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Command: sbar < on | off | settings | fix >
The status bar is a line (or multiple lines) which stays on the screen, updating once per heartbeat, displaying customizable information. The status bar requires full ansi support, most importantly, screen manipulational ansi.
Features: can be customized to suit the user with over twenty-five different types of information.
Autoload the status bar on login, toggle with 'A'
Screen length, set with 'L' (This is generally 25, but you might have to adjust if all 25, 43, 50 lines, etc. aren't available)
Scrolling or Stationary, people who have ansi colour support but not ansi screen manipulation support should use the scrolling status bar which is akin to 'vitals'
Location can be top or bottom of screen, toggle with 'T'
Reset settings to default, 'R'
Edit the layout of the status bar with 'E'
Create a status bar from scratch with 'N'
Select a status bar from an index of all-time favourites with 'S'
Save settings and exit, 'Q' or 'X'
If you create a status bar and feel it is interesting enough to be added to the index of all-time favourites, mail it to Fixy and if he agrees, it will be added to the index.
See also: sbar editor
This is the one that I use.
{{yellow}SP }{{white}%sp/%msp }{{yellow}HP }{{white}%hp/%mhp }{{yellow}END }{{white}%end/%mend }{{yellow}Cash }{{white}%cash/%mcash }{{yellow}EXP }{{white}%exp/%mexp %nexp }{{yellow}SPD }{{white}%spd}
Have fun hope you enjoy!!
This is my sbar, don't remember if I made it myself or borrowed from someone else:
{{black}HP:}{{red}%hp/%mhp} {{black}CHST:}{{red}%chst/%mchst} {{black}HD:}{{red}%head/%mhead} {{black}SP:} {{blue}%sp/%msp} {{black}END:}{{green}%end/%mend} {{black}SPD:}{{cyan}%spd} {{black}C:}{{yellow}%cash/%mcash} {{black}TNL: %nexp} {{black}E:}%hlth {{black}A:}{{white}%arean}{{black}>>}
Set Status Bar
OOC Incarnos-Only Interface Setting Usage: set status bar to <format|on|off|autoload|scrolling|top|bottom|prompt|combat>
Sets the format that your status bar will be in when displayed. You may include any valid color codes as well as any of the tokens below to add context sensative information to your bar. You may generate a new line by seperating each line with a comma (',').
Example: set status bar to {{blue}HP:} {{red}%hp/%mhp},{{blue}SP:} {{red}%sp/%msp}
%acount: attacker count Ex: 0 %adv: combat advantage Ex: none %ago: current agonistic energy Ex: 0 %ahealth: opponent's health description Ex: None %air: current elemental air energy Ex: 0 %align: alignment description Ex: saintly and ordered %ap: active players Ex: 18 %assimilativity: assimilativity Ex: -13 %chest: current chest health Ex: 190 %col: current amalgamal cold energy Ex: 0 %cst: central standard time Ex: Thu May 23 22:09:13 2019 %deaths: total deaths Ex: 10 %diverge: alignment divergence Ex: in accord %elc: current electrical energy Ex: 0 %end: current endurance Ex: 1287 %ent: current entropic energy Ex: 0 %equipdura: badly damaged equipment Ex: None %ert: current elemental earth energy Ex: 0 %ethics: ethics description Ex: saintly and ordered %ext: current extropic energy Ex: 0 %fir: current elemental fire energy Ex: 0 %goe: current goetic energy Ex: 46 %head: current head health Ex: 86 %heat: current heat energy Ex: 0 %hp: current health Ex: 865 %hunger: hunger description Ex: satiated %kills: combat kills Ex: 394 %level: current level Ex: 32 %lex: local exploration percentage Ex: 14 %lig: current light energy Ex: 0 %lives: lives remaining Ex: 10 %mago: maximum agonistic energy Ex: 144 %mair: maximum elemental air energy Ex: 134 %mchest: maximum chest health Ex: 190 %mcol: maximum amalgamal cold energy Ex: 24 %melc: maximum electrical energy Ex: 17 %mend: maximum endurance Ex: 1287 %ment: maximum entropic energy Ex: 31 %mert: maximum elemental earth energy Ex: 64 %mext: maximum extropic energy Ex: 70 %mfir: maximum elemental fire energy Ex: 15 %mgk: current magickal energy Ex: 0 %mgoe: maximum goetic energy Ex: 395 %mhead: maximum head health Ex: 86 %mheat: maximum heat energy Ex: 18 %mhp: maximum health Ex: 865 %mlig: maximum light energy Ex: 103 %mmgk: maximum magickal energy Ex: 21 %mqp: maximum quest points possible Ex: 406 %msmo: maximum smoke energy Ex: 12 %msp: maximum spiritual energy Ex: 1117 %munh: maximum qlippotic energy Ex: 13 %mwealth: maximum wealth Ex: 60824 %mwtr: maximum elemental water energy Ex: 58 %mxos: maximum chaos energy Ex: 17 %newline: newline Ex: %nxp: total experience for next level Ex: 1080000 %qp: current quest points Ex: 100 %rxp: experience until next level Ex: 53326 %smo: current smoke energy Ex: 0 %sp: current spiritual energy Ex: 330 %space: space Ex: %speed: speed Ex: 37 %thirst: thirst description Ex: thoroughly quenched %timeofday: time of day Ex: Day %unh: current qlippotic energy Ex: 0 %wealth: current wealth Ex: 51260 %weardura: badly damaged clothing Ex: None %wtr: current elemental water energy Ex: 0 %xacid: amalgamal acid energy status Ex: 0/53.2 %xair: elemental air energy status Ex: 0/133.6 %xalk: amalgamal alkali energy status Ex: 0/24.4 %xash: amalgamal ash energy status Ex: 0/0 %xcha: chaos energy status Ex: 0/17.4 %xchest: chest health status Ex: 190/190 %xcold: amalgamal cold energy status Ex: 0/24.4 %xcre: creative energy status Ex: 0/10 %xcry: amalgamal crystal energy status Ex: 0/17.9 %xdar: amalgamal darkness energy status Ex: 0/0 %xear: elemental earth energy status Ex: 0/64.0 %xemo: emotive energy status Ex: 579/579 %xend: endurance status Ex: 1287/1287 %xentr: entropic energy status Ex: 0/31.2 %xesk: amalgamal eskara energy status Ex: 0/0 %xextr: extropic energy status Ex: 0/69.7 %xfir: elemental fire energy status Ex: 0/15.1 %xgoe: goetic energy status Ex: 46/395.2 %xhea: amalgamal heat energy status Ex: 0/17.9 %xhead: head health status Ex: 86/86 %xhp: health status Ex: 865/865 %xice: amalgamal ice energy status Ex: 0/0 %xint: intellectual energy status Ex: 292/292 %xlightning: amalgamal lightning energy status Ex: 0/17.5 %xlit: amalgamal light energy status Ex: 0/103.1 %xmag: magickal energy status Ex: 0/21.3 %xmagma: amalgamal magma energy status Ex: 0/14.3 %xmet: amalgamal metal energy status Ex: 0/23.3 %xmist: amalgamal mist energy status Ex: 0/12.9 %xmud: amalgamal mud energy status Ex: 0/13.3 %xooz: amalgamal ooze energy status Ex: 0/28.2 %xord: order energy status Ex: 0/0 %xos: current chaos energy Ex: 0 %xp: current experience Ex: 1026674 %xqlip: qlippotic energy status Ex: 0/13 %xseph: sephirotic energy status Ex: 0/0 %xsmo: amalgamal smoke energy status Ex: 0/11.5 %xsp: spiritual energy status Ex: 330/1117 %xsto: amalgamal stone energy status Ex: 0/0 %xthun: amalgamal thunder energy status Ex: 0/17.4 %xumb: umbral energy status Ex: 0/0 %xvoid: amalgamal void energy status Ex: 0/0 %xwat: elemental water energy status Ex: 0/58
There are also numerous pre-defined status bars that you can specify.
Example: set status bar to default
Quebond's Azure Bar by Quebond [0/134a] [0/17x] [0/17e] [None] [330/1117sp] [1287/1287end] [865/865hp] [86:190/86:190h:c] [37spd] [51260/60824$] [53326/1080000xp]
Fun Bar by Fixy
[Sp: 330/1117] [Ed: 1287/1287] [Hp: 865/865] [H/C: 86/190] [$: 51260/60824] [Al: saintly and ordered] [Qp: 100] [Eat: satiated/thoroughly quenched] [Ex: 53326]
Seek's Playing Bar by Seek [SP: 330/1117] [End: 1287/1287] [HP: 865/865] [Exp: 53326] [$: 51260/60824] [Al: saintly and ordered] [QP: 100] [Limbs: 86/190]
Nerevarine's Ringwielder Bar by Nerevarine Sp: 330/1117 End: 1287/1287 Head: 86/86 Chest: 190/190 << 37 >> saintly and ordered / in accord tgt: None XP+: 53326 ::Day::
Reaper Bar by Erebus -=head: 86.86 chest: 190.190 sp: 330.1117 end: 1287.1287 speed: 37 victim: None xp: 1026674.53326 $: 51260.60824 blood and souls: 394 align: saintly and ordered %reaper=-
Klisje's One Liner by Klisje sp(330/1117)end(1287/1287)hchp(86/190/86/190)$(51260/60824)xpn(53326/1080000)
Battlerager Bar by Brawn HP:865/865 Speed:37 Xp:53326 $:51260/60824 Sp:330/1117 End:1287/1287 Align:saintly and ordered Online:18 Victim:None
Borel's Berserker Bar by Borel [*******************************************************] SP: 330/1117 END: 1287/1287 HP: 865/865 Speed: 37 ENEMY: None [*******************************************************]
Darkfire by Erebus :: Head: 86/86 Chest: 190/190 End: 1287/1287 SP: 330/1117 Speed: 37 :: :: $: 51260/60824 XP: 53326 QP: 100 Target: None ::
Default by Erebus [ Spirit: 330/1117 Endurance: 1287/1287 Speed: 37 Adv: none Head: 86/86 Chest: 190/190 ]