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  • Location: Hanoma
  • Occupation: Enchanter
  • Look
  This is an elf with white skin, gray-flecked black hair, and violet eyes.  He appears very calm, and 
  judging by the flecks of gray in his hair, he is many centuries old.  Despite his mostly stoic front he 
  seems to be constantly suppressing a small smile.  This is Olaris, a leader of sorts for the village 
  residents on Hanoma.  Though not a born native, and though he has no formal office, his charisma, tact, 
  charm, leadership, ingenuity, and many decades in permanent residence have won him a great deal of respect.  
  He is known as a particularly skilled enchanter, eschewing more immediate magical techniques for enduring 
  effects and devices.
  • Info
  Olaris is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
     Availability inquiry: Olaris, what will you teach me?
     Cost inquiry:         Olaris, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
     Instruction request:  Olaris, teach me <subject(s)>.
  • Trains
  the Anglic language        introspection               swimming                
  animal lore                literacy                    the use of swords       
  biology                    logic                       unarmed combat          
  the art of calligraphy     martial arts                                        
  carving                    the Nihonese language        
  cooking                    philosophy                   
  cosmology                  physics                      
  discipline                 plant lore                   
  empathy                    the art of poetry            
  enchanting                 politics                     
  farming                    savoir faire                 
  first aid                  seamanship                   
  fishing                    the Sperethiel language      
  history                    the use of staves   

  • Notes
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