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  • Location: Sseraka
  • Occupation: Chief of the Tribe
  • Look
Sscantha is a muscular sleestak with dark green scales over his body.  Sscantha became the 
chief of the Sseraka tribe at a young age, after challenging the previous chief to ritual 
combat.  Since then, Sscantha and his mate S'serinath have led the tribe with wisdom.  It 
is their hope to one day reclaim the glory of the sleestak.  He has a webwork of sparkling
light within and around him.
  • Info
 Sscantha is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Sscantha, what do you teach?
   Cost inquiry:         Sscantha, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Sscantha, teach me <subject(s)>.
  • Trains
  animal lore
  legend lore
  plant lore
  the use of spears
  swamp fieldcraft
  unarmed combat
  • Notes

While Sscantha says that he will allow people to join his tribe, this is a leftover from an earlier guilds system. The joining text is similar too (done twice, by different characters but as yet unrepeatable) "I want to petition for membership of your tribe". His response is either "You are already a member of the tribe" or if you are a non-Sleestak, "You cannot join the tribe".

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