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Revision as of 19:01, 26 April 2022 (edit)
Iosin (Talk | contribs)
(Player Recommended Achievement Builds and Setups)
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Current revision (04:55, 22 October 2024) (edit)
Shinichizio (Talk | contribs)
(Fixed a typo and removed references to no-longer-existing resistance achievements)
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-There's an Aristeia guild in a temple. You can get to it from [[Aristes_Portals|everywhere]]. It's pretty great.+There's an Aristeia association in a temple. You can get to it from [[Aristes_Portals|everywhere]]. It's pretty great.
Maybe check out the [[Aristeia_(Book)|book]]. Maybe check out the [[Aristeia_(Book)|book]].
Line 12: Line 12:
You sense a presence settling into your memory, looking to filter and siphon a small portion of your experience for itself. You sense a presence settling into your memory, looking to filter and siphon a small portion of your experience for itself.
- You are now a second-degree specialist in [[athleticism]], [[memory]], [[pain tolerance]], and [[showmanship]]. [event logged]+ You are now a first-degree specialist in [[athleticism]], [[memory]], [[pain tolerance]], [[showmanship]], and [[tenacity]]. [event logged]
- You are now a fourth-degree specialist in [[legend lore]]. [event logged]+ You are now a third-degree specialist in [[legend lore]]. [event logged]
- You are now a sixth-degree specialist in [[tenacity]]. [event logged]+
-''Minimum [[Specialty_points|Specialty Points]] required are 8 WIL, 6 INT, 2 EGO, 2 STR.''+''Minimum [[Specialty_points|Specialty Points]] required are 2 WIL, 4 INT, 1 EGO, 1 STR.''
''Joining appears to cause a -1 to [[Assimilativity]].'' ''Joining appears to cause a -1 to [[Assimilativity]].''
Line 27: Line 26:
You'll have all your previous achievements and ranks, plus the defined/adopted achievements you had when you left. You'll have all your previous achievements and ranks, plus the defined/adopted achievements you had when you left.
 +===Blocked Affiliations===
 +There are A LOT of conflicts (see below). Sadly the Assoc is very good so the blocks are definitely a gimp. :-/
 +*'''Aedarene''': Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aeda does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Apollonian Disciples''': Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Apollo does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Chosen of Vashanka''': Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aristes does not allow the veneration of Vashanka, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Coven''': Homer says, .+\ +> As a White Maiden of the Coven, you could not become a warrior by joining Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Haruspices''': Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Athena does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Infucted''': Homer says, .+\ +> You cannot join Aristeia because you are a nihilist. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Synodia Lykouros''': Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aeda does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Traveler''': Homer says, .+\ +> As a Traveler, you could not become a follower of a deity by joining Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Reaper''': Homer says, .+\ +> You cannot join Aristeia because you are a proponent of malevolence. <+ /+. to you.
 +*'''Justicars''': Justicars Can join but is pointless as Axa will not allow the use any justicar abilities -- " Heretics are not able to call upon Axa's favour. "
 +==[[Aristeia_Achievements|Achievement]] Effects and Development==
 +Achievements are the main feature of the association and generally give you specialty access in skills appropriate to the achievement, even when not active, but a few do other interesting things. Many will also grant bonus specialties at certain ranks.
 +Achievements will only level reliably when set as 'active' (from adoption or exemplification) but will slowly level even when not active.
 +The main difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours. This means you may have up to six achievements active at any given moment, and may switch up to three of them within ten minutes time. Exemplification also increases the leveling of the chosen achievements.
 +All achievements appear to develop from combat, and at different rates of progression.
 +Some achievements appear to give bonus specialties even when not selected active, so it could be worth-while to develop them for free specialty points.
 +Achievements have a maximum rank of 100.
 +You can find a list of known achievements here: [[Aristeia_Achievements|Aristeia Achievements]].
==Achievement Selection== ==Achievement Selection==
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</pre> </pre>
-==Aris Calculation Sheet==+Please be aware that thinking about or selecting your achievements is a magickal effect, and will not work if you are in an antimagick of effect or undergoing such a [[Travelers|challenge]].
- +
-[ Aris Calculation Sheet]+
- +
- Has updating Ratings and shows effectiveness of various Chevo's based on your Rank and Skills+
- +
-# Make a copy of the sheet to your own personal Google account, this will allow you to edit the sheets+
-# Start by dumping skills Skill Dump sheet and follow directions+
-# Ask Agun if you have questions on how to use it or if you find any issues+
- +
-==Achievement Effects and Development==+
-Achievements generally affect how your attack, damage, dodge and deflection values are calculated by increasing the ratios on how specific skills related to the achievement are calculated. Some achievements may only take effect during specific events as outlined in its individual help information (such as being poisoned, in a specific combat mode, and so forth).+
- +
-Achievements will normally have to be set as 'active' (from adoption or exemplification) for their primary effects of rating calculation to take place.+
- +
-The only known difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours. This means you may have up to six achievements active at any given moment, and may switch up to three of them within ten minutes time.+
- +
-Not all achievements affect the same combat ratings, some may just give discharge rating increases or only damage, attack, or dodge ... etcetera.+
- +
-Not all achievements which affect combat ratings appear to give the same skill weight ratios, at rank one a achievement may only add a fraction of its related skill while another might add a larger portion. The way the ratio develops as the achievement progresses is also different.+
- +
-All achievements appear to develop from combat, and at different rates of progression. +
- +
-Some achievements will grant specialty access in its related skills.+
- +
-Some achievements appear to give bonus specialties even when not selected active, so it could be worth-while to develop them for free specialty points.+
- +
-Achievements have a maximum rank of 100.+
- +
-You can find a list of known achievements here: [[Aristeia_Achievements|Aristeia Achievements]].+
- +
-==Chevos with "Issues"==+
-*'''Elemental''' - Chevo gives the resistances as indicated, but appears to absorb primal for advantage, not the elements that it lists.+
-*'''Impregnable''' - Chevo works, but a significant amount of other chevos do NOT tick up while in Defensive Combat Mode+
-*'''Stoic''' - Chevo works, but a significant amount of other chevos do NOT tick up while in Passive Combat Mode+
-*'''Toasty''' - Chevo will not tick up if you're on fire and taking damage from said fire in combat+
==Player Recommended Achievement Builds and Setups== ==Player Recommended Achievement Builds and Setups==
Line 92: Line 84:
A lot of achievements require use of artifact weapons, it might be beneficial to pick ones you like out and use them when able. A lot of achievements require use of artifact weapons, it might be beneficial to pick ones you like out and use them when able.
-Your effective [[Hardiness]] and [[Athleticism]] skills (ie, the skills + buffs + related stats) help improve your damage-type taking achievements like Callous.+Your effective [[Hardiness]] and [[Athleticism]] skills (ie, the skills + buffs + related stats) help improve your damage-type taking achievements like Callous. - May no longer be correct
- +
-Your [[Showmanship]] skill effects your damage-type dealing achievements like smashing - high skills add to the infliction (-resist, +penetration) effect - as well as your damage-type taking achievements like Callous - high skills add to the +combat advantage effect.+
- +
-There are a handful of achievements that add a bonus spec to your character just for earning them, including:+
-*Rank V [[Aristeia_Achievements#Anodyne|Anodyne]] gives a bonus spec in [[Pain Tolerance]]+
-*Rank II [[Aristeia_Achievements#Exterminator|Exterminator]] gives a bonus spec in [[Robustness]]+
-*Rank III [[Aristeia_Achievements#Learn By Doing|Learn By Doing]] gives a bonus spec in [[Practice]]+
-*Rank V [[Aristeia_Achievements#Urbane|Urbane]] - gives you [[Etiquette]]+
-*Rank V [[Aristeia_Achievements#Ranger|Ranger]] - [[Tracking]]+
-*Rank VII [[Aristeia_Achievements#Whipper Snapper|Whipper Snapper]] - [[Combat Reflexes]]+
-*Rank XIV [[Aristeia_Achievements#Callous|Callous]] - [[Crushing Resistance]]+
-*Rank XIV [[Aristeia_Achievements#Scar Boaster|Scar Boaster]] - [[Cutting Resistance]]+
-*Rank IV [[Aristeia_Achievements#Fish|Fish]] - [[Swimming]]+
-*Rank IX [[Aristeia_Achievements#Skeptic|Skeptic]] - [[Magick Resistance]]+
-*Rank XI [[Aristeia_Achievements#Galvanic|Galvanic]] - [[Extropy Resistance]]+
-*Rank XI [[Aristeia_Achievements#Stormrider|Stormrider]] - [[Air Resistance]]+
-*Rank XI [[Aristeia_Achievements#Death Drinker|Death Drinker]] - [[Entropy Resistance]]+
-*Rank X [[Aristeia_Achievements#Arrow Catcher|Arrow Catcher]] - [[Martial Arts]] and [[Combat Reflexes]]+
-*Rank X [[Aristeia_Achievements#Atlas|Atlas]] - [[Armour Use]] and [[Load Bearing]]+
-*Rank III [[Aristeia_Achievements#Snowbound|Snowbound]] - [[Cold Tolerance]]+
-*Rank III [[Aristeia_Achievements#Sundrenched|Sundrenched]] - [[Heat Tolerance]]+
-*Rank XII [[Aristeia_Achievements#Disarmed and Dangerous|Disarmed and Dangerous]] - [[Martial Arts]] and [[Brawling]]+
-*Rank X [[Aristeia_Achievements#Carrier|Carrier]] - [[Homeopathy]] and [[Robustness]]+
-*Rank X [[Aristeia_Achievements#Consecrated|Consecrated]] - [[Sephirotic Resistance]]+
-*Rank X [[Aristeia_Achievements#Curse Eater|Curse Eater]] - [[Qlippotic Resistance]]+
-*Rank XI [[Aristeia_Achievements#With the Current|With the Current]] - [[Water Resistance]]+
-*Rank XI [[Aristeia_Achievements#Toasty|Toasty]] - [[Fire Resistance]] and [[Firefighting]]+
-*Rank VIII [[Aristeia_Achievements#Grizzled|Grizzled]] - [[Aging Retardation]]+
- +
-Getting thumped from hitting things in unarmed combat will raise your Callous achievement/give you some combat advantage, making it a solid pick for an unarmed build.+
- +
-Anything you can double-dip on skills with is going to be a solid choice, tenacity especially has lots of good options and can be buffed heavily by a scribal belt. By getting multiple achievements that use the same skill, you only need to raise that one skill to achieve great things. +
- +
-All your ratings bonuses are affected by percentage-based ratings bonuses - this means that ranged combat, with potentially 200-300% bonus based on your bow, is especially viable for this guild.+
 +Your [[Showmanship]] skill effects your damage-type dealing achievements like smashing - high skills add to the infliction (-resist, +penetration) effect - high skills add to the +combat advantage effect. - May no longer be correct
{{endspoilers}} {{endspoilers}}
===Some advice on picking Chevos=== ===Some advice on picking Chevos===
-In Aris there are a handful good chevos that (almost) everyone uses, A LOT that are utter shite, and some which are highly situational and character dependent. I'll try to break them down here, also note this is focused on what you should Adopt/Define NOT what you should just up. The bonus stuff is already covered above for that.+Needs populating with the remake.
-====Good - Always====+
-*'''Maneater''' (Define): Great, I'd venture EVERYONE defines this. Bonus to attack anthropes PLUS physical resistance bonus specs (when Adopted/Defined). Yes please!+
-*'''Damage Enhancement''' - Any (Define): Pick AT LEAST one that you do a lot of damage for, if you shoot arrows take Transfixing for example, if you do fire damage take Firebrand.+
-*'''Raw Material''' (Define) - Gives bonus specs to all its resistances, gotta kill A LOT of stuff though+
- +
-====Good - If Possible====+
-*'''Breaker of Horses''' (Define) - IF you can get a good non-squishy equine mount then Define this sh*t and up your Mounted skill (Mounted Combat, Riding and Equestrian), in that order+
-*'''Dragoon''' (Define) - IF you can get a good non-squishy mount the Define this sh*t and up your Mounted skills (Mounted Combat, Riding and Equestrian), in that order+
-*'''Planetshine''' (Define) - Bonkers good (if you can stay Blessed consistently), all-around combat bonuses PLUS Bless benefits? Sweetness.+
-*'''Illumination''' (Define) - Bonkers good (if you can stay Illuminated consistently), all-around combat bonuses PLUS Illumination benefits? Sweetness.+
-*'''Snake Eater''' (Define) - IF you can figure out a way to make yourself poisoned in combat (and not have it F you up) then pick this up.+
- +
-====Good - Situational====+
-*'''Damage Resistance''' (Adopt): These are good to up to XI since you'll get a bonus spec even when not Adopted/Defined, they are also good to adopt since you'll gain better resistance as well as combat advantage.+
-*'''Fieldcraft''' - Any (Adopt): If you can get these up and have decent Fieldcraft skills (join Explorers and get some fancy pants!) they are great to Adopt as needed.+
- +
-====Decent - Always====+
-*'''Advantaged''' (Define) - Combat Focus, some people like this more than Combat Meditation. Pick your poison.+
-*'''Centered''' (Define) - Combat Meditation, one of if not the best Combat Mode.+
-*'''Hushed''' (Adopt/Define) - Buy a gag in Disco and go to town!+
- +
-====Decent - If Possible====+
-*'''Anodyne''' (Adopt/Define) - If you can/and want to fight while analgetic (without pain) this is a decent chevo, just be aware of the downsides.+
-*'''In the Spotlight''' (Adopt/Define) - If you have Faerie Fire this is a pretty good chevo, lots of attack bonuses via Courage skill.+
- +
-====Decent - Situational====+
-*'''Atlas''' (Adopt/Define) - Not bad as a second-tier chevo and if you don't mind being encumbered.+
-*'''Impregnable''' (Adopt) - Good if you cast spells, use psionics or fire bows. Otherwise avoid.+
-*'''Patience, Fortitude''' (Adopt) - Good if you're using attacks that have a fixed activity that don't change based on combat mode, provides A LOT of Deflection+
-*'''Transistor''' (Adopt/Define) - Decent if you LOVE Flux weapons.+
Submit any bugs or typos here: [[Aristeia issues/suggestions|Issues/Suggestions]] Submit any bugs or typos here: [[Aristeia issues/suggestions|Issues/Suggestions]]
-[[Category: Guilds]] 
[[Category: Affiliations]] [[Category: Affiliations]]
[[Category: Warrior (affiliation types)]] [[Category: Warrior (affiliation types)]]
[[Category: Devotional (affiliation types)]] [[Category: Devotional (affiliation types)]]

Current revision

There's an Aristeia association in a temple. You can get to it from everywhere. It's pretty great.

Maybe check out the book.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.



You may join Aristeia from Homer located in the Temple of Aristes.

   You say, "I devote myself to Aristes"
   You sense a presence settling into your memory, looking to filter and siphon a small portion of your experience for itself.

   You are now a first-degree specialist in athleticism, memory, pain tolerance, showmanship, and tenacity. [event logged]
   You are now a third-degree specialist in legend lore. [event logged]

Minimum Specialty Points required are 2 WIL, 4 INT, 1 EGO, 1 STR.

Joining appears to cause a -1 to Assimilativity.


You must gain 3 levels in the guild before you can leave it. To leave, say 'I wish to end my devotion to Aristes'.


You may rejoin immediately.

You'll have all your previous achievements and ranks, plus the defined/adopted achievements you had when you left.

Blocked Affiliations

There are A LOT of conflicts (see below). Sadly the Assoc is very good so the blocks are definitely a gimp. :-/

  • Aedarene: Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aeda does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Apollonian Disciples: Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Apollo does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Chosen of Vashanka: Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aristes does not allow the veneration of Vashanka, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Coven: Homer says, .+\ +> As a White Maiden of the Coven, you could not become a warrior by joining Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Haruspices: Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Athena does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Infucted: Homer says, .+\ +> You cannot join Aristeia because you are a nihilist. <+ /+. to you.
  • Synodia Lykouros: Homer says, .+\ +> The worship of Aeda does not allow the veneration of Aristes, so you cannot join Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Traveler: Homer says, .+\ +> As a Traveler, you could not become a follower of a deity by joining Aristeia. <+ /+. to you.
  • Reaper: Homer says, .+\ +> You cannot join Aristeia because you are a proponent of malevolence. <+ /+. to you.
  • Justicars: Justicars Can join but is pointless as Axa will not allow the use any justicar abilities -- " Heretics are not able to call upon Axa's favour. "

Achievement Effects and Development

Achievements are the main feature of the association and generally give you specialty access in skills appropriate to the achievement, even when not active, but a few do other interesting things. Many will also grant bonus specialties at certain ranks.

Achievements will only level reliably when set as 'active' (from adoption or exemplification) but will slowly level even when not active.

The main difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours. This means you may have up to six achievements active at any given moment, and may switch up to three of them within ten minutes time. Exemplification also increases the leveling of the chosen achievements. All achievements appear to develop from combat, and at different rates of progression.

Some achievements appear to give bonus specialties even when not selected active, so it could be worth-while to develop them for free specialty points.

Achievements have a maximum rank of 100.

You can find a list of known achievements here: Aristeia Achievements.

Achievement Selection

You can access your current list of achievements via: think about my achievements.

You can adopt an achievement, setting it as active, via: will myself to adopt the achievement $*. To remove it, will myself to cease adopting the achievement $*.

You can exemplify an achievement, setting it as active, via: will myself to deeply exemplify the achievement $*. To remove it, will myself to cease exemplifying the achievement $*.

You can get additional information on each individual achievement via: think about my achievement $*.

You can get your list of active achievements via: think about my active achievements.

Or, if you want some aliases:

set alias ach to think about my achievements
set alias adopt to will myself to adopt the achievement $*
set alias nadopt to will myself to cease adopting the achievement $*
set alias exemplify to will myself to deeply exemplify the achievement $*
set alias nexemplify to will myself to cease exemplifying the achievement $*
set alias achinfo to think about my achievement $*
set alias achs to think about my active achievements

Please be aware that thinking about or selecting your achievements is a magickal effect, and will not work if you are in an antimagick of effect or undergoing such a challenge.

Player Recommended Achievement Builds and Setups

players take it from here - Starhound

A lot of achievements require use of artifact weapons, it might be beneficial to pick ones you like out and use them when able.

Your effective Hardiness and Athleticism skills (ie, the skills + buffs + related stats) help improve your damage-type taking achievements like Callous. - May no longer be correct

Your Showmanship skill effects your damage-type dealing achievements like smashing - high skills add to the infliction (-resist, +penetration) effect - high skills add to the +combat advantage effect. - May no longer be correct

End of spoiler information.

Some advice on picking Chevos

Needs populating with the remake.

Submit any bugs or typos here: Issues/Suggestions

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