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     You hiss, <[ I wish to join the Tzakazhar ]>
     Klethka quietly hisses, (< Oh, do you, dracon?  A secret so valuable is to be entrusted only
 to those who stand the highest in the eyes of Isskarazh -- even higher than that your nature
 grants in her sight.  Protect and defend the draconic beings of the worlds and refrain from
 harming them, and Isskarazk's regard for your fidelity will increase or decrease according to the
 significance of your act and the place in the precedence of nobility the one you act toward
 possesses.  You stand now with perhaps three fifths of the road to attaining such status behind
 you.  Remain steadfast in your course and I will share my knowledge with you in good time. <) at
 /-------------------------------------- System Change 6524 ---------------------------------------\
 |     Summary  the Tzakazhar                                                                      |
 |      Number  6524                                                                               |
 |        Type  content expansion                                                                  |
 |          By  Chaos                                                                              |
 |        When  Sep 17 2016 10:56 PM                                                               |
 | Description  Created the Tzakazhar, which is Xhax for "dragonkin".                              |
 |    Projects  Tzakazhar, Shatterspire                                                            |
 |  Importance  Rated 3, moderate, by two raters, spread 2-4                                       |
 |       Value  Rated 3, acceptable, by two raters, spread 1-5                                     |
 |     Version  world revision incremented to Lost Souls 0.9.168                                   |
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