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  7      [ = Xantaras = ]
 /  o      [ Type                    : ] teleportation
 \_/       [ Description             : ] personal microcosm
 /  _.     [ Significance            : ] major
 \_5 +     [ Activity Cost           : ] thirty-two
    /      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] fifty
   /       [ Control Skills          : ] six parts spatiomancy, five parts power generation, 
                                         four parts power direction, three parts power focusing, 
                                         three parts power tuning and two parts xotimancy
           [ Specialty Access        : ] cosmology, Exoma fieldcraft and spatiomancy degree I access
           [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 235 points among spatiomancy skill, Exoma fieldcraft skill, 
                                         cosmology skill, rune lore skill, arcane lore skill and elder lore skill
           [ Requirements to Use     : ] spatiomancy skill of 65 or higher; complete Death's Gate; and have at least 
                                         90 points among spatiomancy skill, cosmology skill, 50% of xotimancy skill 
                                         and 10 points for having completed Hardin's Gauntlet

A rare and esoteric power known to few Ringwielders is that bestowed by the gift of the rune xantaras: access to a coherent, isolated realm within another plane -- in this case, that of the Exoma. Upon activation of this rune, the Ringwielder will be transported from hir current location and, if successful, to the microcosm attuned to hir essence, suspended within the Exoma, wherein sie will be the recipient of numerous beneficial effects. In addition, much as with the rune glochar's planar pocket, the Ringwielder can transport items to and from hir personal microcosm at will. To transport an item to the microcosm, subvocalize "vos" followed by the name of the item. In order to retrieve an item, subvocalize "bas" followed by the name of the item. If the bearer merely wishes to view the state of hir personal microcosm, then sie would subvocalize a specification of "dus".