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Revision as of 21:43, 25 May 2020 (edit)
Mizunky (Talk | contribs)

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Current revision (12:57, 23 December 2024) (edit)
Shinichizio (Talk | contribs)
(A small note about respawn times and hazards)
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* '''Information''' * '''Information'''
-A Pattern artifact can point to the exit (Meridiandal, Yrenasand, and any other that holds "part of the Pattern of Amber" and any other similar description).+A Pattern artifact can point to the exit (Meridiandal, Yrenasand, and any other that holds "part of the Pattern of Amber" and any other similar description. NB: Grayswandir doesn't help on the top level (or at least did not for me)).
* '''Summary''' * '''Summary'''
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This place can be accessed through a portal, randomly found in the [[Exoma]]. Not an exit, a portal. And it turns out, there is a very good reason for this. Upon entering the portal, you find yourself in a maze. And this maze is possibly one of the scariest places in the entire game, if not in danger level, possibly in complications in escape. Teleportproof, and constantly shifting, this maze is 19x19 and exists on multiple levels. Each level has a way up, the location of which changes every time the maze globally shifts, scrambling the rooms on a per-level basis, changing what room the way up is in, as well as moving around the inhabitants. This place can be accessed through a portal, randomly found in the [[Exoma]]. Not an exit, a portal. And it turns out, there is a very good reason for this. Upon entering the portal, you find yourself in a maze. And this maze is possibly one of the scariest places in the entire game, if not in danger level, possibly in complications in escape. Teleportproof, and constantly shifting, this maze is 19x19 and exists on multiple levels. Each level has a way up, the location of which changes every time the maze globally shifts, scrambling the rooms on a per-level basis, changing what room the way up is in, as well as moving around the inhabitants.
-The primary danger is recombinants, randomized monsters made up of random races, with random capabilities, they can be either really tough, or really easy, depending, but it's hard to find out just what they can do until you fight them, so exercise extreme caution. The other danger that has been so far found, is a gnome with an unusually large appetite, if he manages to eat you in combat, you'll end up way back at the start of the maze.+The primary danger is recombinants, randomized monsters made up of random races, with random capabilities, they can be either really tough, or really easy, depending, but it's hard to find out just what they can do until you fight them, so exercise extreme caution. The other danger that has been so far found, is a gnome with an unusually large appetite, if he manages to eat you in combat, you'll end up way back at the start of the maze. (If you think you're hot stuff and kill it, another one will take its place almost immediately. -S)
There are NPCs on each level that are friendly and provide training and other interesting benefices, so beyond all logic, there actually are reasons to go, but one has to think very hard about whether or not it's worth the risk, as if you die in this place, it's extremely unlikely you'll ever see your stuff again. ''(Note: all of the trainers here have extremely high skill caps, much higher than NPCs elsewhere in the game. -- Marcosy'') There are NPCs on each level that are friendly and provide training and other interesting benefices, so beyond all logic, there actually are reasons to go, but one has to think very hard about whether or not it's worth the risk, as if you die in this place, it's extremely unlikely you'll ever see your stuff again. ''(Note: all of the trainers here have extremely high skill caps, much higher than NPCs elsewhere in the game. -- Marcosy'')
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-Hey everyone! Kitalid here. Funny story: I may have ended up in dreaded Gezuun for the first time recently. Following a couple or three days of meandering and programming, I a) managed to get out, and b) came up with a pretty neat little wander script to do so in the process. I'm posting the script here in the event it can assist another unintentionally trapped Soul in escaping the cursed prison, or for the seasoned adventurer that wouldn't mind hunting there from time to time, attempting to [[Slay the Crimson Druid]], or training, but would like an assist on the escape. Keep in mind that you will need some way to avoid detection by, or flat out avoid, the recombinants, unless you're planning on hunting them. By far, the easiest way to accomplish this is invisibility. The recombinants will try to block you from exiting rooms, and 'wander' cannot be executed with an override, so if you're not invisible, you will need to make sure you're strong enough or fast enough to shove them out of the way or fly over them. +Hey everyone! Kitalid here. Funny story: I may have ended up in dreaded Gezuun for the first time recently. Following a couple or three days of meandering and programming, I a) managed to get out, and b) came up with a pretty neat little wander script to do so in the process. ''(It would be great to menction what client are these for [[User:Reden|Reden]] 13:57, 16 January 2022 (EST))'' I'm posting the script here in the event it can assist another unintentionally trapped Soul in escaping the cursed prison, or for the seasoned adventurer that wouldn't mind hunting there from time to time, attempting to [[Slay the Crimson Druid]], or training, but would like an assist on the escape. Keep in mind that you will need some way to avoid detection by, or flat out avoid, the recombinants, unless you're planning on hunting them. By far, the easiest way to accomplish this is invisibility. The recombinants will try to block you from exiting rooms, and 'wander' cannot be executed with an override, so if you're not invisible, you will need to make sure you're strong enough or fast enough to shove them out of the way or fly over them.

Current revision

  • Information

A Pattern artifact can point to the exit (Meridiandal, Yrenasand, and any other that holds "part of the Pattern of Amber" and any other similar description. NB: Grayswandir doesn't help on the top level (or at least did not for me)).

  • Summary

This place can be accessed through a portal, randomly found in the Exoma. Not an exit, a portal. And it turns out, there is a very good reason for this. Upon entering the portal, you find yourself in a maze. And this maze is possibly one of the scariest places in the entire game, if not in danger level, possibly in complications in escape. Teleportproof, and constantly shifting, this maze is 19x19 and exists on multiple levels. Each level has a way up, the location of which changes every time the maze globally shifts, scrambling the rooms on a per-level basis, changing what room the way up is in, as well as moving around the inhabitants.

The primary danger is recombinants, randomized monsters made up of random races, with random capabilities, they can be either really tough, or really easy, depending, but it's hard to find out just what they can do until you fight them, so exercise extreme caution. The other danger that has been so far found, is a gnome with an unusually large appetite, if he manages to eat you in combat, you'll end up way back at the start of the maze. (If you think you're hot stuff and kill it, another one will take its place almost immediately. -S)

There are NPCs on each level that are friendly and provide training and other interesting benefices, so beyond all logic, there actually are reasons to go, but one has to think very hard about whether or not it's worth the risk, as if you die in this place, it's extremely unlikely you'll ever see your stuff again. (Note: all of the trainers here have extremely high skill caps, much higher than NPCs elsewhere in the game. -- Marcosy)

  • Permanent Residents
Bauztharu, the Savager.
Vemithont, the Undying.
Sandraella, the Crimson Druid.
She-Who-Rises, the One With No Title Because Marcosy Defies His Own Conventions.
Xavok, the Traitor.

They're all trainers, some are more useful than others.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Its 5 floors 19x19 each. All floors except the top one have one 'up' direction. Top floor have 3 portals being different color each. Only one is an exit to Obsidia, the others are traps leading back to bottom floor. After change #6108 position of 'up's and portals are changed once a day so finding and keeping track where the ups are will help a ton if you have to get back to the top.

If your client has means of tickers this is also a way. Probably adding 'determine location' after every 'flee' will give you a big log that's traceable back to the coordinates.

Hey everyone! Kitalid here. Funny story: I may have ended up in dreaded Gezuun for the first time recently. Following a couple or three days of meandering and programming, I a) managed to get out, and b) came up with a pretty neat little wander script to do so in the process. (It would be great to menction what client are these for Reden 13:57, 16 January 2022 (EST)) I'm posting the script here in the event it can assist another unintentionally trapped Soul in escaping the cursed prison, or for the seasoned adventurer that wouldn't mind hunting there from time to time, attempting to Slay the Crimson Druid, or training, but would like an assist on the escape. Keep in mind that you will need some way to avoid detection by, or flat out avoid, the recombinants, unless you're planning on hunting them. By far, the easiest way to accomplish this is invisibility. The recombinants will try to block you from exiting rooms, and 'wander' cannot be executed with an override, so if you're not invisible, you will need to make sure you're strong enough or fast enough to shove them out of the way or fly over them.

The script is broken up into three separate regex triggers. Personally, I have them stored together in a folder named 'Gezuun', so they can be easily enabled/disabled as a group. Please note that you must have either have your Detailed Rooms depictions turned OFF, or your Room Summary depictions turned ON (you must be able to see the line 'somewhere within a strange maze [exits]') for this script to function properly. See 'help depiction' in-game for further details.

The first trigger checks the room for up exits and portals. If none are found, it wanders once. If found, it'll alert you via a subvocalize to make it a little more obvious (maybe just more exciting?). If an up exit is found, the script checks your location and stores the location using the second trigger, then moves up and continues wandering. If a portal is found, the script checks your location, looks at the portal, and stores its location and color using the second and third triggers, then halts movement.

Here's the first trigger:


And its code:

#var gezcheck %1
#if {@gezcheck=portal} {
  determine location
  l portal
  } {#if {@gezcheck=u} {
    determine location
    } {wander}}

The second trigger parses your location, and stores the coordinates in a variable named 'gezup<z>', where <z> is the floor. Gezuun is five floors, from -2 to 2, so the variables are 'gezup-2', 'gezup0', 'gezup1', etc. In the event you find one (or both) of the fake portals first, and you want to save a significant chunk of time, disable the script, check the coordinates in the variables, manually run yourself back up to the top floor, then re-enable the script and restart it by looking or moving a room.

Here's the second trigger:


And its code:

#if @gezcheck=portal {#var gezportalcoords %concat( %1, ", ", %2, ", ", %3)}
#if @gezcheck=u {
  #var %concat( gezup, %3) %concat( %1, ", ", %2, ", ", %3)

The third trigger stores the portal coordinates extracted by the second trigger in a variable named 'gez<color>portal', where <color> is the color of the portal. For example, a 'shimmering green portal' would be stored as 'gezgreenportal'.

Here's the third trigger:


And its code:

#var %concat( gez, %1, portal) @gezportalcoords

To summarize, assuming you just got trapped and are starting on the bottom floor (z = -2), the script will wander until it finds an up exit. When it finds one, it stores the coordinates of the room containing the up in a variable named gezup<z>. It will continue to do so until you reach the top floor (z = 2), at which point it will start looking for portals. When it finds one, it records the coordinates of the room containing the portal in a variable named gez<color>portal and stops. This forces you to make the decision about whether to enter the portal or not. I thought about adding portal tracking, so it would automatically enter portals, flag them if incorrect, and skip them going forward, but I was too lazy. Long story short, make sure you keep track of the fake portals.

That's pretty much it. If the script ever stops, looking or moving a room will restart the wandering. If you re-find a portal you've already found, you're usually best off pausing the scripting and manually moving yourself to another part of the maze before starting up again. You can try moving out of the room, but you'll often wander right back in again.

The average time to get from the bottom floor to a portal was generally in the 90-120 minute range (assuming no up exits are known).

Good luck! Hope this helps.

End of spoiler information.
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