Unicorn (Empathic Bond)

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Bond Imagine Message

You experience feelings of purity, understanding, grace, healing, freedom, and divine love.
You experience visions of a beautiful grove of pure nature.
You experience astral visions of flows of sephirotic energy.

Bond Failure Message

You sense that the unicorn ignores you, requiring that you were more pure, perceptive and devoted to faith.

Bond Requirements

Successfully bonded with (180, 170, 200, 40) and with (322, 189, 135, 117)

Possible other important skills: Empathy, Leadership


Provides a large bonus to perception and smaller bonuses to ego and intelligence


Opens and charges the Ajna chakra, Vishuddha chakra, and Manipura chakra periodically.


Grants Situational Awareness at resilient

Combat Bonuses

Adds the following to attack, damage, and deflect ratings:

200% of Sephirotic Affinity (scaling - starts at 25%)
100% of Piety
100% of Kalaturgy

Energy Regen

Will slowly regenerate the consort's sephirotic energy while the consort is on sacred ground

You feel the sacred grounds surrounding you infuse your spirit, replenishing the sephirotic energy within you.

Combat Maneuvers/Special Attacks

  • Touch of Grace (Combat Maneuver) at very healthy
You reach your left hand out towards the gray granite golem and blast its head devastatingly
  • Spike of Holy Fury (Special Attack) at robust
You call out an invocation, and a spike of explosive holy darts
  • Holy Lightning (Combat Maneuver) at very deep
You shift your left hand releasing a torrent of white lightning at
  • Wrath of Divine Judgement (Special Attack) at halfway through nearly complete
You turn your face upward, and a column of explosive holy theoplasm erupts around

Skill Effects

Skill Access Bonus
First Aid 16 37.5 + 5% base
Kalaturgy 16 37.5 + 5% base
Leadership 16 37.5 + 5% base
Sephirotic Affinity 16 37.5 + 5% base
Theology 16 37.5 + 5% base
Centering 15 37.5
Equestrian 12 30
Piety 12 30
Riding 12 30
Introspection 8 20
Escape 8 20
Mounted Combat 8 20
Flight 4 10
Forestry 4 10
Meditation 4 10
Recuperation 4 10
Stamina 4 10
Steadiness 4 10
