Most Wanted

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This page isn't a list of bugs, problems and other things. It's your Most Wanted thing on the game. The rules are anyone can only have one item on the list a time. It can be a guild, an artifact, an area, a race, it can be as crazy as you want it to be and you can go into as much detail as you want. Obviously as this is a player started page (though Developers can add too!) the Developers in no way have to take up any of your ideas. Don't phone, it's just for fun.


Gavadel son of Ganalon

I'll get the ball rolling since I started it AMBER!


The trump deck from Amber, with the NPC's to support it...especially if it means Merlin can return to Camelot and raise a strong pimp hand on Dara.


I'm kinda looking forward to non guild/assoc crafting... think it would be great. Fairly sure it's one of the MANY things Chaos is working on.

Remove alignment... replace with culture based reputation maybe... (don't know what but alignment seems D&Dish to me)

I was down in those hobgoblin caves under the desert and it could do with a little fleshing out... there are shops and stuff that don't seem finished... no sign to look at and no list at all... i don't see why you couldn't chuck a little goblin/orc/ogre race grouping type assoc down there (they even have a recruitment room already) to help defend it or what not... I'm not talking power gamer uber BS but something in theme to give it a reason for being other then you go there to hunt and get some odd items...


a manor district in LH. ability to buy a house where you can put things that do not clear on re-boot. defeating the need for mules while allowing players to use rare items they have collected.


I want gradual movement of a mud towards a task-based system generally, and specifically a system in which one can affect the world in richer ways, other than murder, in accordance to our fantasy setting.

  • Non-resetting, dynamic settlements:
    • Make settlements (towns, castles, etc.) dynamic, non H&S oriented, and non-resetting
    • Ability to start a settlement
    • Adventure for a settlement to strengthen it
    • Attack a settlement to weaken or permanently destroy it
    • Stay in a settlement for a prolonged time to do either of these things internally
    • Game benefits/penalties doled out according to town-specific reputations
  • Economy
    • Model trade routes and trade treaties
    • Make relative economic power tremendously more important
  • Real dungeons
    • Dynamic, and potentially resetting
    • Move most H&S content to these
  • Making traveling a problem to be solved. This is a requirement for any long-term improvement of the mud along the above lines
    • A removal/dramatic difficulty increase of most/all teleportation abilities
    • Make traveling across the map specifically, and ambulation generally, much more time-consuming and affected by more factors


Madam Myrtis, her establishment fully updated with modern code and racial distinction and interaction via MUD mechanics.


I second Twilight's non-resetting, dynamic settlements!


A way to show which specialties are gained by what guilds and/or assocations the character is in.


  • A fully dynamic world environment
  • Multiple different regions with distinct cultures, which can go to war with one another
  • A lunar cycle which can affect things such as tides, Lupine abilities, and certain spell-casting attempts
  • A seasonal cycle, so that Losthaven can have summer, spring, autumn, and winter.
  • Dynamic atmospheric effects that affect the players, such as snow being cold, rain obscuring vision, extremes of weather , etc.
  • Vast oceans where large sailing vessel can carry goods from one port to another, making these port cities much more valuable. Also, this brings up the opportunities for piracy and privateering.
  • Varying means of technological advancement. One area can be firmly set in the Iron Ages and relying on their basic metal smithing, while another area can be making strides in basic clockworks, while another area can have the beginnings of steampunk technology or biotechnology.
  • Fully developed magick systems, where different forms of magickal concepts can be used to provide the same result.
  • Areas/regions large enough and with enough interesting things to do in that area that heroes can rise from those areas without traversing the entire globe first.
  • Dynamic lifecycles, where different stages of development have meaning. This especially applies to beings like Dragons, where elder and ancient dragons have considerable more power than a dragon that is barely a century old. This will also give much more usefulness to temporal magicks.
  • Events, such as circuses, carnivals, annual festivals, annual competitions, harvests, holidays, etc.
  • Residences, where players can have a house and home, or even a store of their own, or even their own keep or castle. These can be raided, invaded, guarded, protected, maintained, or destroyed by actions within the game.
  • A dynamic economy, where a flood of items can decrease their value to the point of worthlessness, and trade negotiations can strengthen the economy of a town. With this, regional rarity causing certain items to be worthless that are highly valuable in another region(, and items that are worthless in another region to be highly valuable(a glass of water on Arrakis or a Dark Sun Tyr)
  • Populace reactions to player presence, affected by race and reputation. This way, invae will be scared of rachnei adventurers, humans will flee in terror from the strange fomor that just rode in on the back of a dragon, and peasants will cheer at the arrival of their local hero.
  • A wider variety of natural and magickal herbs, specific to certain regions. With this a wider variety of poisons and venoms.
  • A world of such vastness that a single character can spend their entire career in their home region, such as an Underdark where a player never has to see the sun, or an underwater region where a player would never have to see the sky. A world so expansive that a knight would be a rare sight in Hanoma, just as a aisenshi would be a rarity in Avalon.
  • A world system that included distant planets and moons, so that we could have our planes of existence, and a separate planet for Arrakis, a moon based on Endor, a planet completely covered by water, a frozen planet encased in ice, and a guild of interstellar transporters who regulate all traffic between planets.


  • The completion of Death's Gate to include access to Lysator's planes/worlds.
  • The creation of actual content that uses 3-d mapping. Let's see more windships and Cloud Cities.
  • Above all, ways to gain XP (as a proxy for acheivements) so that you can level without grinding the hack. Dynamic quests, experience for successful spellcasts, experience for RP interactions, a lot more.


  • A metric for tracking deeds, reputation, and ethics (in the sense of ethical priorities of the character, like healing others or stealing from the foolish).
  • Full character customization during creation. Are you a manic-depressive lothar who's missing an eye? How about a quessae who's devoted hirself to the study of Evocation?
  • A much larger world.
  • The geosystem (solar system, except it's not solar-centric) of Gaia.
  • The ability to develop innate magickal power such that you can toy with magick on a fundamental level.
  • Vampires or other supernatural creatures with powers roughly at the level of flexibility of Hellsing; "You've only lost two legs, and you haven't revealed any of your other forms!"
  • dittos on most of Lysator and Twilight's lists regarding dynamic content and fundamental environmental support.
  • More skill and more time.