Sunfish (Empathic Bond)

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Known Abilities

Sunfish are small, potent creatures made out of golden plasma, which will damage those who attack them bare-handed. They have a special attack which does photonic and possibly heat. They attack normally with a body slam-like attack, dealing plasma damage. They are almost completely immune to physical damage, and are healed by fire, plasma, photonic and possibly heat. The contact damage effect that occurs when the familiar is struck will expend some of its vital humor, so while the sunfish may seem a good choice to "tank" in combat, it cannot do it indefinitely.

You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the sunfish, and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
You experience feelings of instability, torment, rapture, clarity, madness, and intense heat.
You experience visions of a blindingly bright, crystalline surface and the sun.

You approach the sunfish calmly and deliberately.
You reach out and blend the periphery of your perceptive and emotive sensitivities with a sunfish's mind.
The sunfish flies to your side.
You feel spiritually exhausted but deeply contented, as though you have been made more complete.
You will now trust a sunfish.
You are now a first-degree specialist in heat affinity, introspection, light affinity, lightning affinity, and somatesthesia. [event logged]
Your hair turns golden fire.

Madness Effect


A panoply of unintelligible emotions rushes over you, and you oscillate between feelings of
fear and empowerment -- until these two things merge and become one apophatic sensation of
overwhelming anguish that consumes your consciousness.
You feel your own mind uncontrollably teetering and jittering across bizarre thoughts, settle
into a pattern of of unintelligible concepts, and blur into a sensation of overflowing joy that
consumes your consciousness.
You feel your own mind uncontrollably teetering and jittering across
bizarre thoughts, settle into a pattern of unintelligible concepts, and blur
into a sensation of throbbing rapture that consumes your consciousness.
A panoply of unintelligible emotions rushes over you, and you oscillate
between feelings of fear and empowerment -- until these two things merge and
become one apophatic sensation of acute rapture that consumes your

This applies a highly random set of modifications to attributes and skills. The attribute modifications are always positive and large, and scale with bond strength. The skill modifications vary greatly, and appear to have some relation to the type of madness effect applied. The madness effect type also varies greatly.

Bond Assim

With ~250 empathy and ~190 enchantment my bond assim was only 22%

Training Pain tolerance didn't have any noticeable effect. Training Fire Affinity, Heat Affinity, Light Affinity, Lightning Affinity caused an immediate jump to 26%.

Seems that the affinities are significantly more important than the usual empathy/enchantment+whatever else.

These affinities also seem to tick passively while bonded to a sun critter.

Attribute Modifications

They seem to give the same bonuses as a Sunray. Essentially, a large semi-random bonus is applied to all attributes; the more madnesses the familiar shares with its consort, the larger these bonuses will be. This bonus greatly increases with bond strength. These bonuses are only applied when your familiar is in your current environment - currently this does not include when the familiar is carried, but probably this will change in the near future.

NB: The mental bonuses will be somewhat offset by penalties inflicted by the madnesses themselves.

Specialty Bonuses and Access

Skill Access Bonus
Fire Affinity 16 37.5 + 5%
Heat Affinity 16 37.5 + 5%
Introspection 16 37.5 + 5%
Light Affinity 16 37.5 + 5%
Lightning Affinity 16 37.5 + 5%
Somatesthesia 16 37.5 + 5%
First Aid 12 30
Manipulation 12 30
Pain Tolerance 12 30
Psychology 12 30
Redaction 12 0
Torture 12 30
Cosmology 8 20
Diplomacy 8 20
Empathy 8 20
Fast Talk 8 20
Intimidation 8 20
Metacreativity 8 0
Telepathy 8 0
Flight 4 10



In mid-late "somewhat frail" bond strength, the consort is turned into a photovore.

Also, in late "very frail", the consort gains one luminescence which increases with bond strength, albeit slowly.

In late "very frail", you will get "Your eyes begin glowing" and you will have glowing eyes (white color). They may also shift to orange.

At full bond luminescence = +6

Additional Powers

Sunfish give madnesses much like a sunray, all of them are temporary, which in turn grant you massive boosts to stats as long as you're near your familiar. They also enhance possibly random skills in extreme amounts. Note that the sunfish boosts are greater than the sunray boosts, but they can still put some of your skills into negatives and lower your stats, whether it's a madness or the actual bond doing this or not is unknown. Overall, the boosts are related to how insane you are, the more madnesses you have, the bigger your bonuses get.

Skills Buffed

It would seem that the skill buff is not entirely random. The ammount of buff is generally random based on some huge underling multiplier (yet to be determined but probably [bond strength * $rnd], where bond strength range is 0 to 1000).

The range of skills buffed is also composed of a small subset. Those identified so far are massive exertion, Killer Instinct, resilience, steadiness, centering, channeling, courage imagination, hardiness, recuperation, stamina, pain tolerance, psychology, empathy, fast talk, intimidation, torture, supernal durability

Some Conjoin Notes

|                                    Wuuu                                     |
>------------------------\ /-----------------------\ /------------------------<
|       Sex: Neuter       |      Race: Sunfish      |         Age: 0          |
|        Level: 17        |    Experience: 86535    |        Wealth: 0        |
|        Kills: 0         |        Deaths: 0        |      Kill Ratio: *      |
|        Lives: 0         |     Quest Points: 3     |    Diet: Ametabolic     |
>------------------------/ \----------\ /----------/ \------------------------<
| Strength    Incredible    [ 138 ]    | You are about one and nine           |
| Agility     Prodigious    [ 114 ]    | twentieths dimins across and two     |
| Vitality    Incredible    [ 136 ]    | and seventeen twentieths dimins      |
| Ego         Remarkable    [  66 ]    | long.  You are right-handed.  Your   |
| Intellect   Prodigious    [ 102 ]    | ethics are 0, and your alignment is  |
| Willpower   Preternatural [ 199 ]    | charitable and innovative.  Your     |
| Perception  Superior      [  98 ]    | ethics and alignment are in accord.  |
|                                      | You are of the subsapient culture,   |
|                                      | with the Exoma your homeland.        |
>------------------------\ /----------/ \----------\ /------------------------<
|    Combat: Balanced     |   Attack Scatter: Off   |      Effort: 100%       |
|        Aim: High        |      Strike: None       |    Brief Combat: Off    |
|        Elude: On        |       Chase: Off        |      Stealth: Off       |
|    Encumbrance: None    |                         |      Resolve: 100%      |
>------------------------/ \-----------------------/ \------------------------<
|                          Speed: Fairly Quick (30)                           |
|            Your unarmed combat skill level is prodigious (138).             |

Met at level 16

/- Affinity Skills ---------------------------------------\
|  Fire Affinity               Incredible [ 160 ] [   V ] |
|  Heat Affinity                  Amazing [ 266 ] [   X ] |
|  Light Affinity                 Amazing [ 266 ] [   X ] |
>- Athletic Skills ---------------------------------------<
|  Athleticism                 Prodigious [ 130 ] [ III ] |
|  Massive Exertion                 Inept [  11 ]         |
|  Swimming              Fairly Competent [  31 ]         |
>- Combat Skills -----------------------------------------<
|  Combat Reflexes                Amazing [ 271 ] [ VII ] |
|  Dodge                       Incredible [ 176 ] [ III ] |
|  Find Weakness               Proficient [  56 ] [   I ] |
|  Impact Absorption           Very Inept [   2 ]         |
|  Massive Blow                   Amazing [ 237 ] [ VII ] |
|  Precision Strike            Incredible [ 197 ] [   V ] |
|  Unarmed Combat              Prodigious [ 138 ] [  II ] |
>- Esoteric Skills ---------------------------------------<
|  Centering                   Incredible [ 186 ] [   V ] |
|  Wyrding                        Amazing [ 227 ] [ VII ] |
>- Fieldcraft Skills -------------------------------------<
|  Awareness                        Adept [  94 ] [  II ] |
|  Cold Tolerance              Prodigious [ 142 ] [ III ] |
|  Heat Tolerance                   Inept [  18 ]         |
>- Mental Skills -----------------------------------------<
|  Courage                     Incredible [ 160 ] [  IV ] |
>- Military Skills ---------------------------------------<
|  Subordination        Fairly Proficient [  44 ]         |
|  Tactics                        Amazing [ 291 ] [  IX ] |
>- Movement Skills ---------------------------------------<
|  Quickness                       Expert [ 104 ] [  II ] |
>- Physical Conditioning Skills --------------------------<
|  Recuperation                     Adept [  94 ] [  II ] |
>- Resistance Skills -------------------------------------<
|  Chaos Resistance            Very Inept [   6 ]         |
|  Goetia Resistance           Very Inept [   1 ]         |
|  Magick Resistance           Very Inept [   1 ]         |
|  Pain Tolerance                   Adept [  93 ] [  II ] |
|  Psychic Integrity              Amazing [ 266 ] [   X ] |
|  Spirit Resistance           Very Inept [   1 ]         |
>- Social Skills -----------------------------------------<
|  Carousing                   Very Inept [   1 ]         |
|  Intimidation                    Expert [ 105 ] [  II ] |
>- Trade Skills ------------------------------------------<
|   Torture                       Very Inept [   5 ]      |
/-------- Traits of Wuuu ---------\
| Trait                     Value |
| Cognitive Traits                |
|   Awareness                 Yes |
|   Hebetude                  Yes |
|   Sentience              Animal |
| Esoteric Traits                 |
|   Wingless Flight           Yes |
| Genetic Traits                  |
|   Regrowth                   10 |
| Material Traits                 |
|   Intangibility             Yes |
|   Luminescence                2 |
| Metabolic Traits                |
|   Diet               Ametabolic |
|   Respiration              None |
| Neurological Traits             |
|   Handedness              Right |
| Sensory Traits                  |
|   Night Vision                1 |
| Vocal Traits                    |
|   Quote Style            Normal |
|   Speech Pattern       Ordinary |
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