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Current revision (09:18, 28 December 2024) (edit)
Temur (Talk | contribs)
(Bars and Restaurants - noticed a typo)
Line 76: Line 76:
1. Ilcarwen's Trading Post (e, n) 1. Ilcarwen's Trading Post (e, n)
-? -?
-2. Gilthon's Furnishings (go e, 2s, e '''back''' go w, 2n, w)+2. Gilthon's Furnishings (go e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, w)
-Sell Furniture -Sell Furniture
-3. Martelde's Weapon Shop (go e, 3s, e back go w, 3n, w)+3. Martelde's Weapon Shop (go e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, w)
- Steel knife, Steel dagger, Steel rapier, Steel shortsword,Steel longsword, Steel - Steel knife, Steel dagger, Steel rapier, Steel shortsword,Steel longsword, Steel
broadsword, Steel bastard sword, Steel greatsword broadsword, Steel bastard sword, Steel greatsword
-4. Marte's Armoury (go e, 5s, e back go w, 5n, w)+4. Marte's Armoury (go e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, w)
- -Steel quiver, Rusty steel skullcap, Rusty steel breastplate, Pair of steel light mail + -Steel quiver, Steel skullcap, Steel breastplate, Pair of steel light mail
gloves, Pair of steel bracers, Pair of steel plate gauntlets, Pair of steel boots, Pair of gloves, Pair of steel bracers, Pair of steel plate gauntlets, Pair of steel boots, Pair of
steel greaves, Steel helm, Steel light mail hauberk steel greaves, Steel helm, Steel light mail hauberk
-5. Bayon's Weapon Shop (go e, 7s, e back go w, 7n, w)+5. Bayon's Weapon Shop (go e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, w)
-Erivelin knife, Erivelin dagger, Erivelin rapier, Erivelin shortsword, Erivelin longsword -Erivelin knife, Erivelin dagger, Erivelin rapier, Erivelin shortsword, Erivelin longsword
Erivelin broadsword, Erivelin bastard sword, Erivelin greatsword Erivelin broadsword, Erivelin bastard sword, Erivelin greatsword
-6. Aethel's Metallurgy (go e, 9s back go 9n, w)+6. Aethel's Metallurgy (go e, 9s | back go 9n, w)
-Erivelin brick, Mithril brick -Erivelin brick, Mithril brick
-7. Tandorne's Tannery (e, 8s, e, s back go n, w, 8n, w)+7. Tandorne's Tannery (go e, 8s, e, s | back go n, w, 8n, w)
-Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather -Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather
hood, Pair of cuir bouilli boots, Iron-studded hood, Pair of cuir bouilli boots, Iron-studded
-8. Karylle's Smelting (go e, 8s, 2e, n back go s, 2w, 8n, w)+8. Karylle's Smelting (go e, 8s, 2e, n | back go s, 2w, 8n, w)
-Iron Brick -Iron Brick
-9. Corgolde's Smelting (go e, 8s, 3e, s back go n, 3w, 8n, w)+9. Corgolde's Smelting (go e, 8s, 3e, s | back go n, 3w, 8n, w)
-Iron Brick, Steel Brick -Iron Brick, Steel Brick
-10. Ferak's Armoury (go 4e, 7s, e back go w, 7n, 4w)+10. Ferak's Armoury (go 4e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, 4w)
-[[Mitaliel]], a weapons trainer is also here. -[[Mitaliel]], a weapons trainer is also here.
-Erivelin quiver, Erivelin skullcap, Pair of erivelin light mail gloves, Erivelin breastplate, -Erivelin quiver, Erivelin skullcap, Pair of erivelin light mail gloves, Erivelin breastplate,
Pair of corroded erivelin bracers, Pair of erivelin plate gauntlets, Pair of erivelin Pair of corroded erivelin bracers, Pair of erivelin plate gauntlets, Pair of erivelin
- boots, Pair of erivelin greaves, Corroded erivelin helm,Erivelin light mail hauberk + boots, Pair of erivelin greaves, Erivelin helm, Erivelin light mail hauberk
-11. Delae's Tannery (e, 8s, 5e, s)+11. Delae's Tannery (go e, 8s, 5e, s | back go n, 5w, 8n, w)
-Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather -Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather
hood, Pair of cuir wusieg boots,Iron-studded leather hauberk hood, Pair of cuir wusieg boots,Iron-studded leather hauberk
-12. Liathyr Stables (e, 8s, 7e, s)+12. Liathyr Stables (go e, 8s, 7e, s | back go n, 7w, 8n, w)
-13. Milyran's Fletching Shop (go 10e, 7s, e back go w, 7n, 10w)+13. Milyran's Fletching Shop (go 10e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, 10w)
-Arrows, Leather Quiver -Arrows, Leather Quiver
-14. Tamlal's Fletching (go 4e, 5s, e back go w, 5n, 4w)+14. Tamlal's Fletching (go 4e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, 4w)
-Arrows, Leather Quiver -Arrows, Leather Quiver
-15. Andae's General Store (4e, 3s, w)+15. Andae's General Store (go 4e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 4w)
-Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, Pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbing tools . -Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, Pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbing tools .
-16. Anfyl's Alchemy (4e, 2s, w)+16. Anfyl's Alchemy (go 4e, 2s, w | back go e, 2n, 4w)
-minor potion of invigoration, minor potion of spirit restoration, minor potion of healing, -minor potion of invigoration, minor potion of spirit restoration, minor potion of healing,
lesser potion of spirit restoration, lesser potion of invigoration, lesser potion of lesser potion of spirit restoration, lesser potion of invigoration, lesser potion of
Line 124: Line 124:
major potion of insight, major potion of nimbleness, major potion of determination, major potion of insight, major potion of nimbleness, major potion of determination,
major potion of toughness, major potion of growth, major potion of cleverness major potion of toughness, major potion of growth, major potion of cleverness
-17. Ilrae's Woodworking (4e, 2s, e)+17. Ilrae's Woodworking (go 4e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 4w)
-Wooden weapons -Wooden weapons
-18. Corathon's Music Store (go 6e, s back: go n, 6w)+18. Corathon's Music Store (go 6e, s | back: go n, 6w)
-Fife, Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Oak drum, Silver flute -Fife, Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Oak drum, Silver flute
-19. Saendar's Herb Shop (go 7e, 3s, e back go w, 3n, 7w)+19. Saendar's Herb Shop (go 7e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, 7w)
-Bunch of foxglove, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of -Bunch of foxglove, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of
- lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of + lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, [[Aloe]] leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of
yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask
-20. Casgol's Glass Shop (go 7e, 3s, w back e, 3n, 7w)+20. Casgol's Glass Shop (go 7e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 7w)
-Imire flute, Imire goblet, Imire tumbler, Imire vase, Imire bowl, Imire decanter -Imire flute, Imire goblet, Imire tumbler, Imire vase, Imire bowl, Imire decanter
-21. Kranthas's General Store (go 7e, 5s, e back go w, 5n, 7w)+21. Kranthas's General Store (go 7e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, 7w)
-Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbin -Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbin
-22. Maya's Boutique (10e, 6s, e)+22. Maya's Boutique (go 10e, 6s, e | back go w, 6n, 10w)
-Leather Sandals, Leather Robe, Leather Hat, Cotton Pants, Linen Shirt, Silk Shirt, -Leather Sandals, Leather Robe, Leather Hat, Cotton Pants, Linen Shirt, Silk Shirt,
Silk Robe Silk Robe
-23. Zol's Bowyery (go 10e, 4s, e back go w, 4n, 10w)+23. Zol's Bowyery (go 10e, 4s, e | back go w, 4n, 10w)
-[[Celifere]], a fieldcraft/weapons trainer is also here. -[[Celifere]], a fieldcraft/weapons trainer is also here.
-Variety of Erivelin and Aluminum Bows -Variety of Erivelin and Aluminum Bows
-24. Ferdae's Parchment Shop (10e, 2s, e)+24. Ferdae's Parchment Shop (go 10e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 10w)
-Parchment Papers, Ink, and Quill -Parchment Papers, Ink, and Quill
-25. Valir's Boutique (10e, 3s, 2e, s)+25. Valir's Boutique (go 10e, 3s, 2e, s | back go n, 2w, 3n, 10w)
-Sandals, Robes, Hats, Shoes. Slippers, Vests, Veil, Gloves, Pants, Shirts, Skirts -Sandals, Robes, Hats, Shoes. Slippers, Vests, Veil, Gloves, Pants, Shirts, Skirts
-26. Yllne's Bowyery (10e, 3s, 5e, s)+26. Yllne's Bowyery (go 10e, 3s, 5e, s | back go n, 5w, 3n, 10w)
-Assortment of Wooden bows -Assortment of Wooden bows
-27. Galacisa's Boutique (go 10e, 3s, 6e, s back go n, 6w, 3n, 10w)+27. Galacisa's Boutique (go 10e, 3s, 6e, s | back go n, 6w, 3n, 10w)
-Ilianara trenchcoat, Pair of ilianara trousers, Ilianara hood, Ilianara tunic, Ilianara -Ilianara trenchcoat, Pair of ilianara trousers, Ilianara hood, Ilianara tunic, Ilianara
cloak cloak
-28. Tanacyl's Map Shop (2e, n)+28. Tanacyl's Map Shop (go 2e, n | back go s, 2w)
-Open bone map case, Paper depicting the standard legend, Extremely old piece of -Open bone map case, Paper depicting the standard legend, Extremely old piece of
cloth, Crisp white map of the Shadow Tower, New map of Liathyr written in Anglic, cloth, Crisp white map of the Shadow Tower, New map of Liathyr written in Anglic,
Line 162: Line 162:
New map of Kentaur Isle. Warning: Selection is subject to change as new areas are New map of Kentaur Isle. Warning: Selection is subject to change as new areas are
being added and existing areas are changed being added and existing areas are changed
-29. Dande's General Store (5e, n)+29. Dande's General Store (go 5e, n | back go s, 5w)
- -Items such as ap scroll, Bronze dirk, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope + -Items such as a scroll, Bronze dirk, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope
Explorer's Guide, Set of glacier climbing tools, Steel breastplate. Selection may Explorer's Guide, Set of glacier climbing tools, Steel breastplate. Selection may
vary because it is a General Store vary because it is a General Store
-30. Anryll's Herb Shop(6e, n)+30. Anryll's Herb Shop (go 6e, n | back go s, 6w)
-Bunch of hemlock, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of -Bunch of hemlock, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of
- lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of + lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, [[Aloe]] leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of
yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask
-31. Lyrdor's Woodworking (7e, n) +31. Lyrdor's Woodworking (go 7e, n | back go s, 7w)
-Wooden Items such as Sticks, Cudgels, Mallets, Cluns, Shields, Hammers, -Wooden Items such as Sticks, Cudgels, Mallets, Cluns, Shields, Hammers,
Staves Staves
-32. Beran's Alchemy (10e, 3n, w)+32. Beran's Alchemy (go 10e, 3n, w | back go e, 3s, 10w)
-greater potion of invigoration, greater potion of spirit restoration, Black greater -greater potion of invigoration, greater potion of spirit restoration, Black greater
potion of healing, great potion of invigoration, great potion of spirit restoration, potion of healing, great potion of invigoration, great potion of spirit restoration,
great potion of healing great potion of healing
-33. Celenere's Music Shop (10e, 5n, 3w, n)+33. Celenere's Music Shop (go 10e, 5n, 3w, n | back go s, 3e, 5s, 10w)
-Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Silver flute, Fife, Oak drum -Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Silver flute, Fife, Oak drum
-34. Healer Jocelyn (10e, 5n, 7w, n)+34. Healer Jocelyn (go 10e, 5n, 7w, n | back go s, 7e, 5s, 10w)
-Invigorate, Bind, Mend, Cure, Heal, Restore -Invigorate, Bind, Mend, Cure, Heal, Restore
-35. Tynae's Herb Shop (10e, 5n, 8w, n)+35. Tynae's Herb Shop (go 10e, 5n, 8w, n | back go s, 8e, 5s, 10w)
-Sprig of cinquefoil, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Cap of nightshade, Sprig of -Sprig of cinquefoil, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Cap of nightshade, Sprig of
bergamot, Sprig of dill, Sprig of fennel, Sprig of pennyroyal, Sprig of sage, Sprig bergamot, Sprig of dill, Sprig of fennel, Sprig of pennyroyal, Sprig of sage, Sprig
- of blackwort, Sprig of lungwort, Sprig of caraway, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Bay leaf, + of blackwort, Sprig of lungwort, Sprig of caraway, [[Aloe]] leaf, Valerian root, Bay leaf,
Chamomile flower, Sprig of yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask Chamomile flower, Sprig of yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask
-36. Thrisa's Enchanting (10e, 5n, 4w, s)+36. Thrisa's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 4w, s | back go n, 4e, 5s, 10w)
-Assorted Gems of Protection -Assorted Gems of Protection
-37. Sakene's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 5w, s back go n, 5e, 5s, 10w)+37. Sakene's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 5w, s | back go n, 5e, 5s, 10w)
-Non Magical jewelery... Rings, Chokers, anklets, Necklaces -Non Magical jewelery... Rings, Chokers, anklets, Necklaces
-38. Taranelia's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, e, s back go n, w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)+38. Taranelia's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, e, s | back go n, w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)
-Assorted non magical rings, lesser ring of literacy, lesser ring of protection, ring of -Assorted non magical rings, lesser ring of literacy, lesser ring of protection, ring of
water breathing, ring of Charisma, ring of Perception, ring of Willpower, ring of water breathing, ring of Charisma, ring of Perception, ring of Willpower, ring of
intelligence, ring of Perception intelligence, ring of Perception
-39. Anfer's Enchanting (10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 2e, s)+39. Anfer's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 2e, s | back go n, 2w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)
-Assorted Protection Gems -Assorted Protection Gems
-40. Eletore's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 3e, s back go n, 3w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)+40. Eletore's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 3e, s | back go n, 3w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)
-Non magical Rings, Chokers, necklaces -Non magical Rings, Chokers, necklaces
-41. Mirimond's Bar (10e, 8n, 8w, s)+41. Mirimond's Bar (go 10e, 8n, 8w, s | back go n, 8e, 8s, 10w)
-Glass of gold champagne, Raspberry martini, Gin martini, Vodka martini, Orange -Glass of gold champagne, Raspberry martini, Gin martini, Vodka martini, Orange
martini, Chocolate martini, Glass of milme blush wine, Glass of milme rose wine, martini, Chocolate martini, Glass of milme blush wine, Glass of milme rose wine,
Glass of milme red wine, Glass of milme sparkling white wine,Glass of milme Glass of milme red wine, Glass of milme sparkling white wine,Glass of milme
white wine white wine
-42. Sirkla's Alchemy (go 10e, 8n, 7w, s back go n, 7e, 8s, 10w)+42. Sirkla's Alchemy (go 10e, 8n, 7w, s | back go n, 7e, 8s, 10w)
-greater potion of brawn, greater potion of toughness, greater potion of -greater potion of brawn, greater potion of toughness, greater potion of
cleverness, greater potion of growth, greater potion of nimbleness, greater potion cleverness, greater potion of growth, greater potion of nimbleness, greater potion
Line 209: Line 209:
cleverness, great potion of growth, great potion of toughness, great potion of cleverness, great potion of growth, great potion of toughness, great potion of
charm, great potion of brawn, great potion of nimbleness charm, great potion of brawn, great potion of nimbleness
-43. Taradan's Coffee Shop (go 10e, 8n, 3w, n back go s, 3e, 8s, 10w)+43. Taradan's Coffee Shop (go 10e, 8n, 3w, n | back go s, 3e, 8s, 10w)
- Cup of coffee, Black tea, Raspberry coffee, Green tea, Chicory coffee, Frothy - Cup of coffee, Black tea, Raspberry coffee, Green tea, Chicory coffee, Frothy
cappuccino, Espresso, Chamomile tea, Ginger coffee cappuccino, Espresso, Chamomile tea, Ginger coffee
-44. Tiuta Spa (10e, 8n, 2w, n)+44. Tiuta Spa (go 10e, 8n, 2w, n | back go s, 2e, 8s, 10w)
-Salt scrub, Seaweed wrap, refreshing seaweed wrap, Mud pack, cleansing mud -Salt scrub, Seaweed wrap, refreshing seaweed wrap, Mud pack, cleansing mud
pack, Massage pack, Massage
-45. Feanor's Enchanting (10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 6e, s)+45. Feanor's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 6e, s | back go n, 6w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)
-Gem of Retrieval, Gem of Preservation, Gem of Entrapment, Gem of Fascination -Gem of Retrieval, Gem of Preservation, Gem of Entrapment, Gem of Fascination
-46. Temple Magic Shop (10e, 5n, 5w, n, w)+46. Temple Magic Shop (go 10e, 5n, 5w, n, w | back go e, s, 5e, 5s, 10w)
- -Random static magic Items+ -Random static magic items. Typically includes a quartz sphere, lenses of analysis
 + and insight, gems of retrieval and enchantment, amulets of life protection and
 + anklets of magic mapping.
==Bars and Restaurants== ==Bars and Restaurants==
-A. Ginger's Restruant (go 10e, 7s, w)+A. Ginger's Restaurant (go 10e, 7s, w | back go e, 7n, 10w)
-MLT Sandwhich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Potato Soup, Cup of -MLT Sandwhich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Potato Soup, Cup of
Coffee, Creamy white fruit-drizzled cheesecake, Chocolate cake Coffee, Creamy white fruit-drizzled cheesecake, Chocolate cake
Slice of apple pie, Apple cobbler, Slice of peach pie, Slice of Slice of apple pie, Apple cobbler, Slice of peach pie, Slice of
cherry pie, Club Sandwhich, Ensalata del casa cherry pie, Club Sandwhich, Ensalata del casa
-B. Galdae's Brewery (go 10e, 9s, e back go w, 9n, 10w)+B. Galdae's Brewery (go 10e, 9s, e | back go w, 9n, 10w)
-Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry lager, -Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry lager,
Pale lager Pale lager
-C. Mantarcel's Butcher Shop (go 4e, 5s, w)+C. Mantarcel's Butcher Shop (go 4e, 5s, w | back go e, 5n, 4w)
-Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin, -Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin,
Drake haunch Drake haunch
-D. Calre's Grocery (go 4e, 4s, w)+D. Calre's Grocery (go 4e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 4w)
-Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato, -Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato,
Carrot, Banana Carrot, Banana
-E. Darlan's Winery (go 3e, s)+E. Darlan's Winery (go 3e, s | back go n, 3w)
-Glasses of Champagne -Glasses of Champagne
-F. Nithoas's Restaurant (go 7e, 2s, e back go w, 2n, 7w)+F. Nithoas's Restaurant (go 7e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 7w)
-MLT sandwich, Cup of coffee, Slice of apple pie, Mystery pate, -MLT sandwich, Cup of coffee, Slice of apple pie, Mystery pate,
Fillet of snake, Venison steak, Rack of giant ribs Fillet of snake, Venison steak, Rack of giant ribs
-G. Raelwen's Butcher Shop (go 7e, 4s, w back go e, 4n, 7w)+G. Raelwen's Butcher Shop (go 7e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 7w)
-Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin, -Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin,
Drake haunch Drake haunch
-H. Daniane's Tavern (go 7e, 4s, e)+H. Daniane's Tavern (go 7e, 4s, e | back go w, 4n, 7w)
-Brandy, Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry -Brandy, Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry
lager, Pale lager, Mimosa, Glass of red wine, Glass of white lager, Pale lager, Mimosa, Glass of red wine, Glass of white
Line 251: Line 253:
-Brandy, Whiskey, Moonshine, Bottle of brown beer, Bottle of -Brandy, Whiskey, Moonshine, Bottle of brown beer, Bottle of
brown ale brown ale
-J. Cordel's Grocery (go 10e, 6s, w)+J. Cordel's Grocery (go 10e, 6s, w | back go e, 6n, 10w)
-Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato, Green -Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato, Green
pear, Carrot, Banana, Bottle of white wine, Bottle of milk pear, Carrot, Banana, Bottle of white wine, Bottle of milk
-K. Lyrtel's Restaurant (go 10e, 3s, w back go e, 3n, 10w)+K. Lyrtel's Restaurant (go 10e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 10w)
-Cup of tea, Cup of coffee, Plum, Fig, Papaya, Potato, Glass of -Cup of tea, Cup of coffee, Plum, Fig, Papaya, Potato, Glass of
red wine, Carrot, Pineapple, Glass of champagne, Bottle of red wine, Carrot, Pineapple, Glass of champagne, Bottle of
brown beer, Pork chop, Chicken breast, Beef tenderloin, Drake brown beer, Pork chop, Chicken breast, Beef tenderloin, Drake
haunch haunch
-L. Mardan's Inn (go 10e, 4s, w)+L. Mardan's Inn (go 10e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 10w)
-Nothing, but he does arbitrage requests. -Nothing, but he does arbitrage requests.
-M. Shacana's Inn (go 7e, 6s, e)+M. Shacana's Inn (go 7e, 6s, e | back go w, 6n, 7w)
-Again, just arbitrage -Again, just arbitrage
-N. Celidruan's Inn (go 4e, 3s, e)+N. Celidruan's Inn (go 4e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, 4w)
-Yep -Yep

Current revision

Liathyr is a dana city, located on the mountains of Calais. Because many different businesses have set up shop in Liathyr, one can find a variety of useful things (magickal or not) in this grandiose city. Indeed, Liathyr even boasts a theater that strives to perform Shakespearean plays.



Liathyr is located at (16, -31, 2) in Calais (Global: (-65, 50, 2)).

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Guilds and Associations


Notable Personalities


Cordel's Grocery: -1, -6, 0

Ilrae's Woodworking: -5, -2, 0

Anfyl's Alchemy: -7, -2, 0

Valir's Boutique: 2, -4, 0

Yllbe's Bowyery: 5, -4, 0

Raelwen's Butcher Shop: -4, -4, 0

Beran's Alchemy: -1, 3, 0

Aethel's Metallurgy: -9, -9, 0

Notable Attractions

  • Liathyr Mines: (10, -11, 0)
  • Fayn's apartment: 1 east of (-5, -4, 3 )
  • Rael's potion shop
  • Silume Theater
  • Tynae's Herb Shop
  • Sewers: (-8, -8)
  • City Hall: (-1, -1)


1. Ilcarwen's Trading Post (e, n)


2. Gilthon's Furnishings (go e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, w)

         -Sell Furniture

3. Martelde's Weapon Shop (go e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, w)

         - Steel knife, Steel dagger, Steel rapier, Steel shortsword,Steel longsword, Steel                
           broadsword, Steel bastard sword, Steel greatsword     

4. Marte's Armoury (go e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, w)

          -Steel quiver, Steel skullcap, Steel breastplate, Pair of steel light mail  
           gloves, Pair of steel bracers, Pair of steel plate gauntlets, Pair of steel boots, Pair of       
           steel greaves, Steel helm, Steel light mail hauberk

5. Bayon's Weapon Shop (go e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, w)

          -Erivelin knife, Erivelin dagger, Erivelin rapier, Erivelin shortsword, Erivelin longsword  
           Erivelin broadsword, Erivelin bastard sword, Erivelin greatsword

6. Aethel's Metallurgy (go e, 9s | back go 9n, w)

          -Erivelin brick, Mithril brick  

7. Tandorne's Tannery (go e, 8s, e, s | back go n, w, 8n, w)

          -Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather                
           hood, Pair of cuir bouilli boots, Iron-studded

8. Karylle's Smelting (go e, 8s, 2e, n | back go s, 2w, 8n, w)

       -Iron Brick

9. Corgolde's Smelting (go e, 8s, 3e, s | back go n, 3w, 8n, w)

         -Iron Brick, Steel Brick

10. Ferak's Armoury (go 4e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, 4w)

         -Mitaliel, a weapons trainer is also here.
         -Erivelin quiver, Erivelin skullcap, Pair of erivelin light mail gloves, Erivelin breastplate,                
          Pair of corroded erivelin bracers, Pair of erivelin plate gauntlets, Pair of erivelin                
          boots, Pair of erivelin greaves, Erivelin helm, Erivelin light mail hauberk 

11. Delae's Tannery (go e, 8s, 5e, s | back go n, 5w, 8n, w)

         -Leather cuirass, Leather cap, Pair of leather gloves, Pair of leather boots, Leather             
          hood, Pair of cuir wusieg boots,Iron-studded leather hauberk  

12. Liathyr Stables (go e, 8s, 7e, s | back go n, 7w, 8n, w)

13. Milyran's Fletching Shop (go 10e, 7s, e | back go w, 7n, 10w)

         -Arrows, Leather Quiver

14. Tamlal's Fletching (go 4e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, 4w)

         -Arrows, Leather Quiver 

15. Andae's General Store (go 4e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 4w)

         -Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, Pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbing tools  .          

16. Anfyl's Alchemy (go 4e, 2s, w | back go e, 2n, 4w)

         -minor potion of invigoration, minor potion of spirit restoration, minor potion of healing,  
          lesser potion of spirit restoration, lesser potion of invigoration, lesser potion of 
          healing,minor potion of nimbleness, minor potion of cleverness, minor potion of 
          growth, minor potion of determination, minor potion of insight, minor potion of 
          toughness, minor potion of brawn, major potion of spirit restoration, major potion of 
          invigoration, lesser potion of determination, lesser potion of insight, lesser potion of 
          toughness,lesser potion of nimbleness, lesser potion of growth, lesser potion of 
          cleverness, lesser potion of brawn, major potion of healing, major potion of brawn, 
          major potion of insight, major potion of nimbleness, major potion of determination, 
          major potion of toughness, major potion of growth, major potion of cleverness

17. Ilrae's Woodworking (go 4e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 4w)

           -Wooden weapons

18. Corathon's Music Store (go 6e, s | back: go n, 6w)

           -Fife, Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Oak drum, Silver flute      

19. Saendar's Herb Shop (go 7e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, 7w)

           -Bunch of foxglove, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of 
            lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of   
            yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask   

20. Casgol's Glass Shop (go 7e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 7w)

           -Imire flute, Imire goblet, Imire tumbler, Imire vase, Imire bowl, Imire decanter     

21. Kranthas's General Store (go 7e, 5s, e | back go w, 5n, 7w)

           -Map scroll, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope, Set of glacier climbin     

22. Maya's Boutique (go 10e, 6s, e | back go w, 6n, 10w)

           -Leather Sandals, Leather Robe, Leather Hat, Cotton Pants, Linen Shirt, Silk Shirt,  
            Silk Robe     

23. Zol's Bowyery (go 10e, 4s, e | back go w, 4n, 10w)

           -Celifere, a fieldcraft/weapons trainer is also here.
           -Variety of Erivelin and Aluminum Bows          

24. Ferdae's Parchment Shop (go 10e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 10w)

           -Parchment Papers, Ink, and Quill      

25. Valir's Boutique (go 10e, 3s, 2e, s | back go n, 2w, 3n, 10w)

           -Sandals, Robes, Hats, Shoes. Slippers, Vests, Veil, Gloves, Pants, Shirts, Skirts   

26. Yllne's Bowyery (go 10e, 3s, 5e, s | back go n, 5w, 3n, 10w)

           -Assortment of Wooden bows

27. Galacisa's Boutique (go 10e, 3s, 6e, s | back go n, 6w, 3n, 10w)

           -Ilianara trenchcoat, Pair of ilianara trousers, Ilianara hood, Ilianara tunic, Ilianara 

28. Tanacyl's Map Shop (go 2e, n | back go s, 2w)

           -Open bone map case, Paper depicting the standard legend, Extremely old piece of 
            cloth, Crisp white map of the Shadow Tower, New map of Liathyr written in Anglic,
            New map of Liathyr written in Sperethiel, Unworn map of Valathyr written in 
            Sperethiel, Relatively old grey map of Kolond, Brand new map of Genei Castle, 
            Brand new map of Kolond, Brand new map of Yathryn, Worn map of the Ice Castle 
            written in Cryoprase, Crisp white map of Northern Camille, Crisp white map of 
            Southern Camille, Crisp white map of Syllyac, Old map of the Ice Castle, Unworn 
            map of Valathyr written in Anglic, Simple brown map of the Temple of Discordia, 
            New map of Kentaur Isle. Warning: Selection is subject to change as new areas are 
            being added and existing areas are changed

29. Dande's General Store (go 5e, n | back go s, 5w)

            -Items such as a scroll, Bronze dirk, Juniper puzzle, White pine torch, Hemp rope  
             Explorer's Guide, Set of glacier climbing tools, Steel breastplate. Selection may 
             vary because it is a General Store

30. Anryll's Herb Shop (go 6e, n | back go s, 6w)

             -Bunch of hemlock, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Sprig of blackwort, Sprig of 
              lousewort, Sprig of lungwort, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Chamomile flower, Sprig of 
              yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask  

31. Lyrdor's Woodworking (go 7e, n | back go s, 7w)

             -Wooden Items such as Sticks, Cudgels, Mallets, Cluns, Shields, Hammers, 

32. Beran's Alchemy (go 10e, 3n, w | back go e, 3s, 10w)

             -greater potion of invigoration, greater potion of spirit restoration, Black greater 
              potion of healing, great potion of invigoration, great potion of spirit restoration, 
              great potion of healing 

33. Celenere's Music Shop (go 10e, 5n, 3w, n | back go s, 3e, 5s, 10w)

             -Ashwood harp, Stringed lute, Silver flute, Fife, Oak drum 

34. Healer Jocelyn (go 10e, 5n, 7w, n | back go s, 7e, 5s, 10w)

             -Invigorate, Bind, Mend, Cure, Heal, Restore

35. Tynae's Herb Shop (go 10e, 5n, 8w, n | back go s, 8e, 5s, 10w)

             -Sprig of cinquefoil, Sprig of parsley, Sprig of thyme, Cap of nightshade, Sprig of 
              bergamot, Sprig of dill, Sprig of fennel, Sprig of pennyroyal, Sprig of sage, Sprig 
              of blackwort, Sprig of lungwort, Sprig of caraway, Aloe leaf, Valerian root, Bay leaf, 
              Chamomile flower, Sprig of yarrow, Ginseng root, Ratsbane Mask 

36. Thrisa's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 4w, s | back go n, 4e, 5s, 10w)

             -Assorted Gems of Protection

37. Sakene's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 5w, s | back go n, 5e, 5s, 10w)

             -Non Magical jewelery... Rings, Chokers, anklets, Necklaces

38. Taranelia's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, e, s | back go n, w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)

                 -Assorted non magical rings, lesser ring of literacy, lesser ring of protection, ring of 
               water breathing, ring of Charisma, ring of Perception, ring of Willpower, ring of 
               intelligence, ring of Perception  

39. Anfer's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 2e, s | back go n, 2w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)

              -Assorted Protection Gems      

40. Eletore's Jewelry (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 3e, s | back go n, 3w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)

              -Non magical Rings, Chokers, necklaces      

41. Mirimond's Bar (go 10e, 8n, 8w, s | back go n, 8e, 8s, 10w)

              -Glass of gold champagne, Raspberry martini, Gin martini, Vodka martini, Orange 
               martini, Chocolate martini, Glass of milme blush wine, Glass of milme rose wine, 
               Glass of milme red wine, Glass of milme sparkling white wine,Glass of milme 
               white wine

42. Sirkla's Alchemy (go 10e, 8n, 7w, s | back go n, 7e, 8s, 10w)

              -greater potion of brawn, greater potion of toughness, greater potion of 
               cleverness, greater potion of growth, greater potion of nimbleness, greater potion 
               of insight, greater potion of charm, great potion of insight , great potion of 
               cleverness, great potion of growth, great potion of toughness, great potion of 
               charm, great potion of brawn, great potion of nimbleness

43. Taradan's Coffee Shop (go 10e, 8n, 3w, n | back go s, 3e, 8s, 10w)

              - Cup of coffee, Black tea, Raspberry coffee, Green tea, Chicory coffee, Frothy 
                cappuccino, Espresso, Chamomile tea, Ginger coffee

44. Tiuta Spa (go 10e, 8n, 2w, n | back go s, 2e, 8s, 10w)

              -Salt scrub, Seaweed wrap, refreshing seaweed wrap, Mud pack, cleansing mud 
               pack, Massage        

45. Feanor's Enchanting (go 10e, 5n, 8w, 2s, 6e, s | back go n, 6w, 2n, 8e, 5s, 10w)

              -Gem of Retrieval, Gem of Preservation, Gem of Entrapment, Gem of Fascination 

46. Temple Magic Shop (go 10e, 5n, 5w, n, w | back go e, s, 5e, 5s, 10w)

              -Random static magic items. Typically includes a quartz sphere, lenses of analysis
               and insight, gems of retrieval and enchantment, amulets of life protection and
               anklets of magic mapping.

Bars and Restaurants

A. Ginger's Restaurant (go 10e, 7s, w | back go e, 7n, 10w)

         -MLT Sandwhich, Chicken Noodle Soup, Potato Soup, Cup of        
          Coffee, Creamy white fruit-drizzled cheesecake, Chocolate cake   
          Slice of apple pie, Apple cobbler, Slice of peach pie, Slice of 
          cherry pie, Club Sandwhich, Ensalata del casa

B. Galdae's Brewery (go 10e, 9s, e | back go w, 9n, 10w)

         -Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry lager,  
          Pale lager

C. Mantarcel's Butcher Shop (go 4e, 5s, w | back go e, 5n, 4w)

         -Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin, 
          Drake haunch  

D. Calre's Grocery (go 4e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 4w)

         -Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato, 
          Carrot, Banana        

E. Darlan's Winery (go 3e, s | back go n, 3w)

         -Glasses of Champagne    

F. Nithoas's Restaurant (go 7e, 2s, e | back go w, 2n, 7w)

         -MLT sandwich, Cup of coffee, Slice of apple pie, Mystery pate,  
          Fillet of snake, Venison steak, Rack of giant ribs         

G. Raelwen's Butcher Shop (go 7e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 7w)

         -Pork chop, Chicken breast, Venison steak, Beef tenderloin,   
          Drake haunch   

H. Daniane's Tavern (go 7e, 4s, e | back go w, 4n, 7w)

         -Brandy, Dark ale, Pale ale, Glass of brown ale, Dark lager, Dry 
          lager, Pale lager, Mimosa, Glass of red wine, Glass of white 
          wine, Dry martini, Whiskey, Glass of gold champagne   

I. Hora's Tavern (go 7e, 6s, w back go e, 6n, 7w)

         -Brandy, Whiskey, Moonshine, Bottle of brown beer, Bottle of                
          brown ale  

J. Cordel's Grocery (go 10e, 6s, w | back go e, 6n, 10w)

         -Loaf of black bread, Head of lettuce, Red apple, Tomato, Green 
          pear, Carrot, Banana, Bottle of white wine, Bottle of milk      

K. Lyrtel's Restaurant (go 10e, 3s, w | back go e, 3n, 10w)

         -Cup of tea, Cup of coffee, Plum, Fig, Papaya, Potato, Glass of 
          red wine, Carrot, Pineapple, Glass of champagne, Bottle of 
          brown beer, Pork chop, Chicken breast, Beef tenderloin, Drake  

L. Mardan's Inn (go 10e, 4s, w | back go e, 4n, 10w)

         -Nothing, but he does arbitrage requests.

M. Shacana's Inn (go 7e, 6s, e | back go w, 6n, 7w)

         -Again, just arbitrage

N. Celidruan's Inn (go 4e, 3s, e | back go w, 3n, 4w)



  • City alignment: Neutral (Which is lame, they should be good and chaotic)
  • Guards assist:
  • From (16, -31, 2) in Calais, Proceed eastdown to mountain coordinates (-15, 5, 0) in Liathyr, then go 4e, 5s, e to reach the Liathyr city gate.
End of spoiler information.


Liathyr by Chadnoe

Liathyr Sewers by Cartographer

Liathyr Tourist Guide by Midwinter

Personal tools