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Revision as of 08:16, 26 October 2009 (edit)
Kaballah (Talk | contribs)

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Current revision (21:56, 29 September 2023) (edit)
Reden (Talk | contribs)
(Limb Layout)
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 +=Help contents=
Rarity: Very Unusual Rarity: Very Unusual
- Plural: Erechthiyoi+ Plural: Erechthiyoi
- Anatomy: Anthropoinsectoid+ Anatomy: Anthropoinsectoid
- Harm Skills:+ Harm Skills:
- Insect Lore 47%+ [[Insect Lore]] 47%
- Intimidation 23%+ [[Intimidation]] 23%
- Anatomy 12%+ [[Anatomy]] 12%
- Empathy 9%+ [[Empathy]] 9%
- Torture 9%+ [[Torture]] 9%
- No specific help is available for this race.+ No specific help is available for this race.
- Development Information: The erechthiyon race was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Fri Nov 28 01:03:06 2008.+= Sample Attributes =
 +Randomly distributed, obtained via [[warpstone]]:
-You drone, .change my race to erechthiyon. in starkly-accented Anglic.+ Attribute Original
 + --------------------------
 + [[Strength]] 97
 + [[Intellect]] 62
 + [[Vitality]] 84
 + [[Agility]] 137
 + [[Willpower]] 119
 + [[Ego]] 20
 + [[Perception]] 53
-Kurd states, ' you would need three more constitution-based specialty points available for the required specialty in water affinity, you would need two more charisma-based specialty points available for the required specialty in telesmatic weapon and you would need one more perception-based specialty point available for the required specialty in eructant weapon ' to you.+= Specialties =
 +*[[Climbing]], 1 bonus, +5 access
 +*[[Cold Affinity]], 2 bonus, +10 access
 +*[[Eructation]], 1 bonus, +5 access
 +*[[Killer Instinct]], 1 bonus, +5 access
 +*[[Tissue Hardening]], 1 min, +3 access
 += Traits =
 + /-----------------------------\
 + | Trait Value |
 + >-----------------------------<
 + | [[Assimilativity]] -10 |
 + | [[Diet]] Carnivore |
 + | [[Handedness]] Right |
 + | [[Respiration]] Spiracle |
 + | [[Sentience]] Anthropic |
 + | [[Speech Pattern]] Insectile |
 + | [[Thanatogalvanism]] 10 |
 + \-----------------------------/
 +Notes: Also the physio-anatomy to spew jets of frost.
 + With a race like this it's good to put down adroitness penalties for their multiple limbs, also possibly show attacks.
 += Limb Layout =
/------------------------- Limb Status for Eldritch -------------------------\ /------------------------- Limb Status for Eldritch -------------------------\
| Limb State Cur Max Size Equipment | | Limb State Cur Max Size Equipment |
Line 37: Line 69:
\----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/
- /---- Traits of Eldritch -----\+''Note: As of an unknown date, either the limbs changed to standard Anthropoinsectoid, (head, thorax, feet, two sets of claws) or the one shown above was a warp accident.''
- | Trait Value |+
- >-----------------------------<+
- | Assimilativity -10 |+
- | Diet Carnivore |+
- | Handedness Right |+
- | Quote Style Seelie |+
- | Respiration Spiracle |+
- | Sentience Anthropic |+
- | Speech Pattern Insectile |+
- | Thanatogalvanism 10 |+
- \-----------------------------/+
- Kurd states, ' you would need three more constitution-based specialty points available+[[Category:Races]][[Category: Playable Races]]
- for the required specialties in water affinity and tissue hardening and you would need one+
- more perception-based specialty point available for the required specialty in eructant+
- weapon ' to you.+

Current revision


Help contents

Rarity: Very Unusual
Plural: Erechthiyoi
Anatomy: Anthropoinsectoid
Harm Skills:
    Insect Lore   47%
    Intimidation  23%
    Anatomy       12%
    Empathy        9%
    Torture        9%
No specific help is available for this race.

Sample Attributes

Randomly distributed, obtained via warpstone:

 Attribute       Original
 Strength           97
 Intellect          62
 Vitality           84
 Agility           137
 Willpower         119
 Ego                20
 Perception         53



| Trait                 Value |
| Assimilativity          -10 |
| Diet              Carnivore |
| Handedness            Right |
| Respiration        Spiracle |
| Sentience         Anthropic |
| Speech Pattern    Insectile |
| Thanatogalvanism         10 |

Notes: Also the physio-anatomy to spew jets of frost.

With a race like this it's good to put down adroitness penalties for their multiple limbs, also possibly show attacks.

Limb Layout

/------------------------- Limb Status for Eldritch -------------------------\
| Limb                       State                Cur   Max  Size  Equipment |
| Head                       severely injured     9.1  60.9  5.8%            |
| Slimy Right Forearm        critically injured   4.2  48.8  6.6%            |
| Bony Left Forearm          critically injured   4.2  48.8  6.6%            |
| Right Foreclaw             critically injured   0.6  18.3  2.5%            |
| Left Foreclaw              critically injured   0.6  18.3  2.5%            |
| Thorax                     hurt                74.4 134.1 17.4%            |
| Deformed Right Hindarm     critically injured   4.2  48.8  6.6%            |
| Left Hindarm               critically injured   4.2  48.8  6.6%            |
| Right Hindclaw             critically injured   0.6  18.3  2.5%            |
| Fuzzy Left Hindclaw        critically injured   0.6  18.3  2.5%            |
| Chitinous Abdomen          hurt                74.4 134.1 17.4%            |
| Fuzzy Right Leg            severely injured     6.6  60.9  8.3%            |
| Backward-Jointed Left Leg  severely injured     6.6  60.9  8.3%            |
| Twisted Right Foot         critically injured   1.1  24.4  3.3%            |
| Left Foot                  critically injured   1.1  24.4  3.3%            |

Note: As of an unknown date, either the limbs changed to standard Anthropoinsectoid, (head, thorax, feet, two sets of claws) or the one shown above was a warp accident.