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description of a wand goes here
  • Wands in lost souls are used for one purpose, shooting beams/tendrils/bolts/spurts of destructive power at one's enemies.
  • There are many varieties of wand, Knowledge of the different varieties can be acquired intrinsically via the Arcane Lore (possibly others) skill, or by identifying an example of each type of wand.
  • Different varieties deal different damage types, while different individual wands of the same variety can have different activation methods. (This can make it awkward to lens them).
  • Seem to be composed of any type of wood or metallic material such as Fir, Rosewood, Titanium, Steel, Scarabinium etc. I have never come across a wand composed of a material that didn't have one of those properties, Bone, or Granite for example, but you never know.
list of known varieties goes here


  • Lenses of Insight can be used to learn the activation method for a particular wand.
  • Activating wands require first that the wand be held, pointed at the desired target, and then activated in the manner specific to it (can be a command word, a particular type of touch, or other).
  • Wandslingers can dispense with this tedious business and are instantly able to use any wand with the wand fire maneuver.

Wand Charge

  • Wands contain a number of charges, which are consumed with each activation.
  • You can check a wand's charge level using the info command.
  • It is possible to recharge them by wearing them in a holster, or by touching them to a wand battery.
  • The maximum charge a wand can hold is determined by the Enchantment skill of the one recharging it (possibly also Thaumaturgy, Arcane Lore, others?).