Jing shen
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The Jing Shen Race
Rarity: Exotic Plural: Jing Shen Anatomy: Vague Sexes: Neuter Harm Skills: Physics 50% Arcane Lore 25% Metaphysics 25%
No specific help is available for this race.
Development Information: The jing shen race was created by Marcosy; the source code
was last updated Tue Dec 06 14:07:08 2016.
This is a hazy, indistinct shape of shimmering light that dances and flickers in
unpredictable patterns. You recognize this as a jing shen, or mirror spirit, a kind of energy being composed of refractions of light. Ordinary weapons do them little harm, and they are capable of refracting light and space around themselves to obscure their positions and even destructively disrupt the positions of others in space as a particularly effective natural defense. It seems to slide constantly from your visual focus. It sparkles with a miniscule faintly shimmering shimmering dweomer aura. It appears to be composed of a few thin streamers of light. It has a webwork of sparkling light within and around it.
It looks about two fifths of a dimin across. It is in good shape.