Paratheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric

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Line 18: Line 18:
-You drawl, "|I wish to leave the POEE|"+ You drawl, "|I wish to leave the POEE|"
-You lose one hundred twenty-two thousand seven hundred ninety-three experience.+ 
-Malaclypse the Younger blinks.+ You lose one hundred twenty-two thousand seven hundred ninety-three experience.
-Malaclypse the Younger buzzes, =>~Is it that time? All right, then.~<= in Anglic.+ 
-Malaclypse the Younger stares at you briefly.+ Malaclypse the Younger blinks.
-You feel something fade from within you.+ 
-Malaclypse the Younger asserts, "Best of luck with, uh, whatever it was you were going to go off and do, black-skinned hermaphroditic kedeth." in+ Malaclypse the Younger buzzes, =>~Is it that time? All right, then.~<= in Anglic.
-The chaos aura crackles away into nothingness.+ Malaclypse the Younger stares at you briefly.
-You feel diminished somewhat, as if an inner light has faded.+ 
-You can no longer specialize in chaos affinity to the degree required, and so have lost all use of this ability.+ You feel something fade from within you.
-You no longer specialize in elder lore, introspection or xotimancy.+ 
-You are now a third-degree specialist in channeling.+ Malaclypse the Younger asserts, "Best of luck with, uh, whatever it was you were going to go off and do,
 + black-skinned hermaphroditic kedeth." in Anglic.
 + The chaos aura crackles away into nothingness.
 + You feel diminished somewhat, as if an inner light has faded.
 + You can no longer specialize in chaos affinity to the degree required, and so have lost all use of this
 + ability.
 + You no longer specialize in elder lore, introspection or xotimancy.
 + You are now a third-degree specialist in channeling.
[[Category: Affiliations]] [[Category: Affiliations]]

Revision as of 19:30, 26 September 2011

The POEE (pronounced "POEE"), the Paratheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric, is an elite subgroup of the LDD that pursues profound mystic understanding of Eris and received formidable powers in exchange. However, they also must observe more restrictions than other LDD members.

To join the POEE you need to first have the favor of Eris. This can be gained by sacrificing items at the Saphire Altar. You will be given a chaos amulet. After getting the amulet, lay on the alter and be transported.

Once you are in the inner sanctum check out 'info Malaclypse the Younger' to join the POEE. ('info Hagbard Celine' to join the LDD instead)

POEE members may receive further information through the help files 'powers', 'inana', and 'restrictions'.

The POEE is a secret society, except on days with "Y" in them.

'help POEE' also contains information which one may find useful.

You drawl, "|I wish to leave the POEE|"
You lose one hundred twenty-two thousand seven hundred ninety-three experience.
Malaclypse the Younger blinks.
Malaclypse the Younger buzzes, =>~Is it that time?  All right, then.~<= in Anglic.
Malaclypse the Younger stares at you briefly.
You feel something fade from within you.
Malaclypse the Younger asserts, "Best of luck with, uh, whatever it was you were going to go off and do,  
black-skinned hermaphroditic kedeth." in Anglic.
The chaos aura crackles away into nothingness.
You feel diminished somewhat, as if an inner light has faded.
You can no longer specialize in chaos affinity to the degree required, and so have lost all use of this  
You no longer specialize in elder lore, introspection or xotimancy.
You are now a third-degree specialist in channeling.