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  Rarity: Very Exotic
   Plural: Vrykolakases
   Collective Term: a feast of vrykolakases
   Anatomy: Anthropoid
   Harm Skills:
       Mortuary        22%
       Qlippotic Lore  22%
       Anatomy         17%
       Empathy         11%
       Intimidation    11%
       Politics         7%
       Law              4%
       Torture          4%
   The vrykolakoi are feared figures of legend: humans who have made dark
pacts with infernal beings in an attempt to gain more power.  Given a twisted,
demonic form of immortality at the cost of a thirst for blood, such creatures
are often found in the service of evil.
   Development Information: The vrykolakas race was created by Marcosy; the
source code was last updated Sun May 21 12:56:15 2023.

Vampires. Once upon a time, Miyu and Yui were this, before the Holy Dagger Quest's revamp. There's still one remaining in the Darkhold crypt. They look like humans if not identified.

Berrnman the level 1 adventurer.

They're a pact race, they cannot be vivisected into.