Justicar invocations
From LSWiki
Axa allows the most disciplined Justicars the ability to invoke her power. These abilities are intended, generally, to allow the Justicars to pursue the agents of chaos anywhere, regardless of any physical limitation on the part of the Justicar and can be invoked instantly in battle. A Justicar will typically have to expend spiritual energy to invoke Axa in this way.
Invocations come in three broad categories. Those that affect the Justicar's body, those that affect the Justicar's mind, and those that can call inhabitants of Echelos to aid in combat. Making use of these invocations requires knowledge of biology, psychology, and cosmology respectively. Lesser known invocations may also exist outside these categories.
Contents |
Physical Invocations
Invocation of Breath
Usage: perform invocation of breath Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified biology skill Capability Minimum : 60 Capability Maximum : 300 Energy Costs : ten points of spiritual energy Many of Axa's Justicars are unable to venture beneath the ocean due to the limits of their biology. To allow them to pursue her enemies in such circumstances, Axa provides her Justicars with this invocation, which allows them to breathe underwater.
Sets respiration to aqualung.
At 100%, sets respiration to internal.
Invocation of Flight
Usage: perform invocation of flight Knowledge Requirement : have at least 150 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 60 points in unmodified biology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified biology skill Capability Minimum : 115 Capability Maximum : 350 Energy Costs : fifty points of spiritual energy This invocation allows a Justicar to take to the skies in pursuit of flying opponents. Even those who already have wings can gain a second pair and becoming more skilled. The invocation can be performed an additional time to dismiss the wings.
- The wings can be toggled on/off by re-doing the invocation
- The wings WILL evaporate (timer), which if relied upon for flight can be bad...
- 100% = +59 Flight
Invocation of Immateriality
Usage: perform invocation of immateriality Knowledge Requirement : have at least 200 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 100 points in unmodified biology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified biology skill Capability Minimum : 160 Capability Maximum : 450 Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy Occasionally a Justicar may need to enter areas that are too small for them. This invocation ensures that they can hunt down Axa's enemies no matter where they may try to hide.
Yes, it grants intangibility.
Invocation of Elemental Appropriation
Usage: perform invocation of elemental appropriation Knowledge Requirement : have at least 250 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 125 points in unmodified biology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified biology skill Capability Minimum : 200 Capability Maximum : 600 Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy While the prime provides a relatively comfortable environment for a Justicar's activities, there exist many environments with more esoteric hazards. This invocation will attempt to draw on the essence of present inhabitants and imbue the Justicar with like energies.
Mental Invocations
Invocation of Detachment
Justicar of Axa Esoteric Maneuver Usage: perform invocation of detachment Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified psychology skill Capability Minimum : 60 Capability Maximum : 300 Energy Costs : twenty-five points of spiritual energy A Justicar should not be deterred from a task because of any mental weakness. Fear, pain, anger, and pleasure are all unnecessary distractions in the heat of battle. This invocation allows the Justicars to avoid such failings, but it also makes it difficult to know when one is in real danger.
Grants Anagonia, Analgesia, Anhedonia and Aphobia.
Provides Paraneurism at 100%.
- 100% means non-rounded 100%, not 299.9/300, 300/300. lol
Invocation of Confidence
Justicar of Axa Esoteric Maneuver Usage: perform invocation of confidence Knowledge Requirement : have at least 150 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 60 points in unmodified psychology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified psychology skill Capability Minimum : 115 Capability Maximum : 350 Energy Costs : fifty points of spiritual energy This invocation bestows great luck and confidence upon the Justicar using it. While some might call this overconfidence, those who invoke it typically find it improves their abilities in a variety of ways without impairing them as the invocation of detachment does.
- 20 Luck and 20 Natural Confidence at 65% perfection. Also buffs Ego, Leadership, and Courage.
- 30 Luck, 20 Natural Confidence and +60 Ego, Leadership and Courage at 100%
Invocation of Psychic Sanctuary
Justicar of Axa Esoteric Maneuver Usage: perform invocation of psychic sanctuary Knowledge Requirement : have at least 200 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 100 points in unmodified psychology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified psychology skill Capability Minimum : 160 Capability Maximum : 450 Energy Costs : eighty points of spiritual energy Enemies with psychic abilities present a unique threat that can be difficult to defeat. Axa provides this invocation to the Justicars to help them overcome such opponents. When invoked, the Justicar will gain protection from psychic abilities for a time.
- +44 Psychic Integrity at 68%
- Can't tell if does anything else or it's just basically crap...
Invocation of Prowess
Justicar of Axa Esoteric Maneuver Usage: perform invocation of prowess Knowledge Requirement : have at least 250 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 125 points in unmodified psychology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified psychology skill Capability Minimum : 200 Capability Maximum : 600 Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy Axa expects her Justicars to be able to defeat her enemies whenever it is required. As they may sometimes lack the knowledge needed to do so, this invocation grants the Justicar the knowledge to defeat any opponent and an unearthly intuition in combat.
Summoning Invocations
The summoning invocations can only be used in combat, and have a short duration after combat ends (longer with higher perfection). You can only have one -chelon of any given type at a time, but you can have multiple types summoned at once.
- They somehow redirect all violence to themselves almost instantly, it's a form of succor, albeit faster than other beings'.
- When they leave they seem to return the XP they gained.
- Sadly it is probably best to avoid investing too much in this chain if you can help it, as the summons are only available while in combat and can't be summoned in NO TP areas and those are the places they'll probably be needed the most.
Invocation of Tetrachelon Summoning
Usage: perform invocation of tetrachelon summoning Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified cosmology skill Capability Minimum : 60 Capability Maximum : 300 Energy Costs : fifty points of spiritual energy Summoning invocations allow a Justicar to call on the cheloi, servants of Axa, to aid in battle. This particular invocation summons a tetrachelon, a chelon that is able to control water energy.
Invocation of Hexachelon Summoning
Usage: perform invocation of hexachelon summoning Knowledge Requirement : have at least 150 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 60 points in unmodified cosmology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified cosmology skill Capability Minimum : 115 Capability Maximum : 350 Energy Costs : seventy-five points of spiritual energy Summoning invocations allow a Justicar to call on the cheloi, servants of Axa, to aid in battle. This particular invocation summons a hexachelon, a chelon that is able to control earth energy.
Invocation of Octachelon Summoning
Usage: perform invocation of octachelon summoning Knowledge Requirement : have at least 200 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 100 points in unmodified cosmology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified cosmology skill Capability Minimum : 160 Capability Maximum : 450 Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy Summoning invocations allow a Justicar to call on the cheloi, servants of Axa, to aid in battle. This particular invocation summons an octachelon, a chelon that is able to control lightning energy.
Invocation of Dodecachelon Summoning
Usage: perform invocation of dodecachelon summoning Knowledge Requirement : have at least 250 points in unmodified discipline skill and have at least 125 points in unmodified cosmology skill Capability Formula : 25% of unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of unmodified theology skill plus 25% of unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of unmodified cosmology skill Capability Minimum : 200 Capability Maximum : 600 Energy Costs : one hundred twenty-five points of spiritual energy Summoning invocations allow a Justicar to call on the cheloi, servants of Axa, to aid in battle. This particular invocation summons a dodecachelon, a chelon that is able to control extropic energy.
Esoteric Invocations
Invocation of the Storm
Knowledge Requirement : be a Storm Walker Capability Formula : 25% of having the unmodified discipline skill plus 25% of having the unmodified theology skill plus 25% of having the unmodified invocation skill plus 100% of having the unmodified lightning affinity skill plus 100% of having the unmodified Elektraturgy skill Capability Minimum : 60 Capability Maximum : 600 Energy Costs : one hundred points of spiritual energy This invocation is granted specifically to Storm Walkers that have decided to serve Axa by becoming Justicars. When invoked, Axa will bless the Justicar's shield with the capability to hold an electric charge built up from the Justicar's own lightning energies. When enough charge has been built up, you can concentrate on unleashing your stored energy to violently release the saved lightning energy. Further, you can concentrate on reclaiming your lightning energy to recover the saved energy back to your reserves. To see how much charge has been stored, think about the lightning stored in your shield. While active, the invocation can be performed again to end the effect.