.
 +Your next rank in Painted Target will be earned at 5,913,253 points; you presently have 3,965,884 points.
Points in Painted Target are earned by successfully striking an opponent illuminated by faerie fire. Points in Painted Target are earned by successfully striking an opponent illuminated by faerie fire.
-The Painted Target achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.+The Painted Target achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.
-A half times your skill in precision strike will improve your combat ratings in attack, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your Painted Target achievement is active and when your combatant is illuminated by faerie fire.+The Painted Target achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your precision strike skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Precision Strike''' - .5 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Precision Strike
===Planetshine=== ===Planetshine===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank III in the achievement Planetshine.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Planetshine.
 +Your next rank in Planetshine will be earned at 147,930 points; you presently have 103,587
Points in Planetshine are earned by fighting while under the effects of Aeda's blessing. Points in Planetshine are earned by fighting while under the effects of Aeda's blessing.
-The Planetshine achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your piety skill.+The Planetshine achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty
-The Planetshine achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your piety skill.+access to your piety skill.
-One and a fifth times your skill in piety will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Planetshine achievement is active and when you are under the effects of Aeda's blessing.+The Planetshine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access
 +and one degree of specialty bonus to your piety skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Piety''' - .4 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' Piety
===Punch-Drunk=== ===Punch-Drunk===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Punch-Drunk.
 +Your next rank in Punch-Drunk will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 76,330 points.
Points in Punch-Drunk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with one's hands while drunk. Points in Punch-Drunk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with one's hands while drunk.
-The Punch-Drunk achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your brawling skill.+The Punch-Drunk achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your brawling and carousing skills.
-Three quarters times your skill in brawling will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Punch-Drunk achievement is active and when you use your hands to fight and are drunk.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
===Shine On=== ===Shine On===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Shine On.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Shine On.
 +Your next rank in Shine On will be earned at 41,574 points; you presently have 29,691 points.
Points in Shine On are earned by fighting while under the effects of Illumination. Points in Shine On are earned by fighting while under the effects of Illumination.
-The Shine On achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your fast talk skill.+The Shine On achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your fast talk skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in fast talk will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Shine On achievement is active and when you are under the effects of Illumination.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' None
===Silkbinder=== ===Silkbinder===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Silkbinder.
 +Your next rank in Silkbinder will be earned at 370,369 points; you presently have 254,246 points.
Points in Silkbinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent inhibited by spidersilk webbing. Points in Silkbinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent inhibited by spidersilk webbing.
-The Silkbinder achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your traps skill.+The Silkbinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your traps skill.
-A half times your skill in traps will improve your combat ratings in attack, launch attack, throw attack, discharge attack, damage, launch damage, throw damage, and discharge damage when your Silkbinder achievement is active and when your combatant is inhibited by spidersilk webbing.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (17)''': None
===Skinchanger=== ===Skinchanger===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Skinchanger.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Skinchanger.
 +Your next rank in Skinchanger will be earned at 2,061,873 points; you presently have 1,678,349 points.
Points in Skinchanger are earned by fighting while not being your permanent race. Points in Skinchanger are earned by fighting while not being your permanent race.
-The Skinchanger achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your disguise skill.+The Skinchanger achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your disguise skill.
-Two and two fifths times your skill in disguise will improve your combat ratings in deflect and reaction when your Skinchanger achievement is active and when you are not your permanent race.+The Skinchanger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your disguise skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Disguise''' - .4 per Rank to Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (19):''' Disguise
===Skywalker=== ===Skywalker===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank V in the achievement Skywalker.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Skywalker.
 +Your next rank in Skywalker will be earned at 893,583 points; you presently have 816,495 points.
Points in Skywalker are earned by fighting while winglessly flying. Points in Skywalker are earned by fighting while winglessly flying.
-You have not elected to make the Skywalker achievement a core part of yourself.+The Skywalker achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.
-The Skywalker achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.+The Skywalker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your flight skill.
-One times your skill in flight will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, reaction, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your Skywalker achievement is active and when you are in wingless flight.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Flight''' - .2 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Flight
===Snake Eater=== ===Snake Eater===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank III in the achievement Snake Eater.+You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Snake Eater.
 +Your next rank in Snake Eater will be earned at 454,586 points; you presently have 372,920 points.
Points in Snake Eater are earned by fighting while poisoned. Points in Snake Eater are earned by fighting while poisoned.
-The Snake Eater achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your poison resistance skill.+The Snake Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your poison resistance skill.
-One and a half times your skill in poison resistance will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, launch attack, launch damage, throw attack, throw damage, discharge attack, and discharge damage when your Snake Eater achievement is active and when you are poisoned.+The Snake Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your poison resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Poison Resistance''' - .5 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack and Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (22):''' Poison Resistance
===Thirsty for More=== ===Thirsty for More===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Thirsty for More.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Thirsty for More.
 +Your next rank in Thirsty for More will be earned at 29,986 points; you presently have 29,205 points.
Points in Thirsty for More are earned by fighting multiple opponents while thirsty. Points in Thirsty for More are earned by fighting multiple opponents while thirsty.
-The Thirsty for More achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your brewing skill.+The Thirsty for More achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your brewing skill.
-Seven tenths times your skill in brewing will improve your combat ratings in deflect, reaction, attack, launch attack, and throw attack when your Thirsty for More achievement is active and when you are thirsty and are facing multiple opponents.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Brewing''' - .35 per Rank to Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Brewing
===This is Fine=== ===This is Fine===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement This Is Fine.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement This Is Fine.
 +Your next rank in This Is Fine will be earned at 4,084 points; you presently have 4,052 points.
Points in This Is Fine are earned by fighting while on fire. Points in This Is Fine are earned by fighting while on fire.
-The This Is Fine achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your fire affinity skill.+The This Is Fine achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your fire affinity skill.
-A half times your skill in fire affinity will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, launch attack, launch damage, throw attack, throw damage, discharge attack, and discharge damage when your This Is Fine achievement is active and when you are on fire.+The This Is Fine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your fire affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Fire Affinity''' - .5 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack and Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (11):''' Fire Affinity
==Artifacts == ==Artifacts ==
Line 336: Line 365:
I didn’t seem to get one for Viva (yet, at least). - Zak I didn’t seem to get one for Viva (yet, at least). - Zak
-Common for all artifacts is that they give 40% of legend lore per rank in attack, deflect and damage with said artifact.+Doesn't appear to be any for Whatnot. - Rashidun
-===Acolyte of Agzak===+Seems to be nothing either for Bloodfire or Atomizer. Daemonicus Omega used to have an achievement, but it seems to be gone. - Mooresh
 +Wielded Kalakridar solo long enough to learn Einhander II, didn't get anything for it. Performed 5,000 strikes with Jaye's Mithril Staff of Ass-Beating and didn't get an achievement. - Shinichi
 +===Accelerator (Athcat)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Accelerator.
 +Points in Accelerator are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Athcat.
 +The Accelerator achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your aging
 +reversal, chronophrasty, and quickness skills.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your
 +Accelerator achievement is active and when you wield Athcat.
 +===Alpine (Mountainheart)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank III in the achievement Alpine.
 +Points in Alpine are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Mountainheart.
 +The Alpine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of
 +specialty access to your climbing, digging, and mineral lore skills.
 +One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings
 +in attack, deflect, and damage when your Alpine achievement is active and when you
 +wield Mountainheart.
 +===Acolyte of Agzak (Blackheart)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank II in the achievement Acolyte of Agzak. You have achieved rank II in the achievement Acolyte of Agzak.
Points in Acolyte of Agzak are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Blackheart. Points in Acolyte of Agzak are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Blackheart.
- The Acolyte of Agzak achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your carousing, intimidation, and killer instinct skills.+ The Acolyte of Agzak achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your carousing, intimidation, and killer instinct skills.
- Four fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Acolyte of Agzak achievement is active and when you wield Blackheart.+ One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Acolyte of Agzak achievement is active and when you wield Blackheart.
</pre> </pre>
-===Alien Hunger===+===Alien Hunger (Soulshard)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Alien Hunger. You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Alien Hunger.
Line 354: Line 409:
</pre> </pre>
-===Assassin===+===Assassin (Nessavyn)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Assassin.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Assassin.
Points in Assassin are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Nessavyn. Points in Assassin are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Nessavyn.
-The Assassin achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your tracking, killer instinct, and stealth skills.+The Assassin achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your tracking, killer instinct, and stealth skills.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Assassin achievement is active and when you wield Nessavyn.+One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Assassin achievement is active and when you wield Nessavyn.
</pre> </pre>
-===Brazen===+===Brazen (Aranal Cirdas)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Brazen.
 +Your next rank in Brazen will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 148 points.
 +Points in Brazen are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Aranal Cirdas.
 +The Brazen achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your rune lore skill.
 +One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Brazen achievement is active and when you use Aranal Cirdas.
 + '''Bonus Specs (2)''': None
 +===Breath of the Wild (Edgewild)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank II in the achievement Brazen.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Breath of the Wild.
- Your next rank in Brazen will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 148 points.+Your next rank in Breath of the Wild will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 2,989 points.
- Points in Brazen are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Aranal Cirdas.+Points in Breath of the Wild are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Edgewild.
- The Brazen achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your rune lore skill.+The Breath of the Wild achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your law and machine operation skills.
- One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Brazen achievement is active and when you use Aranal Cirdas.+One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Breath of the Wild achievement is active and when you wield Edgewild.
</pre> </pre>
-===Changemaker===+===Changemaker (Metaflux)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Changemaker.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Changemaker.
-Your next rank in Changemaker will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 680 points.+Your next rank in Changemaker will be earned at 137,578 points; you presently have 106,534 points.
Points in Changemaker are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Metaflux. Points in Changemaker are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Metaflux.
-You have not elected to make the Changemaker achievement a core part of yourself.+The Changemaker achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your metamorphosis skill.
-The Changemaker achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your metamorphosis skill.+Six times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Changemaker achievement is active and when you wield Metaflux.
-A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Changemaker achievement is active and when you wield Metaflux.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12)''': None
-===Chiseler===+===Chiseler (Variabilis)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank II in the achievement Chiseler.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Chiseler.
- Points in Chiseler are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Variabilis.+Points in Chiseler are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Variabilis.
- The Chiseler achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your gambling skill.+The Chiseler achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your gambling skill.
- Four fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Chiseler achievement is active and when you wield Variabilis.+Four fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Chiseler achievement is active and when you wield Variabilis.
</pre> </pre>
-===Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth===+===Crowning Victory (Vanguard)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Crowning Victory.
- Points in Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Excalibur.+Points in Crowning Victory are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Vanguard.
- The Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement, when active, will grant you twenty-two degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance and piercing resistance skills.+The Crowning Victory achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your leadership skill.
- Four and two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement is active and when you wield Excalibur.+A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Crowning Victory achievement is active and when you wield Vanguard.
</pre> </pre>
-===Disarmament===+===Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth (Excalibur)===
 +'''NEEDS UPDATING''' -- it seems the achievement is no longer available; advanced Blademaster by 5000 points without unlocking it.
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Disarmament.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth.
- Your next rank in Disarmament will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 555 points.+Points in Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Excalibur.
- Points in Disarmament are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Shatter.+The Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement, when active, will grant you twenty-two degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance and piercing resistance skills.
- You have not elected to make the Disarmament achievement a core part of yourself.+Four and two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement is active and when you wield Excalibur.
- The Disarmament achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your massive exertion skill.+
- A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Disarmament achievement is active and when you wield Shatter.+
</pre> </pre>
-===Draca, Flamesh===+===Disarmament (Shatter)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Disarmament.
 +Points in Disarmament are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Shatter.
 +The Disarmament achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your combat reflexes and massive exertion skills.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Disarmament achievement is active and when you wield Shatter.
 +===Draca, Flamesh (Snapdragon)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
Snapdragon Snapdragon
-===Exorcist===+===Exorcist (Heavensfire)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Exorcist.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Exorcist.
 +Your next rank in Exorcist will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 7,282 points.
Points in Exorcist are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Heavensfire. Points in Exorcist are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Heavensfire.
-The Exorcist achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic lore skill.+The Exorcist achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic lore skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Exorcist achievement is active and when you wield Heavensfire.+One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Exorcist achievement is active and when you wield Heavensfire.
</pre> </pre>
-===Fwoosh===+===Fwoosh (Scorch)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Fwoosh.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Fwoosh.
- Points in Fwoosh are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Scorch.+Points in Fwoosh are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Scorch.
- The Fwoosh achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your demolition skill.+The Fwoosh achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your demolition skill.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Fwoosh achievement is active and when you wield Scorch.+Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Fwoosh achievement is active and when you wield Scorch.
</pre> </pre>
-===Hail Horrors===+===Hail Horrors (Dyad)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Hail Horrors.+You have achieved rank V in the achievement Hail Horrors.
- Your next rank in Hail Horrors will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 507 points.+Your next rank in Hail Horrors will be earned at 20,398 points; you presently have 14,626 points.
- Points in Hail Horrors are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Dyad.+Points in Hail Horrors are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Dyad.
- You have not elected to make the Hail Horrors achievement a core part of yourself.+The Hail Horrors achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity, order affinity, sephirotic affinity, and qlippotic affinity skills.
- The Hail Horrors achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your chaos affinity, order affinity, sephirotic affinity, and qlippotic affinity skills.+The Hail Horrors achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your axe skill.
- A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hail Horrors achievement is active and when you wield Dyad.+Two and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hail Horrors achievement is active and when you wield Dyad.
</pre> </pre>
-===Hand of Hephaestus===+===Hand of Hephaestus (Hephaestus's Hammer)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Hand of Hephaestus.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Hand of Hephaestus.
- Points in Hand of Hephaestus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Hephaestus's Hammer.+Your next rank in Hand of Hephaestus will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 9,386 points.
- The Hand of Hephaestus achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your smithing skill.+Points in Hand of Hephaestus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Hephaestus's Hammer.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hand of Hephaestus+The Hand of Hephaestus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your smithing skill.
- achievement is active and when you wield Hephaestus's Hammer.+One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hand of Hephaestus achievement is active and when you wield Hephaestus's Hammer.
</pre> </pre>
-===Harvester===+===Harvester (Grey Sickle)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Harvester.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Harvester.
- Points in Harvester are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Grey Sickle.+Points in Harvester are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Grey Sickle.
- The Harvester achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your farming skill.+The Harvester achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your farming skill.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Harvester achievement is active and when you wield the Grey Sickle.+Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Harvester achievement is active and when you wield the Grey Sickle.
</pre> </pre>
-===Heavenly Host===+===Heartbreaker ([[Ancient_Artifacts#Jato|Jato]])===
- You have achieved rank V in the achievement Heavenly Host.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Your next rank in Heavenly Host will be earned at 20,398 points; you presently have 15,740 points.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Heartbreaker.
- Points in Heavenly Host are earned by successfully striking or parrying with [[Daemonicus Omega]].+Your next rank in Heartbreaker will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 3,535 points.
- The Heavenly Host achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your [[qlippotic resistance]] skill.+Points in Heartbreaker are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Jato.
- Two and a half times your skill in [[legend lore]] will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Heavenly+The Heartbreaker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your killer instinct, rune lore, and symbology skills.
- Host achievement is active and when you wield Daemonicus Omega.+One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Heartbreaker achievement is active and when you wield Jato.
-===Honorary Prince===+===Honorary Prince (Fallasfang, Grayswandir, Meridiandal, Werewindle, and Yrenasand)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Honorary Prince. You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Honorary Prince.
 +Your next rank in Honorary Prince will be earned at 503,573 points; you presently have 410,494 points.
Points in Honorary Prince are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber. Points in Honorary Prince are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber.
-You have not elected to make the Honorary Prince achievement a core part of yourself.+The Honorary Prince achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.
-The Honorary Prince achievement, when active, will grant you thirty-four degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.+The Honorary Prince achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
Eight and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Honorary Prince achievement is active and when you wield a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber. Eight and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Honorary Prince achievement is active and when you wield a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .5 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect 
-===Hot Favour===+===Hot Favour (Katelyn's Dagger)===
-Katelyn's dagger. +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Hot Favour.
 +Your next rank in Hot Favour will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 5,979 points.
 +Points in Hot Favour are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Katelyn's dagger.
 +The Hot Favour achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your empathy and manipulation skills.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hot Favour achievement is active and when you wield Katelyn's dagger.
-===King for a Day===+===King for a Day (Glory)===
<pre style=white-space: pre-wrap">You have achieved rank VI in the achievement King for a Day. <pre style=white-space: pre-wrap">You have achieved rank VI in the achievement King for a Day.
Your next rank in King for a Day will be earned at 27,750 points; you presently have 21,112 points. Your next rank in King for a Day will be earned at 27,750 points; you presently have 21,112 points.
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</pre> </pre>
-===Know Thyself===+===Know Thyself (Vigour)===
<pre style=white-space: pre-wrap">You have achieved rank I in the achievement Know Thyself. <pre style=white-space: pre-wrap">You have achieved rank I in the achievement Know Thyself.
Your next rank in Know Thyself will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 540 points. Your next rank in Know Thyself will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 540 points.
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</pre> </pre>
-===Lightning Made Solid===+===Lightning Made Solid (Czaklash)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lightning Made Solid. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lightning Made Solid.
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</pre> </pre>
-===Lionheart===+===Lionheart (Snarl)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lionheart.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Lionheart.
 +Your next rank in Lionheart will be earned at 177,683 points; you presently have 138,888 points.
Points in Lionheart are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snarl. Points in Lionheart are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snarl.
-The Lionheart achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your gem lore skill.+The Lionheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your gem lore skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Lionheart achievement is active and when you wield Snarl.+The Lionheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
 +Six and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Lionheart achievement is active and when you wield Snarl.
</pre> </pre>
-===Mooncleaver===+===Metasynthetic (Twinblossom)===
-Cristlun. Grants entropy and extropy resistance.+'''NEEDS UPDATING'''
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank I in the achievement Metasynthetic.
 +Points in Metasynthetic are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Twinblossom.
 +The Metasynthetic achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your order affinity and chaos affinity skills.
 +Three fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Metasynthetic achievement is active and when you use Twinblossom.
-===Moonless===+===Mooncleaver (Cristlun)===
-Nightbringer+'''NEEDS UPDATING, maybe this doesn't exist anymore'''
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Mooncleaver.
 +Your next rank in Mooncleaver will be earned at 229,724 points; you presently have 206,313 points.
 +Points in Mooncleaver are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Cristlun.
 +The Mooncleaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance and extropy resistance skills.
 +The Mooncleaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
 +Seven times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Mooncleaver achievement is active and when you wield Cristlun.
-===Oakheart===+===Moonless (Nightbringer)===
-Alahamorithil+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Moonless.
 +Points in Moonless are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Nightbringer.
 +The Moonless achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your erotic arts skill.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Moonless achievement is active and when you wield Nightbringer.
-===Polished===+===Oakheart (Alahamorithil)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Oakheart.
 +Your next rank in Oakheart will be earned at 6,511 points; you presently have 3,352 points.
 +Points in Oakheart are earned by successfully striking, either with melee or a nefesh-guided discharge, or parrying with Alahamorithil.
 +You have adopted the Oakheart achievement into your being.
 +The Oakheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your cosmology,
 +rune lore, and wyrding skills.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, damage, discharge attack, and discharge damage when your Oakheart achievement is active and when you wield Alahamorithil.
 +===Polished (Albedo)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
Points in Polished are earned by successfully deflecting with Albedo. Points in Polished are earned by successfully deflecting with Albedo.
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</pre> </pre>
-===Panache===+===Panache (Whammo)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Panache.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Panache.
- Points in Panache are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Whammo.+Your next rank in Panache will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 71,713 points.
- The Panache achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your chaos affinity, flail, piety, and throwing skills.+Points in Panache are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Whammo.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Panache achievement is active and when you wield Whammo.+The Panache achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity and piety skills.
 +The Panache achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your flail and throwing skills.
 +Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Panache achievement is active and when you wield Whammo.
</pre> </pre>
-===Scofflaw===+===Rule, Britannia (Britannia)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Scofflaw.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Rule, Britannia.
- Points in Scofflaw are earned by successfully deflecting with Podgebounce.+Your next rank in Rule, Britannia will be earned at 2,991 points; you presently have 6038 points.
- The Scofflaw achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your order resistance skill.+Points in Rule, Britannia are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Britannia.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Scofflaw achievement is active and when you hold Podgebounce.+The Rule, Britannia achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access to your brewing and history skills.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Rule, Britannia achievement is active and when you wield Britannia.
</pre> </pre>
-===Shade Thrower===+===Scofflaw (Podgebounce)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank III in the achievement Shade Thrower.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Scofflaw.
- Points in Shade Thrower are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Shadow Staff.+Your next rank in Scofflaw will be earned at 9,030 points; you presently have 7,641 points.
- The Shade Thrower achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your shadow resistance skill.+Points in Scofflaw are earned by successfully deflecting with Podgebounce.
- One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Shade Thrower achievement is active and when you wield the Shadow Staff.+The Scofflaw achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your order resistance skill.
 +One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Scofflaw achievement is active and when you hold Podgebounce.
</pre> </pre>
-===Soft Kisser===+===Shade Thrower (Shadow Staff)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Soft Kisser are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Deathkiss the Demonsword.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Shade Thrower.
- You have not elected to make the Soft Kisser achievement a core part of yourself.+Your next rank in Shade Thrower will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 8,991 points.
- The Soft Kisser achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your mortuary and arcane lore skills.+Points in Shade Thrower are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Shadow Staff.
- A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Soft Kisser achievement is active and when you wield Deathkiss the Demonsword.+The Shade Thrower achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your shadow resistance skill.
 +One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Shade Thrower achievement is active and when you wield the Shadow Staff.
</pre> </pre>
-===Some Say in Ice===+===Shattering Insight (Ng'galgath Fthalg)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Some Say in Ice.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Shattering Insight.
- Points in Some Say in Ice are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Ice Blade of Tarn.+Your next rank in Shattering Insight will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 148 points.
- The Some Say in Ice achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your ice affinity and fire resistance skills.+Points in Shattering Insight are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Ng'galgath Fthalg.
- Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Some Say in Ice achievement is active and when you wield the Ice Blade of Tarn.+The Shattering Insight achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your elder lore skill.
- [OOC] This achievement was created by Twilight, who wishes to credit Robert Frost as inspiring this work+One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Shattering Insight achievement is active and when you use Ng'galgath Fthalg.
</pre> </pre>
-===Soul Swallower===+===Soft Kisser (Demonsword)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Soul Swallower.+Points in Soft Kisser are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Deathkiss the Demonsword.
- Points in Soul Swallower are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Kamonthept-Ka.+You have not elected to make the Soft Kisser achievement a core part of yourself.
- The Soul Swallower achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.+The Soft Kisser achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your mortuary and arcane lore skills.
- Three times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Soul Swallower achievement is active and when you use Kamonthept-Ka.+A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Soft Kisser achievement is active and when you wield Deathkiss the Demonsword.
</pre> </pre>
-===Starforged===+===Some Say in Ice (Ice Blade of Tarn)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Starforged.+You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Some Say in Ice.
 +Your next rank in Some Say in Ice will be earned at 63,493 points; you presently have 56,537 points.
 +Points in Some Say in Ice are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Ice Blade of Tarn.
 +The Some Say in Ice achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your ice affinity and fire resistance skills.
 +The Some Say in Ice achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
 +Four and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Some Say in Ice achievement is active and when you wield the Ice Blade of Tarn.
 +===Soul Swallower (Kamonthept-Ka)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Soul Swallower.
 +Points in Soul Swallower are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Kamonthept-Ka.
 +The Soul Swallower achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.
 +Three times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Soul Swallower achievement is active and when you use Kamonthept-Ka.
 +===Starforged (Strangmacht)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Starforged.
Points in Starforged are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Strangmacht. Points in Starforged are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Strangmacht.
-The Starforged achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your eskara affinity and chaos affinity skills.+The Starforged achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your eskara affinity and chaos affinity skills.
-A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Starforged achievement is active and when you wield Strangmacht.+The Starforged achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your hammer skill.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Starforged achievement is active and when you wield Strangmacht.
</pre> </pre>
-===Strong Personality===+===Strong Personality (Athlasar)===
-Athlasar+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank X in the achievement Strong Personality.
 +Your next rank in Strong Personality will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 80,486 points.
 +Points in Strong Personality are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Athlasar.
 +The Strong Personality achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your leadership, intimidation, and manipulation skills.
 +The Strong Personality achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your hammer skill.
 +Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Strong Personality achievement is active and when you wield Athlasar.
-===Student of Theseus===+===Student of Theseus (Jerica)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Student of Theseus.
 +Your next rank in Student of Theseus will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 4,741 points.
Points in Student of Theseus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Jerica. Points in Student of Theseus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Jerica.
-The Student of Theseus achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your discipline skill.+The Student of Theseus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your discipline skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Student of Theseus achievement is active and when you wield Jerica.+The Student of Theseus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your spear skill.
 +One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Student of Theseus achievement is active and when you wield Jerica.
</pre> </pre>
-===Sub Specie Aeternitatis===+===Sub Specie Aeternitatis (Zrael)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sub Specie Aeternitatis. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sub Specie Aeternitatis.
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</pre> </pre>
-===Successor of Par===+===Successor of Par (Avenger)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Successor of Par.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Successor of Par.
 +Your next rank in Successor of Par will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 73,039 points.
Points in Successor of Par are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Avenger. Points in Successor of Par are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Avenger.
-The Successor of Par achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your lack of weakness skill.+The Successor of Par achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your lack of weakness skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Successor of Par achievement is active and when you wield the Avenger.+The Successor of Par achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your spear skill.
 +Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Successor of Par achievement is active and when you wield the Avenger.
</pre> </pre>
-===Sundowner===+===Sundowner (Eyes of Shamash or Svarog)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sundowner.+You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Sundowner.
 +Your next rank in Sundowner will be earned at 70,782 points; you presently have 57,948 points.
Points in Sundowner are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog. Points in Sundowner are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog.
-The Sundowner achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your goetic investiture, theology, and history skills.+The Sundowner achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your goetic investiture, theology, and history skills.
-A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Sundowner achievement is active and when you use the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog.+The Sundowner achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your wyrding skill.
 +Sixteen and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Sundowner achievement is active and when you use the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog.
</pre> </pre>
-===Sunsinger===+===Sunsinger (Chihuatlahuilli)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sunsinger.+You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Sunsinger.
 +Your next rank in Sunsinger will be earned at 36,997 points; you presently have 29,010 points.
Points in Sunsinger are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Chihuatlahuilli. Points in Sunsinger are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Chihuatlahuilli.
-The Sunsinger achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your singing and light affinity skills.+The Sunsinger achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your singing and light affinity skills.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Sunsinger achievement is active and when you wield Chihuatlahuilli.+The Sunsinger achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your spear skill.
 +Three and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Sunsinger achievement is active and when you wield Chihuatlahuilli.
</pre> </pre>
-===Thrice Greatest===+===Thrice Greatest (Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Thrice Greatest.+You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Thrice Greatest.
-Your next rank in Thrice Greatest will be earned at 620 points; you presently have 398 points.+Your next rank in Thrice Greatest will be earned at 5,018 points; you presently have 4,094 points.
Points in Thrice Greatest are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos. Points in Thrice Greatest are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos.
-You have not elected to make the Thrice Greatest achievement a core part of yourself.+The Thrice Greatest achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your metaphysics skill.
-The Thrice Greatest achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your metaphysics skill.+The Thrice Greatest achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your symbology and wyrding skills.
-Three fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Thrice Greatest achievement is active and when you use the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos.+Four and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Thrice Greatest achievement is active and when you use the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos.
</pre> </pre>
-===Visceral===+===Visceral (Gutslicer)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Visceral.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Visceral.
 +Your next rank in Visceral will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 529 points.
Points in Visceral are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Gutslicer. Points in Visceral are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Gutslicer.
-The Visceral achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your poison affinity, disease affinity, and eskara affinity skills.+The Visceral achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sword skill.
-Four fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Visceral achievement is active and when you wield Gutslicer.+A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Visceral achievement is active and when you wield Gutslicer.
</pre> </pre>
-===Vorpal===+===Vorpal (Snickersnee)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Vorpal.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Vorpal.
-Your next rank in Vorpal will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 1,713 points.+Your next rank in Vorpal will be earned at 177,683 points; you presently have 150,787 points.
Points in Vorpal are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snickersnee. Points in Vorpal are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snickersnee.
-You have not elected to make the Vorpal achievement a core part of yourself.+The Vorpal achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your anatomy skill.
-The Vorpal achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your anatomy skill.+The Vorpal achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
-A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Vorpal achievement is active and when you wield Snickersnee.+Six and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Vorpal achievement is active and when you wield Snickersnee.
</pre> </pre>
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===Cannoneer=== ===Cannoneer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Cannoneer.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Cannoneer.
 +Your next rank in Cannoneer will be earned at 543,501 points; you presently have 441,124 points.
Points in Cannoneer are earned by successfully striking, either with melee or a nefesh-guided discharge, or parrying with a Wayfarer cannon. Points in Cannoneer are earned by successfully striking, either with melee or a nefesh-guided discharge, or parrying with a Wayfarer cannon.
-The Cannoneer achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your machine operation skill.+The Cannoneer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your machine operation skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, damage, discharge attack, and discharge damage when your Cannoneer achievement is active and when you wield a Wayfarer cannon.+The Cannoneer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your machine operation skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .4 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (17):''' Machine Operation
===God Will Be Cut=== ===God Will Be Cut===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement God Will Be Cut.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement God Will Be Cut.
 +Your next rank in God Will Be Cut will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 4,298 points.
Points in God Will Be Cut are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a blade made by Jan Li. Points in God Will Be Cut are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a blade made by Jan Li.
-You have not elected to make the God Will Be Cut achievement a core part of yourself.+The God Will Be Cut achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your weapon lore skill.
-The God Will Be Cut achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your weapon lore skill.+
-A quarter times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your God Will Be Cut achievement is active and when you wield a blade made by Jan Li.+
-Three twentieths times your skill in weapon lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your God Will Be Cut achievement is active and when you wield a blade made by Jan Li.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .25 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
- '''Weapon Lore''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+
===Master of Arms=== ===Master of Arms===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Master of Arms.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Master of Arms.
-Your next rank in Master of Arms will be earned at 19,511 points; you presently have 18,741 points.+Your next rank in Master of Arms will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 6,167 points.
Points in Master of Arms are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a tarix. Points in Master of Arms are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a tarix.
-You have not elected to make the Master of Arms achievement a core part of yourself.+The Master of Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your metallurgy skill.
-The Master of Arms achievement, when active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your metallurgy skill.+The Master of Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sword, dagger, axe, hammer, bludgeon, spear, pole arm, and flail skills.
-One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Master of Arms achievement is active and when you wield a tarix.+
-Three fifths times your skill in metallurgy will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Master of Arms achievement is active and when you wield a tarix.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .25 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
- '''Metallurgy''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+
===Maze Bearer=== ===Maze Bearer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank II in the achievement Maze Bearer. You have achieved rank II in the achievement Maze Bearer.
Line 703: Line 868:
===Transistor=== ===Transistor===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Transistor.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Transistor.
-Your next rank in Transistor will be earned at 4,244 points; you presently have 1,708 points.+Your next rank in Transistor will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 1,123,963 points.
Points in Transistor are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a flux weapon. Points in Transistor are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a flux weapon.
-You have not elected to make the Transistor achievement a core part of yourself.+The Transistor achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your concentration skill.
-The Transistor achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your concentration skill.+
-A quarter times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Transistor achievement is active and when you wield a flux weapon.+
-Three twentieths times your skill in concentration will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Transistor achievement is active and when you wield a flux weapon.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .25 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (19):''' None
- '''Concentration''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+
===Reaver=== ===Reaver===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Reaver.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Reaver.
-Your next rank in Reaver will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 536 points.+Your next rank in Reaver will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 8,202 points.
Points in Reaver are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a lzrelekos. Points in Reaver are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a lzrelekos.
-You have not elected to make the Reaver achievement a core part of yourself.+The Reaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.
-The Reaver achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity, sword, and massive blow skills.+
-A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Reaver achievement is active and when you wield a lzrelekos.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Legend Lore''' - .5 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (3):''' None
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank II in the achievement Phantom.
 +Your next rank in Phantom will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 4,276 points.
 +Points in Phantom are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a phantasm weapon.
 +You have made the Phantom achievement definitional of your very soul.
 +The Phantom achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your illusion and weapon lore skills.
 + '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
 +===Instrument of Vengeance===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Instrument of Vengeance.
 +Your next rank in Instrument of Vengeance will be earned at 2,013,224 points; you presently have 1,546,460 points.
 +Points in Instrument of Vengeance are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a gezuuni runic weapon.
 +The Instrument of Vengeance achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your weapon lore skill.
 +The Instrument of Vengeance achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your rune lore skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (22):''' None
==Combat Mode== ==Combat Mode==
Line 729: Line 908:
===Advantaged (Combat Focus)=== ===Advantaged (Combat Focus)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Advantaged.
 +Your next rank in Advantaged will be earned at 3,595,962 points; you presently have 2,901,352 points.
Points in Advantaged are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a combat advantage. Points in Advantaged are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a combat advantage.
-The Advantaged achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your combat focus skill.+The Advantaged achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat focus skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''CF Spec Access (1) [Confirmed]:''' 0
 + '''CF Spec Access (2) [Confirmed]:''' 1
 + '''CF Spec Access (17):''' 4
===Balancing Act (Balanced)=== ===Balancing Act (Balanced)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Balancing Act.
 +Your next rank in Balancing Act will be earned at 276,326 points; you presently have 241,497 points.
Points in Balancing Act are earned by fighting in the balanced combat mode. Points in Balancing Act are earned by fighting in the balanced combat mode.
-You have not elected to make the Balancing Act achievement a core part of yourself.+The Balancing Act achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.
-The Balancing Act achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.+
-Three twentieths times your skill in balance will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, deflect, reaction, launch attack, launch damage, throw attack, and throw damage when your Balancing Act achievement is active and when you are in the balanced combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Balance''' - .3 per Rank to Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack and Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (14):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 751: Line 935:
===Berserker (Berserk)=== ===Berserker (Berserk)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Berserker.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Berserker.
 +Your next rank in Berserker will be earned at 4,934 points; you presently have 2,175 points.
Points in Berserker are earned by fighting in the berserk combat mode. Points in Berserker are earned by fighting in the berserk combat mode.
-The Berserker achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your antagonism skill.+You have made the Berserker achievement definitional of your very soul.
-A half times your skill in antagonism will improve your combat ratings in attack and damage when your Berserker achievement is active and when you are in the berserk combat mode.+The Berserker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your antagonism skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
===Centered (Combat Meditation)=== ===Centered (Combat Meditation)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Centered.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Centered.
 +Your next rank in Centered will be earned at 2,150,518 points; you presently have 1,854,393 points.
Points in Centered are earned by fighting with the situational awareness trait. Points in Centered are earned by fighting with the situational awareness trait.
-The Centered achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat meditation and meditation skills.+The Centered achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat meditation and meditation skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''CMED Spec Access (1) [Confirmed]:''' 0
 + '''CMED Spec Access (2) [Confirmed]:''' 1
 + '''CMED Spec Access (7) [Confirmed]:''' 2
 + '''CMED Spec Access (17):''' 4
===Don't Get Hit (Protective)=== ===Don't Get Hit (Protective)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Don't Get Hit.
 +Your next rank in Don't Get Hit will be earned at 619,069 points; you presently have 519,040 points.
Points in Don't Get Hit are earned by fighting in the protective combat mode. Points in Don't Get Hit are earned by fighting in the protective combat mode.
-You have not elected to make the Don't Get Hit achievement a core part of yourself.+The Don't Get Hit achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your break fall, instant stand, and tumbling skills.
-The Don't Get Hit achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your break fall, instant stand, and tumbling skills.+The Don't Get Hit achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your break fall, instant stand, and tumbling skills.
-A quarter times your movement expert effective skills will improve your combat ratings in reaction, deflect, and damage when your Don't Get Hit achievement is active and when you are in the protective combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Break Fall, Instant Stand and Tumbling''' - .5 per Rank to Damage, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (14):''' Break Fall, Instant Stand, Tumbling
- - This does not appear to work while flying or while mounted (even on land mount)+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 783: Line 975:
===Flurry (Rapid)=== ===Flurry (Rapid)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Flurry.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Flurry.
 +Your next rank in Flurry will be earned at 619,069 points; you presently have 479,635 points.
Points in Flurry are earned by fighting in the rapid combat mode. Points in Flurry are earned by fighting in the rapid combat mode.
-The Flurry achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your quickness skill.+The Flurry achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your quickness skill.
-Two fifths times your skill in quickness will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Flurry achievement is active and when you are in the rapid combat mode.+
-A fifth times your skill in quickness will improve your combat ratings in damage when your Flurry achievement is active and when you are in the rapid combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Quickness''' - .4 per Rank to Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (14):''' None
- '''Quickness''' - .5 per Rank to Damage+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 801: Line 991:
===Heedless (Reckless)=== ===Heedless (Reckless)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Heedless.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Heedless.
 +Your next rank in Heedless will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 145,339 points.
Points in Heedless are earned by fighting in the reckless combat mode. Points in Heedless are earned by fighting in the reckless combat mode.
-The Heedless achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.+The Heedless achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.
-A quarter times your skill in courage will improve your combat ratings in damage, launch damage, throw damage, and discharge damage when your Heedless achievement is active and when you are in the reckless combat mode.+
-Three twentieths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings in damage, launch damage, throw damage, and discharge damage when your Heedless achievement is active and when you are in the reckless combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Courage''' - .4 per Rank to Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+ '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
- '''Tenacity''' - .25 per Rank Damage/Discharge Damage/Launch Damage/Throw Damage+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 820: Line 1,008:
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Impregnable. You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Impregnable.
 +Your next rank in Impregnable will be earned at 30,955 points; you presently have 26,816 points.
Points in Impregnable are earned by fighting in the defensive combat mode. Points in Impregnable are earned by fighting in the defensive combat mode.
-You have not elected to make the Impregnable achievement a core part of yourself.+The Impregnable achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your stamina skill.
-The Impregnable achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your stamina skill.+
-Three times your skill in stamina will improve your combat ratings in reaction when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
-Two and seven tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings in reaction when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
-Nine tenths times your skill in steadiness will improve your combat ratings in reaction when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
-Three times your skill in stamina will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
-Two and seven tenths times your skill in armour use will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
-Nine tenths times your skill in resilience will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Impregnable achievement is active and when you are in the defensive combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Stamina''' - .5 per Rank to Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (6):''' None
- '''Armour Use''' - .45 per Rank to Deflect+
- '''Resilience''' - .15 per Rank to Deflect+
- '''Tenacity''' - .45 per Rank to Reaction+
- '''Steadiness''' - .15 per Rank to Reaction+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 845: Line 1,023:
===Learn by Doing (Studious)=== ===Learn by Doing (Studious)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Learn by Doing.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Learn by Doing.
 +Your next rank in Learn by Doing will be earned at 190,551 points; you presently have 132,494 points.
Points in Learn by Doing are earned by fighting in the studious combat mode. Points in Learn by Doing are earned by fighting in the studious combat mode.
-The Learn by Doing achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your practice skill.+The Learn by Doing achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your practice skill.
-A tenth times your skill in practice will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Learn by Doing achievement is active and when you are in the studious combat mode.+The Learn by Doing achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your practice skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 3 - The Learn by Doing achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your practice skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' Practice
- +
- '''Practice''' - .25 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 863: Line 1,040:
===Maximum Effort (Maximum Effort)=== ===Maximum Effort (Maximum Effort)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank X in the achievement Maximum Effort.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Maximum Effort.
 +Your next rank in Maximum Effort will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 165,977 points.
Points in Maximum Effort are earned by fighting in the all-out combat mode. Points in Maximum Effort are earned by fighting in the all-out combat mode.
-The Maximum Effort achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your massive blow skill.+The Maximum Effort achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your concentration and massive blow skills.
-The Maximum Effort achievement, when active, will grant you twenty degrees of specialty access to your concentration skill.+
-Six times your skill in concentration will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Maximum Effort achievement is active and when you are in the all-out combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Concentration''' - .9 per Rank to Attack+ '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 880: Line 1,056:
===Patience, Fortitude (Patient)=== ===Patience, Fortitude (Patient)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Patience, Fortitude.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Patience, Fortitude.
 +Your next rank in Patience, Fortitude will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 147,873 points.
Points in Patience, Fortitude are earned by fighting in the patient combat mode. Points in Patience, Fortitude are earned by fighting in the patient combat mode.
-The Patience, Fortitude achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your hardiness skill.+The Patience, Fortitude achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your hardiness skill.
-Three fifths times your skill in hardiness will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Patience, Fortitude achievement is active and when you are in the patient combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Hardiness''' - 1.2 per Rank to Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 896: Line 1,072:
===Playful (Mock)=== ===Playful (Mock)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Playful.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Playful.
Points in Playful are earned by fighting in the mock combat mode. Points in Playful are earned by fighting in the mock combat mode.
-The Playful achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your athleticism skill.+The Playful achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your athleticism skill.
-A half times your skill in athleticism will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, reaction, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your Playful achievement is active and when you are in the mock combat mode.+The Playful achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your athleticism skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Athleticism''' - X per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack/Throw Attack, Deflect and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Athleticism
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 912: Line 1,088:
===Stoic (Passive)=== ===Stoic (Passive)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Stoic.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Stoic.
 +Your next rank in Stoic will be earned at 284,159 points; you presently have 208,423 points.
Points in Stoic are earned by fighting in the passive combat mode. Points in Stoic are earned by fighting in the passive combat mode.
-The Stoic achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your meditation skill.+The Stoic achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your meditation skill.
-One and a half times your skill in editation will improve your combat ratings in passive defense when your Stoic achievement is active and when you are in the passive combat mode.+The Stoic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your meditation skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Meditation''' - 1.5 per Rank to Passive Defense+ '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Meditation
 + '''Note''': Much like Defensive while in Passive Combat Mode most (if not all other chevo's) will not advance
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 928: Line 1,107:
===Thoughtful (Cautious)=== ===Thoughtful (Cautious)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Thoughtful.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Thoughtful.
 +Your next rank in Thoughtful will be earned at 284,159 points; you presently have 229,771 points.
Points in Thoughtful are earned by fighting in the cautious combat mode. Points in Thoughtful are earned by fighting in the cautious combat mode.
-The Thoughtful achievement, when active, will now grant you two degrees of specialty access to your critical thinking skill. +The Thoughtful achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your critical thinking skill.
-A quarter times your skill in critical thinking will now improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, reaction, launch attack, throw attack, and discharge attack when your Thoughtful achievement is active and when you are in the cautious combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Critical Thinking''' - .45 per Rank to Attack/Discharge Attack/Launch Attack, Deflect and Reaction+ 
 + '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 944: Line 1,124:
===Thrasher (Mindless)=== ===Thrasher (Mindless)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Thrasher.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Thrasher.
 +Your next rank in Thrasher will be earned at 4,934 points; you presently have 3,132 points.
Points in Thrasher are earned by fighting in the mindless combat mode. Points in Thrasher are earned by fighting in the mindless combat mode.
-The Thrasher achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your jumping skill.+The Thrasher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your blindfighting, jumping, resilience, and steadiness skills.
-Three quarters times your skill in jumping will improve your combat ratings in passive defense and damage when your Thrasher achievement is active and when you are in the mindless combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Jumping''' - 1 per Rank to Damage and Passive Defense+ '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 960: Line 1,140:
===The Best Defense (Aggressive)=== ===The Best Defense (Aggressive)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement The Best Defense.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement The Best Defense.
 +Your next rank in The Best Defense will be earned at 134,572 points; you presently have 100,737 points.
Points in The Best Defense are earned by fighting in the aggressive combat mode. Points in The Best Defense are earned by fighting in the aggressive combat mode.
-The The Best Defense achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your intimidation skill.+The The Best Defense achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your intimidation skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in intimidation will improve your combat ratings in passive defense, deflect, and reaction when your The Best Defense achievement is active and when you are in the aggressive combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Intimidation''' - .5 per Rank to Deflect, Passive Defense and Reaction+ '''Bonus Specs (10):''' None
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 976: Line 1,156:
===Whipper Snapper (Snap)=== ===Whipper Snapper (Snap)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Whipper Snapper.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Whipper Snapper.
 +Your next rank in Whipper Snapper will be earned at 64,823 points; you presently have 58,076 points.
Points in Whipper Snapper are earned by fighting in the snap combat mode. Points in Whipper Snapper are earned by fighting in the snap combat mode.
-The Whipper Snapper achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.+The Whipper Snapper achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in combat reflexes will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and reaction when your Whipper Snapper achievement is active and when you are in the snap combat mode.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 7 - The Whipper Snapper achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your combat reflexes skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (8):''' None
- +
- '''Combat Reflexes''' - .6 per Rank to Attack, Deflect and Reaction+
'''Combat Mode''': '''Combat Mode''':
Line 993: Line 1,171:
==Damage Enhancement== ==Damage Enhancement==
-===Anarchist===+*Chance of firing is a '''fixed''' 1%
 +*Your [[Showmanship]] skill effects just the damage aspect of Damage Enhancement chevo's '''not''' their frequency
 +*Due to the 1% these are '''more for flavor''' and (possibly) kill expediency and therefore won't allow you to kill anything you normally couldn't
 +===Anarchist (Chaos)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Anarchist.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Anarchist.
 +Your next rank in Anarchist will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 79,781 points.
Points in Anarchist are earned by inflicting chaos damage. Points in Anarchist are earned by inflicting chaos damage.
-The Anarchist achievement, when active, will cause your chaos attacks to weaken your opponent against chaos damage by five percent.+Your chaos attacks will, when the Anarchist achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
-Your chaos attacks will, when the Anarchist achievement is active, have two degrees of extra armour penetration.+The Anarchist achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Angelic===+===Angelic (Sephirotic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Angelic. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Angelic.
 +Your next rank in Angelic will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 2,959 points.
Points in Angelic are earned by inflicting sephirotic damage. Points in Angelic are earned by inflicting sephirotic damage.
-The Angelic achievement, when active, will cause your sephirotic attacks to weaken your opponent against sephirotic damage by three percent.+Your sephirotic attacks will, when the Angelic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
-Your sephirotic attacks will, when the Angelic achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Angelic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sephirotic affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Avalanche===+===Avalanche (Earth)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Avalanche.+You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Avalanche.
 +Your next rank in Avalanche will be earned at 44,055 points; you presently have 33,617 points.
Points in Avalanche are earned by inflicting earth damage. Points in Avalanche are earned by inflicting earth damage.
-You have not elected to make the Avalanche achievement a core part of yourself.+Your earth attacks will, when the Avalanche achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seven degrees additional damage.
-The Avalanche achievement, when active, will cause your earth attacks to weaken your opponent against earth damage by three percent.+The Avalanche achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your earth affinity skill.
-Your earth attacks will, when the Avalanche achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+
</pre> </pre>
-===Death Dealer===+===Death Dealer (Entropy)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Death Dealer.
 +Your next rank in Death Dealer will be earned at 128,941 points; you presently have 128,347 points.
Points in Death Dealer are earned by inflicting entropy damage. Points in Death Dealer are earned by inflicting entropy damage.
-The Death Dealer achievement, when active, will cause your entropy attacks to weaken your opponent against entropy damage by three percent.+Your entropy attacks will, when the Death Dealer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eleven degrees additional damage.
-Your entropy attacks will, when the Death Dealer achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Death Dealer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your entropy affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Firebrand===+===Firebrand (Fire)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Firebrand.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Firebrand.
 +Your next rank in Firebrand will be earned at 623,969 points; you presently have 493,642 points.
Points in Firebrand are earned by inflicting fire damage. Points in Firebrand are earned by inflicting fire damage.
-The Firebrand achievement, when active, will cause your fire attacks to weaken your opponent against fire damage by three percent.+Your fire attacks will, when the Firebrand achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seventeen degrees additional damage.
-Your fire attacks will, when the Firebrand achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Firebrand achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your fire affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Fist of God===+===Fist of God (Divine)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Fist of God.
 +Your next rank in Fist of God will be earned at 167,163 points; you presently have 148,604 points.
Points in Fist of God are earned by inflicting divine damage. Points in Fist of God are earned by inflicting divine damage.
-The Fist of God achievement, when active, will cause your divine attacks to weaken your opponent against sephirotic, qlippotic, chaos, order, and goetia damage by one percent.+Your divine attacks will, when the Fist of God achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twelve degrees additional damage.
-Your divine attacks will, when the Fist of God achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Fist of God achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your critical thinking, imagination, and wyrding skills.
</pre> </pre>
-===Hack===+===Hack (Cutting)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Hack.+You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Hack.
 +Your next rank in Hack will be earned at 819,391 points; you presently have 666,579 points.
Points in Hack are earned by inflicting cutting damage. Points in Hack are earned by inflicting cutting damage.
-You have not elected to make the Hack achievement a core part of yourself.+Your cutting attacks will, when the Hack achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eighteen degrees additional damage.
-The Hack achievement, when active, will cause your cutting attacks to weaken your opponent against cutting damage by twenty-six percent.+The Hack achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your massive blow and precision strike skills.
-Your cutting attacks will, when the Hack achievement is active, have thirteen degrees of extra armour penetration.+
</pre> </pre>
-===Hand of God===+===Hand of God (Goetia)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Hand of God.+You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Hand of God.
 +Your next rank in Hand of God will be earned at 1,905,392 points; you presently have 1,789,262 points.
Points in Hand of God are earned by inflicting goetia damage. Points in Hand of God are earned by inflicting goetia damage.
-You have adopted the Hand of God achievement into your being.+Your goetia attacks will, when the Hand of God achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twenty-one degrees additional damage.
-The Hand of God achievement, when active, will cause your goetia attacks to weaken your opponent against goetia damage by sixty-three percent.+The Hand of God achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your piety, subordination, and theology skills.
-Your goetia attacks will, when the Hand of God achievement is active, have eighteen degrees of extra armour penetration.+
</pre> </pre>
-===Ill Wind===+===Ill Wind (Air)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Ill Wind.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Ill Wind.
 +Your next rank in Ill Wind will be earned at 58,223 points; you presently have 47,379 points.
Points in Ill Wind are earned by inflicting air damage. Points in Ill Wind are earned by inflicting air damage.
-The Ill Wind achievement, when active, will cause your air attacks to weaken your opponent against air damage by three percent.+Your air attacks will, when the Ill Wind achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eight degrees additional damage.
-Your air attacks will, when the Ill Wind achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Ill Wind achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your air affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Malefactor===+===Malefactor (Qlippotic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Malefactor.
 +Your next rank in Malefactor will be earned at 32,877 points; you presently have 32,405 points.
Points in Malefactor are earned by inflicting qlippotic damage. Points in Malefactor are earned by inflicting qlippotic damage.
-The Malefactor achievement, when active, will cause your qlippotic attacks to weaken your opponent against qlippotic damage by three percent.+Your qlippotic attacks will, when the Malefactor achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to six degrees additional damage.
-Your qlippotic attacks will, when the Malefactor achievement is active, have one degrees of extra armour penetration.+The Malefactor achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Nightmare===+===Nightmare (Oneiric)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-Points in Nightmare are earned by inflicting oneiric damage+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Nightmare.
-The Nightmare achievement, when active, will cause your oneiric attacks to weaken your opponent against oneiric damage by two percent.+Your next rank in Nightmare will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 88,057 points.
-Your oneiric attacks will, when the Nightmare achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+Points in Nightmare are earned by inflicting oneiric damage.
 +Your oneiric attacks will, when the Nightmare achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
 +The Nightmare achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your dream affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Organic===+===Organic (Extropy)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Organic.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Organic.
 +Your next rank in Organic will be earned at 167,163 points; you presently have 152,995 points.
Points in Organic are earned by inflicting extropy damage. Points in Organic are earned by inflicting extropy damage.
-The Organic achievement, when active, will cause your extropy attacks to weaken your opponent against extropy damage by three percent.+Your extropy attacks will, when the Organic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twelve degrees additional damage.
-Your extropy attacks will, when the Organic achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Organic achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your extropy affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Plague===+===Plague (Disease)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank I in the achievement Plague.
 +Your next rank in Plague will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 2,407 points.
Points in Plague are earned by inflicting disease damage. Points in Plague are earned by inflicting disease damage.
-The Plague achievement, when active, will cause your disease attacks to weaken your opponent against disease damage by three percent.+Your disease attacks will, when the Plague achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
-Your disease attacks will, when the Plague achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Plague achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your disease affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Psycho Killer===+===Psycho Killer (Psionic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Psycho Killer.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Psycho Killer.
 +Your next rank in Psycho Killer will be earned at 623,969 points; you presently have 571,698 points.
Points in Psycho Killer are earned by inflicting psionic damage. Points in Psycho Killer are earned by inflicting psionic damage.
-The Psycho Killer achievement, when active, will cause your psionic attacks to weaken your opponent against psionic damage by six percent.+Your psionic attacks will, when the Psycho Killer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seventeen degrees additional damage.
-Your psionic attacks will, when the Psycho Killer achievement is active, have four degrees of extra armour penetration.+The Psycho Killer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your psychokinesis, psycholeptesis, and redaction skills.
</pre> </pre>
-===Regulator===+===Regulator (Order)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Regulator.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Regulator.
 +Your next rank in Regulator will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 83,864 points.
Points in Regulator are earned by inflicting order damage. Points in Regulator are earned by inflicting order damage.
-The Regulator achievement, when active, will cause your order attacks to weaken your opponent against order damage by three percent.+Your order attacks will, when the Regulator achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
-Your order attacks will, when the Regulator achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Regulator achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Shadow===+===Shadow (Shadow)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank III in the achievement Shadow.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Shadow.
 +Your next rank in Shadow will be earned at 6,827 points; you presently have 5,561 points.
Points in Shadow are earned by inflicting shadow damage. Points in Shadow are earned by inflicting shadow damage.
-The Shadow achievement, when active, will cause your shadow attacks to weaken your opponent against shadow damage by eleven percent.+Your shadow attacks will, when the Shadow achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to two degrees additional damage.
-Your shadow attacks will, when the Shadow achievement is active, have three degrees of extra armour penetration.+The Shadow achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your shadow affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Shaman===+===Shaman (Spirit)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Shaman.
 +Your next rank in Shaman will be earned at 216,716 points; you presently have 190,154 points.
Points in Shaman are earned by inflicting spirit damage. Points in Shaman are earned by inflicting spirit damage.
-The Shaman achievement, when active, will cause your spirit attacks to weaken your opponent against spirit damage by four percent.+Your spirit attacks will, when the Shaman achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to thirteen degrees additional damage.
-Your spirit attacks will, when the Shaman achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Shaman achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your spirit affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Smashing===+===Smashing (Crushing)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Smashing.+You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Smashing.
 +Your next rank in Smashing will be earned at 1,905,392 points; you presently have 1,587,458 points.
Points in Smashing are earned by inflicting crushing damage. Points in Smashing are earned by inflicting crushing damage.
-The Smashing achievement, when active, will cause your crushing attacks to weaken your opponent against crushing damage by two percent.+Your crushing attacks will, when the Smashing achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twenty-one degrees additional damage.
-Your crushing attacks will, when the Smashing achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Smashing achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your massive exertion and massive blow skills.
</pre> </pre>
-===Sorcerer===+===Sorcerer (Primal)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank X in the achievement Sorcerer.
 +Your next rank in Sorcerer will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 87,486 points.
Points in Sorcerer are earned by inflicting primal damage. Points in Sorcerer are earned by inflicting primal damage.
-The Sorcerer achievement, when active, will cause your primal attacks to weaken your opponent against earth, fire, air, water, entropy, and extropy damage by one percent.+Your primal attacks will, when the Sorcerer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
-Your primal attacks will, when the Sorcerer achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Sorcerer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your eudaimonia, metaphysics, and philosophy skills.
</pre> </pre>
-===Tidebringer===+===Tidebringer (Water)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Tidebringer.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Tidebringer.
 +Your next rank in Tidebringer will be earned at 281,269 points; you presently have 221,889 points.
Points in Tidebringer are earned by inflicting water damage. Points in Tidebringer are earned by inflicting water damage.
-The Tidebringer achievement, when active, will cause your water attacks to weaken your opponent against water damage by three percent.+Your water attacks will, when the Tidebringer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to fourteen degrees additional damage.
-Your water attacks will, when the Tidebringer achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Tidebringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your water affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Toxic===+===Toxic (Poison)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Toxic. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Toxic.
 +Your next rank in Toxic will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 253 points.
Points in Toxic are earned by inflicting poison damage. Points in Toxic are earned by inflicting poison damage.
-The Toxic achievement, when active, will cause your poison attacks to weaken your opponent against poison damage by three percent.+Your poison attacks will, when the Toxic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
-Your poison attacks will, when the Toxic achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Toxic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your poison affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Transfixing===+===Transfixing (Piercing)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Transfixing.
 +Your next rank in Transfixing will be earned at 1,080,534 points; you presently have 920,287 points.
Points in Transfixing are earned by inflicting piercing damage. Points in Transfixing are earned by inflicting piercing damage.
-The Transfixing achievement, when active, will cause your piercing attacks to weaken your opponent against piercing damage by two percent.+Your piercing attacks will, when the Transfixing achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to nineteen degrees additional damage.
-Your piercing attacks will, when the Transfixing achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Transfixing achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===None, I Think, Do There Embrace===+===None, I Think, Do There Embrace (Temporal)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank I in the achievement None, I Think, Do There Embrace.
 +Your next rank in None, I Think, Do There Embrace will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 1,796 points.
Points in None, I Think, Do There Embrace are earned by inflicting temporal damage. Points in None, I Think, Do There Embrace are earned by inflicting temporal damage.
-You have not elected to make the None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement a core part of yourself.+Your temporal attacks will, when the None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
-The None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement, when active, will cause your temporal attacks to weaken your opponent against temporal damage by two percent.+The None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your chronophrasty skill.
</pre> </pre>
-===Wizard===+===Wizard (Magick)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank III in the achievement Wizard.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Wizard.
 +Your next rank in Wizard will be earned at 216,716 points; you presently have 186,406 points.
Points in Wizard are earned by inflicting magick damage. Points in Wizard are earned by inflicting magick damage.
-The Wizard achievement, when active, will cause your magick attacks to weaken your opponent against magick damage by nine percent.+Your magick attacks will, when the Wizard achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to thirteen degrees additional damage.
-Your magick attacks will, when the Wizard achievement is active, have three degrees of extra armour penetration.+The Wizard achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your magick affinity skill.
</pre> </pre>
==Damage Resistance== ==Damage Resistance==
-===Ascension===+===Ascension (Divine)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Ascension.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Ascension.
 +Your next rank in Ascension will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 19,539 points.
Points in Ascension are earned by absorbing divine damage. Points in Ascension are earned by absorbing divine damage.
-You have not elected to make the Ascension achievement a core part of yourself. 
-The Ascension achievement, when active, will confer one percent resistance to sephirotic, qlippotic, chaos, order, and goetia damage. 
The Ascension achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic, qlippotic, chaos, order, and goetia damage to your advantage in combat. The Ascension achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic, qlippotic, chaos, order, and goetia damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Ascension achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order resistance, chaos resistance, sephirotic resistance, qlippotic resistance, and goetia resistance skills.
 +The Ascension achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your order resistance, chaos resistance, sephirotic resistance, qlippotic resistance, and goetia resistance skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' Order Resistance, Chaos Resistance, Sephirotic Resistance, Qlippotic Resistance, Goetia Resistance
-===Callous===+===Callous (Crushing)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Callous.+You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Callous.
 +Your next rank in Callous will be earned at 605,745 points; you presently have 526,021 points.
Points in Callous are earned by absorbing crushing damage. Points in Callous are earned by absorbing crushing damage.
-The Callous achievement, when active, will confer fifty percent resistance to crushing damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Callous achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of crushing damage to your advantage in combat. The Callous achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of crushing damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Callous achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your crushing resistance skill.
 +The Callous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your crushing resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 14 - The Callous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your crushing resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (14) [Confirmed]:''' Crushing Resistance
-===Carrier===+===Carrier (Disease)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Carrier. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Carrier.
 +our next rank in Carrier will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 107 points.
Points in Carrier are earned by absorbing disease damage. Points in Carrier are earned by absorbing disease damage.
-The Carrier achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to disease damage.+The Carrier achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of disease damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Carrier achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your robustness and homeopathy skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
-===Consecrated===+===Consecrated (Sephirotic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Consecrated.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Consecrated.
 +Your next rank in Consecrated will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 21,208 points.
Points in Consecrated are earned by absorbing sephirotic damage. Points in Consecrated are earned by absorbing sephirotic damage.
-The Consecrated achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to sephirotic damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Consecrated achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic damage to your advantage in combat. The Consecrated achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Consecrated achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your sephirotic resistance skill.
 +The Consecrated achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sephirotic resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' Sephirotic Resistance
-===Curse Eater===+===Curse Eater (Qlippotic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Curse Eater. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Curse Eater.
 +Your next rank in Curse Eater will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 101 points.
Points in Curse Eater are earned by absorbing qlippotic damage. Points in Curse Eater are earned by absorbing qlippotic damage.
-The Curse Eater achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to qlippotic damage.+The Curse Eater achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of qlippotic damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Curse Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
-===Death Drinker===+===Death Drinker (Entropy)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Death Drinker.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Death Drinker.
 +Your next rank in Death Drinker will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 238,878 points.
Points in Death Drinker are earned by absorbing entropy damage. Points in Death Drinker are earned by absorbing entropy damage.
-The Death Drinker achievement, when active, will confer fifty-two percent resistance to entropy damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Death Drinker achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of entropy damage to your advantage in combat. The Death Drinker achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of entropy damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Death Drinker achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance skill.
 +The Death Drinker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your entropy resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 11 - The Death Drinker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your entropy resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (19):''' Entropy Resistance
-===Dynamic===+===Dynamic (Chaos)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Dynamic.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Dynamic.
 +Your next rank in Dynamic will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 76,691 points.
Points in Dynamic are earned by absorbing chaos damage. Points in Dynamic are earned by absorbing chaos damage.
-The Dynamic achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to chaos damage. 
The Dynamic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of chaos damage to your advantage in combat. The Dynamic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of chaos damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Dynamic achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your chaos resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 11 - The Dynamic achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your chaos resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (15):''' None
-===Elemental===+===Elemental (Primal)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Elemental.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Elemental.
 +Your next rank in Elemental will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 76,555 points.
Points in Elemental are earned by absorbing primal damage. Points in Elemental are earned by absorbing primal damage.
-The Elemental achievement, when active, will confer one percent resistance to earth, fire, air, water, entropy, and extropy damage. 
The Elemental achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth, fire, air, water, entropy, and extropy damage to your advantage in combat. The Elemental achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth, fire, air, water, entropy, and extropy damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Elemental achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your earth resistance, fire resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
 +The Elemental achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your earth resistance, fire resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
</pre> </pre>
- '''IMPORTANT''' - Currently appears to be 50% busted, while it does give resistance (confirmed by Dev) it does not appear to provide the advantage it should+ '''Bonus Specs (15):''' Air Resistance, Earth Resistance, Entropy Resistance, Extropy Resistance, Fire Resistance, Water Resistance
-===Explosive===+===Explosive (Force)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Explosive.+You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Explosive.
 +Your next rank in Explosive will be earned at 476,952 points; you presently have 390,122 points.
Points in Explosive are earned by inflicting force damage. Points in Explosive are earned by inflicting force damage.
-The Explosive achievement, when active, will cause your force attacks to weaken your opponent against force damage by three percent.+Your force attacks will, when the Explosive achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to sixteen degrees additional damage.
-Your force attacks will, when the Explosive achievement is active, have one degree of extra armour penetration.+The Explosive achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your physics skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (16):''' None
-===First A Little, Thence To More===+===First A Little, Thence To More (Poison)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement First a Little, Thence to More.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement First a Little, Thence to More.
 +Your next rank in First a Little, Thence to More will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 17,334 points.
Points in First a Little, Thence to More are earned by absorbing poison damage. Points in First a Little, Thence to More are earned by absorbing poison damage.
-The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to poison damage.+The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of poison damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your poison resistance and poison lore skills.
 +The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your poison resistance and poison lore skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Poison Resistance, Poison Lore
-===Galvanic===+===Galvanic (Extropy)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Galvanic.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Galvanic.
-Your next rank in Galvanic will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 657 points.+Your next rank in Galvanic will be earned at 171,183 points; you presently have 134,857 points.
Points in Galvanic are earned by absorbing extropy damage. Points in Galvanic are earned by absorbing extropy damage.
-You have not elected to make the Galvanic achievement a core part of yourself. 
-The Galvanic achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to extropy damage. 
The Galvanic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of extropy damage to your advantage in combat. The Galvanic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of extropy damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Galvanic achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your extropy resistance skill.
 +The Galvanic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your extropy resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (17):''' Extropy Resistance
-===Grizzled===+===Grizzled (Temporal)===
-temporal damage+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Grizzled.
 +Your next rank in Grizzled will be earned at 30,328 points; you presently have 23,232 points.
 +Points in Grizzled are earned by absorbing temporal damage.
 +The Grizzled achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of temporal damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Grizzled achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your aging retardation skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
-===Grounded===+===Grounded (Earth)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Grounded.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Grounded.
 +Your next rank in Grounded will be earned at 30,328 points; you presently have 25,615 points.
Points in Grounded are earned by absorbing earth damage. Points in Grounded are earned by absorbing earth damage.
-The Grounded achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to earth damage. 
The Grounded achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth damage to your advantage in combat. The Grounded achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Grounded achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your earth resistance skill.
 +The Grounded achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your earth resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' Earth Resistance
-===Impious===+===Impious (Goetia)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Impious.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Impious.
 +Your next rank in Impious will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 90,612 points.
Points in Impious are earned by absorbing goetia damage. Points in Impious are earned by absorbing goetia damage.
-The Impious achievement, when active, will confer five percent resistance to goetia damage. 
The Impious achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of goetia damage to your advantage in combat. The Impious achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of goetia damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Impious achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your goetia resistance skill.
 +The Impious achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your goetia resistance skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (15):''' Goetia Resistance
 +===Kinetic (Force)===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Kinetic.
 +Your next rank in Kinetic will be earned at 13,024 points; you presently have 11,637 points.
 +Points in Kinetic are earned by absorbing force damage.
 +The Kinetic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of force damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Kinetic achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your force resistance and physics skills.
 +The Kinetic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your force resistance and physics skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (8):''' Force Resistance, Physics
-===Loophole===+===Loophole (Order)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Loophole.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Loophole.
 +Your next rank in Loophole will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 20,359 points.
Points in Loophole are earned by absorbing order damage. Points in Loophole are earned by absorbing order damage.
-The Loophole achievement, when active, will confer seven percent resistance to order damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills.+ You have not elected to make the Loophole achievement a core part of yourself.
The Loophole achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of order damage to your advantage in combat. The Loophole achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of order damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Loophole achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order resistance and law skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' None
-===Lucid===+===Lucid (Oneiric)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lucid.+You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Lucid.
 +Your next rank in Lucid will be earned at 7,179 points; you presently have 5,231 points.
Points in Lucid are earned by absorbing oneiric damage. Points in Lucid are earned by absorbing oneiric damage.
-The Lucid achievement, when active, will confer three percent resistance to oneiric damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Lucid achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of oneiric damage to your advantage in combat. The Lucid achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of oneiric damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Lucid achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your dream resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (6):''' None
-===Pincushion===+===Pincushion (Piercing)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank II in the achievement Pincushion.+YYou have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Pincushion.
 +Your next rank in Pincushion will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 282,405 points.
Points in Pincushion are earned by absorbing piercing damage. Points in Pincushion are earned by absorbing piercing damage.
-The Pincushion achievement, when active, will confer five percent resistance to piercing damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Pincushion achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of piercing damage to your advantage in combat. The Pincushion achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of piercing damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Pincushion achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your piercing resistance skill.
 +The Pincushion achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your piercing resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (15):''' Piercing Resistance
-===Scar Boaster===+===Scar Boaster (Cutting)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Scar Boaster.+You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Scar Boaster.
 +Your next rank in Scar Boaster will be earned at 605,745 points; you presently have 519,376 points.
Points in Scar Boaster are earned by absorbing cutting damage. Points in Scar Boaster are earned by absorbing cutting damage.
-The Scar Boaster achievement, when active, will confer three percent resistance to cutting damage.+The Scar Boaster achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of cutting damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Scar Boaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance skill.
 +The Scar Boaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (21):''' Cutting Resistance
-===Skeptic===+===Skeptic (Magick)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Skeptic.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Skeptic.
 +Your next rank in Skeptic will be earned at 70,781 points; you presently have 60,145 points.
Points in Skeptic are earned by absorbing magick damage. Points in Skeptic are earned by absorbing magick damage.
-The Skeptic achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to magick damage.+The Skeptic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of magick damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Skeptic achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your magick resistance and critical thinking skills.
 +The Skeptic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your magick resistance and critical thinking skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (14):''' Magick Resistance, Critical Thinking
-===Spirited===+===Spirited (Spirit)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank III in the achievement Spirited.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Spirited.
 +Your next rank in Spirited will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 233,084 points.
Points in Spirited are earned by absorbing spirit damage. Points in Spirited are earned by absorbing spirit damage.
-The Spirited achievement, when active, will confer fifteen percent resistance to spirit damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The Spirited achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of spirit damage to your advantage in combat. The Spirited achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of spirit damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Spirited achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your spirit resistance and spirit lore skills.
 +The Spirited achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spirit resistance and spirit lore skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (19):''' Spirit Lore, Spirit Resistance
-===Stormrider===+===Stormrider (Air)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Stormrider.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Stormrider.
 +Your next rank in Stormrider will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 2,385,047 points.
Points in Stormrider are earned by absorbing air damage. Points in Stormrider are earned by absorbing air damage.
-The Stormrider achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to air damage. 
The Stormrider achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of air damage to your advantage in combat. The Stormrider achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of air damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Stormrider achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your air resistance skill.
 +The Stormrider achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your air resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (25):''' Air Resistance
-===Toasty===+===Toasty (Fire)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Toasty.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Toasty.
 +Your next rank in Toasty will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 1,794,931 points.
Points in Toasty are earned by absorbing fire damage. Points in Toasty are earned by absorbing fire damage.
-The Toasty achievement, when active, will confer four percent resistance to fire damage. 
The Toasty achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of fire damage to your advantage in combat. The Toasty achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of fire damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Toasty achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance and firefighting skills.
 +The Toasty achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your fire resistance and firefighting skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (25):''' Fire Resistance, Firefighting
-===Veteran===+===Veteran (Psionic)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Veteran. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Veteran.
 +Your next rank in Veteran will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 116 points.
Points in Veteran are earned by absorbing psionic damage. Points in Veteran are earned by absorbing psionic damage.
-The Veteran achievement, when active, will confer two percent resistance to psionic damage. 
The Veteran achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of psionic damage to your advantage in combat. The Veteran achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of psionic damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The Veteran achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your psychic integrity skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
-===With The Current===+===With The Current (Water)===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XI in the achievement With the Current.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement With the Current.
 +Your next rank in With the Current will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 1,789,570 points.
Points in With the Current are earned by absorbing water damage. Points in With the Current are earned by absorbing water damage.
-The With the Current achievement, when active, will confer forty-four percent resistance to water damage, as well as allowing you to more effectively absorb said damage in proportion to your effective hardiness and athleticism skills. 
The With the Current achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of water damage to your advantage in combat. The With the Current achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of water damage to your advantage in combat.
 +The With the Current achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your water resistance skill.
 +The With the Current achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your water resistance skill.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 11 - The With the Current achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your water resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (25):''' Water Resistance
==Fieldcraft== ==Fieldcraft==
===Empyrean=== ===Empyrean===
- Points in Empyrean are earned by fighting in the sky.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- The Empyrean achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sky fieldcraft and air resistance skills.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Empyrean.
- A half times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Empyrean achievement is active and when you are in the sky.+Your next rank in Empyrean will be earned at 724 points; you presently have 391 points.
 +Points in Empyrean are earned by fighting in the sky.
 +The Empyrean achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sky fieldcraft skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
===Fish=== ===Fish===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Fish.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Fish.
- +Your next rank in Fish will be earned at 236,223 points; you presently have 232,053 points.
- Points in Fish are earned by fighting in or near the water.+Points in Fish are earned by fighting in or near the water.
- +The Fish achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your aquatic fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, swamp fieldcraft, and swimming skills.
- The Fish achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your aquatic fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, and swamp fieldcraft skills.+The Fish achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your aquatic fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, swamp fieldcraft, and swimming skills.
- +
- A half times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Fish achievement is active and when you are in or near the water.+
- +
- Rank IV: The Fish achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your swimming skill.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (19):''' Aquatic Fieldcraft, Shorelands Fieldcraft, Swamp Fieldcraft, Swimming
===Grasshopper=== ===Grasshopper===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Grasshopper.+You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Grasshopper.
- +Your next rank in Grasshopper will be earned at 342,915 points; you presently have 246,439 points.
- Points in Grasshopper are earned by fighting on hills or plains.+Points in Grasshopper are earned by fighting on hills or plains.
- +The Grasshopper achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your hills fieldcraft and plains fieldcraft skills.
- The Grasshopper achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your hills fieldcraft and plains fieldcraft skills.+The Grasshopper achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your hills fieldcraft and plains fieldcraft skills.
- +
- A half times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Grasshopper achievement is active and when you are on the plains or in the hills.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (13) [confirmed]:''' Hills Fieldcraft, Plains Fieldcraft
===Ranger=== ===Ranger===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Ranger.+You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Ranger.
- +Your next rank in Ranger will be earned at 81,948 points; you presently have 58,649 points.
- Your next rank in Ranger will be earned at 4,827 points; you presently have 3,578 points.+Points in Ranger are earned by fighting in forests or jungles.
- +The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your forestry and jungle fieldcraft skills.
- Points in Ranger are earned by fighting in forests or jungles.+The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your tracking skill.
- +The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your forestry, jungle fieldcraft, and tracking skills.
- The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access+
- and one degree of specialty bonus to your tracking skill.+
- - 1 Bonus Tracking is given at V+
- +
- The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access+
- to your forestry and jungle fieldcraft skills.+
- +
- The Ranger achievement, when active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your+
- forestry and jungle fieldcraft skills.+
- +
- Three and a half times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when+
- your Ranger achievement is active and when you are in a forest or jungle.+
- +
- [OOC] This achievement was created by Twilight; the source code was last upda+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' [[Forestry]], [[Jungle Fieldcraft]], [[Tracking]]
===Sidereal=== ===Sidereal===
-A half times your fieldcraft skills will now improve your combat ratings all-around when your Sidereal achievement is active and when you are in the Exoma, the Umbra, or space.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank X in the achievement Sidereal.
 +Your next rank in Sidereal will be earned at 12,110 points; you presently have 10,901 points.
 +Points in Sidereal are earned by fighting in the Exoma, the Umbra, or in space.
 +The Sidereal achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your Exoma fieldcraft, space fieldcraft, and Umbral fieldcraft skills.
 +The Sidereal achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your chaos resistance skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' None
===Snowbound=== ===Snowbound===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- +You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Snowbound.
- Points in Snowbound are earned by fighting in the arctic.+Your next rank in Snowbound will be earned at 26,603 points; you presently have 22,600 points.
- +Points in Snowbound are earned by fighting in the arctic.
- Active:+The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your arctic fieldcraft skill.
- RANK degree of specialty access to your arctic fieldcraft skill and cold tolerance skill.+The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your cold tolerance skill.
- 0.5 * RANK fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Snowbound achievement is active and when you are in an arctic environment.+The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your arctic fieldcraft and cold tolerance skills.
- Inactive+
- Every third rank grants one degree of specialty access to your arctic fieldcraft skill.+
- Rank III+
- The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cold tolerance skill.+
- +
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (13) [confirmed]:''' Arctic Fieldcraft, Cold Tolerance
===Stoneheart=== ===Stoneheart===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Stoneheart.+You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Stoneheart.
 +Your next rank in Stoneheart will be earned at 746,600 points; you presently have 554,926 points.
Points in Stoneheart are earned by fighting in mountains or caves. Points in Stoneheart are earned by fighting in mountains or caves.
-The Stoneheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.+The Stoneheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.
-The Stoneheart achievement, when active, will grant you sixteen degrees of specialty access to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.+The Stoneheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.
-Eight times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Stoneheart achievement is active and when you are on a mountain or in a cave.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Mountaineering or Spelunking''' - .5 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' Mountaineering, Spelunking
===Sundrenched=== ===Sundrenched===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Sundrenched are earned by fighting in the desert.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Sundrenched.
- +Your next rank in Sundrenched will be earned at 207,185 points; you presently have 186,741 points.
- Active:+Points in Sundrenched are earned by fighting in the desert.
- RANK degree of specialty access to your desert fieldcraft skill and heat tolerance skill.+The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your desert fieldcraft skill.
- 0.5 * RANK fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Sundrenched achievement is active and when you are in an desert environment.+The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your heat tolerance skill.
- Inactive+The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your desert fieldcraft and heat tolerance skills.
- Every third rank grants one degree of specialty access to your desert fieldcraft skill.+
- Rank III+
- The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your heat tolerance skill.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]:''' Desert Fieldcraft, Heat Tolerance
===Urbane=== ===Urbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Urbane.+You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Urbane.
-Your next rank in Urbane will be earned at 48,336 points; you presently have 42,067 points.+Your next rank in Urbane will be earned at 2,070,075 points; you presently have 1,526,546 points.
Points in Urbane are earned by fighting in urban environments. Points in Urbane are earned by fighting in urban environments.
-The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your streetwise skill.+The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your etiquette and streetwise skills.
-The Urbane achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your streetwise skill.+The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your etiquette and streetwise skills.
-Six times your fieldcraft skills will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Urbane achievement is active and when you are in an urban environment.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 5 - The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your etiquette skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (15) [Confirmed]:''' [[Etiquette]], [[Streetwise]]
- +
- '''Streetwise''' - .5 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
==Foebane== ==Foebane==
===Apex Predator=== ===Apex Predator===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Apex Predator are earned by killing an arachnid.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Apex Predator.
- Active:+Your next rank in Apex Predator will be earned at 3,245 points; you presently have 2,421 points.
- RANK degree of specialty access to your streetwise to your poison resistance and piercing resistance skills.+Points in Apex Predator are earned by killing an arachnid.
- 3/10 * RANK times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Apex Predator achievement is active and when your combatant is an arachnid.+The Apex Predator achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your insect lore and traps skills.
- RANK/2, rounding down degree of specialty access and degree of specialty bonus to your poison resistance and piercing resistance skills. +
- Rank III:+
- The Apex Predator achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your insect lore and traps skills.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (8):''' None
===Banisher=== ===Banisher===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Banisher.+You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Banisher.
-Your next rank in Banisher will be earned at 324 points; you presently have 71 points.+Your next rank in Banisher will be earned at 164,354 points; you presently have 144,546 points.
Points in Banisher are earned by killing supernal beings. Points in Banisher are earned by killing supernal beings.
-You have not elected to make the Banisher achievement a core part of yourself.+The Banisher achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your spirit lore skill.
-The Banisher achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your spirit lore skill.+The Banisher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spirit lore skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Banisher achievement is active and when your+
- combatant is a supernal being.+
</pre> </pre>
- + '''Bonus Specs (18):''' Spirit Lore
===Beastleasher=== ===Beastleasher===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Beastleasher.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement Beastleasher.
 +Your next rank in Beastleasher will be earned at 674 points; you presently have 515 points.
Points in Beastleasher are earned by killing bestial beings. Points in Beastleasher are earned by killing bestial beings.
-The Beastleasher achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your animal lore skill.+The Beastleasher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your animal lore skill.
-The Beastleasher achievement, when active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+skills.
-The Beastleasher achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+
-Three and three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Beastleasher achievement is active and when your combatant is a bestial being.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Tenacity''' - .55 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+ '''Bonus Specs (3):''' None
===Chaosfriend=== ===Chaosfriend===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Chaosfriend.+You have achieved rank V in the achievement Chaosfriend.
- +Your next rank in Chaosfriend will be earned at 1,647 points; you presently have 1,349 points.
Points in Chaosfriend are earned by killing beings with order favour. Points in Chaosfriend are earned by killing beings with order favour.
- +The Chaosfriend achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity and order resistance skills.
-The Chaosfriend achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your chaos affinity and order resistance skills.+The Chaosfriend achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your dirty fighting skill.
- +
-Three twentieths times your skill in dirty fighting will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Chaosfriend achievement is active and when your combatant has the trait of order favour.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (5):''' None
===Dragonbane=== ===Dragonbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank X in the achievement Dragonbane.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Dragonbane.
- +Your next rank in Dragonbane will be earned at 10,363 points; you presently have 8,367 points.
- Your next rank in Dragonbane will be earned at 5,801 points; you presently have 5,651 points.+Points in Dragonbane are earned by killing draconic beings.
- +The Dragonbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance skill.
- Points in Dragonbane are earned by killing draconic beings.+The Dragonbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your Xhax skill.
- +
- The Dragonbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty+
- access to your Xhax skill.+
- +
- The Dragonbane achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to+
- your fire resistance skill.+
- +
- The Dragonbane achievement, when active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access and+
- five degrees of specialty bonus to your fire resistance skill.+
- +
- Three times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your+
- Dragonbane achievement is active and when your combatant is draconic.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
===Dwarfbane=== ===Dwarfbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank V in the achievement Dwarfbane.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Dwarfbane.
- +Your next rank in Dwarfbane will be earned at 359 points; you presently have 276 points.
- Your next rank in Dwarfbane will be earned at 1,276 points; you presently have 1,131 points.+Points in Dwarfbane are earned by killing thondaks.
- +The Dwarfbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your Dethek and Kathdax skills.
- Points in Dwarfbane are earned by killing thondaks.+
- +
- The Dwarfbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access+
- to your Dethek and Kathdax skills.+
- +
- The Dwarfbane achievement, when active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to+
- your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+
- +
- The Dwarfbane achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one+
- degree of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance+
- skills.+
- +
- One and a half times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when+
- your Dwarfbane achievement is active and when your combatant is a thondak.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
===Elderbane=== ===Elderbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Elderbane.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Elderbane.
-Your next rank in Elderbane will be earned at 173 points; you presently have 95 points.+Your next rank in Elderbane will be earned at 10,363 points; you presently have 9,863 points.
Points in Elderbane are earned by killing eldritch beings. Points in Elderbane are earned by killing eldritch beings.
-You have not elected to make the Elderbane achievement a core part of yourself.+The Elderbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your elder lore skill.
-The Elderbane achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your psychic integrity skill.+The Elderbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your psychic integrity skill.
-Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Elderbane achievement is active and when your combatant is an eldritch being.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 5 - The Elderbane achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your psychic integrity skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
- +
- '''Tenacity''' - .3 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
===Exterminator=== ===Exterminator===
- You have achieved rank III in the achievement Exterminator.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Exterminator are earned by killing rodents.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Exterminator.
- The Exterminator achievement, when active, will grant you RANK degrees of specialty access to your robustness skill.+Your next rank in Exterminator will be earned at 3,245 points; you presently have 2,429 points.
- - 1 Bonus Robustness at Rank II+Points in Exterminator are earned by killing rodents.
- Nine tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Exterminator achievement is active and when your combatant is a rodent.+The Exterminator achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your robustness skill.
- Rank II+The Exterminator achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your robustness skill.
- The Exterminator achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your robustness skill.+</pre>
- Rank IV+ '''Bonus Specs (5) [Confirmed]:''' Robustness
- The Exterminator achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your robustness skill.+
===Eye-Catching=== ===Eye-Catching===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Eye-Catching.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Eye-Catching.
- +Points in Eye-Catching are earned by killing bezhaulk beings.
- Points in Eye-Catching are earned by killing bezhaulk beings.+The Eye-Catching achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your acid resistance and eskara resistance skills.
- +Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Eye-Catching achievement is active and when your combatant is a bezhaulk being.
- The Eye-Catching achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your acid resistance and eskara resistance skills.+
- +
- Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Eye-Catching achievement is active and when your combatant is a bezhaulk being.+
</pre> </pre>
===Fathomless=== ===Fathomless===
- You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Fathomless.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Fathomless are earned by killing natives of the deep underground.+You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Fathomless.
- The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.+Your next rank in Fathomless will be earned at 13,913 points; you presently have 13,135 points.
- The Fathomless achievement, when active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your darkness resistance skill.+Points in Fathomless are earned by killing natives of the deep underground.
- The Fathomless achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access and two degrees of specialty bonus to your darkness resistance skill.+The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your darkness resistance skill.
- Two and two fifths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Fathomless achievement is active and when your combatant is a native of the deep underground.+The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.
- +The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your darkness resistance and stealth skills.
- '''Bonus''' (Inactive): Rank ? - The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.+</pre>
- '''Bonus''' (Active): Rank ? - The Fathomless achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access and two degrees of specialty bonus to your darkness resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (13):''' Darkness Resistance, Stealth
- +
- '''Tenacity''' - .3 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
===Feybane=== ===Feybane===
- You have achieved rank X in the achievement Feybane.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Feybane are earned by killing [[:Category: Fey Blood Races|fey beings]].+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Feybane.
- The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your [[Sperethiel]] and [[Aelvalie]] skills.+Your next rank in Feybane will be earned at 18,769 points; you presently have 17,064 points.
- The Feybane achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your [[magick resistance]] skill.+Points in Feybane are earned by killing fey beings.
- The Feybane achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your magick resistance skill.+The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your Aelvalie and Sperethiel skills.
- Three times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Feybane achievement is active and when your combatant is fey.+The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your magick resistance skill.
- +The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your Aelvalie, magick resistance, and Sperethiel skills.
- '''Bonus''': Rank ? - The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your Sperethiel and Aelvalie skills.+</pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank ? - The Feybane achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and three degrees of specialty bonus to your magick resistance skill.+ '''Bonus Specs (14):''' Aelvalie, Magick Resistance, Sperethiel
- +
- '''Tenacity''' - .3 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
===Giantbane=== ===Giantbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Giantbane.+You have achieved rank X in the achievement Giantbane.
- +Your next rank in Giantbane will be earned at 5,801 points; you presently have 5,759 points.
- Your next rank in Giantbane will be earned at 2,409 points; you presently have 1,849 points.+Points in Giantbane are earned by killing giants.
- +You have not elected to make the Giantbane achievement a core part of yourself.
- Points in Giantbane are earned by killing giants.+The Giantbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your Norska skill.
- +The Giantbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your impact absorption skill.
- The Giantbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access+
- to your Norska skill.+
- +
- The Giantbane achievement, when active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to+
- your impact absorption skill.+
- +
- The Giantbane achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and+
- three degrees of specialty bonus to your impact absorption skill.+
- +
- Two and a tenth times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when+
- your Giantbane achievement is active and when your combatant is a giant.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' None
===Goblinbane=== ===Goblinbane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Goblinbane.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Goblinbane.
 +Your next rank in Goblinbane will be earned at 18,769 points; you presently have 14,530 points.
 +Points in Goblinbane are earned by killing kheirai beings.
 +The Goblinbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your Angrak and Takargu skills.
 +The Goblinbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your Angrak and Takargu skills.
- Your next rank in Goblinbane will be earned at 3,245 points; you presently have 2,822 points. 
- Points in Goblinbane are earned by killing kheirai beings. 
- The Goblinbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty 
- access to your Angrak and Takargu skills. 
- The Goblinbane achievement, when active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to 
- your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills. 
- The Goblinbane achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access and 
- two degrees of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing 
- resistance skills. 
- Two and two fifths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around 
- when your Goblinbane achievement is active and when your combatant is kheirai. 
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (10):''' Angrak, Takargu
===God Slayer=== ===God Slayer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank III in the achievement God Slayer.+You have achieved rank III in the achievement God Slayer.
- Points in God Slayer are earned by killing gods or avatars thereof.+Your next rank in God Slayer will be earned at 126 points; you presently have 98 points.
- The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your elder lore and theology skills.+Points in God Slayer are earned by killing gods or avatars thereof.
- The God Slayer achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.+The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your elder lore and theology skills.
 +The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Supernal Durability Spec Access (1):''' None 1 god kill
 + '''Supernal Durability Spec Access (2):''' 2 37 god kills
 + '''Supernal Durability Spec Access (5):''' 3 163 god kills
 + '''Supernal Durability Spec Access (10):''' 4
-Note that Hakkax has been stealth buffed considerably, and now has some kind of banehowl-like cluck attack.+ '''Bonus Specs (13):''' elder lore, theology
-Tonatiuh has also been significantly buffed.+ 
 +Just for fun:
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You sense that you have earned rank C in the achievement God Slayer.
 +The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you fifty-one degrees of specialty access to your elder lore and theology skills.
 +The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you twenty degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
 +The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you two degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
 +The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your elder lore and theology skills.
===Golembane=== ===Golembane===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Golembane.+You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Golembane.
-Your next rank in Golembane will be earned at 173 points; you presently have 35 points.+Your next rank in Golembane will be earned at 893 points; you presently have 792 points.
Points in Golembane are earned by killing artificial beings of homeostatic sentience. Points in Golembane are earned by killing artificial beings of homeostatic sentience.
-You have not elected to make the Golembane achievement a core part of yourself.+The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sculpture skill.
-The Golembane achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your crushing resistance, metal resistance, and stone+The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degree of specialty access to your hardiness skill.
- resistance skills.+The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your crushing resistance, metal resistance, and stone resistance skills.
-Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Golembane achievement is active and when your+
- combatant is an artificial being of homeostatic sentience.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (4):''' None
===Lawbringer=== ===Lawbringer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lawbringer.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Lawbringer.
- +Your next rank in Lawbringer will be earned at 38,858 points; you presently have 32,713 points.
Points in Lawbringer are earned by killing beings with chaos favour. Points in Lawbringer are earned by killing beings with chaos favour.
- +You have adopted the Lawbringer achievement into your being.
-The Lawbringer achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your order affinity and chaos resistance skills.+The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your law skill.
- +The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.
-Three twentieths times your skill in law will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Lawbringer achievement is active and when your combatant has the trait of chaos favour.+The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your law and order affinity
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]:''' Law and Order Affinity
===Maneater=== ===Maneater===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Maneater.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Maneater.
 +Your next rank in Maneater will be earned at 58,571 points; you presently have 50,942 points.
Points in Maneater are earned by killing anthropes. Points in Maneater are earned by killing anthropes.
-The Maneater achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your Anglic and politics skills.+The Maneater achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your Anglic and politics skills.
-The Maneater achievement, when active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+
-The Maneater achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access and four degrees of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+
-Three and nine tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Maneater achievement is active and when your combatant is an anthrope.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Every 3 Ranks - The Maneater achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance, crushing resistance, and piercing resistance skills.+ '''Bonus Specs (15):''' None
- +
- '''Tenacity''' - .3 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
===Mongrelbane=== ===Mongrelbane===
- +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank X in the achievement Mongrelbane.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Mongrelbane.
- +Your next rank in Mongrelbane will be earned at 6,529 points; you presently have 5,603 points.
- Your next rank in Mongrelbane will be earned at 12,060 points; you presently have 11,789+Points in Mongrelbane are earned by killing chimeric beings.
- points.+The Mongrelbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your aging retardation and biology skills.
- +</pre>
- Points in Mongrelbane are earned by killing [[:Category: Chimeric Races|chimeric beings]].+ '''Bonus Specs (8):''' None
- +
- The Mongrelbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty+
- access to your [[biology]] skill.+
- +
- The Mongrelbane achievement, when active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to+
- your [[aging retardation]] skill.+
- +
- The Mongrelbane achievement, when active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access and+
- three degrees of specialty bonus to your aging retardation skill.+
- +
- Three times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your+
- Mongrelbane achievement is active and when your combatant is a chimeric being.+
===Muckraker=== ===Muckraker===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Muckraker.+You have achieved rank II in the achievement Muckraker.
- +Your next rank in Muckraker will be earned at 359 points; you presently have 241 points.
- Points in Muckraker are earned by killing animated gunk.+Points in Muckraker are earned by killing animated gunk.
- +The Muckraker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your garbology skill.
- The Muckraker achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your acid resistance and ooze resistance skills.+
- +
- Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Muckraker achievement is active and when your combatant is animated gunk.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (2):''' None
===Murderer=== ===Murderer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank I in the achievement Murderer.
 +Your next rank in Murderer will be earned at 4 points; you presently have 1 points.
Points in Murderer are earned by killing incarnoi. Points in Murderer are earned by killing incarnoi.
-The Murderer achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your quickness skill.+The Murderer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your quickness skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
===Necrocide=== ===Necrocide===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Necrocide.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Necrocide.
- +Your next rank in Necrocide will be earned at 12,918 points; you presently have 12,188 points.
- Your next rank in Necrocide will be earned at 3,872 points; you presently have 3,409 points.+Points in Necrocide are earned by killing undead beings.
- +The Necrocide achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your mortuary skill.
- Points in Necrocide are earned by killing undead beings.+The Necrocide achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance skill.
- +
- The Necrocide achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty+
- access to your mortuary skill.+
- +
- The Necrocide achievement, when active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to+
- your entropy resistance skill.+
- +
- The Necrocide achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one+
- degree of specialty bonus to your entropy resistance skill.+
- +
- Two and a tenth times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when+
- your Necrocide achievement is active and when your combatant has the trait of undeath.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
===Paladin=== ===Paladin===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Paladin.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Paladin.
- +Your next rank in Paladin will be earned at 16,528 points; you presently have 13,410 points.
- Points in Paladin are earned by killing beings infused with energies of the qlippot.+Points in Paladin are earned by killing beings infused with energies of the qlippot.
- +You have made the Paladin achievement definitional of your very soul.
- The Paladin achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sephirotic affinity and qlippotic resistance skills.+The Paladin achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your sephirotic affinity skill.
- +The Paladin achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sephirotic affinity skill.
- A quarter times your skill in sephirotic affinity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Paladin achievement is active and when your combatant has the qlippotic affinity skill of 1 or higher.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (15) [Confirmed]:''' Sephirotic Affinity
===Raw Material=== ===Raw Material===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Raw Material.+You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Raw Material.
 +Your next rank in Raw Material will be earned at 198,999 points; you presently have 139,582 points.
Points in Raw Material are earned by killing hylozoa. Points in Raw Material are earned by killing hylozoa.
-The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your cosmology skill.+The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your cosmology skill.
-The Raw Material achievement, when active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.+The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
-Two and seven tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Raw Material achievement is active and when your combatant is a hylozoon.+The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cosmology, fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
</pre> </pre>
- '''Bonus''': Rank 5 - The Raw Material achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access and two degrees of specialty bonus to your fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.+ '''Bonus Specs (25):''' Air Resistance, Cosmology, Earth Resistance, Entropy Resistance, Extropy Resistance, Fire Resistance, Water Resistance
- +
- '''Tenacity''' - .3 per Rank to All Combat Ratings+
===Thaumiel=== ===Thaumiel===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-A quarter times your skill in qlippotic affinity will now improve your combat ratings all-around when your Thaumiel achievement is active and when your combatant has the sephirotic affinity skill of 1 or higher.+You have achieved rank V in the achievement Thaumiel.
 +Your next rank in Thaumiel will be earned at 1,647 points; you presently have 1,592 points.
 +Points in Thaumiel are earned by killing beings infused with energies of the sephirot.
 +The Thaumiel achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity and sephirotic resistance skills.
</pre> </pre>
- + '''Bonus Specs (5):''' None
-===Tit for tat===+
- Points in Tit for Tat are earned by killing beings that have killed you.+
- One times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your+
- Tit for Tat achievement is active and when your combatant has previously killed you.+
==Weapon== ==Weapon==
===Arbalist=== ===Arbalist===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
You have achieved rank I in the achievement Arbalist. You have achieved rank I in the achievement Arbalist.
Line 1,822: Line 2,023:
A fifth times your skill in crossbow will improve your combat ratings in launch attack and launch damage when your Arbalist achievement is active and when you use a crossbow. A fifth times your skill in crossbow will improve your combat ratings in launch attack and launch damage when your Arbalist achievement is active and when you use a crossbow.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Crossbow''' - .2 per Rank to Launch Attack and Launch Damage
 +===[[Aristeia_Achievements/Armour_and_a_Big_Sword|Armour and a Big Sword]]===
 +<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank X in the achievement Armour and a Big Sword.
 +Your next rank in Armour and a Big Sword will be earned at 135,472 points; you presently have
 +94,250 points.
 +Points in Armour and a Big Sword are earned by fighting while wearing heavy armour and wielding a large sword.
 +The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of
 +specialty access to your armour use and massive exertion skills.
 +The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of
 +specialty access to your sword skill.
 +The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of
 +specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your armour use, massive exertion, and sword
 + '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' [[Armour Use]], [[Massive Exertion]], [[Sword]]
===Ballistic=== ===Ballistic===
- Points in Ballistic are earned by striking an opponent with thrown projectiles.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- The Ballistic achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your throwing skill.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Ballistic.
- A fifth times your skill in throwing will improve your combat ratings in throw attack and throw damage when your Ballistic achievement is active.+Your next rank in Ballistic will be earned at 420 points; you presently have 174 points.
 +Points in Ballistic are earned by striking an opponent with thrown projectiles.
 + '''Bonus Specs (1):''' None
===Battlehewn=== ===Battlehewn===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Battlehewn.+You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Battlehewn.
- +Your next rank in Battlehewn will be earned at 41,951 points; you presently have 38,608 points.
- Points in Battlehewn are earned by successfully striking with an axe.+Points in Battlehewn are earned by successfully striking with an axe.
- +The Battlehewn achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your axe skill.
- The Battlehewn achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your axe skill.+
- +
- A fifth times your skill in axe will improve your combat ratings in attack and damage when your Battlehewn achievement is active and when you wield an axe.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (9):''' None
===Blademaster=== ===Blademaster===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Blademaster.
 +Your next rank in Blademaster will be earned at 1,633,343 points; you presently have 1,548,774 points.
Points in Blademaster are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a sword. Points in Blademaster are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a sword.
-You have not elected to make the Blademaster achievement a core part of yourself.+The Blademaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
-The Blademaster achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.+The Blademaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sword skill.
-A fifth times your skill in sword will improve your combat ratings in attack and deflect when your Blademaster achievement is active and when you wield a sword.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (17) [Confirmed]:''' Sword
===Blunt Instrument=== ===Blunt Instrument===
- You have achieved rank II in the achievement Blunt Instrument.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Blunt Instrument are earned by successfully striking with a bludgeon.+You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Blunt Instrument.
- The Blunt Instrument achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your bludgeon skill.+Your next rank in Blunt Instrument will be earned at 24,799 points; you presently have 19,994 points.
- Two fifths times your skill in bludgeon will improve your combat ratings in attack and damage when your Blunt Instrument achievement is active and when you wield a bludgeon.+Points in Blunt Instrument are earned by successfully striking with a bludgeon.
 +The Blunt Instrument achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your bludgeon skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (7):''' None
===Cloak and Dagger=== ===Cloak and Dagger===
- Points in Cloak and Dagger are earned by fighting while wearing a cloak and wielding a dagger.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have made the Cloak and Dagger achievement definitional of your very soul.+You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Cloak and Dagger.
- The Cloak and Dagger achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.+Your next rank in Cloak and Dagger will be earned at 1,348,693 points; you presently have 1,134,858 points.
- Three tenths times your skill in stealth will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, and reaction when your Cloak and Dagger +Points in Cloak and Dagger are earned by fighting while wearing a cloak and wielding a dagger.
- achievement is active and when you wear a cloak and wield a dagger.+The Cloak and Dagger achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.
 +The Cloak and Dagger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your stealth skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]:''' Stealth
===Deadeye=== ===Deadeye===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-The Deadeye achievement, when active, will now grant you two degrees of specialty access to your archery skill.+You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Deadeye.
-A fifth times your skill in archery will now improve your combat ratings in launch attack and launch damage when your Deadeye achievement is active+Your next rank in Deadeye will be earned at 32,393 points; you presently have 26,934 points.
- and when you use a bow and arrow.+Points in Deadeye are earned by successfully striking with archery.
 +The Deadeye achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your archery skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (8):''' None
===Disarmed and Dangerous=== ===Disarmed and Dangerous===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Disarmed and Dangerous.+You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Disarmed and Dangerous.
 +Your next rank in Disarmed and Dangerous will be earned at 413,095 points; you presently have 410,683 points.
Points in Disarmed and Dangerous are earned by successfully striking or parrying unarmed. Points in Disarmed and Dangerous are earned by successfully striking or parrying unarmed.
 +You have not elected to make the Disarmed and Dangerous achievement a core part of yourself.
The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your unarmed combat skill. The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your unarmed combat skill.
-The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts and brawling skills.+The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts, brawling, and unarmed combat skills.
-The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, when active, will grant you twenty-four degrees of specialty access to your unarmed combat skill.+
-One and four fifths times your skill in unarmed combat will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Disarmed and Dangerous achievement is active and when you use unarmed combat.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Unarmed Combat''' - .15 per Rank to Attack, Damage and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]:''' Martial Arts, Brawling, Unarmed Combat
===Doppelhander=== ===Doppelhander===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You sense that you have earned rank I in the achievement Doppelhander.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Doppelhander.
- +Your next rank in Doppelhander will be earned at 188,046 points; you presently have 186,110 points.
- The Doppelhander achievement, when active, will now grant you 2*RANK degrees of specialty access to your massive blow skill.+Points in Doppelhander are earned by successfully striking with a weapon wielded two-handed.
- +The Doppelhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your massive blow skill.
- RANK*3 tenths times your skill in massive blow will now improve your combat ratings in damage when your Doppelhander achievement is active and when you wield one weapon with two hands.+The Doppelhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your massive blow skill.
- +
- Rank V: The Doppelhander achievement, even when not active, will now grant you three degrees of specialty access to your massive blow skill.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Massive Blow
===Einhander=== ===Einhander===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Einhander.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Einhander.
- +Your next rank in Einhander will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 938,119 points.
- Points in Einhander are earned by successfully striking with a weapon wielded one-handed while the other hand free.+Points in Einhander are earned by successfully striking with a weapon wielded one-handed while the other hand free.
- +The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.
- The Einhander achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.+The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
- +The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your balance and combat reflexes skills.
- Three tenths times your skill in balance will improve your combat ratings in reaction when your Einhander achievement is active and when you wield one weapon one-handed with the other hand free.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]:''' Balance, Combat reflexes
===Enterprising=== ===Enterprising===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank III in the achievement Enterprising.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Enterprising.
- +Your next rank in Enterprising will be earned at 811,941 points; you presently have 714,594 points.
- Points in Enterprising are earned by successfully striking or parrying with an improvised weapon.+Points in Enterprising are earned by successfully striking or parrying with an improvised weapon.
- +The Enterprising achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your imagination skill.
- The Enterprising achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your imagination skill.+The Enterprising achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dirty fighting, find weakness, and lack of weakness skills.
- +
- One and a half times your skill in imagination will improve your combat ratings in attack, damage, and deflect when your Enterprising achievement is active and when you use an improvised weapon.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]:''' Dirty Fighting, Find Weakness, Lack of Weakness
===Foehammer=== ===Foehammer===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Foehammer are earned by successfully striking with a hammer.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Foehammer.
- The Foehammer achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your hammer skill.+Your next rank in Foehammer will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 77,766 points.
- Two fifths times your skill in hammer will improve your combat ratings in attack and damage when your Foehammer achievement is active and +Points in Foehammer are earned by successfully striking with a hammer.
- when you wield a hammer.+The Foehammer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your hammer skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Knifing.+You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Knifer.
- +Your next rank in Knifer will be earned at 2,923,487 points; you presently have 2,423,559 points.
- Points in Knifing are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a dagger.+Points in Knifer are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a dagger.
- +The Knifer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
- The Knifing achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.+The Knifer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dagger skill.
- +
- Three twentieths times your skill in dagger will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and reaction when+
- your Knifing achievement is active and when you wield a dagger.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (22):''' Dagger
===Lancer=== ===Lancer===
- Points in Lancer are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a spear or pole arm.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- The Lancer achievement, when active, will grant you 2 degrees per rank of specialty access to your spear and pole arm skills.+You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Lancer.
- One fifths times your skill per rank in spear will improve your combat ratings in attack and deflect when your Lancer achievement is active and when you wield a spear.+Your next rank in Lancer will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 944,380 points.
- One fifths times your skill per rank in pole arm will improve your combat ratings in attack and deflect when your Lancer achievement is active and when you wield a pole arm.+Points in Lancer are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a spear or pole arm.
- +The Lancer achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your spear and pole arm skills.
-====IX====+The Lancer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spear and pole arm skills.
- The Lancer achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your spear and pole arm skills.+</pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]:''' Spear, Pole Arm
===Looker=== ===Looker===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Looker.
 +Your next rank in Looker will be earned at 137,128 points; you presently have 130,020 points.
Points in Looker are earned by successfully striking an opponent with a gaze attack. Points in Looker are earned by successfully striking an opponent with a gaze attack.
- +You have made the Looker achievement definitional of your very soul.
- The Looker achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your gaze weapon skill.+The Looker achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your gaze weapon skill.
- +
- A fifth times your skill in gaze weapon will improve your combat ratings in attack and damage when your Looker achievement is active and when+
-you use a gaze attack.+
- +
</pre> </pre>
===Niten Ichi=== ===Niten Ichi===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank II in the achievement Niten Ichi.+You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Niten Ichi.
- +Your next rank in Niten Ichi will be earned at 707,306 points; you presently have 541,158 points.
- Your next rank in Niten Ichi will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 4,941 points.+Points in Niten Ichi are earned by successfully striking while wielding two melee weapons.
- +The Niten Ichi achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.
- Points in Niten Ichi are earned by successfully striking while wielding two melee weapons.+The Niten Ichi achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your precision strike skill.
- +
- You have made the Niten Ichi achievement definitional of your very soul.+
- +
- The Niten Ichi achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.+
- +
- Three fifths times your skill in precision strike will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Niten Ichi achievement is active and when you wield two melee weapons.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (17) [Confirmed]:''' Precision Strike
===Number One Fan=== ===Number One Fan===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Number One Fan.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Number One Fan.
- Points in Number One Fan are earned by deflecting with a tessen.+Your next rank in Number One Fan will be earned at 195,328 points; you presently have 182,374 points.
- The Number One Fan achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your shield and dagger skills.+Points in Number One Fan are earned by deflecting with a tessen.
- A quarter times your skill in dagger will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Number One Fan achievement is active and when you use a tessen.+The Number One Fan achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your shield and dagger skills.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
===Shieldmaiden=== ===Shieldmaiden===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Shieldmaiden.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Shieldmaiden.
- Points in Shieldmaiden are earned by deflecting with a shield while being female.+Your next rank in Shieldmaiden will be earned at 619,469 points; you presently have 566,016 points.
- The Shieldmaiden achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.+Points in Shieldmaiden are earned by deflecting with a shield while being female.
- A quarter times your skill in shield will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Shieldmaiden achievement+The Shieldmaiden achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.
- is active and when you use a shield and are female.+The Shieldmaiden achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your stamina and resilience skills.
- A twentieth times your skill in resilience will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Shieldmaiden achievement+
- is active and when you use a shield and are female.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (14):''' None
===Shieldsman=== ===Shieldsman===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- Points in Shieldsman are earned by deflecting with a shield while being male.+You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Shieldsman.
- The Shieldsman achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.+Your next rank in Shieldsman will be earned at 619,469 points; you presently have 487,609 points.
- A half times your skill in shield will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Shieldsman achievement is active and when you use a +Points in Shieldsman are earned by deflecting with a shield while being male.
- shield and are male.+The Shieldsman achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.
- A tenth times your skill in steadiness will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Shieldsman achievement is active and when you+The Shieldsman achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your stamina and resilience skills.
- use a shield and are male+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (14):''' None
===Soot Maker=== ===Soot Maker===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Soot Maker.+You have achieved rank I in the achievement Soot Maker.
- +Your next rank in Soot Maker will be earned at 2,730 points; you presently have 254 points.
- Points in Soot Maker are earned by successfully breathing phlogiston upon an opponent.+Points in Soot Maker are earned by successfully breathing phlogiston upon an opponent.
- +
- The Soot Maker achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your eructation skill.+
- +
- A half times your skill in eructation will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Soot Maker achievement is active and when you use the breathe maneuver.+
</pre> </pre>
===Stick Monk=== ===Stick Monk===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- You have achieved rank I in the achievement Stick Monk.+You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Stick Monk.
- Points in Stick Monk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a staff.+Your next rank in Stick Monk will be earned at 144,948 points; you presently have 119,363 points.
- The Stick Monk achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your staff skill.+Points in Stick Monk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a staff.
- A fifth times your skill in staff will improve your combat ratings in attack and deflect when your Stick Monk achievement is active and when you wield a staff.+The Stick Monk achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your staff skill.
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (11):''' None
===Sword and Board=== ===Sword and Board===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
-You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sword and Board.+You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Sword and Board.
 +Your next rank in Sword and Board will be earned at 384,679 points; you presently have 293,915 points.
Points in Sword and Board are earned by fighting while wielding a sword and holding a shield. Points in Sword and Board are earned by fighting while wielding a sword and holding a shield.
-The Sword and Board achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sword, shield, and discipline skills.+The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your shield and discipline skills.
-An eighth times your skill in sword will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Sword and Board achievement is active and when you deflect with a shield while wielding a sword.+The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
-A twentieth times your skill in discipline will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Sword and Board achievement is active and when you deflect with a shield while wielding a sword.+The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sword, shield, and discipline skills.
-An eighth times your skill in shield will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Sword and Board achievement is active and when you attack with a sword while holding a shield.+
-A twentieth times your skill in discipline will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Sword and Board achievement is active and when you attack with a sword while holding a shield.+
</pre> </pre>
- '''Discipline''' - .05 per Rank to Attack and Deflect+ '''Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed] :''' Discipline, Shield, Sword
- '''Shield''' - .125 per Rank to Attack+
- '''Sword''' - .125 per Rank to Deflect+
===Whiplash=== ===Whiplash===
- Points in Whiplash are earned by successfully striking with a flail.+<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
- The Whiplash achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your flail skill.+You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Whiplash.
- Seven twentieths times your skill in flail will improve your combat ratings in attack when your Whiplash achievement is active and when you wield a flail.+Your next rank in Whiplash will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 72,108 points.
- +Points in Whiplash are earned by successfully striking with a flail.
 +The Whiplash achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your flail skill.
 + '''Bonus Specs (12):''' None
===Wyrd Ace=== ===Wyrd Ace===
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap"> <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">
 +You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Wyrd Ace.
 +Your next rank in Wyrd Ace will be earned at 82,098 points; you presently have 69,296 points.
Points in Wyrd Ace are earned by striking an opponent with the nefesh-guided discharge of an enchanted item. Points in Wyrd Ace are earned by striking an opponent with the nefesh-guided discharge of an enchanted item.
- +The Wyrd Ace achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your wyrding skill.
- The Wyrd Ace achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your wyrding skill.+The Wyrd Ace achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your wyrding skill.
- +
- A fifth times your skill in wyrding will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Wyrd Ace achievement is active.+
</pre> </pre>
 + '''Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]:''' Wyrding

Current revision


Aristeia Achievements


Always on the Edge

You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Always on the Edge.
Your next rank in Always on the Edge will be earned at 2,072 points; you presently have 1,621 points.
Points in Always on the Edge are earned by fighting with perdition.
You have not elected to make the Always on the Edge achievement a core part of yourself.
When the Always on the Edge achievement is active, you will randomly gain up to four hundred point of healing or enhancement to your agility, strength, and vitality ability scores in combat, scaling with the direness of your circumstances.
Bonus Specs (4): None


You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Anodyne.
Your next rank in Anodyne will be earned at 514,073 points; you presently have 406,132 points.
Points in Anodyne are earned by fighting while analgetic.
The Anodyne achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your pain tolerance skill.
The Anodyne achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your pain tolerance skill.
Bonus Specs (5) [Confirmed]: Pain Tolerance

Arrow Catcher


    You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Arrow Catcher.
    Your next rank in Arrow Catcher will be earned at 869 points; you presently have 574 points.
    Points in Arrow Catcher are earned by successfully catching projectiles aimed at you.
    The Arrow Catcher achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
Bonus (Inactive): Rank 10 - The Arrow Catcher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts and combat reflexes skills.


You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Atlas.
Your next rank in Atlas will be earned at 1,757,634 points; you presently have 1,205,340 points.
Points in Atlas are earned by fighting while at least moderately encumbered.
The Atlas achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your armour use and load bearing skills.
The Atlas achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your armour use and load bearing skills.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Armour Use, Load Bearing

Battle Hungry

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Battle Hungry.
Your next rank in Battle Hungry will be earned at 81,202 points; you presently have 70,788 points.
Points in Battle Hungry are earned by fighting while hungry.
The Battle Hungry achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your cooking skill.
The Battle Hungry achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cooking skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Cooking


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Blindsight.
Your next rank in Blindsight will be earned at 543,386 points; you presently have 433,572 points.
Points in Blindsight are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while blind.
You have not elected to make the Blindsight achievement a core part of yourself.
The Blindsight achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your blindfighting skill.
Bonus Specs (19): None

Breaker of Horses

You have achieved rank XXVI in the achievement Breaker of Horses.
Your next rank in Breaker of Horses will be earned at 1,049,164 points; you presently have 970,754 points.
Points in Breaker of Horses are earned by fighting while mounted on an equine being.
The Breaker of Horses achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your equestrian, mounted combat, and riding skills.
The Breaker of Horses achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your equestrian, mounted combat, and riding skills.
Bonus Specs (26): Equestrian, Mounted Combat, Riding


You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Comrade-in-Arms.
Your next rank in Comrade-in-Arms will be earned at 82,248 points; you presently have 64,709 points.
Points in Comrade-in-Arms are earned by fighting in a group of two or more incarnoi.
The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you fourteen degrees of specialty access to your tactics skill.
The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your leadership and subordination skills.
The Comrade-in-Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your leadership, subordination, and tactics skills.
Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]: Leadership, Subordination, Tactics

Dangerous Mute Lunatic

You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Dangerous Mute Lunatic.
Your next rank in Dangerous Mute Lunatic will be earned at 3,305 points; you presently have 3,021 points.
Points in Dangerous Mute Lunatic are earned by killing opponents while mute and while having a mental disorder.
The Dangerous Mute Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None


You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Dragoon.
Your next rank in Dragoon will be earned at 1,385,735 points; you presently have 1,122,539 points.
Points in Dragoon are earned by fighting while mounted.
The Dragoon achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your riding and mounted combat skills.
Bonus Specs (27): None

Drunken Master

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Drunken Master.
Your next rank in Drunken Master will be earned at 22,313 points; you presently have 18,185 points.
Points in Drunken Master are earned by killing opponents while drunk.
The Drunken Master achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your carousing skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None

Dry Spell

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Dry Spell.
Your next rank in Dry Spell will be earned at 20,565 points; you presently have 18,714 points.
Points in Dry Spell are earned by fighting in an area where magick is suppressed.
The Dry Spell achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your spirit resistance and magick resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (11): None

Et in Arcadia Ego

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Et in Arcadia Ego.
Your next rank in Et in Arcadia Ego will be earned at 53,553 points; you presently have 44,196 points.
Points in Et in Arcadia Ego are earned by fighting having died recently.
The Et in Arcadia Ego achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your courage, discipline, and tenacity skills.
The Et in Arcadia Ego achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your courage, discipline, and tenacity skills.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Courage, Discipline, Tenacity


You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Faultfinder.
Your next rank in Faultfinder will be earned at 2,923,487 points; you presently have 2,527,406 points.
Points in Faultfinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent where sie is weak.
The Faultfinder achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your find weakness skill.
The Faultfinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your find weakness skill.
The Faultfinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your find weakness skill.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Find Weakness

Flesh Wound

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Flesh Wound.
Your next rank in Flesh Wound will be earned at 12,266 points; you presently have 7,319 points.
Points in Flesh Wound are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a significant limb missing.
The Flesh Wound achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your somatesthesia skill.
Bonus Specs (13): None

Hungry, Foolish

You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Hungry, Foolish.
Your next rank in Hungry, Foolish will be earned at 4,369 points; you presently have 4,057 points.
Points in Hungry, Foolish are earned by fighting something dangerous while hungry.
The Hungry, Foolish achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
Bonus Specs (16): None


You have achieved rank XXXII in the achievement Hushed.
Your next rank in Hushed will be earned at 2,027,472 points; you presently have 1,730,356 points.
Points in Hushed are earned by fighting while mute.
The Hushed achievement, even when not active, will grant you sixteen degrees of specialty access to your introspection skill.
The Hushed achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your introspection skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Introspection

In One Breath

You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement In One Breath.
Your next rank in In One Breath will be earned at 1,650,409 points; you presently have 1,291,585 points.
Points in In One Breath are earned by fighting while holding your breath.
The In One Breath achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your breath control skill.
The In One Breath achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your breath control skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Breath Control

In the Spotlight

You have achieved rank XXVI in the achievement In the Spotlight.
Your next rank in In the Spotlight will be earned at 2,536,295 points; you presently have 2,028,971 points.
Points in In the Spotlight are earned by fighting while illuminated by faerie fire.
The In the Spotlight achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.
Bonus Specs (26): None

Like Water

You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Like Water.
Your next rank in Like Water will be earned at 3,334,960 points; you presently have 2,151,028 points.
Points in Like Water are earned by dodging attacks.
The Like Water achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your dodge skill.
The Like Water achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dodge skill.
Bonus Specs (18) [Confirmed]: Dodge

Liquid Heroics

You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Liquid Heroics.
Your next rank in Liquid Heroics will be earned at 44,789 points; you presently have 35,420 points.
Points in Liquid Heroics are earned by fighting while under the effects of a potion of heroism.
The Liquid Heroics achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your alchemy skill.
The Liquid Heroics achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your alchemy skill.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Alchemy


You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Lunatic.
Your next rank in Lunatic will be earned at 58,546 points; you presently have 47,097 points.
Points in Lunatic are earned by killing an opponent while having a mental disorder.
The Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your killer instinct skill.
The Lunatic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your killer instinct skill.
Bonus Specs (12): Killer Instinct



    You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Mission-Driven.
    Your next rank in Mission-Driven will be earned at 5 points; you presently have 4 points.
    Points in Mission-Driven are earned by participating in special events.
    The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your hardiness skill.
    The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your stamina skill.
    The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your centering skill.
    The Mission-Driven achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your regeneration skill.


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Multitasker.
Your next rank in Multitasker will be earned at 137,328 points; you presently have 132,755 points.
Points in Multitasker are earned by striking an opponent that is not your primary attack target.
The Multitasker achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your awareness skill.
Bonus Specs (19): None

Noiseless Signal

You have achieved rank XXIII in the achievement Noiseless Signal.
Your next rank in Noiseless Signal will be earned at 187,442 points; you presently have 150,750 points.
Points in Noiseless Signal are earned by fighting while deaf.
The Noiseless Signal achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your lip reading skill.
The Noiseless Signal achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your lip reading skill.
Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]: Lip Reading

On the Wing

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement On the Wing.
Your next rank in On the Wing will be earned at 153,563 points; you presently have 123,380 points.
Points in On the Wing are earned by fighting while flying using wings.
The On the Wing achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.
The On the Wing achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your flight skill.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Flight

Painted Target

You have achieved rank XXIII in the achievement Painted Target.
Your next rank in Painted Target will be earned at 5,913,253 points; you presently have 3,965,884 points.
Points in Painted Target are earned by successfully striking an opponent illuminated by faerie fire.
The Painted Target achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.
The Painted Target achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your precision strike skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Precision Strike


You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Planetshine.
Your next rank in Planetshine will be earned at 147,930 points; you presently have 103,587
Points in Planetshine are earned by fighting while under the effects of Aeda's blessing.
The Planetshine achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty
access to your piety skill.
The Planetshine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access
and one degree of specialty bonus to your piety skill.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Piety


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Punch-Drunk.
Your next rank in Punch-Drunk will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 76,330 points.
Points in Punch-Drunk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with one's hands while drunk.
The Punch-Drunk achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your brawling and carousing skills.
Bonus Specs (12): None

Shine On

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Shine On.
Your next rank in Shine On will be earned at 41,574 points; you presently have 29,691 points.
Points in Shine On are earned by fighting while under the effects of Illumination.
The Shine On achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your fast talk skill.
Bonus Specs (10): None


You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Silkbinder.
Your next rank in Silkbinder will be earned at 370,369 points; you presently have 254,246 points.
Points in Silkbinder are earned by successfully striking an opponent inhibited by spidersilk webbing.
The Silkbinder achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your traps skill.
Bonus Specs (17): None


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Skinchanger.
Your next rank in Skinchanger will be earned at 2,061,873 points; you presently have 1,678,349 points.
Points in Skinchanger are earned by fighting while not being your permanent race.
The Skinchanger achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your disguise skill.
The Skinchanger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your disguise skill.
Bonus Specs (19): Disguise


You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Skywalker.
Your next rank in Skywalker will be earned at 893,583 points; you presently have 816,495 points.
Points in Skywalker are earned by fighting while winglessly flying.
The Skywalker achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your flight skill.
The Skywalker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your flight skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Flight

Snake Eater

You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Snake Eater.
Your next rank in Snake Eater will be earned at 454,586 points; you presently have 372,920 points.
Points in Snake Eater are earned by fighting while poisoned.
The Snake Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your poison resistance skill.
The Snake Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your poison resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (22): Poison Resistance

Thirsty for More

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Thirsty for More.
Your next rank in Thirsty for More will be earned at 29,986 points; you presently have 29,205 points.
Points in Thirsty for More are earned by fighting multiple opponents while thirsty.
The Thirsty for More achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your brewing skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Brewing

This is Fine

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement This Is Fine.
Your next rank in This Is Fine will be earned at 4,084 points; you presently have 4,052 points.
Points in This Is Fine are earned by fighting while on fire.
The This Is Fine achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your fire affinity skill.
The This Is Fine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your fire affinity skill.
Bonus Specs (11): Fire Affinity


We couldn't find any achievements for Yehova's Hammer or Mindcleaver.

I couldn't find one for Hestjeger or the Axe of Dunbar. Starburner doesn't have one, either. Mystic reports none for Peacemaker as well.- Skritch

I didn’t seem to get one for Viva (yet, at least). - Zak

Doesn't appear to be any for Whatnot. - Rashidun

Seems to be nothing either for Bloodfire or Atomizer. Daemonicus Omega used to have an achievement, but it seems to be gone. - Mooresh

Wielded Kalakridar solo long enough to learn Einhander II, didn't get anything for it. Performed 5,000 strikes with Jaye's Mithril Staff of Ass-Beating and didn't get an achievement. - Shinichi

Accelerator (Athcat)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Accelerator.
Points in Accelerator are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Athcat.
The Accelerator achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your aging
reversal, chronophrasty, and quickness skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your
Accelerator achievement is active and when you wield Athcat.

Alpine (Mountainheart)

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Alpine.
Points in Alpine are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Mountainheart.
The Alpine achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of
specialty access to your climbing, digging, and mineral lore skills.
One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings
in attack, deflect, and damage when your Alpine achievement is active and when you
wield Mountainheart.

Acolyte of Agzak (Blackheart)

    You have achieved rank II in the achievement Acolyte of Agzak.
    Points in Acolyte of Agzak are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Blackheart.
    The Acolyte of Agzak achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your carousing, intimidation, and killer instinct skills.
    One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Acolyte of Agzak achievement is active and when you wield Blackheart.

Alien Hunger (Soulshard)


    You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Alien Hunger.
    Points in Alien Hunger are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Soulshard.
    The Alien Hunger achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your redaction skill.
    One and three fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Alien Hunger achievement is active and when you wield Soulshard.

Assassin (Nessavyn)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Assassin.
Points in Assassin are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Nessavyn.
The Assassin achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your tracking, killer instinct, and stealth skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Assassin achievement is active and when you wield Nessavyn.

Brazen (Aranal Cirdas)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Brazen.
Your next rank in Brazen will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 148 points.
Points in Brazen are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Aranal Cirdas.
The Brazen achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your rune lore skill.
One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Brazen achievement is active and when you use Aranal Cirdas.
Bonus Specs (2): None

Breath of the Wild (Edgewild)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Breath of the Wild.
Your next rank in Breath of the Wild will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 2,989 points.
Points in Breath of the Wild are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Edgewild.
The Breath of the Wild achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your law and machine operation skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Breath of the Wild achievement is active and when you wield Edgewild.

Changemaker (Metaflux)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Changemaker.
Your next rank in Changemaker will be earned at 137,578 points; you presently have 106,534 points.
Points in Changemaker are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Metaflux.
The Changemaker achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your metamorphosis skill.
Six times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Changemaker achievement is active and when you wield Metaflux.
Bonus Specs (12): None

Chiseler (Variabilis)


You have achieved rank II in the achievement Chiseler.
Points in Chiseler are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Variabilis.
The Chiseler achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your gambling skill.
Four fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Chiseler achievement is active and when you wield Variabilis.

Crowning Victory (Vanguard)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Crowning Victory.
Points in Crowning Victory are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Vanguard.
The Crowning Victory achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your leadership skill.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Crowning Victory achievement is active and when you wield Vanguard.

Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth (Excalibur)

NEEDS UPDATING -- it seems the achievement is no longer available; advanced Blademaster by 5000 points without unlocking it.

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth.
Points in Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Excalibur.
The Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement, when active, will grant you twenty-two degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance and piercing resistance skills.
Four and two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Diamond, Topaz, Jacinth achievement is active and when you wield Excalibur.

Disarmament (Shatter)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Disarmament.
Points in Disarmament are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Shatter.
The Disarmament achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your combat reflexes and massive exertion skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Disarmament achievement is active and when you wield Shatter.

Draca, Flamesh (Snapdragon)



Exorcist (Heavensfire)

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Exorcist.
Your next rank in Exorcist will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 7,282 points.
Points in Exorcist are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Heavensfire.
The Exorcist achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic lore skill.
One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Exorcist achievement is active and when you wield Heavensfire.

Fwoosh (Scorch)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Fwoosh.
Points in Fwoosh are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Scorch.
The Fwoosh achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your demolition skill.
Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Fwoosh achievement is active and when you wield Scorch.

Hail Horrors (Dyad)

You have achieved rank V in the achievement Hail Horrors.
Your next rank in Hail Horrors will be earned at 20,398 points; you presently have 14,626 points.
Points in Hail Horrors are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Dyad.
The Hail Horrors achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity, order affinity, sephirotic affinity, and qlippotic affinity skills.
The Hail Horrors achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your axe skill.
Two and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hail Horrors achievement is active and when you wield Dyad.

Hand of Hephaestus (Hephaestus's Hammer)

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Hand of Hephaestus.
Your next rank in Hand of Hephaestus will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 9,386 points.
Points in Hand of Hephaestus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Hephaestus's Hammer.
The Hand of Hephaestus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your smithing skill.
One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hand of Hephaestus achievement is active and when you wield Hephaestus's Hammer.

Harvester (Grey Sickle)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Harvester.
Points in Harvester are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Grey Sickle.
The Harvester achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your farming skill.
Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Harvester achievement is active and when you wield the Grey Sickle.

Heartbreaker (Jato)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Heartbreaker.
Your next rank in Heartbreaker will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 3,535 points.
Points in Heartbreaker are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Jato.
The Heartbreaker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your killer instinct, rune lore, and symbology skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Heartbreaker achievement is active and when you wield Jato.

Honorary Prince (Fallasfang, Grayswandir, Meridiandal, Werewindle, and Yrenasand)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Honorary Prince.
Your next rank in Honorary Prince will be earned at 503,573 points; you presently have 410,494 points.
Points in Honorary Prince are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber.
The Honorary Prince achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.
The Honorary Prince achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
Eight and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Honorary Prince achievement is active and when you wield a weapon containing an image of the Pattern of Amber.

Hot Favour (Katelyn's Dagger)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Hot Favour.
Your next rank in Hot Favour will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 5,979 points.
Points in Hot Favour are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Katelyn's dagger.
The Hot Favour achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your empathy and manipulation skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Hot Favour achievement is active and when you wield Katelyn's dagger.

King for a Day (Glory)


You have achieved rank VI in the achievement King for a Day.
Your next rank in King for a Day will be earned at 27,750 points; you presently have 21,112 points.
Points in King for a Day are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Glory.
You have not elected to make the King for a Day achievement a core part of yourself.
The King for a Day achievement, when active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your law, leadership, order affinity, and politics skills.
Three times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your King for a Day achievement is active and when you wield Glory.

Know Thyself (Vigour)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Know Thyself.
Your next rank in Know Thyself will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 540 points.
Points in Know Thyself are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Vigour.
You have not elected to make the Know Thyself achievement a core part of yourself.
The Know Thyself achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your introspection skill.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Know Thyself achievement is active and when you wield Vigour.
[OOC] This achievement was created by Twilight, who wishes to credit the Seven Sages of Greece as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Sun Feb 25 01:25:07 2018.

Lightning Made Solid (Czaklash)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Lightning Made Solid.
Points in Lightning Made Solid are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Czaklash.
The Lightning Made Solid achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your lightning affinity skill.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Lightning Made Solid achievement is active and when you wield Czaklash.

Lionheart (Snarl)

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Lionheart.
Your next rank in Lionheart will be earned at 177,683 points; you presently have 138,888 points.
Points in Lionheart are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snarl.
The Lionheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your gem lore skill.
The Lionheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
Six and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Lionheart achievement is active and when you wield Snarl.

Metasynthetic (Twinblossom)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Metasynthetic.
Points in Metasynthetic are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Twinblossom.
The Metasynthetic achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your order affinity and chaos affinity skills.
Three fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Metasynthetic achievement is active and when you use Twinblossom.

Mooncleaver (Cristlun)

NEEDS UPDATING, maybe this doesn't exist anymore

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Mooncleaver.
Your next rank in Mooncleaver will be earned at 229,724 points; you presently have 206,313 points.
Points in Mooncleaver are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Cristlun.
The Mooncleaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance and extropy resistance skills.
The Mooncleaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
Seven times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Mooncleaver achievement is active and when you wield Cristlun.

Moonless (Nightbringer)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Moonless.
Points in Moonless are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Nightbringer.
The Moonless achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your erotic arts skill.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Moonless achievement is active and when you wield Nightbringer.

Oakheart (Alahamorithil)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Oakheart.
Your next rank in Oakheart will be earned at 6,511 points; you presently have 3,352 points.
Points in Oakheart are earned by successfully striking, either with melee or a nefesh-guided discharge, or parrying with Alahamorithil.
You have adopted the Oakheart achievement into your being.
The Oakheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your cosmology,
rune lore, and wyrding skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, damage, discharge attack, and discharge damage when your Oakheart achievement is active and when you wield Alahamorithil.

Polished (Albedo)


Points in Polished are earned by successfully deflecting with Albedo.    
The Polished achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your lack of weakness, physics, and crystal affinity skills.
Two fifths times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Polished achievement is active and when you hold Albedo.

Panache (Whammo)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Panache.
Your next rank in Panache will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 71,713 points.
Points in Panache are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Whammo.
The Panache achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity and piety skills.
The Panache achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your flail and throwing skills.
Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Panache achievement is active and when you wield Whammo.

Rule, Britannia (Britannia)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Rule, Britannia.
Your next rank in Rule, Britannia will be earned at 2,991 points; you presently have 6038 points.
Points in Rule, Britannia are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Britannia.
The Rule, Britannia achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access to your brewing and history skills.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Rule, Britannia achievement is active and when you wield Britannia.

Scofflaw (Podgebounce)

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Scofflaw.
Your next rank in Scofflaw will be earned at 9,030 points; you presently have 7,641 points.
Points in Scofflaw are earned by successfully deflecting with Podgebounce.
The Scofflaw achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your order resistance skill.
One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in deflect when your Scofflaw achievement is active and when you hold Podgebounce.

Shade Thrower (Shadow Staff)

You have achieved rank III in the achievement Shade Thrower.
Your next rank in Shade Thrower will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 8,991 points.
Points in Shade Thrower are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Shadow Staff.
The Shade Thrower achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your shadow resistance skill.
One and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Shade Thrower achievement is active and when you wield the Shadow Staff.

Shattering Insight (Ng'galgath Fthalg)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Shattering Insight.
Your next rank in Shattering Insight will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 148 points.
Points in Shattering Insight are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Ng'galgath Fthalg.
The Shattering Insight achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your elder lore skill.
One and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Shattering Insight achievement is active and when you use Ng'galgath Fthalg.

Soft Kisser (Demonsword)


Points in Soft Kisser are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Deathkiss the Demonsword.
You have not elected to make the Soft Kisser achievement a core part of yourself.
The Soft Kisser achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your mortuary and arcane lore skills.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Soft Kisser achievement is active and when you wield Deathkiss the Demonsword.

Some Say in Ice (Ice Blade of Tarn)

You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Some Say in Ice.
Your next rank in Some Say in Ice will be earned at 63,493 points; you presently have 56,537 points.
Points in Some Say in Ice are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Ice Blade of Tarn.
The Some Say in Ice achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your ice affinity and fire resistance skills.
The Some Say in Ice achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
Four and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Some Say in Ice achievement is active and when you wield the Ice Blade of Tarn.

Soul Swallower (Kamonthept-Ka)


You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Soul Swallower.
Points in Soul Swallower are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of Kamonthept-Ka.
The Soul Swallower achievement, when active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.
Three times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Soul Swallower achievement is active and when you use Kamonthept-Ka.

Starforged (Strangmacht)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Starforged.
Points in Starforged are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Strangmacht.
The Starforged achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your eskara affinity and chaos affinity skills.
The Starforged achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your hammer skill.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Starforged achievement is active and when you wield Strangmacht.

Strong Personality (Athlasar)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Strong Personality.
Your next rank in Strong Personality will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 80,486 points.
Points in Strong Personality are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Athlasar.
The Strong Personality achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your leadership, intimidation, and manipulation skills.
The Strong Personality achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your hammer skill.
Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Strong Personality achievement is active and when you wield Athlasar.

Student of Theseus (Jerica)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Student of Theseus.
Your next rank in Student of Theseus will be earned at 6,038 points; you presently have 4,741 points.
Points in Student of Theseus are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Jerica.
The Student of Theseus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your discipline skill.
The Student of Theseus achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your spear skill.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Student of Theseus achievement is active and when you wield Jerica.

Sub Specie Aeternitatis (Zrael)


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Sub Specie Aeternitatis.
Your next rank in Sub Specie Aeternitatis will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 782 points.
Points in Sub Specie Aeternitatis are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Zrael.
You have not elected to make the Sub Specie Aeternitatis achievement a core part of yourself.
The Sub Specie Aeternitatis achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your aging reversal skill.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Sub Specie Aeternitatis achievement is active and when you wield Zrael.

Successor of Par (Avenger)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Successor of Par.
Your next rank in Successor of Par will be earned at 82,369 points; you presently have 73,039 points.
Points in Successor of Par are earned by successfully striking or parrying with the Avenger.
The Successor of Par achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your lack of weakness skill.
The Successor of Par achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your spear skill.
Five times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Successor of Par achievement is active and when you wield the Avenger.

Sundowner (Eyes of Shamash or Svarog)

You have achieved rank XXVII in the achievement Sundowner.
Your next rank in Sundowner will be earned at 70,782 points; you presently have 57,948 points.
Points in Sundowner are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog.
The Sundowner achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your goetic investiture, theology, and history skills.
The Sundowner achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your wyrding skill.
Sixteen and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Sundowner achievement is active and when you use the Eyes of Shamash or Svarog.

Sunsinger (Chihuatlahuilli)

You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Sunsinger.
Your next rank in Sunsinger will be earned at 36,997 points; you presently have 29,010 points.
Points in Sunsinger are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Chihuatlahuilli.
The Sunsinger achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your singing and light affinity skills.
The Sunsinger achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your spear skill.
Three and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Sunsinger achievement is active and when you wield Chihuatlahuilli.

Thrice Greatest (Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos)

You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Thrice Greatest.
Your next rank in Thrice Greatest will be earned at 5,018 points; you presently have 4,094 points.
Points in Thrice Greatest are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos.
The Thrice Greatest achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your metaphysics skill.
The Thrice Greatest achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your symbology and wyrding skills.
Four and a fifth times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Thrice Greatest achievement is active and when you use the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos.

Visceral (Gutslicer)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Visceral.
Your next rank in Visceral will be earned at 2,980 points; you presently have 529 points.
Points in Visceral are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Gutslicer.
The Visceral achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sword skill.
A half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Visceral achievement is active and when you wield Gutslicer.

Vorpal (Snickersnee)

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Vorpal.
Your next rank in Vorpal will be earned at 177,683 points; you presently have 150,787 points.
Points in Vorpal are earned by successfully striking or parrying with Snickersnee.
The Vorpal achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your anatomy skill.
The Vorpal achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
Six and a half times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in attack, deflect, and damage when your Vorpal achievement is active and when you wield Snickersnee.

Special Weapon Types


You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Cannoneer.
Your next rank in Cannoneer will be earned at 543,501 points; you presently have 441,124 points.
Points in Cannoneer are earned by successfully striking, either with melee or a nefesh-guided discharge, or parrying with a Wayfarer cannon.
The Cannoneer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your machine operation skill.
The Cannoneer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your machine operation skill.
Bonus Specs (17): Machine Operation

God Will Be Cut

You have achieved rank II in the achievement God Will Be Cut.
Your next rank in God Will Be Cut will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 4,298 points.
Points in God Will Be Cut are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a blade made by Jan Li.
The God Will Be Cut achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your weapon lore skill.
Bonus Specs (2): None

Master of Arms

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Master of Arms.
Your next rank in Master of Arms will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 6,167 points.
Points in Master of Arms are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a tarix.
The Master of Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your metallurgy skill.
The Master of Arms achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sword, dagger, axe, hammer, bludgeon, spear, pole arm, and flail skills.
Bonus Specs (2): None

Maze Bearer


You have achieved rank II in the achievement Maze Bearer.
Your next rank in Maze Bearer will be earned at 262 points; you presently have 199 points.
Points in Maze Bearer are earned by striking with the nefesh-guided discharge of a xyrikallix.
You have not elected to make the Maze Bearer achievement a core part of yourself.
The Maze Bearer achievement, when active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity skill.
One times your skill in legend lore will improve your combat ratings in discharge attack and discharge damage when your Maze Bearer achievement is active and when you use a xyrikallix.
Legend Lore - .5 per Rank to Discharge Attack and Discharge Damage


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Transistor.
Your next rank in Transistor will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 1,123,963 points.
Points in Transistor are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a flux weapon.
The Transistor achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your concentration skill.
Bonus Specs (19): None


You have achieved rank III in the achievement Reaver.
Your next rank in Reaver will be earned at 9,824 points; you presently have 8,202 points.
Points in Reaver are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a lzrelekos.
The Reaver achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.
Bonus Specs (3): None


You have achieved rank II in the achievement Phantom.
Your next rank in Phantom will be earned at 8,264 points; you presently have 4,276 points.
Points in Phantom are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a phantasm weapon.
You have made the Phantom achievement definitional of your very soul.
The Phantom achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your illusion and weapon lore skills.
Bonus Specs (2): None

Instrument of Vengeance

You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Instrument of Vengeance.
Your next rank in Instrument of Vengeance will be earned at 2,013,224 points; you presently have 1,546,460 points.
Points in Instrument of Vengeance are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a gezuuni runic weapon.
The Instrument of Vengeance achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your weapon lore skill.
The Instrument of Vengeance achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your rune lore skill.
Bonus Specs (22): None

Combat Mode

Advantaged (Combat Focus)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Advantaged.
Your next rank in Advantaged will be earned at 3,595,962 points; you presently have 2,901,352 points.
Points in Advantaged are earned by successfully striking, parrying, or dodging while having a combat advantage.
The Advantaged achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat focus skill.
CF Spec Access (1) [Confirmed]: 0
CF Spec Access (2) [Confirmed]: 1
CF Spec Access (17): 4

Balancing Act (Balanced)

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Balancing Act.
Your next rank in Balancing Act will be earned at 276,326 points; you presently have 241,497 points.
Points in Balancing Act are earned by fighting in the balanced combat mode.
The Balancing Act achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.
Bonus Specs (14): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 0%
* Attack: 0%
* Damage: 0%
* Deflection: 0%
* Dodge: 0%

Berserker (Berserk)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Berserker.
Your next rank in Berserker will be earned at 4,934 points; you presently have 2,175 points.
Points in Berserker are earned by fighting in the berserk combat mode.
You have made the Berserker achievement definitional of your very soul.
The Berserker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your antagonism skill.
Bonus Specs (1): None

Centered (Combat Meditation)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Centered.
Your next rank in Centered will be earned at 2,150,518 points; you presently have 1,854,393 points.
Points in Centered are earned by fighting with the situational awareness trait.
The Centered achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat meditation and meditation skills.
CMED Spec Access (1) [Confirmed]: 0
CMED Spec Access (2) [Confirmed]: 1
CMED Spec Access (7) [Confirmed]: 2
CMED Spec Access (17): 4

Don't Get Hit (Protective)

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Don't Get Hit.
Your next rank in Don't Get Hit will be earned at 619,069 points; you presently have 519,040 points.
Points in Don't Get Hit are earned by fighting in the protective combat mode.
The Don't Get Hit achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your break fall, instant stand, and tumbling skills.
The Don't Get Hit achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your break fall, instant stand, and tumbling skills.
Bonus Specs (14): Break Fall, Instant Stand, Tumbling
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 75% Slower
* Attack: -20%
* Damage: -20%
* Deflection: +60%
* Dodge: +50%

Flurry (Rapid)

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Flurry.
Your next rank in Flurry will be earned at 619,069 points; you presently have 479,635 points.
Points in Flurry are earned by fighting in the rapid combat mode.
The Flurry achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your quickness skill.
Bonus Specs (14): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 38% Faster
* Attack: -40%
* Damage: -60%
* Deflection: -30%
* Dodge: -40%

Heedless (Reckless)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Heedless.
Your next rank in Heedless will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 145,339 points.
Points in Heedless are earned by fighting in the reckless combat mode.
The Heedless achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your courage skill.
Bonus Specs (11): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 12% Faster
* Attack: +35%
* Damage: +25%
* Deflection: -70%
* Dodge: -60%

Impregnable (Defensive)

You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Impregnable.
Your next rank in Impregnable will be earned at 30,955 points; you presently have 26,816 points.
Points in Impregnable are earned by fighting in the defensive combat mode.
The Impregnable achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your stamina skill.
Bonus Specs (6): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 100% Slower (Will not Attack)
* Attack: -40% (Will not Attack)
* Damage: 0%
* Deflection: +100%
* Dodge: +100%

Learn by Doing (Studious)

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Learn by Doing.
Your next rank in Learn by Doing will be earned at 190,551 points; you presently have 132,494 points.
Points in Learn by Doing are earned by fighting in the studious combat mode.
The Learn by Doing achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your practice skill.
The Learn by Doing achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your practice skill.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Practice
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 11% Slower
* Attack: 0%
* Damage: 0%
* Deflection: 0%
* Dodge: 0%

Maximum Effort (Maximum Effort)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Maximum Effort.
Your next rank in Maximum Effort will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 165,977 points.
Points in Maximum Effort are earned by fighting in the all-out combat mode.
The Maximum Effort achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your concentration and massive blow skills.
Bonus Specs (11): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 13% Faster
* Attack: +50%
* Damage: +40%
* Deflection: -100% (Will not Defend)
* Dodge: -100% (Will not Defend)

Patience, Fortitude (Patient)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Patience, Fortitude.
Your next rank in Patience, Fortitude will be earned at 194,928 points; you presently have 147,873 points.
Points in Patience, Fortitude are earned by fighting in the patient combat mode.
The Patience, Fortitude achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your hardiness skill.
Bonus Specs (11): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 50% Slower
* Attack: +40%
* Damage: +25%
* Deflection: +10%
* Dodge: +5%

Playful (Mock)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Playful.
Points in Playful are earned by fighting in the mock combat mode.
The Playful achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your athleticism skill.
The Playful achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your athleticism skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Athleticism
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 0%
* Attack: 0%
* Damage: -80%
* Deflection: 0%
* Dodge: 0%

Stoic (Passive)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Stoic.
Your next rank in Stoic will be earned at 284,159 points; you presently have 208,423 points.
Points in Stoic are earned by fighting in the passive combat mode.
The Stoic achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your meditation skill.
The Stoic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your meditation skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Meditation
Note: Much like Defensive while in Passive Combat Mode most (if not all other chevo's) will not advance
Combat Mode:
* Activity: N/A
* Attack: N/A
* Damage: N/A
* Deflection: N/A
* Dodge: N/A

Thoughtful (Cautious)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Thoughtful.
Your next rank in Thoughtful will be earned at 284,159 points; you presently have 229,771 points.
Points in Thoughtful are earned by fighting in the cautious combat mode.
The Thoughtful achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your critical thinking skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 0%
* Attack: -10%
* Damage: -10%
* Deflection: +40%
* Dodge: +30%

Thrasher (Mindless)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Thrasher.
Your next rank in Thrasher will be earned at 4,934 points; you presently have 3,132 points.
Points in Thrasher are earned by fighting in the mindless combat mode.
The Thrasher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your blindfighting, jumping, resilience, and steadiness skills.
Bonus Specs (2): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 0%
* Attack: -50%
* Damage: 0%
* Deflection: -100% (Will not Defend)
* Dodge: -100% (Will not Defend)

The Best Defense (Aggressive)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement The Best Defense.
Your next rank in The Best Defense will be earned at 134,572 points; you presently have 100,737 points.
Points in The Best Defense are earned by fighting in the aggressive combat mode.
The The Best Defense achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your intimidation skill.
Bonus Specs (10): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 6% Faster
* Attack: +15%
* Damage: +5%
* Deflection: -30%
* Dodge: -20%

Whipper Snapper (Snap)

You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Whipper Snapper.
Your next rank in Whipper Snapper will be earned at 64,823 points; you presently have 58,076 points.
Points in Whipper Snapper are earned by fighting in the snap combat mode.
The Whipper Snapper achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
Bonus Specs (8): None
Combat Mode:
* Activity: 25% Faster
* Attack: -30%
* Damage: -50%
* Deflection: +10%
* Dodge: +5%

Damage Enhancement

  • Chance of firing is a fixed 1%
  • Your Showmanship skill effects just the damage aspect of Damage Enhancement chevo's not their frequency
  • Due to the 1% these are more for flavor and (possibly) kill expediency and therefore won't allow you to kill anything you normally couldn't

Anarchist (Chaos)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Anarchist.
Your next rank in Anarchist will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 79,781 points.
Points in Anarchist are earned by inflicting chaos damage.
Your chaos attacks will, when the Anarchist achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
The Anarchist achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity skill.

Angelic (Sephirotic)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Angelic.
Your next rank in Angelic will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 2,959 points.
Points in Angelic are earned by inflicting sephirotic damage.
Your sephirotic attacks will, when the Angelic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
The Angelic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sephirotic affinity skill.

Avalanche (Earth)

You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Avalanche.
Your next rank in Avalanche will be earned at 44,055 points; you presently have 33,617 points.
Points in Avalanche are earned by inflicting earth damage.
Your earth attacks will, when the Avalanche achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seven degrees additional damage.
The Avalanche achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your earth affinity skill.

Death Dealer (Entropy)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Death Dealer.
Your next rank in Death Dealer will be earned at 128,941 points; you presently have 128,347 points.
Points in Death Dealer are earned by inflicting entropy damage.
Your entropy attacks will, when the Death Dealer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eleven degrees additional damage.
The Death Dealer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your entropy affinity skill.

Firebrand (Fire)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Firebrand.
Your next rank in Firebrand will be earned at 623,969 points; you presently have 493,642 points.
Points in Firebrand are earned by inflicting fire damage.
Your fire attacks will, when the Firebrand achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seventeen degrees additional damage.
The Firebrand achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your fire affinity skill.

Fist of God (Divine)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Fist of God.
Your next rank in Fist of God will be earned at 167,163 points; you presently have 148,604 points.
Points in Fist of God are earned by inflicting divine damage.
Your divine attacks will, when the Fist of God achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twelve degrees additional damage.
The Fist of God achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your critical thinking, imagination, and wyrding skills.

Hack (Cutting)

You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Hack.
Your next rank in Hack will be earned at 819,391 points; you presently have 666,579 points.
Points in Hack are earned by inflicting cutting damage.
Your cutting attacks will, when the Hack achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eighteen degrees additional damage.
The Hack achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your massive blow and precision strike skills.

Hand of God (Goetia)

You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Hand of God.
Your next rank in Hand of God will be earned at 1,905,392 points; you presently have 1,789,262 points.
Points in Hand of God are earned by inflicting goetia damage.
Your goetia attacks will, when the Hand of God achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twenty-one degrees additional damage.
The Hand of God achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your piety, subordination, and theology skills.

Ill Wind (Air)

You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Ill Wind.
Your next rank in Ill Wind will be earned at 58,223 points; you presently have 47,379 points.
Points in Ill Wind are earned by inflicting air damage.
Your air attacks will, when the Ill Wind achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to eight degrees additional damage.
The Ill Wind achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your air affinity skill.

Malefactor (Qlippotic)

You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Malefactor.
Your next rank in Malefactor will be earned at 32,877 points; you presently have 32,405 points.
Points in Malefactor are earned by inflicting qlippotic damage.
Your qlippotic attacks will, when the Malefactor achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to six degrees additional damage.
The Malefactor achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity skill.

Nightmare (Oneiric)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Nightmare.
Your next rank in Nightmare will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 88,057 points.
Points in Nightmare are earned by inflicting oneiric damage.
Your oneiric attacks will, when the Nightmare achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
The Nightmare achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your dream affinity skill.

Organic (Extropy)

You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Organic.
Your next rank in Organic will be earned at 167,163 points; you presently have 152,995 points.
Points in Organic are earned by inflicting extropy damage.
Your extropy attacks will, when the Organic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twelve degrees additional damage.
The Organic achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your extropy affinity skill.

Plague (Disease)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Plague.
Your next rank in Plague will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 2,407 points.
Points in Plague are earned by inflicting disease damage.
Your disease attacks will, when the Plague achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
The Plague achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your disease affinity skill.

Psycho Killer (Psionic)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Psycho Killer.
Your next rank in Psycho Killer will be earned at 623,969 points; you presently have 571,698 points.
Points in Psycho Killer are earned by inflicting psionic damage.
Your psionic attacks will, when the Psycho Killer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to seventeen degrees additional damage.
The Psycho Killer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your psychokinesis, psycholeptesis, and redaction skills.

Regulator (Order)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Regulator.
Your next rank in Regulator will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 83,864 points.
Points in Regulator are earned by inflicting order damage.
Your order attacks will, when the Regulator achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
The Regulator achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.

Shadow (Shadow)

You have achieved rank II in the achievement Shadow.
Your next rank in Shadow will be earned at 6,827 points; you presently have 5,561 points.
Points in Shadow are earned by inflicting shadow damage.
Your shadow attacks will, when the Shadow achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to two degrees additional damage.
The Shadow achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your shadow affinity skill.

Shaman (Spirit)

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Shaman.
Your next rank in Shaman will be earned at 216,716 points; you presently have 190,154 points.
Points in Shaman are earned by inflicting spirit damage.
Your spirit attacks will, when the Shaman achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to thirteen degrees additional damage.
The Shaman achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your spirit affinity skill.

Smashing (Crushing)

You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Smashing.
Your next rank in Smashing will be earned at 1,905,392 points; you presently have 1,587,458 points.
Points in Smashing are earned by inflicting crushing damage.
Your crushing attacks will, when the Smashing achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to twenty-one degrees additional damage.
The Smashing achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your massive exertion and massive blow skills.

Sorcerer (Primal)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Sorcerer.
Your next rank in Sorcerer will be earned at 99,320 points; you presently have 87,486 points.
Points in Sorcerer are earned by inflicting primal damage.
Your primal attacks will, when the Sorcerer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to ten degrees additional damage.
The Sorcerer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your eudaimonia, metaphysics, and philosophy skills.

Tidebringer (Water)

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Tidebringer.
Your next rank in Tidebringer will be earned at 281,269 points; you presently have 221,889 points.
Points in Tidebringer are earned by inflicting water damage.
Your water attacks will, when the Tidebringer achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to fourteen degrees additional damage.
The Tidebringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your water affinity skill.

Toxic (Poison)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Toxic.
Your next rank in Toxic will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 253 points.
Points in Toxic are earned by inflicting poison damage.
Your poison attacks will, when the Toxic achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
The Toxic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your poison affinity skill.

Transfixing (Piercing)

You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Transfixing.
Your next rank in Transfixing will be earned at 1,080,534 points; you presently have 920,287 points.
Points in Transfixing are earned by inflicting piercing damage.
Your piercing attacks will, when the Transfixing achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to nineteen degrees additional damage.
The Transfixing achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.

None, I Think, Do There Embrace (Temporal)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement None, I Think, Do There Embrace.
Your next rank in None, I Think, Do There Embrace will be earned at 3,190 points; you presently have 1,796 points.
Points in None, I Think, Do There Embrace are earned by inflicting temporal damage.
Your temporal attacks will, when the None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to one degree additional damage.
The None, I Think, Do There Embrace achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your chronophrasty skill.

Wizard (Magick)

You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Wizard.
Your next rank in Wizard will be earned at 216,716 points; you presently have 186,406 points.
Points in Wizard are earned by inflicting magick damage.
Your magick attacks will, when the Wizard achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to thirteen degrees additional damage.
The Wizard achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your magick affinity skill.

Damage Resistance

Ascension (Divine)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Ascension.
Your next rank in Ascension will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 19,539 points.
Points in Ascension are earned by absorbing divine damage.
The Ascension achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic, qlippotic, chaos, order, and goetia damage to your advantage in combat.
The Ascension achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order resistance, chaos resistance, sephirotic resistance, qlippotic resistance, and goetia resistance skills.
The Ascension achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your order resistance, chaos resistance, sephirotic resistance, qlippotic resistance, and goetia resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (10): Order Resistance, Chaos Resistance, Sephirotic Resistance, Qlippotic Resistance, Goetia Resistance

Callous (Crushing)

You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Callous.
Your next rank in Callous will be earned at 605,745 points; you presently have 526,021 points.
Points in Callous are earned by absorbing crushing damage.
The Callous achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of crushing damage to your advantage in combat.
The Callous achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your crushing resistance skill.
The Callous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your crushing resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (14) [Confirmed]: Crushing Resistance

Carrier (Disease)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Carrier.
our next rank in Carrier will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 107 points.
Points in Carrier are earned by absorbing disease damage.
The Carrier achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of disease damage to your advantage in combat.
The Carrier achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your robustness and homeopathy skills.
Bonus Specs (1): None

Consecrated (Sephirotic)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Consecrated.
Your next rank in Consecrated will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 21,208 points.
Points in Consecrated are earned by absorbing sephirotic damage.
The Consecrated achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of sephirotic damage to your advantage in combat.
The Consecrated achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your sephirotic resistance skill.
The Consecrated achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sephirotic resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (10): Sephirotic Resistance

Curse Eater (Qlippotic)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Curse Eater.
Your next rank in Curse Eater will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 101 points.
Points in Curse Eater are earned by absorbing qlippotic damage.
The Curse Eater achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of qlippotic damage to your advantage in combat.
The Curse Eater achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your qlippotic resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (1): None

Death Drinker (Entropy)

You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Death Drinker.
Your next rank in Death Drinker will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 238,878 points.
Points in Death Drinker are earned by absorbing entropy damage.
The Death Drinker achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of entropy damage to your advantage in combat.
The Death Drinker achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance skill.
The Death Drinker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your entropy resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (19): Entropy Resistance

Dynamic (Chaos)

You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Dynamic.
Your next rank in Dynamic will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 76,691 points.
Points in Dynamic are earned by absorbing chaos damage.
The Dynamic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of chaos damage to your advantage in combat.
The Dynamic achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your chaos resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (15): None

Elemental (Primal)

You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Elemental.
Your next rank in Elemental will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 76,555 points.
Points in Elemental are earned by absorbing primal damage.
The Elemental achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth, fire, air, water, entropy, and extropy damage to your advantage in combat.
The Elemental achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your earth resistance, fire resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
The Elemental achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your earth resistance, fire resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (15): Air Resistance, Earth Resistance, Entropy Resistance, Extropy Resistance, Fire Resistance, Water Resistance

Explosive (Force)

You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Explosive.
Your next rank in Explosive will be earned at 476,952 points; you presently have 390,122 points.
Points in Explosive are earned by inflicting force damage.
Your force attacks will, when the Explosive achievement is active, have a chance to deal up to sixteen degrees additional damage.
The Explosive achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your physics skill.
Bonus Specs (16): None

First A Little, Thence To More (Poison)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement First a Little, Thence to More.
Your next rank in First a Little, Thence to More will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 17,334 points.
Points in First a Little, Thence to More are earned by absorbing poison damage.
The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of poison damage to your advantage in combat.
The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your poison resistance and poison lore skills.
The First a Little, Thence to More achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your poison resistance and poison lore skills.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Poison Resistance, Poison Lore

Galvanic (Extropy)

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Galvanic.
Your next rank in Galvanic will be earned at 171,183 points; you presently have 134,857 points.
Points in Galvanic are earned by absorbing extropy damage.
The Galvanic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of extropy damage to your advantage in combat.
The Galvanic achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your extropy resistance skill.
The Galvanic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your extropy resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (17): Extropy Resistance

Grizzled (Temporal)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Grizzled.
Your next rank in Grizzled will be earned at 30,328 points; you presently have 23,232 points.
Points in Grizzled are earned by absorbing temporal damage.
The Grizzled achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of temporal damage to your advantage in combat.
The Grizzled achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your aging retardation skill.
Bonus Specs (11): None

Grounded (Earth)

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Grounded.
Your next rank in Grounded will be earned at 30,328 points; you presently have 25,615 points.
Points in Grounded are earned by absorbing earth damage.
The Grounded achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of earth damage to your advantage in combat.
The Grounded achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your earth resistance skill.
The Grounded achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your earth resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (11): Earth Resistance

Impious (Goetia)

You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Impious.
Your next rank in Impious will be earned at 94,529 points; you presently have 90,612 points.
Points in Impious are earned by absorbing goetia damage.
The Impious achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of goetia damage to your advantage in combat.
The Impious achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your goetia resistance skill.
The Impious achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your goetia resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (15): Goetia Resistance

Kinetic (Force)

You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Kinetic.
Your next rank in Kinetic will be earned at 13,024 points; you presently have 11,637 points.
Points in Kinetic are earned by absorbing force damage.
The Kinetic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of force damage to your advantage in combat.
The Kinetic achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your force resistance and physics skills.
The Kinetic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your force resistance and physics skills.
Bonus Specs (8): Force Resistance, Physics

Loophole (Order)

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Loophole.
Your next rank in Loophole will be earned at 22,930 points; you presently have 20,359 points.
Points in Loophole are earned by absorbing order damage.
    You have not elected to make the Loophole achievement a core part of yourself.
The Loophole achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of order damage to your advantage in combat.
The Loophole achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order resistance and law skills.
Bonus Specs (10): None

Lucid (Oneiric)

You have achieved rank VI in the achievement Lucid.
Your next rank in Lucid will be earned at 7,179 points; you presently have 5,231 points.
Points in Lucid are earned by absorbing oneiric damage.
The Lucid achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of oneiric damage to your advantage in combat.
The Lucid achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your dream resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (6): None

Pincushion (Piercing)

YYou have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Pincushion.
Your next rank in Pincushion will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 282,405 points.
Points in Pincushion are earned by absorbing piercing damage.
The Pincushion achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of piercing damage to your advantage in combat.
The Pincushion achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your piercing resistance skill.
The Pincushion achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your piercing resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (15): Piercing Resistance

Scar Boaster (Cutting)

You have achieved rank XXI in the achievement Scar Boaster.
Your next rank in Scar Boaster will be earned at 605,745 points; you presently have 519,376 points.
Points in Scar Boaster are earned by absorbing cutting damage.
The Scar Boaster achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of cutting damage to your advantage in combat.
The Scar Boaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your cutting resistance skill.
The Scar Boaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cutting resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (21): Cutting Resistance

Skeptic (Magick)

You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Skeptic.
Your next rank in Skeptic will be earned at 70,781 points; you presently have 60,145 points.
Points in Skeptic are earned by absorbing magick damage.
The Skeptic achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of magick damage to your advantage in combat.
The Skeptic achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your magick resistance and critical thinking skills.
The Skeptic achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your magick resistance and critical thinking skills.
Bonus Specs (14): Magick Resistance, Critical Thinking

Spirited (Spirit)

You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Spirited.
Your next rank in Spirited will be earned at 317,572 points; you presently have 233,084 points.
Points in Spirited are earned by absorbing spirit damage.
The Spirited achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of spirit damage to your advantage in combat.
The Spirited achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your spirit resistance and spirit lore skills.
The Spirited achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spirit resistance and spirit lore skills.
Bonus Specs (19): Spirit Lore, Spirit Resistance

Stormrider (Air)

You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Stormrider.
Your next rank in Stormrider will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 2,385,047 points.
Points in Stormrider are earned by absorbing air damage.
The Stormrider achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of air damage to your advantage in combat.
The Stormrider achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your air resistance skill.
The Stormrider achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your air resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (25): Air Resistance

Toasty (Fire)

You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Toasty.
Your next rank in Toasty will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 1,794,931 points.
Points in Toasty are earned by absorbing fire damage.
The Toasty achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of fire damage to your advantage in combat.
The Toasty achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance and firefighting skills.
The Toasty achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your fire resistance and firefighting skills.
Bonus Specs (25): Fire Resistance, Firefighting

Veteran (Psionic)

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Veteran.
Your next rank in Veteran will be earned at 709 points; you presently have 116 points.
Points in Veteran are earned by absorbing psionic damage.
The Veteran achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of psionic damage to your advantage in combat.
The Veteran achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your psychic integrity skill.
Bonus Specs (1): None

With The Current (Water)

You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement With the Current.
Your next rank in With the Current will be earned at 2,422,153 points; you presently have 1,789,570 points.
Points in With the Current are earned by absorbing water damage.
The With the Current achievement, when active, will allow you to use the absorption of water damage to your advantage in combat.
The With the Current achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your water resistance skill.
The With the Current achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your water resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (25): Water Resistance



You have achieved rank II in the achievement Empyrean.
Your next rank in Empyrean will be earned at 724 points; you presently have 391 points.
Points in Empyrean are earned by fighting in the sky.
The Empyrean achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your sky fieldcraft skill.
Bonus Specs (2): None


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Fish.
Your next rank in Fish will be earned at 236,223 points; you presently have 232,053 points.
Points in Fish are earned by fighting in or near the water.
The Fish achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your aquatic fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, swamp fieldcraft, and swimming skills.
The Fish achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your aquatic fieldcraft, shorelands fieldcraft, swamp fieldcraft, and swimming skills.
Bonus Specs (19): Aquatic Fieldcraft, Shorelands Fieldcraft, Swamp Fieldcraft, Swimming


You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Grasshopper.
Your next rank in Grasshopper will be earned at 342,915 points; you presently have 246,439 points.
Points in Grasshopper are earned by fighting on hills or plains.
The Grasshopper achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your hills fieldcraft and plains fieldcraft skills.
The Grasshopper achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your hills fieldcraft and plains fieldcraft skills.
Bonus Specs (13) [confirmed]: Hills Fieldcraft, Plains Fieldcraft


You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Ranger.
Your next rank in Ranger will be earned at 81,948 points; you presently have 58,649 points.
Points in Ranger are earned by fighting in forests or jungles.
The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your forestry and jungle fieldcraft skills.
The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your tracking skill.
The Ranger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your forestry, jungle fieldcraft, and tracking skills.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Forestry, Jungle Fieldcraft, Tracking


You have achieved rank X in the achievement Sidereal.
Your next rank in Sidereal will be earned at 12,110 points; you presently have 10,901 points.
Points in Sidereal are earned by fighting in the Exoma, the Umbra, or in space.
The Sidereal achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your Exoma fieldcraft, space fieldcraft, and Umbral fieldcraft skills. 
The Sidereal achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your chaos resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (10): None


You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Snowbound.
Your next rank in Snowbound will be earned at 26,603 points; you presently have 22,600 points.
Points in Snowbound are earned by fighting in the arctic.
The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your arctic fieldcraft skill.
The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your cold tolerance skill.
The Snowbound achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your arctic fieldcraft and cold tolerance skills.
Bonus Specs (13) [confirmed]: Arctic Fieldcraft, Cold Tolerance


You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Stoneheart.
Your next rank in Stoneheart will be earned at 746,600 points; you presently have 554,926 points.
Points in Stoneheart are earned by fighting in mountains or caves.
The Stoneheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.
The Stoneheart achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spelunking and mountaineering skills.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Mountaineering, Spelunking


You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Sundrenched.
Your next rank in Sundrenched will be earned at 207,185 points; you presently have 186,741 points.
Points in Sundrenched are earned by fighting in the desert.
The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your desert fieldcraft skill.
The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your heat tolerance skill.
The Sundrenched achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your desert fieldcraft and heat tolerance skills.
Bonus Specs (13) [Confirmed]: Desert Fieldcraft, Heat Tolerance


You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Urbane.
Your next rank in Urbane will be earned at 2,070,075 points; you presently have 1,526,546 points.
Points in Urbane are earned by fighting in urban environments.
The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your etiquette and streetwise skills.
The Urbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your etiquette and streetwise skills.
Bonus Specs (15) [Confirmed]: Etiquette, Streetwise


Apex Predator

You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Apex Predator.
Your next rank in Apex Predator will be earned at 3,245 points; you presently have 2,421 points.
Points in Apex Predator are earned by killing an arachnid.
The Apex Predator achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your insect lore and traps skills.
Bonus Specs (8): None


You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Banisher.
Your next rank in Banisher will be earned at 164,354 points; you presently have 144,546 points.
Points in Banisher are earned by killing supernal beings.
The Banisher achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your spirit lore skill.
The Banisher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spirit lore skill.
Bonus Specs (18): Spirit Lore


You have achieved rank III in the achievement Beastleasher.
Your next rank in Beastleasher will be earned at 674 points; you presently have 515 points.
Points in Beastleasher are earned by killing bestial beings.
The Beastleasher achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your animal lore skill.
Bonus Specs (3): None


You have achieved rank V in the achievement Chaosfriend.
Your next rank in Chaosfriend will be earned at 1,647 points; you presently have 1,349 points.
Points in Chaosfriend are earned by killing beings with order favour.
The Chaosfriend achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your chaos affinity and order resistance skills.
The Chaosfriend achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your dirty fighting skill.
Bonus Specs (5): None


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Dragonbane.
Your next rank in Dragonbane will be earned at 10,363 points; you presently have 8,367 points.
Points in Dragonbane are earned by killing draconic beings.
The Dragonbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance skill.
The Dragonbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your Xhax skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None


You have achieved rank II in the achievement Dwarfbane.
Your next rank in Dwarfbane will be earned at 359 points; you presently have 276 points.
Points in Dwarfbane are earned by killing thondaks.
The Dwarfbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your Dethek and Kathdax skills.
Bonus Specs (2): None


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Elderbane.
Your next rank in Elderbane will be earned at 10,363 points; you presently have 9,863 points.
Points in Elderbane are earned by killing eldritch beings.
The Elderbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your elder lore skill.
The Elderbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your psychic integrity skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None


You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Exterminator.
Your next rank in Exterminator will be earned at 3,245 points; you presently have 2,429 points.
Points in Exterminator are earned by killing rodents.
The Exterminator achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your robustness skill.
The Exterminator achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your robustness skill.
Bonus Specs (5) [Confirmed]: Robustness



You have achieved rank I in the achievement Eye-Catching.
Points in Eye-Catching are earned by killing bezhaulk beings.
The Eye-Catching achievement, when active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your acid resistance and eskara resistance skills.
Three tenths times your skill in tenacity will improve your combat ratings all-around when your Eye-Catching achievement is active and when your combatant is a bezhaulk being.


You have achieved rank XIII in the achievement Fathomless.
Your next rank in Fathomless will be earned at 13,913 points; you presently have 13,135 points.
Points in Fathomless are earned by killing natives of the deep underground.
The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your darkness resistance skill.
The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.
The Fathomless achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your darkness resistance and stealth skills.
Bonus Specs (13): Darkness Resistance, Stealth


You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Feybane.
Your next rank in Feybane will be earned at 18,769 points; you presently have 17,064 points.
Points in Feybane are earned by killing fey beings.
The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your Aelvalie and Sperethiel skills.
The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your magick resistance skill.
The Feybane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your Aelvalie, magick resistance, and Sperethiel skills.
Bonus Specs (14): Aelvalie, Magick Resistance, Sperethiel


You have achieved rank X in the achievement Giantbane.
Your next rank in Giantbane will be earned at 5,801 points; you presently have 5,759 points.
Points in Giantbane are earned by killing giants.
You have not elected to make the Giantbane achievement a core part of yourself.
The Giantbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your Norska skill.
The Giantbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your impact absorption skill.
Bonus Specs (10): None


You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Goblinbane.
Your next rank in Goblinbane will be earned at 18,769 points; you presently have 14,530 points.
Points in Goblinbane are earned by killing kheirai beings.
The Goblinbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your Angrak and Takargu skills.
The Goblinbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your Angrak and Takargu skills.

Bonus Specs (10): Angrak, Takargu

God Slayer

You have achieved rank III in the achievement God Slayer.
Your next rank in God Slayer will be earned at 126 points; you presently have 98 points.
Points in God Slayer are earned by killing gods or avatars thereof.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your elder lore and theology skills.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
Supernal Durability Spec Access (1): None 1 god kill
Supernal Durability Spec Access (2): 2    37 god kills
Supernal Durability Spec Access (5): 3    163 god kills
Supernal Durability Spec Access (10): 4   
Bonus Specs (13): elder lore, theology

Just for fun:

You sense that you have earned rank C in the achievement God Slayer.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you fifty-one degrees of specialty access to your elder lore and theology skills.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you twenty degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you two degrees of specialty access to your supernal durability skill.
The God Slayer achievement, even when not active, will now grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your elder lore and theology skills.


You have achieved rank IV in the achievement Golembane.
Your next rank in Golembane will be earned at 893 points; you presently have 792 points.
Points in Golembane are earned by killing artificial beings of homeostatic sentience.
The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sculpture skill.
The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degree of specialty access to your hardiness skill.
The Golembane achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your crushing resistance, metal resistance, and stone resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (4): None


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Lawbringer.
Your next rank in Lawbringer will be earned at 38,858 points; you presently have 32,713 points.
Points in Lawbringer are earned by killing beings with chaos favour.
You have adopted the Lawbringer achievement into your being.
The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your law skill.
The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your order affinity skill.
The Lawbringer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your law and order affinity
Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]: Law and Order Affinity


You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Maneater.
Your next rank in Maneater will be earned at 58,571 points; you presently have 50,942 points.
Points in Maneater are earned by killing anthropes.
The Maneater achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your Anglic and politics skills.
Bonus Specs (15): None


You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Mongrelbane.
Your next rank in Mongrelbane will be earned at 6,529 points; you presently have 5,603 points.
Points in Mongrelbane are earned by killing chimeric beings.
The Mongrelbane achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your aging retardation and biology skills.
Bonus Specs (8): None


You have achieved rank II in the achievement Muckraker.
Your next rank in Muckraker will be earned at 359 points; you presently have 241 points.
Points in Muckraker are earned by killing animated gunk.
The Muckraker achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your garbology skill.
Bonus Specs (2): None


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Murderer.
Your next rank in Murderer will be earned at 4 points; you presently have 1 points.
Points in Murderer are earned by killing incarnoi.
The Murderer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access to your quickness skill.
Bonus Specs (1): None


You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Necrocide.
Your next rank in Necrocide will be earned at 12,918 points; you presently have 12,188 points.
Points in Necrocide are earned by killing undead beings.
The Necrocide achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your mortuary skill.
The Necrocide achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your entropy resistance skill.
Bonus Specs (11): None


You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Paladin.
Your next rank in Paladin will be earned at 16,528 points; you presently have 13,410 points.
Points in Paladin are earned by killing beings infused with energies of the qlippot.
You have made the Paladin achievement definitional of your very soul.
The Paladin achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your sephirotic affinity skill.
The Paladin achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sephirotic affinity skill.
Bonus Specs (15) [Confirmed]: Sephirotic Affinity

Raw Material

You have achieved rank XXV in the achievement Raw Material.
Your next rank in Raw Material will be earned at 198,999 points; you presently have 139,582 points.
Points in Raw Material are earned by killing hylozoa.
The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you thirteen degrees of specialty access to your cosmology skill.
The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
The Raw Material achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your cosmology, fire resistance, earth resistance, air resistance, water resistance, entropy resistance, and extropy resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (25): Air Resistance, Cosmology, Earth Resistance, Entropy Resistance, Extropy Resistance, Fire Resistance, Water Resistance


You have achieved rank V in the achievement Thaumiel.
Your next rank in Thaumiel will be earned at 1,647 points; you presently have 1,592 points.
Points in Thaumiel are earned by killing beings infused with energies of the sephirot.
The Thaumiel achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your qlippotic affinity and sephirotic resistance skills.
Bonus Specs (5): None




You have achieved rank I in the achievement Arbalist.
Your next rank in Arbalist will be earned at 2,197 points; you presently have 583 points.
Points in Arbalist are earned by successfully striking with a crossbow.
You have not elected to make the Arbalist achievement a core part of yourself.
The Arbalist achievement, when active, will grant you two degrees of specialty access to your crossbow skill.
A fifth times your skill in crossbow will improve your combat ratings in launch attack and launch damage when your Arbalist achievement is active and when you use a crossbow.
Crossbow - .2 per Rank to Launch Attack and Launch Damage

Armour and a Big Sword

You have achieved rank X in the achievement Armour and a Big Sword.
Your next rank in Armour and a Big Sword will be earned at 135,472 points; you presently have
94,250 points.
Points in Armour and a Big Sword are earned by fighting while wearing heavy armour and wielding a large sword.
The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of
specialty access to your armour use and massive exertion skills.
The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you two degrees of
specialty access to your sword skill.
The Armour and a Big Sword achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of
specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your armour use, massive exertion, and sword 
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Armour Use, Massive Exertion, Sword


You have achieved rank I in the achievement Ballistic.
Your next rank in Ballistic will be earned at 420 points; you presently have 174 points.
Points in Ballistic are earned by striking an opponent with thrown projectiles.
Bonus Specs (1): None


You have achieved rank IX in the achievement Battlehewn.
Your next rank in Battlehewn will be earned at 41,951 points; you presently have 38,608 points.
Points in Battlehewn are earned by successfully striking with an axe.
The Battlehewn achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your axe skill.
Bonus Specs (9): None


You have achieved rank XX in the achievement Blademaster.
Your next rank in Blademaster will be earned at 1,633,343 points; you presently have 1,548,774 points.
Points in Blademaster are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a sword.
The Blademaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you ten degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
The Blademaster achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sword skill.
Bonus Specs (17) [Confirmed]: Sword

Blunt Instrument

You have achieved rank VII in the achievement Blunt Instrument.
Your next rank in Blunt Instrument will be earned at 24,799 points; you presently have 19,994 points.
Points in Blunt Instrument are earned by successfully striking with a bludgeon.
The Blunt Instrument achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your bludgeon skill.
Bonus Specs (7): None

Cloak and Dagger

You have achieved rank XVIII in the achievement Cloak and Dagger.
Your next rank in Cloak and Dagger will be earned at 1,348,693 points; you presently have 1,134,858 points.
Points in Cloak and Dagger are earned by fighting while wearing a cloak and wielding a dagger.
The Cloak and Dagger achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your stealth skill.
The Cloak and Dagger achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your stealth skill.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed]: Stealth


You have achieved rank VIII in the achievement Deadeye.
Your next rank in Deadeye will be earned at 32,393 points; you presently have 26,934 points.
Points in Deadeye are earned by successfully striking with archery.
The Deadeye achievement, even when not active, will grant you four degrees of specialty access to your archery skill.
Bonus Specs (8): None

Disarmed and Dangerous

You have achieved rank XV in the achievement Disarmed and Dangerous.
Your next rank in Disarmed and Dangerous will be earned at 413,095 points; you presently have 410,683 points.
Points in Disarmed and Dangerous are earned by successfully striking or parrying unarmed.
You have not elected to make the Disarmed and Dangerous achievement a core part of yourself.
The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your unarmed combat skill.
The Disarmed and Dangerous achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your martial arts, brawling, and unarmed combat skills.
Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]: Martial Arts, Brawling, Unarmed Combat


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Doppelhander.
Your next rank in Doppelhander will be earned at 188,046 points; you presently have 186,110 points.
Points in Doppelhander are earned by successfully striking with a weapon wielded two-handed.
The Doppelhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your massive blow skill.
The Doppelhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your massive blow skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Massive Blow


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Einhander.
Your next rank in Einhander will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 938,119 points.
Points in Einhander are earned by successfully striking with a weapon wielded one-handed while the other hand free.
The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your balance skill.
The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your combat reflexes skill.
The Einhander achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your balance and combat reflexes skills.
Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]: Balance, Combat reflexes


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Enterprising.
Your next rank in Enterprising will be earned at 811,941 points; you presently have 714,594 points.
Points in Enterprising are earned by successfully striking or parrying with an improvised weapon.
The Enterprising achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your imagination skill.
The Enterprising achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dirty fighting, find weakness, and lack of weakness skills.
Bonus Specs (11) [Confirmed]: Dirty Fighting, Find Weakness, Lack of Weakness


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Foehammer.
Your next rank in Foehammer will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 77,766 points.
Points in Foehammer are earned by successfully striking with a hammer.
The Foehammer achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your hammer skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None


You have achieved rank XXII in the achievement Knifer.
Your next rank in Knifer will be earned at 2,923,487 points; you presently have 2,423,559 points.
Points in Knifer are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a dagger.
The Knifer achievement, even when not active, will grant you eleven degrees of specialty access to your dagger skill.
The Knifer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your dagger skill.
Bonus Specs (22): Dagger


You have achieved rank XIX in the achievement Lancer.
Your next rank in Lancer will be earned at 1,230,119 points; you presently have 944,380 points.
Points in Lancer are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a spear or pole arm.
The Lancer achievement, even when not active, will grant you nine degrees of specialty access to your spear and pole arm skills.
The Lancer achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your spear and pole arm skills.
Bonus Specs (19) [Confirmed]: Spear, Pole Arm


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Looker.
Your next rank in Looker will be earned at 137,128 points; you presently have 130,020 points.
Points in Looker are earned by successfully striking an opponent with a gaze attack.
You have made the Looker achievement definitional of your very soul.
The Looker achievement, even when not active, will grant you six degrees of specialty access to your gaze weapon skill.

Niten Ichi

You have achieved rank XVII in the achievement Niten Ichi.
Your next rank in Niten Ichi will be earned at 707,306 points; you presently have 541,158 points.
Points in Niten Ichi are earned by successfully striking while wielding two melee weapons.
The Niten Ichi achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your precision strike skill.
The Niten Ichi achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your precision strike skill.
Bonus Specs (17) [Confirmed]: Precision Strike

Number One Fan

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Number One Fan.
Your next rank in Number One Fan will be earned at 195,328 points; you presently have 182,374 points.
Points in Number One Fan are earned by deflecting with a tessen.
The Number One Fan achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your shield and dagger skills.
Bonus Specs (11): None


You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Shieldmaiden.
Your next rank in Shieldmaiden will be earned at 619,469 points; you presently have 566,016 points.
Points in Shieldmaiden are earned by deflecting with a shield while being female.
The Shieldmaiden achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.
The Shieldmaiden achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your stamina and resilience skills.
Bonus Specs (14): None


You have achieved rank XIV in the achievement Shieldsman.
Your next rank in Shieldsman will be earned at 619,469 points; you presently have 487,609 points.
Points in Shieldsman are earned by deflecting with a shield while being male.
The Shieldsman achievement, even when not active, will grant you seven degrees of specialty access to your shield skill.
The Shieldsman achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your stamina and resilience skills.
Bonus Specs (14): None

Soot Maker

You have achieved rank I in the achievement Soot Maker.
Your next rank in Soot Maker will be earned at 2,730 points; you presently have 254 points.
Points in Soot Maker are earned by successfully breathing phlogiston upon an opponent.

Stick Monk

You have achieved rank XI in the achievement Stick Monk.
Your next rank in Stick Monk will be earned at 144,948 points; you presently have 119,363 points.
Points in Stick Monk are earned by successfully striking or parrying with a staff.
The Stick Monk achievement, even when not active, will grant you five degrees of specialty access to your staff skill.
Bonus Specs (11): None

Sword and Board

You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Sword and Board.
Your next rank in Sword and Board will be earned at 384,679 points; you presently have 293,915 points.
Points in Sword and Board are earned by fighting while wielding a sword and holding a shield.
The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your shield and discipline skills.
The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you three degrees of specialty access to your sword skill.
The Sword and Board achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your sword, shield, and discipline skills.
Bonus Specs (10) [Confirmed] : Discipline, Shield, Sword


You have achieved rank XII in the achievement Whiplash.
Your next rank in Whiplash will be earned at 88,908 points; you presently have 72,108 points.
Points in Whiplash are earned by successfully striking with a flail.
The Whiplash achievement, even when not active, will grant you twelve degrees of specialty access to your flail skill.
Bonus Specs (12): None

Wyrd Ace

You have achieved rank XVI in the achievement Wyrd Ace.
Your next rank in Wyrd Ace will be earned at 82,098 points; you presently have 69,296 points.
Points in Wyrd Ace are earned by striking an opponent with the nefesh-guided discharge of an enchanted item.
The Wyrd Ace achievement, even when not active, will grant you eight degrees of specialty access to your wyrding skill.
The Wyrd Ace achievement, even when not active, will grant you one degree of specialty access and one degree of specialty bonus to your wyrding skill.
Bonus Specs (12) [Confirmed]: Wyrding
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