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Raktorak are a lizard type race. You can find them in and around Corna.


Rarity: Very Rare
Plural: Raktorak
Anatomy: Clawed Tailed Anthropoid
Sexes: Male, Female
Harm Skills:
    Anatomy       41%
    Intimidation  27%
    Animal Lore   11%
    Empathy       11%
    Torture       11%
/----------------------------- The Raktorak Race -----------------------------\
| Attributes                Strength                  70 to 150               |
|                           Intelligence              50 to 110               |
|                           Constitution              80 to 160               |
|                           Dexterity                 50 to 120               |
|                           Willpower                 60 to 140               |
|                           Charisma                  10 to  90               |
|                           Perception                60 to 130               |
|                           Size                      63 to  85               |
| Typical Sexes                                       Male                    |
|                                                     Female                  |
| Languages                 Native                    Assarith                |
|                           Primary                   Anglic                  |
| Innate Skills             Climbing                  40                      |
|                           Combat Reflexes           40                      |
|                           Quickness                 40                      |
|                           Unarmed Combat            40                      |
|                           Killer Instinct           40                      |
| Specialty Access          Killer Instinct           available: degree XX,   |
|                                                     bonus: degree V         |
|                           Eructation                available: degree X,    |
|                                                     bonus: degree I         |
|                           Climbing,                 available: degree V,    |
|                           Combat Reflexes,          bonus: degree I         |
|                           Quickness, and                                    |
|                           Unarmed Combat                                    |
|                           Magick Resistance,        available: degree III,  |
|                           Entropy Resistance,       bonus: degree I         |
|                           Extropy Resistance,                               |
|                           Poison Resistance, and                            |
|                           Robustness                                        |
| Resistances               Temporal                  strong resistance       |
| Traits                    Assimilativity            -13                     |
|                           Diet                      Carnivore               |
|                           Night Vision              1                       |
|                           Sentience                 Anthropic               |
|                           Somatic Adaptability      2                       |
|                           Speech Pattern            Reptilian               |
|                           Thanatogalvanism          10                      |
| Physical Characteristics  Anatomy                   Clawed Tailed           |
|                                                     Anthropoid              |
|                           Natural Armour            Extremely Heavy         |
|                           Natural Weaponry          Superb                  |
|                           Other                     Bestial                 |