Swan (Empathic Bond)

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Bonding Requirements

Some amount of both discipline and empathy seems to be required.

Failure Message

You sense a lack of regard from the white-feathered female swan, and dimly feel that she
considers you to be insufficiently serious about kindness.

Known Abilities

Attribute Modifications

Those who form an empathic bond with swans receive bonuses to their Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma and Perception.

Specialty Bonuses

Bonus specialty degrees and access are provided as follows:

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

At the middle of "fairly healthy" bond strength:

At "very healthy" bond strength, Light Affinity bonus specialty is increased to 2.

Tier 4

Tier 5

Tier 6


First, the ability to convert spiritual energy into more refined forms. You sense that this bond is enabling you to acquire radiant energy with this ability. To do this, concentrate on channeling my spiritual energy into the desired type of energy.

Second, the ability to urge your familiar to specific action. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on urging your familiar to undertake the desired action.

Third, the ability to send your familiar to safety. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on sending your familiar to safety.

Fourth, the ability to see through your familiar's eyes. This ability can be used even if you do not know where your familiar is. To do this, concentrate on seeing what your familiar sees.

Fifth, the ability to enchant a staff (or similar object) with the power of the clouds, enabling its holder to fly. To do this, concentrate on the sky joining the earth within the desired staff, cane, or walking stick.

Sixth, the ability to call your familiar to your side. To do this, concentrate on calling your familiar.

Seventh, the ability to enchant ordinary arrows with radiant energy. To do this, concentrate on illuminating an arrow or arrows.

The ability to channel spiritual energy from your familiar to yourself. To do this, concentrate on channeling spiritual energy inward.

The ability to encase one's body in a protective sheath of light. The light will attempt to absorb damage by drawing on one's radiant energy. To do this, concentrate on encasing myself in a patina of light. To end the effects of this charm, concentrate on shedding my patina of light.

The ability to channel spiritual energy from yourself to your familiar. To do this, concentrate on channeling my spiritual energy outward.

The ability to perceive subtle energy flows. To do this, concentrate on perceiving subtle energy flows.

Additional Abilities

Swan familiars open and charge the Muladhara and Anahata chakras periodically and provide a special sword attack which utilizes radiant energy.

Attack                     Activity Cost

Crescent                   13     
Ray of Intense Light       15   

The crescent attack is a photonic-based attack that adds photonic affinity and lumimancy to its hit rating, and requires a normal-sized sword to use.

The ray of intense light attack is a photonic-based attack that bases its attack rating largely upon lumimancy.

Traits Granted

Appears to grant Ambidexterity. After awhile, diet changes to photovore.

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