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[ Command ] conjure [and use] [<name>] [here]

Conjuring is the ability to use something called etheric resonances, one of the underlying principles of space and time, to get goodies. Simply using the command 'conjure', with no arguments, and you'll just hunt for the first etheric resonance you can find and grab the item it leads to, which is pretty easy. The tricky part comes when you want to be more specific about what you're conjuring, as when you're using the syntax 'conjure <name>'. This means you're looking for an etheric resonance associated with a specific word or phrase, which will be attached to an object called that. This is pretty hard, but it can be done. The more things there are lying around out in the wide world by that name, the easier it is to find and make use of the etheric resonance; rare things are nearly impossible to conjure. Having higher inana lets you make use of weaker etheric resonances and generally makes the whole thing easier.

You can also 'conjure and use' or 'conjure and use <name>' if you want to indiscriminately equip whatever you manage to come up with. Alternately, you can 'conjure here' or 'conjure <name> here' in order to conjure things into your environment rather than holding onto it yourself, which is an option well-thought of by stodgy types with strong senses of self-preservation.

One last thing: conjuring temporarily depletes the etheric resonances in the area you're in, with more difficult conjurations depleting it for significantly longer periods of time. Wandering around in a bizarre and apparently aimless fashion as you conjure overcomes this issue pretty well.