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Revision as of 21:58, 26 April 2015; Seiye (Talk | contribs)
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  This is a half-elf with tan skin, brown hair, and gray eyes.  Trambor is a half-elf of middle age, 
  in superior physical shape.  He is known to have travelled extensively and has worked as a gladiator 
  in the past.  After nearly dying in an orc raid, he decided to settle down and share his knowledge 
  with others.
  • Info
  Trambor is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
     Availability inquiry: Trambor, what skills do you train?
     Cost inquiry:         Trambor, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
     Instruction request:  Trambor, train me in <subject(s)>.
  • Trains
  Axe                  Lack of Weakness        Staff
  Bludgeon             Massive Blow            Steadiness
  Combat Reflexes      Pole Arm                Sword
  Dagger               Practice                Tactics
  Dodge                Precision Strike        Throwing
  Find Weakness        Resilience              Unarmed Combat
  Flail                Shield                  
  Hammer               Spear                  
  • Notes
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