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(Why aren't my Wild Talents revealing?)
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Colorin (Talk | contribs)
(Fey Bond Familiars - Rat = Chipmunk for Fey, i.e. complete trash :-()
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This is where I'll put my musings about LS and probably of more interest my knowledge of Psionics and how they work (or in some cases don't). This is where I'll put my musings about LS and probably of more interest my knowledge of Psionics and how they work (or in some cases don't).
 +== '''Ways to cheese Death''' ==
 +While I don't personally like the idea of making death a joke in LS and having no real risk (''death penalty is already almost non-existent'') I figured if I put these here maybe the powers-that-be will take notice of what a joke LS has become danger wise. That being said let's get into the cheesiest of the cheese!
-== Google Sheets ==+There are a lot of ways to avoid death on LS, essentially eliminating most (if not all) risk from combat if done properly. Note you can also stack any of the below so you have redundancy should one fail.
 +# '''Amulet of Life Protection''' (also known as AOLP) - Works in neck slot and will trigger on "death", will teleport you away from combat to a random location
 +##These can fail, but it's very rare
 +# '''AOLP Spells/Abilities''' - There are a few of these such as Sea's Blessings from OZM and Phoenix Rebirth, also a lot of Affiliations give this for free like higher level Garlic
 +##I believe like an AOLP that these can fail, but again it's very rare
 +# '''Teleportation Alias/Trigger''' - While it can be very hard to flee combat (i.e. leave the room), it's exceedingly easy to simply teleport away at the first sign of danger. This can be done by either triggering an affiliation spell/ability or even easier simply reading a scroll of recall
 +## Recommendation here is a) set an alias key (say z) to read the scroll/cast spell/use guild ability or if you're industrious and REALLY want to avoid death just have said scroll/spell/ability trigger when your HP from HP Bar gets below a certain number
 +## This is VASTLY more preferred than actually fleeing combat, as fleeing can easily be stopped by the mob and therefore is much harder. Additionally if you DO successfully flee everything appears to get a free attack on you which can really hurt. So it's WAY easier to simply teleport away as this can be done instantly and is essentially unstoppable.
 +##'''Note''': Triggers won't help much if you're one-shotted or stunned, but if you are able to avoid that this is an easy and cheap way to avoid death
 +== '''Area Tier List''' ==
 +This is where I'm going to rank all the areas that are currently XP viable, spoiler there aren't many! lol
 +== '''How to get Real XP''' ==
 +I shall endeavor to list all the sensical (and nonsensical) ways to get '''Real XP''' on LS
 +== '''Google Sheets''' ==
I've created numerous Google Sheets over the years to help with managing and playing LS, some are spread throughout this wiki but I thought it'd be helpful to put them in once place. So enjoy! I've created numerous Google Sheets over the years to help with managing and playing LS, some are spread throughout this wiki but I thought it'd be helpful to put them in once place. So enjoy!
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===LS Weapon Info=== ===LS Weapon Info===
-This sheet was created after MANY hours of creating and analyzing various weapons on the MUD (through Aislynn's Goggles) . It's meant to help you determine what's the best weapon for a given character/situation.+RIP
- +
-[ LS Weapon Info Sheet] - edit page to get link+
- +
-''This sheet is kinda a blur to me now, but steps below should be (roughly) correct.''+
-# Make a copy of the sheet to your own personal Google account, this will allow you to edit the sheets+
-# Edit the '''''Skill/Stats''''' sheet with your characters info+
-# '''''Weapons''''' sheet will then display a standardized calculated Attack/Damage/Deflection Ratings for each weapon based on your characters Stats/Skills+
-# To add new items to your copied sheet you can use the '''''Attack, Damage and Deflection''''' sheets to paste your data in and move over to the '''''Weapons''''' sheet+
 +===Aris Calculation Sheet===
-== Followers & Familiars ==+== '''Companions & Familiars''' ==
=== What They Are === === What They Are ===
-Followers are anything that you control, they generally fall into the following categories:+Companions are anything that you control, they generally fall into the following categories:
*'''Sentient''' - Knight's Squire, ELF's Gogtzul, Equites Adventurers, etc. *'''Sentient''' - Knight's Squire, ELF's Gogtzul, Equites Adventurers, etc.
*'''Summons''' - Spirits, Amalgamals, Druidic Summons, etc. *'''Summons''' - Spirits, Amalgamals, Druidic Summons, etc.
-Familiars are self explanatory, aka anything received via an Empathic Bond. You'll have both more and less options on how to control these than you'll have a Sentient follower.+Familiars are self explanatory, aka anything received via an Empathic Bond. You'll have both more and less options on how to control these than you'll have a Sentient companion.
=== How to Get Them === === How to Get Them ===
*'''Sentient:''' *'''Sentient:'''
-#'''''Equites''''' - Best followers as you have a variety to choose from (Aisenshi, HW, PW, Rager, VV), unfortunately you need to join Equites to get one and only 1 (random type) is available per day+#'''''Equites''''' - Best companions as you have a variety to choose from (Aisenshi, HW, PW, Rager, VV), unfortunately you need to join Equites to get one and only 1 (random type) is available per day
#'''''Deck''''' - Risky and can totally F up your character, but if you're lucky (and Saintly/Ordered) you can get a Human Deck Knight #'''''Deck''''' - Risky and can totally F up your character, but if you're lucky (and Saintly/Ordered) you can get a Human Deck Knight
#'''''ELF''''' - Gog's and possibly others, note if you leave ELF they depart #'''''ELF''''' - Gog's and possibly others, note if you leave ELF they depart
-#'''''[[Dreamwalkers]]''''' - Followers that you can get by acquiring a Jeweled Skull from a Demilich in The Aumbrie, sadly you can NOT use a gem of perpetuation on them which means if they die they are gone (think Rogue-like) which REALLY sucks+#'''''[[Dreamwalkers]]''''' - Companions that you can get by acquiring a Jeweled Skull from a Demilich in The Aumbrie, sadly you can NOT use a gem of perpetuation on them which means if they die they are gone (think Rogue-like) which REALLY sucks
-#'''''Eris Sac''''' - Sacc'ing to Eris and being very chaotic can (possibly) get you a friendly follower; such as Goblin, Bez, Dragon, etc. ''~Note this isn't common AT ALL, but has been known to happen''+#'''''Eris Sac''''' - Sacc'ing to Eris and being very chaotic can (possibly) get you a friendly companion; such as Goblin, Bez, Dragon, etc. ''~Note this isn't common AT ALL, but has been known to happen''
#'''''RW Domination Rune(s)''''' - There are I believe 3 Runes (Goblin, Orc, Troll) that you can use to dominate one of those races, note they'll struggle against your control so be sure you have mad skillz #'''''RW Domination Rune(s)''''' - There are I believe 3 Runes (Goblin, Orc, Troll) that you can use to dominate one of those races, note they'll struggle against your control so be sure you have mad skillz
*'''Summons''': Bonds, various Guilds *'''Summons''': Bonds, various Guilds
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=== How to Keep, Control & Command Them === === How to Keep, Control & Command Them ===
*'''Keep:''' *'''Keep:'''
-#Have a Guild\Bond that can memorize your followers, currently this is Equites and Osprey+#Have a Guild\Bond that can memorize your companions, currently this is Equites, Osprey and Unicorns
#Get a Gem of Perpetuation (will periodically memorize follower), info gem for instructions on how to use #Get a Gem of Perpetuation (will periodically memorize follower), info gem for instructions on how to use
*'''Control (aka Aliases):''' *'''Control (aka Aliases):'''
-#'''''Abbrev''''', come up with a 2-3 letter abbreviation for your follower, i.e. if their name is Felix it'd be '''fel'''+#'''''Abbrev''''', come up with a 2-3 letter abbreviation for your companion, i.e. if their name is Felix it'd be '''fel'''
-#'''''First alias''''', "set alias fela to show aliases like fel*" ~''This will allow you to quickly see all your follower's aliases''+#'''''First alias''''', "set alias fela to show aliases like fel*" ~''This will allow you to quickly see all your companion's aliases''
#'''''Second alias''''', your generic command alias. Examples are as follows: #'''''Second alias''''', your generic command alias. Examples are as follows:
-##''Follower'' - "set alias feldo to whisper $* to felix"+##''Companion'' - "set alias feldo to whisper $* to felix"
##''Familiar'' - "set alias feldo to concentrate on urging felix to $*" ##''Familiar'' - "set alias feldo to concentrate on urging felix to $*"
#'''''Third alias''''', reporting (for Followers only and some Familiars), "set alias felrep to feldo report $*" #'''''Third alias''''', reporting (for Followers only and some Familiars), "set alias felrep to feldo report $*"
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*'''Command:''' *'''Command:'''
#'''''Urge''''' - Familiars #'''''Urge''''' - Familiars
-#'''''Whisper/Say''''' - Followers+#'''''Whisper/Say''''' - Companions
-#'''''Shout''''' - Followers, useful when they are room(s) away+#'''''Shout''''' - Companions, useful when they are room(s) away
-#'''''Mindspeaker (Project)''''' - Gets ALL followers, which can be very nice+#'''''Mindspeaker (Project)''''' - Gets ALL companions, which can be very nice
-#'''''Mindspeaker (Link)''''' - Gets the one follower, can conceptually be done over great distances which has it's advantages+#'''''Mindspeaker (Link)''''' - Gets the one companion, can conceptually be done over great distances which has it's advantages
-#'''''Ringwielder (Mind Rune)''''' - This should allow you to control your followers, has yet to be tested+#'''''Ringwielder (Mind Rune)''''' - This should allow you to control your companions, has yet to be tested
-=== How to Make Efficient Followers ===+=== How to Make Efficient Companions===
-*'''Utility Followers''' - They (probably) will never fight, they are just there for support purposes. Some examples:+*'''Utility Companions''' - They (probably) will never fight, they are just there for support purposes. Some examples:
**Cleric, Druid, OZM, Stalker **Cleric, Druid, OZM, Stalker
-*'''Combat Followers''' - Much harder to manage, some suggestions below:+*'''Combat Companions''' - Much harder to manage, some suggestions below:
**'''Good Guilds''' (for sentient followers) **'''Good Guilds''' (for sentient followers)
*#'''''Aisenshi''''' - Minimum Effort, Maximum Gain ~''The Millennial of Guilds!'' *#'''''Aisenshi''''' - Minimum Effort, Maximum Gain ~''The Millennial of Guilds!''
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*#'''''Ringwielders''''' - Probably best for a Melee focused RW *#'''''Ringwielders''''' - Probably best for a Melee focused RW
**'''Attributes''' - USE THIS (Chaos created it for yooooouuuu): set attribute development focus **'''Attributes''' - USE THIS (Chaos created it for yooooouuuu): set attribute development focus
-**'''Specialties''' - Subordination and to a lesser extend Leadership are crucial so your Follower doesn't become an XP Sink+**'''Specialties''' - Subordination and to a lesser extend Leadership are crucial so your Companion doesn't become an XP Sink
-===Follower/Familiar Quirks===+===Companion/Familiar Quirks===
-Followers and familiars have what I'll affectionately call "quirks" to them, here's a list that will be added-to/deleted-from as things change.+Companions and familiars have what I'll affectionately call "quirks" to them, here's a list that will be added-to/deleted-from as things change.
-*They don't keep their effort, strike location and (possibly?) combat mode+*They (sometimes) don't keep their effort, strike location and (possibly?) combat mode
**This can be frustrating if you want to strike a certain location, or operate at a certain effort level, or worse yet fight in a certain combat mode (this appears to be OK) **This can be frustrating if you want to strike a certain location, or operate at a certain effort level, or worse yet fight in a certain combat mode (this appears to be OK)
-**I've had to tell my familiar to strike head like 20x in one combat, kept setting strike to weakness ~'''''This is a BIG problem atm with followers'''''+**I've had to tell my familiar to strike head like 20x in one combat, kept setting strike to weakness ~'''''This is a BIG problem atm with familiars'''''
*Like players, at login, they will re-activate all their special maneuvers; so make an alias to have them suspended if you don't want them used *Like players, at login, they will re-activate all their special maneuvers; so make an alias to have them suspended if you don't want them used
-*You can't see a followers attacks (i.e. there is no report attacks), so to figure them out have them do the following: 
-*#stop attacking with all 
-*#report suspended attacks 
-== Psionics == +== '''Psionics''' ==
=== Psionic Introduction === === Psionic Introduction ===
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*Join LB to get the office Eosphoros Eklektos (Must have 3rd tier Ascent aperture). This will give you a guaranteed talent (Psi Races '''ONLY''') *Join LB to get the office Eosphoros Eklektos (Must have 3rd tier Ascent aperture). This will give you a guaranteed talent (Psi Races '''ONLY''')
*Go through Aligned; 100% True Self gives a Talent (again Psi Races '''ONLY'''). *Go through Aligned; 100% True Self gives a Talent (again Psi Races '''ONLY''').
-*Eat 10 brains (Vlek or Gog) until you get to 10 Int Mod+*Eat brains (Vlek or Gog) until you get to 10 Int Mod ~'''''This currently BROKEN, Change 7753 does not work and currently seems to make getting a talent (singular) from brains impossible until fixed'''''
**''Ideally only once you have a really good'' '''''Psi % Chance Base''''' (see above) **''Ideally only once you have a really good'' '''''Psi % Chance Base''''' (see above)
**''Once you hit 10 Int Mod stop eating since yes you may get a Talent but you'll lose it once you're cured, which WILL happen'' **''Once you hit 10 Int Mod stop eating since yes you may get a Talent but you'll lose it once you're cured, which WILL happen''
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**''ONLY do PPQ for a Non-Psi Race when you have given up on talents as it will nerf any chance in that Talent bracket pretty much forever'' **''ONLY do PPQ for a Non-Psi Race when you have given up on talents as it will nerf any chance in that Talent bracket pretty much forever''
*Lick a tab of acid can pop a talent, ONLY chance is on the '''''FIRST''''' lick *Lick a tab of acid can pop a talent, ONLY chance is on the '''''FIRST''''' lick
 +*Morphine and Heroin can both pop talents, and they appear to track separately. After not receiving one from heroin, a character received a latent from trying morphine. It's likely that another talent can be received from opium-soaked cigarettes, but no confirmation here. Like acid, it is likely a talent can only be gotten the first time.
=== Why aren't my Wild Talents revealing? === === Why aren't my Wild Talents revealing? ===
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*Dexter - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something! *Dexter - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
*Dowser - Become thirsty (very), and/or hang out over water ~''Then cry softly if you have it'' *Dowser - Become thirsty (very), and/or hang out over water ~''Then cry softly if you have it''
-*Empath - Hang around people babbling sh*t, and/or babble sh*t to people, also defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed) MAY work ~''did it on Psicat and it revealed, but could have been a coinicdence'' May also trigger if somebody is about to attack you+*Empath - Getting aggro'd (attacked) by a Mob, defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed) works ~''confirmed, syntax is '''concentrate on defending myself from psychic contact'''''. May also trigger if somebody is about to attack you
 +** For NPC's this is VERY hard to pop if they don't have basic telepathy, took me over a month till I had them join WS and got it triggered via a Raid
*Eyewyrd - Flee combat *Eyewyrd - Flee combat
*Farstriker - Have one of your critical body parts (head, body) be at 50% health and fight in combat *Farstriker - Have one of your critical body parts (head, body) be at 50% health and fight in combat
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*Fixer - Have broken equipment in your inventory, also possibly look at it a bunch (annoying to pop) *Fixer - Have broken equipment in your inventory, also possibly look at it a bunch (annoying to pop)
*Harmonist - Look at people *Harmonist - Look at people
-*Ironman - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something! (may require like Farstriker that you be 50% HP)+*Ironman - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something! (''unlike Farstriker does not require a critical body part be 50% or lower health, huzzah!'')
*Levitator - Fall *Levitator - Fall
*Longshot - Just stand around *Longshot - Just stand around
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*Mindreader - Look at and talk to people, it'll pop eventually (also may just show up from idling) *Mindreader - Look at and talk to people, it'll pop eventually (also may just show up from idling)
*Mindshielder - Get Psi-attacked, or (if you can) try defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed) *Mindshielder - Get Psi-attacked, or (if you can) try defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed)
-*Mindspeaker - Babble to people and have them babble back, also can show up from idling+*Mindspeaker - Babble to people and have them babble back, also can show up from idling, '''EASIEST''' (if you can) defend yourself from psychic contacts (''concentrate on defending myself from psychic contacts'')
*Planeswalker - in;out of a doorway/entrance a bunch *Planeswalker - in;out of a doorway/entrance a bunch
*Psychic Healer - 9l at something a bunch *Psychic Healer - 9l at something a bunch
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|   |  
|- |-
-| <span style="color:Blue; background-color: lightcoral">Assoc - Crafty Linguists (Zilch)</span>+| <span style="color:Blue">Assoc - Crafty Linguists</span>
| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
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| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
-| &nbsp;+| align="center" | 1
| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
|- |-
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| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
| &nbsp; | &nbsp;
 +| <span style="color:Blue">Assoc - Touched</span>
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
 +| align="center" | 5
|- |-
| <span style="color:Blue; background-color: lightcoral">Assoc - Synousia Algesis (Zilch)</span> | <span style="color:Blue; background-color: lightcoral">Assoc - Synousia Algesis (Zilch)</span>
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|- |-
|} |}
 +== '''Fey Bonds''' ==
 +Fey Bonds are...difficult. Difficult to determine whether they are good, and unfortunately now extremely difficult to get due to various stealth nerfs.
 +* The stealth nerfs aside, in the unlikely event you DO get a Fey Bond the primary issue you'll run in to is that they spread the few benefits you receive across the entire 100% bond completion.
 +**What this means is if you normally get something at Very Frail (0-10%) you will most likely not get that till 90%.
 +**Furthermore it's hard to say if you'll even get the ability you expect because sometimes it says the bond receives it at Fairly Healthy (20-29%) but Fey stops at 20% so if you get at 20% you'll get it (probably at 100%), but if it's 21% then no joy.
 +=== Fey Bond Familiars ===
 +I'll list here the Fey Bonds I've completed and tell you what are good and what aren't.
 + '''Bird (Common)''' (F-Tier)
 + * The bond does 2 major things at Full, 1) Dodge Combat Buffs and 2) Flight Charm. The first is 20% as good as a Fey and the 2nd doesn't exist.
 + '''Chipmunk''' (F-Tier)
 + * This bond is total trash, it's trash as a Full and even trashier as a Fey (see below)
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * 1 Autodidaction ('''not 2''') :-(
 + * Spec Access is all mostly crap
 + '''Octopus''' (B-Tier)
 + * Octopus gets a lot early so you get those charms early as well since Fey get 0-20%
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * Decent Spec Access
 + * Breath Air/Water Charm (Aqualung)
 + * Amorphism
 + * Displacement
 + * Invisibility
 + '''Orthros''' (F-Tier)
 + * Don't do it, it's weak as a Full and even worse (obviously) as a Fey
 + '''Psicat''' (S-Tier)
 + * It's a Psicat, get one with a solid Wild Talent set and you got a Planeswalking, Harmonizing and Healing machine
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * Psi Access (can be nice)
 + '''Rodent''' (F-Tier)
 + * This bond is total trash, it's trash as a Full and even trashier as a Fey (see below)
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * 1 Autodidaction ('''not 2''') :-(
 + * Spec Access is all mostly crap
 + '''Sparrow''' (A-Tier or S-Tier w/ Teleporter)
 + * Much like the regular Fey Sparrow this is really good
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * Golden Path (Limited Steps but can be worked around, great pairing with a Trav or Planeswalker)
 + * Spiritual Energy Channel In/Out
 + * Channel into Order Energy
 + * Scry (Person)
 + * Composition Analysis
 + * Enchant Dagger/Knife for Throwing Return
 + * Rift Attack
 + '''Tiger''' (B-Tier)
 + * Good combat bonuses and able to (kinda) fight in combat due to 60% Aura. Downside is too big to pickup easily so more prone to dying. :-(
 + * All Basic Charms
 + * Channel into Fire Energy
 + * Summon Fire Spirit
 +== '''Justicars (Justies)''' ==
 +Here I'll put a quick guide on Justies, mostly what works and what doesn't. I'll port over my comments from the Justie page here. As the guild is still very much in Beta and things are constantly being fixed/revised/(possibly removed?) this will be ever changing area.
 +=== Association Paths ===
 +* Currently there are roughly two paths to take in Justies, one is via WoV and another via Garlic. Both have their Pros and Cons and I'll list them here along with the few other Assocs that work with Justies.
 +* Justies are probably the '''MOST''' restrictive Guild in the game with regards to Association access, this is 100% due to Gods hating on various other Gods, predominately Axa letting you worship others but if you do so denying you your abilities. So essentially this blocks you from...80% of all Assocs as most have Gods associated with them.
 +** Note I will not be including other Guilds in this assessment as that is via Lux and I don't use Lux so can't speak for various conflicts
 +* Assocs Available that don't restrict Justies ''~There may be others that work, if so will add as they are discovered''
 +**[[Crafty Linguists]]
 +**[[Gauric Legion|Garlic]]
 +**[[Losthaven Guard]]
 +**[[Storm Walkers]]
 +**[[Weapons of Vengeance]]
 +* Of the Assocs available 2 are S-Tier and also conflict with one another (Garlic & WoV), therefore I've created the two Paths below
 +====Garlic (The Path of Pain)====
 +Garlic is a S/O Assoc that directly conflicts with WoV, it's all about Chakras and helping yourself, as well as others via succoring and enlightenment
 + * Enlightenment (nice small buff) every 30-45 mins?
 + * LOTS of good Spec Access such as Affinities (even very esoteric ones), SD, Psionics and Misc others
 + * Stabilizes Chakras at higher ranks
 + * Believe it has a built in AoLP function as well
 + * Supposedly does Chakra Lasers, maybe?
 + * Amazing Assoc but with '''A LOT''' (I mean A LOT) of very very painful game mechanics
 + * This is mostly around the various timers and things you need to do in order to progress through the Assoc, almost requiring at least some level of scripting to progress through it at a decent clip
 + * If scripting isn't your thing and you don't want to wait months or possibly years? for significant progression this may not be for you
 +'''Recommended Assocs''':
 + * '''Losthaven Guard''' is SUPER popular with Garlic, like almost a must
 + * '''Wandslingers''' is a must
 + * '''Storm Walkers''' if you're a Zuth
 +====WoV (The Path of Least Resistance)====
 +This is the most straightforward path for Justies, WoV is a pretty extreme Assoc so conflicts with the delicateness of Garlic. Seems to have no Alignment(ish) requirements to join, just fealty to the cause.
 + * Easy easy easy way to progress via training of Rune Lore, Kesliri and Symbology (note all Int based)
 + * Spec Access for Affinities and SD
 + * Excellent enhancement trainer via Varn
 + * Runic Commands: If you get high enough some of these are quite good, see Assoc page
 + * Runic Weapons: EXCELLENT options to use for Ordained Weapon
 + * Doesn't give as many estoeric Affinities as Garlic
 +'''Recommended Assocs''':
 + * '''Explorers''' is great, bonus specs AND additional access. Yes please!
 + * '''Wandslingers''' is a must
 + * '''Storm Walkers''' if you're a Zuth
 +=== Abilities ===
 +* Invocations use [[Intellect]] Skills as 1:1
 +* Realizations use [[Perception]] Skills as 1:1
 +* Orisons use [[Strength]] Skills as 1:1
 +* Tsar Quen is (predominately) based on [[Concentration]]
 +* Resistances are based on [[Piety]]
 +* Guild Shield is based on a combination of [[Order Affinity]] and [[Piety]]
 +==== Invocations ====
 +==== Realizations ====
 +==== Orisons ====
 +==== Tsar Quen (Maneuvers) ====
 +==== Resistances ====
 +==== Guild Shield ====
[[Category: Guides]] [[Category: Guides]]

Current revision

This is where I'll put my musings about LS and probably of more interest my knowledge of Psionics and how they work (or in some cases don't).


Ways to cheese Death

While I don't personally like the idea of making death a joke in LS and having no real risk (death penalty is already almost non-existent) I figured if I put these here maybe the powers-that-be will take notice of what a joke LS has become danger wise. That being said let's get into the cheesiest of the cheese!

There are a lot of ways to avoid death on LS, essentially eliminating most (if not all) risk from combat if done properly. Note you can also stack any of the below so you have redundancy should one fail.

  1. Amulet of Life Protection (also known as AOLP) - Works in neck slot and will trigger on "death", will teleport you away from combat to a random location
    1. These can fail, but it's very rare
  2. AOLP Spells/Abilities - There are a few of these such as Sea's Blessings from OZM and Phoenix Rebirth, also a lot of Affiliations give this for free like higher level Garlic
    1. I believe like an AOLP that these can fail, but again it's very rare
  3. Teleportation Alias/Trigger - While it can be very hard to flee combat (i.e. leave the room), it's exceedingly easy to simply teleport away at the first sign of danger. This can be done by either triggering an affiliation spell/ability or even easier simply reading a scroll of recall
    1. Recommendation here is a) set an alias key (say z) to read the scroll/cast spell/use guild ability or if you're industrious and REALLY want to avoid death just have said scroll/spell/ability trigger when your HP from HP Bar gets below a certain number
    2. This is VASTLY more preferred than actually fleeing combat, as fleeing can easily be stopped by the mob and therefore is much harder. Additionally if you DO successfully flee everything appears to get a free attack on you which can really hurt. So it's WAY easier to simply teleport away as this can be done instantly and is essentially unstoppable.
    3. Note: Triggers won't help much if you're one-shotted or stunned, but if you are able to avoid that this is an easy and cheap way to avoid death

Area Tier List

This is where I'm going to rank all the areas that are currently XP viable, spoiler there aren't many! lol

How to get Real XP

I shall endeavor to list all the sensical (and nonsensical) ways to get Real XP on LS

Google Sheets

I've created numerous Google Sheets over the years to help with managing and playing LS, some are spread throughout this wiki but I thought it'd be helpful to put them in once place. So enjoy!

IMPORTANT - For any links you'll need to edit this entry and copy/paste it, for some reason the Wiki isn't allowing a direct link out.

Spec Access Review

The purpose of this it allow the player to show what Spec Access they gained (or lost) when joining or leaving a Guild/Assoc. See steps below.

Spec Access Review Sheet - edit page to get link

Spec Access Review Sheet - Screen Reader Version - edit page to get link

  1. Make a copy of the sheet to your own personal Google account, this will allow you to edit the sheets
  2. Do show specialty access and copy/paste entire list into Pre-Load (Cleanup) sheet, then delete any erroneous lines that are not skill related such as pauses, any OOC that snuck in, etc
  3. Make sure column A is empty in Spec Before sheet and paste show specialty access from Pre-Load (Cleanup) sheet into Cell A2 of Spec Before sheet
  4. Leave/Join Guild or Assoc and then repeat steps 1 & 2, instead using Spec After sheet

LS Weapon Info


Aris Calculation Sheet


Companions & Familiars

What They Are

Companions are anything that you control, they generally fall into the following categories:

  • Sentient - Knight's Squire, ELF's Gogtzul, Equites Adventurers, etc.
  • Summons - Spirits, Amalgamals, Druidic Summons, etc.

Familiars are self explanatory, aka anything received via an Empathic Bond. You'll have both more and less options on how to control these than you'll have a Sentient companion.

How to Get Them

  • Sentient:
  1. Equites - Best companions as you have a variety to choose from (Aisenshi, HW, PW, Rager, VV), unfortunately you need to join Equites to get one and only 1 (random type) is available per day
  2. Deck - Risky and can totally F up your character, but if you're lucky (and Saintly/Ordered) you can get a Human Deck Knight
  3. ELF - Gog's and possibly others, note if you leave ELF they depart
  4. Dreamwalkers - Companions that you can get by acquiring a Jeweled Skull from a Demilich in The Aumbrie, sadly you can NOT use a gem of perpetuation on them which means if they die they are gone (think Rogue-like) which REALLY sucks
  5. Eris Sac - Sacc'ing to Eris and being very chaotic can (possibly) get you a friendly companion; such as Goblin, Bez, Dragon, etc. ~Note this isn't common AT ALL, but has been known to happen
  6. RW Domination Rune(s) - There are I believe 3 Runes (Goblin, Orc, Troll) that you can use to dominate one of those races, note they'll struggle against your control so be sure you have mad skillz
  • Summons: Bonds, various Guilds

How to Keep, Control & Command Them

  • Keep:
  1. Have a Guild\Bond that can memorize your companions, currently this is Equites, Osprey and Unicorns
  2. Get a Gem of Perpetuation (will periodically memorize follower), info gem for instructions on how to use
  • Control (aka Aliases):
  1. Abbrev, come up with a 2-3 letter abbreviation for your companion, i.e. if their name is Felix it'd be fel
  2. First alias, "set alias fela to show aliases like fel*" ~This will allow you to quickly see all your companion's aliases
  3. Second alias, your generic command alias. Examples are as follows:
    1. Companion - "set alias feldo to whisper $* to felix"
    2. Familiar - "set alias feldo to concentrate on urging felix to $*"
  4. Third alias, reporting (for Followers only and some Familiars), "set alias felrep to feldo report $*"
  5. Other aliases, pick whatever you want, but always precede with your first 3-chars, some examples:
    • set alias feldef to feldo set combat mode to defensive
    • set alias felbal to feldo set combat mode to aggressive
    • set alias feldeg to feldo set specialty degree in $*
    • Etc, etc.
  • Command:
  1. Urge - Familiars
  2. Whisper/Say - Companions
  3. Shout - Companions, useful when they are room(s) away
  4. Mindspeaker (Project) - Gets ALL companions, which can be very nice
  5. Mindspeaker (Link) - Gets the one companion, can conceptually be done over great distances which has it's advantages
  6. Ringwielder (Mind Rune) - This should allow you to control your companions, has yet to be tested

How to Make Efficient Companions

  • Utility Companions - They (probably) will never fight, they are just there for support purposes. Some examples:
    • Cleric, Druid, OZM, Stalker
  • Combat Companions - Much harder to manage, some suggestions below:
    • Good Guilds (for sentient followers)
    1. Aisenshi - Minimum Effort, Maximum Gain ~The Millennial of Guilds!
    2. Zet - Lots of excellent bonds and good Assoc access
    3. SS - Solid bonds and good assoc Access
    4. VV - Large variety of bonds, sadly shite Assoc access
    5. Aliavelyrae - If you have an Elf race this can be good
    6. Ringwielders - Probably best for a Melee focused RW
    • Attributes - USE THIS (Chaos created it for yooooouuuu): set attribute development focus
    • Specialties - Subordination and to a lesser extend Leadership are crucial so your Companion doesn't become an XP Sink

Companion/Familiar Quirks

Companions and familiars have what I'll affectionately call "quirks" to them, here's a list that will be added-to/deleted-from as things change.

  • They (sometimes) don't keep their effort, strike location and (possibly?) combat mode
    • This can be frustrating if you want to strike a certain location, or operate at a certain effort level, or worse yet fight in a certain combat mode (this appears to be OK)
    • I've had to tell my familiar to strike head like 20x in one combat, kept setting strike to weakness ~This is a BIG problem atm with familiars
  • Like players, at login, they will re-activate all their special maneuvers; so make an alias to have them suspended if you don't want them used


Psionic Introduction

How to pop Wild Talents

  • Pick a Psi Race, order from best to worst: Kedeth->Advenus->Svirfneblin->Duergar
  • Go to Basin under Jhan to try and pop first Talent, do "search altar" and then "drink from basin"
    • Note this WILL change your gender, so pick the gender you don't want to be at char gen
    • Expect this to take a couple of days as you will likely need to reroll a bunch before it pops.
  • Establish a good Psi % Chance Base (i.e., lots of Psi Skills and low Magick Skills), mid-100s to 200s in a bunch is good
  • Join Aisenshi and train philo to like 150+, can get multiple Talent chances various spec gates
    • Get CMED and Autodidact it while you're at it
  • Join LB to get the office Eosphoros Eklektos (Must have 3rd tier Ascent aperture). This will give you a guaranteed talent (Psi Races ONLY)
  • Go through Aligned; 100% True Self gives a Talent (again Psi Races ONLY).
  • Eat brains (Vlek or Gog) until you get to 10 Int Mod ~This currently BROKEN, Change 7753 does not work and currently seems to make getting a talent (singular) from brains impossible until fixed
    • Ideally only once you have a really good Psi % Chance Base (see above)
    • Once you hit 10 Int Mod stop eating since yes you may get a Talent but you'll lose it once you're cured, which WILL happen
    • Note it says 10 Int MOD, not 10 brains. You may need to eat more than 10 brains to get that 10 Int Mod.
  • If you are a Psi Race you can do PPQ anytime you want with no impact (guaranteed talent for Psi Race ONLY)
    • ONLY do PPQ for a Non-Psi Race when you have given up on talents as it will nerf any chance in that Talent bracket pretty much forever
  • Lick a tab of acid can pop a talent, ONLY chance is on the FIRST lick
  • Morphine and Heroin can both pop talents, and they appear to track separately. After not receiving one from heroin, a character received a latent from trying morphine. It's likely that another talent can be received from opium-soaked cigarettes, but no confirmation here. Like acid, it is likely a talent can only be gotten the first time.

Why aren't my Wild Talents revealing?

Here I'll list what you can do to reveal almost all talents, that way people won't bug me or have to pour through the CF that is the Wild Talent page. Huzzah!

  • Battledancer - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Bladeturner - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Dexter - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Dowser - Become thirsty (very), and/or hang out over water ~Then cry softly if you have it
  • Empath - Getting aggro'd (attacked) by a Mob, defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed) works ~confirmed, syntax is concentrate on defending myself from psychic contact. May also trigger if somebody is about to attack you
    • For NPC's this is VERY hard to pop if they don't have basic telepathy, took me over a month till I had them join WS and got it triggered via a Raid
  • Eyewyrd - Flee combat
  • Farstriker - Have one of your critical body parts (head, body) be at 50% health and fight in combat
  • Fetch - Drop stuff
  • Firestarter - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Fixer - Have broken equipment in your inventory, also possibly look at it a bunch (annoying to pop)
  • Harmonist - Look at people
  • Ironman - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something! (unlike Farstriker does not require a critical body part be 50% or lower health, huzzah!)
  • Levitator - Fall
  • Longshot - Just stand around
  • Mindblaster - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Mindreader - Look at and talk to people, it'll pop eventually (also may just show up from idling)
  • Mindshielder - Get Psi-attacked, or (if you can) try defending yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed)
  • Mindspeaker - Babble to people and have them babble back, also can show up from idling, EASIEST (if you can) defend yourself from psychic contacts (concentrate on defending myself from psychic contacts)
  • Planeswalker - in;out of a doorway/entrance a bunch
  • Psychic Healer - 9l at something a bunch
  • Psychic Vampire - Defend yourself from psychic contacts (basic telepathy needed), not sure beyond that
  • Seer - This just happens, maybe looking at people, or possibly scrying?
  • Sensitive - Be around Psionic people, also can just happen
  • Soothsayer - 9l at a player
  • Strongman - Pops in combat, don't be a wuss, fight something!
  • Stormlord - Get hit by electricity, should also pop in combat if you're outside in sh*tty weather

How to Not Suck at Psionics 101

  • This is one of the more painful things to answer so lets get this out of the way first; at the moment there is only 1 Guild (Traveler) and 2 Bonds (Psicat and Fox) which give broad psionic specialty access (aka Psi Access). Like most things on LS psionics requires specs to be good at, so that average Planeswalker isn't much good to you if you only have 1 spec in Translocation (hello random location! lol), or that high Levitator will barely get you off the ground with only 1 or 2 Psychokinesis.
  • So that's the bad news, the good news is there are a FEW Assocs that also give Psi Access (see below), but like most things on LS not everything can be combined. So yes Infucted gives 4 Redaction and Telepathy, but it can't be combine with the somewhat broad 1's of Garlic. That's also assuming you even want to join the Assocs in the first place, no Assoc at this point is worth joining JUST for their Psi Access.
  • I added an * next to Garlic due to Change 6304, which now gives (in addition to the default below) additional Psi Access depending on your advancement within Garlic. Thanks to Arie for this great option!
  • Additionally there are a handful of other bonds that give focused Psi Access but that won't help a "good" broad psionic character. If though you're fortunate enough to pop Firestarter and Ironman and that's about it, sure you can bond an iFish and that'll be perfect access wise for both those talents.

Psionic Access

  • EDIT ME if you have Assoc information that is not already listed.
  • Base Access is only given in the Skill if you have a Talent that utilizes it, i.e. Planeswalker for Translocation, Firestarter for Metacreativity, etc etc.
Access List
Races/Affils/Bonds Matrix Interface Metacathexis Metaconation Metacreativity Metasenses Psychokinesis Psycholeptesis Redaction Telepathy Translocation
Access - Base*       1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Race - Kedeth       1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Race - Svirfneblin           1 1      
Guild - Aligned       5            
Guild - Deep Whisperers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Guild - Lightbringers       2            
Guild - Shemsu Sutek           1        
Guild - Traveler 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Guild - Zetesai 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Assoc - Agnihotri       1            
Assoc - Attuned               1    
Assoc - Brotherhood of W&S (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Chosen of Vashanka           1        
Assoc - Collegium Magistrorum (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Crafty Linguists                 1  
Assoc - Explorers (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Fianna (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Followers of Apollo (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Garbage Thondur (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Garlic*   1   1   1 1 1 1  
Assoc - Glomerates (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Hellwalkers (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Infucted               4 4  
Assoc - Jinxian Plutocracy (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Legion of Dynamic Discord (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Losthaven Guard (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Maiden's of the Spear (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Ollin Tonatiuh (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Pantarchic Church of Yehovah (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Questor's of Axa (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Rebels (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Shadow Brethren (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Sodality of the Nine-Spoked Wheel (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Stalkers of the Gate (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Steel Serpents (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Storm Walkers             1      
Assoc - Synodia Lykouros (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Touched 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Assoc - Synousia Algesis (Zilch)                    
Assoc - Wandslingers           1        
Assoc - Wardens (Zilch)                    
Assoc - WoV (Zilch)                    

Fey Bonds

Fey Bonds are...difficult. Difficult to determine whether they are good, and unfortunately now extremely difficult to get due to various stealth nerfs.

  • The stealth nerfs aside, in the unlikely event you DO get a Fey Bond the primary issue you'll run in to is that they spread the few benefits you receive across the entire 100% bond completion.
    • What this means is if you normally get something at Very Frail (0-10%) you will most likely not get that till 90%.
    • Furthermore it's hard to say if you'll even get the ability you expect because sometimes it says the bond receives it at Fairly Healthy (20-29%) but Fey stops at 20% so if you get at 20% you'll get it (probably at 100%), but if it's 21% then no joy.

Fey Bond Familiars

I'll list here the Fey Bonds I've completed and tell you what are good and what aren't.

Bird (Common) (F-Tier)
* The bond does 2 major things at Full, 1) Dodge Combat Buffs and 2) Flight Charm. The first is 20% as good as a Fey and the 2nd doesn't exist.
Chipmunk (F-Tier)
* This bond is total trash, it's trash as a Full and even trashier as a Fey (see below)
* All Basic Charms
* 1 Autodidaction (not 2) :-(
* Spec Access is all mostly crap
Octopus (B-Tier)
* Octopus gets a lot early so you get those charms early as well since Fey get 0-20%
* All Basic Charms
* Decent Spec Access
* Breath Air/Water Charm (Aqualung)
* Amorphism
* Displacement
* Invisibility
Orthros (F-Tier)
* Don't do it, it's weak as a Full and even worse (obviously) as a Fey
Psicat (S-Tier)
* It's a Psicat, get one with a solid Wild Talent set and you got a Planeswalking, Harmonizing and Healing machine
* All Basic Charms
* Psi Access (can be nice)
Rodent (F-Tier)
* This bond is total trash, it's trash as a Full and even trashier as a Fey (see below)
* All Basic Charms
* 1 Autodidaction (not 2) :-(
* Spec Access is all mostly crap
Sparrow (A-Tier or S-Tier w/ Teleporter)
* Much like the regular Fey Sparrow this is really good
* All Basic Charms
* Golden Path (Limited Steps but can be worked around, great pairing with a Trav or Planeswalker)
* Spiritual Energy Channel In/Out
* Channel into Order Energy
* Scry (Person)
* Composition Analysis
* Enchant Dagger/Knife for Throwing Return
* Rift Attack
Tiger (B-Tier)
* Good combat bonuses and able to (kinda) fight in combat due to 60% Aura. Downside is too big to pickup easily so more prone to dying. :-(
* All Basic Charms
* Channel into Fire Energy
* Summon Fire Spirit

Justicars (Justies)

Here I'll put a quick guide on Justies, mostly what works and what doesn't. I'll port over my comments from the Justie page here. As the guild is still very much in Beta and things are constantly being fixed/revised/(possibly removed?) this will be ever changing area.

Association Paths

  • Currently there are roughly two paths to take in Justies, one is via WoV and another via Garlic. Both have their Pros and Cons and I'll list them here along with the few other Assocs that work with Justies.
  • Justies are probably the MOST restrictive Guild in the game with regards to Association access, this is 100% due to Gods hating on various other Gods, predominately Axa letting you worship others but if you do so denying you your abilities. So essentially this blocks you from...80% of all Assocs as most have Gods associated with them.
    • Note I will not be including other Guilds in this assessment as that is via Lux and I don't use Lux so can't speak for various conflicts
  • Assocs Available that don't restrict Justies ~There may be others that work, if so will add as they are discovered
  • Of the Assocs available 2 are S-Tier and also conflict with one another (Garlic & WoV), therefore I've created the two Paths below

Garlic (The Path of Pain)

Garlic is a S/O Assoc that directly conflicts with WoV, it's all about Chakras and helping yourself, as well as others via succoring and enlightenment


* Enlightenment (nice small buff) every 30-45 mins?
* LOTS of good Spec Access such as Affinities (even very esoteric ones), SD, Psionics and Misc others
* Stabilizes Chakras at higher ranks
* Believe it has a built in AoLP function as well
* Supposedly does Chakra Lasers, maybe?


* Amazing Assoc but with A LOT (I mean A LOT) of very very painful game mechanics
* This is mostly around the various timers and things you need to do in order to progress through the Assoc, almost requiring at least some level of scripting to progress through it at a decent clip
* If scripting isn't your thing and you don't want to wait months or possibly years? for significant progression this may not be for you

Recommended Assocs:

* Losthaven Guard is SUPER popular with Garlic, like almost a must
* Wandslingers is a must
* Storm Walkers if you're a Zuth

WoV (The Path of Least Resistance)

This is the most straightforward path for Justies, WoV is a pretty extreme Assoc so conflicts with the delicateness of Garlic. Seems to have no Alignment(ish) requirements to join, just fealty to the cause.


* Easy easy easy way to progress via training of Rune Lore, Kesliri and Symbology (note all Int based) 
* Spec Access for Affinities and SD
* Excellent enhancement trainer via Varn
* Runic Commands: If you get high enough some of these are quite good, see Assoc page
* Runic Weapons: EXCELLENT options to use for Ordained Weapon


* Doesn't give as many estoeric Affinities as Garlic

Recommended Assocs:

* Explorers is great, bonus specs AND additional access. Yes please!
* Wandslingers is a must
* Storm Walkers if you're a Zuth





Tsar Quen (Maneuvers)


Guild Shield