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Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


The Coven's guildmistress wanders Gardagh around the coordinates 12, 14, 0.


Centering 1
Channeling 1
Conjuration 1
Daemonology 1
Empathy 1
Enchantment 1
Manipulation 1
Halea looks Sethae up and down, sizing it up. Halea asks, ~*&. Bring me the tail of a
rat, so that you might understand darkness.  Bring me the hand of an angel, so that you might
understand death. Bring me a walking stick, so that you might understand freedom.  Bring me a
coin, so that you might understand want.  Bring me a sword, so that you might understand pain,
and a thond's eye, that you might understand honor.  Bring me a flute, so that you might
understand joy, and the wing of a bird, that you might understand life.And when you bring me
these things, bring yourself, naked and shivering, that you might feel the stars on your face
and taste the ocean with your skin. .&*~


The Coven are capable of bonding with certain animals of the wild via witchcraft.

Empathic Bonds Book

Known Familiar Types

 Carrion Bird
   The white-skinned female human says, ~*&. Those that seek the crow or the raven become Valkyries, 
gatekeepers of the realm of the dead, caretakers of shades and spirits.  The magicks of the birds of the 
dead are quite potent, and mostly come in the form of enchantments. .&*~
   The white-skinned female human says, ~*&. Those that seek the owl become Night Maidens, seekers of 
elemental wisdom, knowers of the faces of the moon.  Maidens have perhaps the most straightforward and 
powerful magicks among the Sisters, able to stand toe to toe with virtually any foe. .&*~
   The white-skinned female human says, ~*&. Those that seek the osprey become Sirens, lovers of the sea, 
temptresses of fate and men.  Their magicks are the least potent of the Sisters, consisting mostly of  
guile and conscription.  But they have their place in the scheme of things. .&*~

Bond Failure Messages


End of spoiler information.