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Revision as of 18:01, 13 September 2018 (edit)
Wesnile (Talk | contribs)
(thought command listing)
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Wesnile (Talk | contribs)

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You can get your list of active achievements via: '''think about my active achievements'''. You can get your list of active achievements via: '''think about my active achievements'''.
-The only difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours.+The only known difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours.
{{endspoilers}} {{endspoilers}}
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Revision as of 18:03, 13 September 2018

There's an Aristeia guild in a temple. You can get to it from everywhere. It's pretty great.

Maybe check out the book.

   You say, "I devote myself to Aristes"
   You sense a presence settling into your memory, looking to filter and siphon a small portion of your experience for itself.
   You are now a second-degree specialist in athleticism, memory, pain tolerance, and showmanship. [event logged]
   You are now a fourth-degree specialist in legend lore. [event logged]
   You are now a sixth-degree specialist in tenacity. [event logged]

There's a lot we don't know about how Aristes operates, but the basic idea is that you go out and do stuff in the world. This will cause you to earn achievements, which will increase your ratings. There are lots and lots of achievements, so experiment!

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

You can access your current list of achievements via: think about my achievements.

You can adopt an achievement, setting it as active, via: will myself to adopt the achievement $*. To remove it, will myself to cease adopting the achievement $*.

You can exemplify an achievement, setting it as active, via: will myself to deeply exemplify the achievement $*. To remove it, will myself to cease exemplifying the achievement $*.

You can get additional information on each individual achievement via: think about my achievement $*.

You can get your list of active achievements via: think about my active achievements.

The only known difference between adopting and exemplification of an achievement is the amount of time before you can swap active achievements. Adoption requiring a three minute cool-down, while exemplification requires 3 hours.

End of spoiler information.

Submit any bugs or typos here: Issues/Suggestions