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[ Atman Information ] Ralnos
 Atman created Thu Aug 13 22:23:46 2009

An atman under the control of a very random person who can't seem to focus on a single character.


Describing Myself

I'm a hard core gamer and I enjoy a varied assortment of genres. I started playing text-based games, interestingly enough, as a child, because my computer couldn't handle much more, so I got into them instead of following the main group of gamers. I enjoy writing as a hobby and I plan on making several stories inspired by my Lost Souls incarnoi, however I don't typically roleplay on Lost Souls, rather I play it for the content offered.

Current Elite Incarnoi

Elite Incarnoi are my more powerful characters or are ones I simply play more than others.


A former Ringwielder whose development of a latent psychic talent lead to his defection from Ahrikol's control and his meeting with a powerful psionic cat.


It liiiiiiiiveeeeeesss.