Ordo Verbus Glacialis

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Ellume (Talk | contribs)
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Line 138: Line 138:
-[[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells|Detailed List of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells]]+'''[[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells|Detailed List of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells]]'''
-[[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell Summary|Quick Summary of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells]]+'''[[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell Summary|Quick Summary of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells]]'''
There are still a great many spells that have not yet been discovered or listed here. A character will gain knowledge of new spells as their skills increase. A character will also be able to select a specific focus, which will grant them the possibility to learn additional spells in relation to the magickal skill of the focus. Some foci options will be known while some others will remain secret. There are still a great many spells that have not yet been discovered or listed here. A character will gain knowledge of new spells as their skills increase. A character will also be able to select a specific focus, which will grant them the possibility to learn additional spells in relation to the magickal skill of the focus. Some foci options will be known while some others will remain secret.
Line 160: Line 160:
Each spell has its own help file accessed by typing 'help <spell name>'. The spells available Each spell has its own help file accessed by typing 'help <spell name>'. The spells available
to you are as follows: to you are as follows:
- /------------------------------------- Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell Summary ------------------------------------\ 
- | Spell Description Common Name Type | 
- >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Algus|Algus]] lingering atmospheric chill chill area attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Frigus Arcus|Frigus Arcus]] cold based-slowing area attack cold arc area attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Deficiens Glacies Testa|Deficiens Glacies Testa]] entropic ice shard decaying ice shard attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Gelu Ligabis|Gelu Ligabis]] offensive debuff attack frozen bind attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Glacialis Globus|Glacialis Globus]] elemental ice attack frozen ball attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Iussit Glacies Testa|Iussit Glacies Testa]] ordered-ice based attack ordered ice shard attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Magicae Telum|Magicae Telum]] magickal dart attack magick dart attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Magicis Glacies Testa|Magicis Glacies Testa]] sorcerous ice shard magickal ice shard attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Novaculata Glaciem|Novaculata Glaciem]] ice shard attack ice shard attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Tenebaraum Glacies Testa|Tenebaraum Glacies Testa]] chaotic-ice based attack chaotic ice shard attack | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Algus Praesidium|Algus Praesidium]] protection from cold cold ward enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Animi Gelidusque|Animi Gelidusque]] body numb icy resolve enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Frigus Calori|Frigus Calori]] arctic enchantment melting warmth enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Glaciem Anima|Glaciem Anima]] ice-based aura ice soul enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Lex Glaciei|Lex Glaciei]] order-infused ice crystal law of ice enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Mortiferum Amplexionem|Mortiferum Amplexionem]] entropic aura deadly embrace enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Scutum Nix|Scutum Nix]] defensive snow enchantment snow shield enchantment | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Frigora Intensa|Frigora Intensa]] intense channeling of cold energy intense frost energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Frigus Evoco|Frigus Evoco]] gathering of cold energy evocation of cold energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Glaciem Evoco|Glaciem Evoco]] gathering of ice energy evocation of ice energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Imperium Evoco|Imperium Evoco]] gathering of order energy evocation of order energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Magicae Evoco|Magicae Evoco]] channeling of magickal energy evocation of magick energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Mortem Evoco|Mortem Evoco]] gathering of entropic energy evocation of entropy energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Summa Glacies|Summa Glacies]] intense channeling of ice energy intense ice energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Vehementi Magicae|Vehementi Magicae]] intense channeling of magickal energy intense magick evocation energy conversion | 
- | [[Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells#Iter Gelidas|Iter Gelidas]] teleportation to Lapis Obilisk frozen travels transportation | 
- \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 
You may see a summary of the spell list by typing 'help spell summary'. You may see a summary of the spell list by typing 'help spell summary'.

Revision as of 03:13, 3 September 2017

Ordo Verbus Glacialis is the first guild to fully use the new spell casting system.

     You are a member of Ordo Verbus Glacialis, a cabal of magi who study the entropic energies of
 ice and cold.

     Like all magi, you require a handful of esoteric skills that will allow you to manipulate the
 arcane, as well as a deep reserve of spiritual energy.  In addition to these skills and energies,
 you will use several techniques and power stores unique to an initiate of this order.

     At the core of an initiate's study with the order is the esoteric art of Glaciaturgy, the
 arcane manipulation of ice.  It is the rigid and immobile structure of ice that the order has
 sought to emulate in all things, for it is their belief that only within a strict hierarchy which
 is free from all other distractions shall true power be found.

     The ultimate goal of the Ordo Verbus Glacialis is simple: subversive order in all things.  The
 Tower of Geladia has fallen before -- not to the overt strength or subtle cunning of outside
 powers, but instead to a weakness of mind and a wavering resolve which lead to the destruction of
 the order from within. It is these very weaknesses that the remnants of the White Magi have
 learned from and built upon once more, and with the crystalline structure of ice, the biting
 severity of cold, and the creeping inevitability of entropy that the order shall stake its claim
 of dominance over the chaotic landscape of the world.

     These three principles -- cold, entropy, and order -- serve as the catalysts of your ability
 to manipulate and resonate with magickal energies to create any number of powerful effects for the
 betterment of the order.  Power comes to initiates in many forms; some are as gentle as freshly
 fallen snow, while others are like a raging avalanche.  Tempering and controlling such forms of
 power for the greater good is key to becoming a successful member of the Order, and thereby
 mastering the Frozen Word.
     All new practitioners of the Ordo Verbus Glacialis begin as simple initiates, the title of which 
 is based off ones gender.  You should address all members of fellow rank with proper title and 
 respect as this is the very basis upon which our order is founded.  All members of higher rank are to 
 be treated strictly as your superiors and any deviation from this simple rule could result in dire consequences.  
 Lastly, as you progress through the ranks of the Order also remember where you came from and keep a firm, but 
 caring hand towards, your lesser members.

     The order has a communication channel accessed using the commands 'verbus', 'ovg', and

     Read 'help spells' for information on your spells and spellcasting.  See 'help spell summary'
 for a quick display of your spell information.



To join visit the Lair of Winterchill and talk to Aristides in the the corner. Joining phrase is "I request to study under the White Order" which can be viewed in his info.

Aristides understands the languages Thari, Enochian, Caladan, and some Anglic. It has been confirmed you can join speaking Anglic, but it may take several tries for him to understand you.

Minimum Specialty_points requirements (less bonus specs) are Intelligence = 7, Vitality = 3, Agility = 2, Ego = 2, Perception = 1, Willpower = 1


Ordo Verbus Glacialis requires one specialty in each of: Cryoturgy, Eideturgy, Evocation, Glaciaturgy and Klimaphrasty

standard access from male Istaxith Srazh:

 /---------------------------------- Specialty Access of Cryosos ----------------------------------\
 | Skill                   Max      Min      Asg     Bon     Deg     Sus     Rat     Att     Pts   |
 | Anatomy                  3        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Animal Lore              2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Arctic Fieldcraft        4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Awareness                2        0        0       0       0       0       15     Per      6    |
 | Cartography              2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Cold Affinity           10        2        1       1       2       0       0      Vit      3    |
 | Conjuration             10        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Cosmology                2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Courage                  1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Wil      9    |
 | Cryoturgy               25        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Dagger                   3        0        0       0       0       0       20     Agi      5    |
 | Diplomacy                1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Discipline               3        0        0       0       0       0       0      Wil      9    |
 | Divination              10        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Dodge                    3        0        0       0       0       0       15     Agi      5    |
 | Eavesdropping            1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Eideturgy               25        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Elude Pursuit            2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Enchantment             10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Enochian                10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Entropy Affinity        10        2        1       1       2       0       0      Vit      3    |
 | Eructation               8        1        0       1       1       0       10     Per      6    |
 | Evocation               35        1        1       0       1       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Fast Talk                2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Finance                  1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Find Weakness            2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | First Aid                3        0        0       0       0       0       15     Per      6    |
 | Flight                   4        0        0       0       0       0       30     Agi      5    |
 | Gambling                 1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Gem Lore                 2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Glaciaturgy             25        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Graecan                  4        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Haggling                 1        0        0       0       0       0       1      Ego      4    |
 | History                  3        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Ice Affinity            10        2        1       1       2       0       0      Vit      3    |
 | Insect Lore              2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Introspection           10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Killer Instinct          1        0        0       0       0       0       5      Per      6    |
 | Law                      2        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Leadership               2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Legerdemain             10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Agi      5    |
 | Literacy                10        1        1       0       1       0       40     Int      3    |
 | Lockpicking              1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Agi      5    |
 | Logic                    4        0        0       0       0       0       16     Int      3    |
 | Logistics                1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Mathematics              4        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Memory                  10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Mountaineering           2        0        0       0       0       0       15     Int      3    |
 | Order Affinity          10        2        1       1       2       0       0      Wil      9    |
 | Ownership                2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Philosophy               4        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Physics                  4        0        0       0       0       0       11     Int      3    |
 | Plant Lore               2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Politics                 4        0        0       0       0       0       9      Int      3    |
 | Precision Strike         2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Prestidigitation        10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Agi      5    |
 | Psychology               4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Qlippotic Lore           4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Resilience               4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Vit      3    |
 | Sky Fieldcraft           2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Staff                    3        0        0       0       0       0       5      Agi      5    |
 | Steadiness               2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Vit      3    |
 | Summoning               10        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Swimming                 1        0        0       0       0       0       10     Vit      3    |
 | Symbology               10        0        0       0       0       0       11     Int      3    |
 | Teaching                 4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Telesmatic Weapon       10        1        1       0       1       0       0      Ego      4    |
 | Thanaturgy              10        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Theology                 4        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Throwing                 3        0        0       0       0       0       15     Agi      5    |
 | Traps                    1        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Unarmed Combat           1        0        0       0       0       0       20     Agi      5    |
 | Vocalization             3        0        0       0       0       0       0      Per      6    |
 | Weapon Lore              2        0        0       0       0       0       0      Int      3    |
 | Xhax                     3        1        0       1       1       0       56     Int      3    |


Detailed List of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells

Quick Summary of Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells

There are still a great many spells that have not yet been discovered or listed here. A character will gain knowledge of new spells as their skills increase. A character will also be able to select a specific focus, which will grant them the possibility to learn additional spells in relation to the magickal skill of the focus. Some foci options will be known while some others will remain secret.

Spells are cast in steps with more complex spells having more steps. Each step will use different skills, and if you are not proficient enough then the spell will go out of control, and any energy involved will likely damage you. The setting 'set depiction verbose spellcasting to on' will provide feedback about where things are going well or poorly.

Each spell will also use different energy types. Energy conversion spells can be used to get the various types. In general Spiritual Energy is converted to Magickal Energy, and then Magickal Energy is converted to Entropic/Cold/Ice/Order Energies. If you have no Magickal Energy then Spirit Energy will be auto converted. Ice Energy will use Entropic/Cold Energy if you don't have any Magickal or Spirit Energy available.

     Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells
     Before any spells may be cast, one must enter into the proper mental state for hermetic spellcasting, forming a mental link with the magickal forces one wishes to wield.
     For members of the White Order, this link is called a acuere magicae -- a mental approximation of the forces of magick and ice.  To initiate your acuere magicae, visualize a snowflake manifested from raw magickal essence.  To
  dismiss it, visualize a snowflake melting.
     The syntax for casting spells is 'cast <spell name> [on <target> | with <component> | without
 <spell step>]'.  
     Each spell has its own help file accessed by typing 'help <spell name>'.  The spells available
 to you are as follows:
     You may see a summary of the spell list by typing 'help spell summary'.
     Almost all combat spells require you to aim them and can potentially be dodged; your attack
 rating with these spells is determined by your telesmatic weapon along with the relevant magickal
 control skills (such as cryoturgy) and their mother attributes.


To cast a spell, simply type "cast <spell name>". One specifies targets with the preposition "on", and specifies components with the preposition "with".

Certain steps in spellcasting are optional and can be skipped. Skipping a step will tend to make casting the spell more difficult and more energetically expensive. However, it results in the spell being faster to cast, and can indirectly aid in the spell being cast by skipping steps that involve magickal skills with which one is less practiced. To skip spellcasting steps, use the preposition "without".

The order of the prepositions matters: first specify targets, then components, then skipped steps.

To get a description of the steps one uses to cast a spell, set the "verbose spellcasting" depiction to on. This will also give you an indication of how well one is managing the spellcasting process.

For most spellcasting steps it is possible to fumble the spellcasting process if one's relevant magickal skills and their mother attributes are insufficient to manage even a skeleton of the correct procedure. The effects of fumbling vary, but typically involve one being overwhelmed by the type of energies involved in controlling that spell step, resulting in damage to one's body and spiritual energy reserves. For example, if one fumbled glacialis globus, a spell involving glaciaturgy, one would receive ice damage that affected both one's body and spirit. Skipping spellcasting steps makes the spell more difficult to control and thus makes fumbling more likely.

   cast glacialis globus
   cast glacialis globus on bill
   cast glacialis globus on bill without speaking the incantation
   cast magicae cristallum with diamond
   cast magicae cristallum with diamond without speaking the incantation


 Ordo Verbus Glacialis Foci
   Members of the White Order often find themselves favoring one specific type of energy utilized by their spells.
   Those with a sufficient mastery over manipulating a specific estoeric energy are able to attune their spirits to its magickal signature.
   Little is known about foci and exactly how the process occurs, but most usually advancement in them has a direct link to ones' magickal skill to the related energy, time spent in the White Order, or even experiences had during
   ones' time as a student.
   The current available foci are:
     amicus          magicae           frigidum            incantamentum                sceptrum            proelium
   You do not currently have a focus.

Important note: Setting a focus requires a static one thousand spell points, meaning you must be at or over 1000 SP when attempting to set one. Being at full SPs while under 1000 will not help.

An interesting history book excerpt:

The fourth page is written in silvery script and discusses the fall of the original Order of the White Magi in the city of Palanthas in the arctic north. It seems that, through the Conclave formed by the White, Red, and Black Orders, the White Magi became corrupted by the Black, some of their members coming to commit terrible atrocities. A victim of one such act was the leader of the unicorns, who was transformed into a stone statue while her horn was made into an icicle and hidden deep within a glacier. There is more writing on this page, but the rest has been smeared; the only word which can be distinguished clearly is "Remorhaz".