Cuar Faernae

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the Cuar Faernae

You are a member of the Cuar Faernae, a elite faction of highly skilled danaan arcane archers.
All members of this faction are instructed in anchient teachings of danaan magick, allowing them to 
conjure and shoot arrows constructed from raw energy, along with a handful of various other capabilities
that would aid oneself in the art of archery.
For millenia the danaan have favored the usage of archery, as a skilled archer can dispatch a entire squad of 
orcs before they even come close enough to swing a sword.  It is this deadly preicison that the Cuar Faernae build upon,
seeking to not only be aware of their capabilities but to also improve upon them.
Read 'help nifaerae' for more information on nifaerae and spellcasting.  See 'help nifaer summary' for a quick overview of your current nifaerae available.



You have to have fey blood and thus cannot have demonic blood. Fianna-granted fey blood can bridge the gap. You can join by visiting the headmaster in Valathyr and say 'pledge me to the Cuar Faernae'. Be aware that the dana may not be too keen on letting you in the palace area. One may have to find other means of entry if you qualify for the Cuar Faernae but are not allowed access inside from the dana. You are free to leave by saying 'remove me from the Cuar Faernae' to the headmaster.

Eaerandyl states, >>-> As an Ulfhednar, you could not become a proponent of goodness by joining the Cuar Faernae. <-<< to you.

Eaerandyl states, >>-> You cannot join the Cuar Faernae because you are a proponent of chaos. <-<< to you.

Specialty Access

Min  Max  Bon  Specialties
 1   +10    0  Archery
 1   +10    0  Awareness
 0   +3     0  Aquaturgy
 0   +3     0  Aeroturgy
 0   +3     0  Geoturgy
 0   +3     0  Pyraturgy
 0   +3     0  Thaumaturgy
 0   +3     0  Bellerophrasty
 0   +3     0  Ergiphrasty


Before any nifaerae may be cast, one must enter into the proper mental state for spellcasting, 
forming a mental link with the magickal forces one wishes to wield.
For members of the Cuar Faernae this link is called an iliatria, or 'awareness' of the balance of 
nature.  To initalize your iliatria, visualize the essence of the elements blending in harmony.
The syntax for casting nifaerae is 'cast <nifaer name> [on <target> | with <component>'.
Each nifaer has its own help file accessed by typing 'help <nifaer name>'.
You may see a summary of the nifaerae list by typing 'help nifaer summary'.

The basic elemental arrow spells seem to unlock with 30 of the related turgy and maybe some form of practice with other magickal skills. Quiver resizing seems to require a decent amount (75?) of enchantment. (At 33 pyraturgy and no fire arrow yet. --Zygefgh)


FYI this is not one of the more powerful Assocs, you join it I guess for perhaps the spec access?
The spells do very minimal damage and do not appear to scale in any way with bonds or quality of your bow for example. Maybe good for trash mobs but nothing of substance.

Nar Pilindi

Common Name: Fire Arrow
Summary: pyrax arrow manifestation
From drawing upon the essence of a wildfire, members of the Cuar Faernae are able to use their bows
to launch a manifested arrow of solid fire energy towards a target.
 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) drawing the strings of the forest
   Type: Gesture
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: prestidigitation
 4) the roaring flames of a wildfire
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: greater
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: pyraturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty

Cemen Pilindi

Common Name: Earth Arrow
Summary: tellurax arrow manifestation
Building upon the stability of the very earth they walk upon, members of the Cuar Faernae are
able to conjure a arrow of solid earth energy to fire at a target.
 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) drawing the power of the land
   Type: Gesture
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: prestidigitation
 4) the release of a violent earthquake
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: greater
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: geoturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty

Gwelu Pilindi

Common Name: Wind Arrow
Summary: aerilax arrow manifestation
Borrowing the power of the wind they breathe, members of the Cuar Faernae are able to launch an
arrow of solid air energy to launch towards a target.
 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) shifting the fate of the winds
   Type: Gesture
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: prestidigitation
 4) the force of a hurricane wind
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: greater
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: aeroturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty

Nen Pilindi

Common Name: Water Arrow
Summary: aquarax arrow manifestation
Members of the Cuar Faernae are able to mimic the calming sensations of the tides, and
thus manifest a arrow of solid water energy to launch from their bow towards a target.
 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) pulling the tides away
   Type: Gesture
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: prestidigitation
 4) the calming churn of the tides
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: greater
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: aquaturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty

Bia Ahyar

Common Name: Life Changes
Summary: resize quiver to caster

From visualizing the growth or decay of the forest and its living creatures, a member of the
Cuar Faernae is able to resize a quiver to fit themselves.

 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) changes of the seasons
   Type: Gesture
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: archery and prestidigitation
 4) adaptation of the elements
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: greater
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty

Veryn Aina

Common Name: Forest Essence
Summary: energy generation from the forest

By placing oneself in a forested area and casting this spell, members of the Cuar Faernae are
able to absorb the essence of the forest itself, channeling it into magickal energy.

 1) sensation of the forest
   Type: Speech
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: Sperethiel (dominant) and vocalization (small)
 2) the harmony of the forest
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: minor, optional
   Difficulty: very easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
 3) dwelling upon the forest
   Type: Thought
   Importance: lesser
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: forestry, awareness, and empathy
 4) enlightenment of balance
   Type: Praxis
   Importance: major
   Difficulty: easy
   Skills: thaumaturgy, divination, and ergiphrasty
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