Lion (Empathic Bond)

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Bonding Requirements

Some amount of courage is required (less than 65 confirmed, but likely much less).

  • NB: "Cliff lions" can be found in the highlands in the northern stretches of Avalon.

Petting the familiar

   You pet Saber with your right hand.
   You sense invigorating energies flowing from Saber's body into your spirit.

This increases the air resistance, crushing resistance, cutting resistance, earth affinity, piercing resistance and thunder resistance skills slightly.

Muladhara Chakra

Lion familiars open and charge the Muladhara (red) chakra.

Attribute Modifications

The lion grants its consort bonuses to Strength, Vitality, Willpower and Ego.

Skill Effects

Skill Access Bonus
Air Resistance 16 75 + 10% base
Axe 16 75 + 10% base
Crushing Resistance 16 75 + 10% base
Cutting Resistance 16 75 + 10% base
Earth Affinity 16 75 + 10% base
Piercing Resistance 16 75 + 10% base
Thunder Resistance 16 75 + 10% base
Massive Blow 12 60
Recuperation 9 45
Combat Reflexes 8 40
Discipline 8 40
Geoturgy 8 40
Massive Exertion 8 40
Centering 4 20
Hardiness 4 20
Leadership 4 20
Pain Tolerance 4 20
Etiquette 4 20
Stamina 4 20


Unlocks immediately:

Unlocks partway through very frail:

Unlocks at somewhat frail:

Unlocks at fairly healthy:

Special Combat Maneuvers

These axe attacks use elemental earth energy, which is gained via the Convert charm. Most seem to use Geoturgy in attack rating and 1/2 Vitality & Earth Affinity in damage rating.

Immediately on bonding

   Perform Rend
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform rend [at <target>]
   Channel the power of the earth into an opponent with a mighty axe-blow.
   Perform Grind
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform grind [at <target>]
   Channel the force of the earth into an opponent via a blow with an axe, with the intention of stunning and

knocking them off-balance.

Sometime Later

   Perform Crack
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform crack [at <target>]
   Channel magma at an opponent via a blow with an axe, with the intention of miring them in molten slag.
   "You swing the butt of your glowing green steel greataxe at the brown-scaled female kobold wuja
   and sear her head, chest, right arm, right hand, and right leg" -- Clinging magma damage
   Perform Rive
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform rive [at <target>]
   Channel the fury of the earth into an opponent via a blow with an axe, with the intention of causing as much pain as possible.
   Perform Shock
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform shock [at <target>]
   Channel earthshock at an opponent via a blow with an axe, with the intention of blinding and stunning him.
   Perform Sunder
   Empathic Bonds Maneuver
   Usage: perform sunder [at <target>]
   Channel powers of primal earth into an opponent via a blow with an axe.


Lion consorts gain the Aphobia trait early in bonding process (by fairly healthy).