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This is a male lothar with a body of white granite and yellow eyes. This ancient individual moves at an almost glacial pace and truly seems to be one with the rock around him.
- Info
Those who wish to join the Agnihotri, the devotional cult of Agni, may say 'I wish to devote myself to Agni'. Agnihotri may leave the fold by saying 'I renounce Agni'. Riga is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands: Availability inquiry: Riga, what abilities can you enhance? Riga, what do you teach? Cost inquiry: Riga, what would it cost to enhance my <subject>? Riga, what would a lesson in <subject> cost? Instruction request: Riga, enhance my <subject(s)>. Riga, teach me <subject(s)>.
- Trains
breath control centering cold tolerance equilibrium fire affinity invocation meditation pyraturgy showmanship theology
- Notes
- Speaks Dethek. Trains Agnihotri. Doesn't train Fire Affinity beyond 30.