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(XZ_      [ = Somnverax = ]
    \       [ Type                    : ] attack
 o---+-p    [ Description             : ] silence
     | |    [ Significance            : ] major
    /| o    [ Activity Cost           : ] fifteen
<==/ |      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] fifty
      \     [ Control Skills          : ] six parts power tuning,
    o_/                                   five parts aeroturgy,
                                          three parts power direction, three parts power focusing,
                                          two parts power generation, two parts vocalization,
                                      and one part singing
            [ Specialty Access        : ] aeroturgy, vocalization and singing degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 70 points among
                                          100% of rune lore skill,
                                      and 75% of aeroturgy skill
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] have at last 90 points amount
                                          100% of aeroturgy skill,
                                          60% of vocalization skill,
                                          20% of singing skill,
                                      and 10 points for having completed the Destruction of the Three

A Ringwielder utilizing the rune somnverax will send forth a sharp sonic burst from hir ring of power, its frequency relative to that of hir opponent. While this is somewhat damaging, the long-term effects are often of more interest. As a result of being struck by a wave of force that so closely resonates with their body structure, most creatures struck by the power of this rune find it difficult to speak, or, indeed, vocalize any form of speech at all. The more skilled a Ringwielder is at controlling this rune, the better attuned to an opponent's physical makeup the sound vibrations will be. If no target is specified, the Ringwielder's current opponent will be chosen.