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Revision as of 01:41, 18 December 2013 (edit)
Kenobi (Talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 01:42, 18 December 2013 (edit)
Kenobi (Talk | contribs)

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[[magick resistance]] [[magick resistance]]
[[order resistance]] [[order resistance]]
- [[light affinity]]+ [[Light_Affinity|light affinity]]
[[poison resistance]] [[poison resistance]]
[[regeneration]] [[regeneration]]

Revision as of 01:42, 18 December 2013

  This is an elf with gray skin, white hair, and violet eyes.  His skin is covered in wrinkles.  
  You know him as Erasmus, famed master alchemist.
  • Info
  Erasmus is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
     Availability inquiry: Erasmus, what abilities can you enhance?
     Cost inquiry:         Erasmus, what would it cost to enhance my <subject>?
     Instruction request:  Erasmus, enhance my <subject(s)>.
  • Enhances
  acid affinity                 
  acid resistance                   
  air affinity                      
  alkaline affinity                
  alkaline resistance             
  chaos affinity                       
  cold tolerance                
  crushing resistance              
  earth affinity                   
  entropy resistance               
  eskaric affinity              
  fire affinity                 
  fire resistance
  force resistance
  heat tolerance
  Lightning Affinity
  magick affinity
  magick resistance
  order resistance
  light affinity
  poison resistance
  supernal durability
  tissue hardening
  tissue softening
  water affinity