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Rarity: Very Common
Plural: Bogualu
Anatomy: Anthropoid
Sexes: Male, Female
Harm Skills:
    Anatomy       31%
    Empathy       20%
    Intimidation  20%
    Politics      12%
    Law            8%
    Torture        8%

The race of bogualu is most easily described as being much like small, wily urgai. Those with a poor regard for them commonly call them "goblins". Their physical attributes are generally similar to those of urgai, though they tend more toward yellowish skin (with, as with urgai, a great deal of variation among different groups), and bogualu and urgai often cohabitate or join together in marauding bands. When they associate, urgai typically dominate the smaller bogualu by physical force, though more than one urga has regretted too severe mistreatment of the craftier bogualu.

Bogualu have slightly shorter lifespans even than urgai, rarely living more than forty years; like urgai and humans, bogualu make up for their brief span with a voracious appetite for new experiences. A small folk, bogualu generally stand between seven and eleven dimins in height. They possess nightvision. Though nearly all are fluent speakers of the Angrak tongue, bogualu have their own speech, Takargu. It is speculated that having a language of their own helps them hatch their plots under the noses of the unperceptive urgai.

 /----------------------------- The Goblin Race ------------------Start-------\
 | Attributes                Strength                 20 to  70     36        |
 |                           Intellect                30 to 100     53        |
 |                           Vitality                 30 to  75     45        |
 |                           Agility                  40 to 110     63        |
 |                           Willpower                30 to 100     53        |
 |                           Ego                      25 to  80     43        |
 |                           Perception               30 to 100     53        |
 |                           Size                     31 to  48     37        |
 | Points                                                          144        |
 | Typical Sexes                                      Male                    |
 |                                                    Female                  |
 | Languages                 Native                   Takargu                 |
 | Resistances               Temporal                 large vulnerability     |
 | Traits                    Abstraction              Yes                     |
 |                           Dreaming                 Yes                     |
 |                           Euphasia                 Yes                     |
 |                           Sentience                Anthropic               |
 |                           Assimilativity           15                      |
 |                           Genetic Integrity        -3                      |
 |                           Luck                     -1                      |
 |                           Algolagnia               2                       |
 |                           Night vision             1                       |
 |                           Algopoeia                1                       |
 |                           Speech pattern           Urban                   |
 | Cultures and Homelands    Akalish Wildling         Akalahai                |
 |                           Almerian Wildling        Almeria                 |
 |                           Esarturi Wildling        Esartur                 |
 |                           Freeholder               Freehold                |
 |                           Losthavener              Losthaven               |
 |                           Lowlander                Halfmoon Bay            |
 |                                                    Sanctuary               |
 |                           Northlander Wildling     the Northlands          |
 |                           Sheng Long               Xi Feng Ming            |
 |                           Tenochlani Wildling      Tenochlan               |
 |                           Togreknar                Togrek                  |
 |                           Yevathnar                Yevath                  |
 |                           Zadnothruan Wildling     Zadnothruin             |
 | Physical Characteristics  Anatomy                  Anthropoid              |
 |                           Natural Weaponry         Ordinary                |