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Revision as of 20:10, 1 January 2025; Colorin (Talk | contribs)
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- Location: Wandering
- Occupation: Trainer
- Look
This is a male chaosborn with silver skin, midnight blue hair, and bright orange eyes. He bears an unsightly-looking brand in the shape of a red teardrop upon his right cheek. Cerradin was once a lord of the Courts of Chaos. Sacrificing everything, he left the folds of chaos and joined the ranks of the faithful of Tyr, the Even-Handed. Impressed with his dedication, Tyr granted him great favor for his devotion and sacrifices. He wears his midnight blue hair short to avoid hiding the mark he bears from his banishment, which he regards as a symbol of pride and strength.
- Info
Cerradin is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands: Availability inquiry: Cerradin, what abilities can you enhance? Cerradin, what will you teach me? Cerradin, what skills do you train? Instruction request: Cerradin, enhance my <subject(s)>. Cerradin, train me in <subject(s)>. Cerradin, teach me <subject(s)>.
- Trains
antagonism armour use brawling concentration < 162 courage discipline dodge firefighting hardiness massive exertion precision strike sword torture unarmed combat
- Teaches
artillery invocation law lexiturgy literacy piety subordination tactics theology
- Enhances
Fortitude of Law Exaltation of Law
- Notes
Must be a member of the Questors of Axa for him to train you.
Categories: NPCs | Trainers | Wandering NPCs | Affiliation NPCs | Antagonism Trainer | Armour Use Trainer | Brawling Trainer | Concentration Trainer | Courage Trainer | Discipline Trainer | Dodge Trainer | Firefighting Trainer | Hardiness Trainer | Massive Exertion Trainer | Precision Strike Trainer | Sword Trainer | Torture Trainer | Unarmed Combat Trainer | Artillery Trainer | Invocation Trainer | Law Trainer | Lexiturgy Trainer | Literacy Trainer | Piety Trainer | Subordination Trainer | Tactics Trainer | Theology Trainer | Chaos Resistance Trainer | Order Affinity Trainer