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Class: Esoteric Skills
Attribute: Perception
Pedagogy: Physical Training
Practitioner Term: Somatesthete 

This skill represents a certain awareness of one's own body that permits a
degree of influence over its normal functioning.  Persons skilled in
somatesthesia have greater endurance and physical vitality, tolerate extremes of
heat and cold better, and recover more quickly from the grogginess associated
with coming out of a resting or meditative state.  They also become hungry and
thirsty more slowly when they are already hungry or thirsty, and more quickly
when they are satiated.


Xi Feng Ming: Sheng Shih (doesnt train hanomans or dana)(intros)(Not training Hanomans includes not training Attuned.)
Weapons of Vengeance: Goth
Maidens of the Spear:  Sulin
Aisenshi: Musashi
Elflords: Celeborn
ShapeShifters Maramar
Ordo Ignis Aeternis: Itozuma wanders Quetlatl
  • Notes