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Elementals are blobs of matter/energy from their respective Planes. There are elementals for every Plane in the hylocosmic model, as well as Primordials for entropy and extropy. Elementals from the second, third and fourth levels of the model are called Amalgamals.

There may be elementals for the cardinal elements (sephirotic and qlippotic), as well as for the cardinal elements (dream, goetia and IIRC primal) but this is not confirmed.

Elementals come in various sizes: minor, lesser, major, greater and greater. Each tier has a general size range: for example, major elementals will be around 30 dimins large (3 whole meters across)

All elementals look about the same. Once upon a time (around 2010) they had more thematic descriptions, such as water elementals rippling oddly like if pebbles fell upon them, but nowadays they're almost all like:

This is a swirling, shifting flame that, though lacking any obvious means of locomotion, moves.  
freely through the air with 
cohesion and apparent conscious intent.  You recognize it as a major fire elemental, an entity of.  
significant power from the 
elemental plane of Fire.  Though possessed of awareness, elementals are more akin to temporarily.  
separated, dimly conscious 
portions of their parent plane than fully sapient beings.  It appears to be composed of a thick, 
intense field of wavering 
orange radiance and an intense, vibrant red-orange radiance.  It has a tracery of sparkling light.  
within and around it.  
It is giving off light.
It looks about thirty-two and a half dimins across.  It weighs about one hundred seventy-five.  
It is in good shape.

"This is an X... You recognize it as a tier element elemental, an entity of Y power from the Plane of Element..." Some creatures, such as thesalessarions, still have thematic descriptions (They're like particularly powerful water elementals)

Elementals, predictably, have the Elemental sentience. This is very simply, worse than Animal but better than Homeostatic (dodkuler). They don't understand language, so you can't command them, and their simple sentiences mean that a psychic link (such as mindspeaker) can't be established.

Getting an Elemental

  • Aedarene benisons (they leave after a while, though.
  • Lightbringers volitions.
  • There's a person in Sounion who can summon water spirits and elementals for you. They once were really OP, but were nerfed.

One of the things I like is adding race articles to the wiki. However, observe the hylocosmic model:

Crystal  Metal    Heat      Light     Lightning  Thunder  Ooze   Acid
Earth    Magma    Fire      Smoke     Air        Mist     Water  Mud
Eskara   Stone    Ash       Darkness  Void       Cold     Ice    Alkali

There's 26 different elements and amalgamals in this chart. Combined with the 5 sizes, a total of 130 new articles is obtained, which would be effective copypastes. So instead of making them, I decided to make one single article explaining Elementals as a whole.

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