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This is a human with white skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes. Merethus is a Jhanite Ringwielder, employing the might of a Ring of Power in the defense of the citadel. His effectiveness in battle and devotion to the cause of Law have brought him quick advancement through the guard ranks. He has a webwork of sparkling light within and around him. He looks about seventeen dimins tall, five and three tenths dimins wide and one and seven twentieths dimins long. He is in good shape. His eyes have a strange intensity to them. He wields a bastard sword in his right hand. He wears a steel plate suit on his body, a silver amulet of Tyr around his neck, a dull red hematite ring on his left hand and a blue-moonstone-set gold ring on his right hand.

Merethus's limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right foot and left foot. Merethus is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:

   Availability inquiry: Merethus, what do you teach?
   Cost inquiry:         Merethus, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Merethus, teach me <subject(s)>.

Merethus was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Thu Aug 09 22:42:49 2007. The human race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sun Nov 11 17:04:27 2007.

Merethus asserts, -I can! Provide... instruction in aeromancy... centering, channeling... discipline! law, leadership, power direction, power focusing... power generation... power tuning... pyromancy, subordination and the use of telesmatic weapons!-

l at ring You know this blue-moonstone-set gold ring for a Ring of Power like your own, created by Sauron, Lord of the Rings, Master of the Ringwielders. the quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite. The polished surface of its gold band is etched with the runes evrak, nysevrak, khyaros, omavistis, qx, mragsh, ciiv, n'rax, ekaschos, fyegreh, fyl'thyrzha, czon, gaj, poltradn, hae-kadzi, izimiscav, vanar, festiglis and kaonfar, resembling these diagrams:

 (\                                     ____              /\       ___                      / / /       /            
  |         \          []    |   |     /      (      )  ------    /        o       /\       \ \ \      /        _____
  |          \        /      |-| |    <-----D  \____/     \/     /          \      \/_/\    v v v   \ /\ /\     \    
 -<--\        \      /       | |-|     \       /    \   ------   \   ___     \___   | \/     \|/     Y  Y  \     k-- 
  |   \      \ \/   /----[]    |        \     /      \    /\      \ /     ---/     /____/\  ^_\)        |       / \  
  |----\   \  \  /     |       |-|    >--\-<  \______/  ------     Y         |          \/    (\       -|-     /   \ 
  |     \   \/ \/      |         |             \    /     \/       |         |                (/)             %      
  \)                   -                       /    \              V                                                 
                     __        __    -\   /-          
  Q    /   ______  \ \       _ \ \     |o|         /| 
   \  /       |    |\_\     / \ \ \    ( )        / | 
    \/        |    |     __ \  \ \ \  (   )    --~  | 
    /         |    | ____|   \  \/ /   ( )          | 
   /\  /     /     |/         \   /     o        |  / 
  /  \/      \__/  / \         \_/       \       |-~  
                   \  \                   \_]    |    

Aside from the runes, the smooth surface is without mark or blemish. It is permeated by a dim auroric radiance. It is in perfect condition. It is intermediate in size, and looks just about right to fit you. It looks about a twentieth of a dimin across and a tenth of a dimin around. It is weightless. You estimate its value at about eight hundred seventy gold.