Basic Aligned Guide

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This guide assumes you know enough about Lost Souls to function, but nothing about the Aligned guild or how they work. Enjoy.

Aligned are a pretty fun guild and all. But to be proper at it, there are some basic things you should do first as prep work before joining.

Having a talent is handy, as Aligned are great with psionic stuff. But it's not something that is truly need to function.

Make sure you start as a Ordered character. That helps speed this process along.

Race Selection

Picking a smart race is normally a good idea, high Int/Wil/Cha is a plus. Aligned effectively use every stat for forms besides Str/Con. If you plan to play a Orc Aligned/Hellwalker, then that will work. But you might not be the best Aligned ever though.

A race with Autodidaction is a plus.

A psionic race is also a plus, but that severely limits your choices.

A few of my favorites include:






I highly suggest you instantly join the Aisenshi at level 1.

If your race has Autodidaction this will grant you Combat Meditation.

This will also give you the Chi attacks, with are very handy to have in Aligned.

Note that you don't wish to explore much as you want to not level so fast while in the Aisenshi.

It is possible to get all the Aisenshi special attacks, at level 1. You just need to train with Musashi properly and learn them.

Also, be sure to get some of the Kyotsugo language skill.

After you have the attacks/possible philosophy talent/combat meditation (if your race allows), then ask to leave. Musashi will tell you that you need to advance 3 levels before leaving.

If you're still level 1, go do a few riddles from the At'lordrith's Riddle quest. Don't finish it, just get enough xp to leave Aisenshi.

If he still doesn't let you go, just train your Philosophy skill more. And he will let you leave.

Be sure to go through your specs and make sure you free up as many as possible. As you will have some specs still in skills that were not removed.


Every Aligned, is also part of the Attuned

After leaving Aisenshi, go and instantly join the Attuned while you're skills are decaying.

The first requirement for Aligned is that you must have been granted chakra energy from your Attunement with nature.

To be granted a chakra, you must have reached around 75 attunment from the Attuned association.

Since you will use Order Affinity a lot, I advise putting some wil specialties into that, and training it up a bit. It's also amazing for Attunement.

Read more about how Attunement works by clicking on the link.

Once you get your chakra, go talk to Taiji and join Aligned. Even if you have some left over skill decay from Aisenshi.

If you have the specs free of course. Just join next. Seriously.

First Steps

If you're level 4, like you should be, then you're on track.

Now you start off with the basic forms first for free. You might also get a few others from your time in the Aisenshi.


Forms are the Aligned version of spells.

There is no need to speak aloud, all Forms are used by thinking, sub-vocalizing, or visualizing things.

Your degree of proficiency with Forms will be based off a rating taken from your level of skills/attributes with relate to the Form.

Order Energy

Every Form takes a bit or a lot of Order Energy to be used.

Some Forms are just a 1 time use kind of deal, where you activate the form, use the order energy it takes, and that's it.

Others have a consistent drain upon your order well.

Run out of order energy, and all the ones that are draining your energy will be turned off. We'll talk about how to charge/refill your Order energy in a bit.

You're max order energy is mostly based off your Order Affinity and Centering skill, and possibly other stuff like Attunement.

Basic Forms

The most used Form ever is the True Self Form. This converts your Magic Energy, to Order energy.

It also trains your Order Affinity skill, so that's nice.

Bridge is also a very important form that Aligned off all levels normally use. It makes you a freaking ninja pretty much. It also has a constant drain on your Order Energy.

Ambience is also somewhat important to get early on. As it allows you to damage stuff slightly by buffing skills. Also nice for exploring I guess.

And finally, you should try to get Integrity. This creates a stone you may wear which charges your Order Energy, allowing you to actively use those Forms which have a slight constant drain and not worry to much.

You could always have a more advanced Aligned that's close to your size make you said stone though. But, any half decent Aligned will have this form quickly.

Mimesis is a handy little trick that has a heavy drain on your order well. It creates several motes which float around you and can be impressed with various damage types that happen to or around you. You can then fire back said damage types from these motes to deal damage. Each mote gets a damage type impression, how potent the impression is can be based off how effective the attack is, and your perfection with the form. There are multiple ways to fire a mote, ranging from which principle is used, or if the most potent impression is used.

Chakra Forms

These are pretty useful.

Chakra's buff skills and stats. Skills and stats help with Forms. Forms help with being a Aligned. Domino effect or whatever.

I personally keep all my chakras charged to the max.

The Chakra Forms are as followed:


Fire Flower

Thousand-Petaled Lotus


Third Eye


Chaos Star <- unless you have high Chaos favor, then this form isn't to helpful...

There is no form for the Padme chakra, which is a must for any high functioning Aligned.

Read more about Chakras here.

Weapon Forms

This is where everyone tends to divide on. Aligned get a ton of options for weaponry.

I've always thought, that Aligned are a sort of "Jack of All Trades" when it comes to weapons. As you can really use anything pretty well, but it's better to be focused on one type of weapon.

If you plan on joining a Association that grants you a weapon Form, then it's most likely best to use that.

With Bridge on, you will also be very good at unarmed attacks. So a mix of that and your weapon works nicely.

Advanced Forms

These require a little more training to get, but do more and cooler things then the basic starting ones.


Blossom (Aligned Form) is really handy as it allows you to charge a chakra higher. Making the attribute and skill buff from it be sweeter.

When held, the flower does a pretty sick discharge attack. Which is cool because it's a free attack.

The chakra you set it to is mostly preference.

Each chakra gives the flower a different damage type for it's attack.

Personally, I always have my Blossom set to the Padme chakra, as it buffs most of the Forms to the point where I can get a few without really need to work hard for them.

Sleeping Moon

Sleeping Moon buffs the empathy skill of whatever you use it on, as well as debuffing Killer Instinct skill to -100. This form might seem more utility in nature, but empathy is used in many Form ratings, and is also a harm skill for some races.


The Inertia form is really cool, because when used it combat it will deal full body order damage based upon the amount of damage you yourself deals to the target. But, it the target is healed by order, then you'll just be healing them. So... watch out. Because so many things are immune to order.

This form is just another way of dealing damage, and is used very often.

Nature's Joints

One of the more complex forms to get when starting, the Nature's Joints form will buff the your harm skills for whatever you are fighting, increasing your damage output for combat a little more.

It's not a thing you will die without, but it will make you a bit better. Which is always nice.


Echo has a bit of a love/hate relationship with Aligned.

While it's buffs are insanely nice. It has a rather large draw back.

Using Echo is solely preference, go read about it and decide if you wish to use it.

You need to have like 175 attunement, so it's a Form that comes a little later for you.

Normative Forms

These forms are gained by doing varous activities, spanning from Quests to Exploration.

Exploration Forms

These forms are gained by exploring the world of Lost Souls, and are as follows.


Stride grants you the ability of instant short distance teleportation. At great order energy cost however. Stride also has a drawback, if you attempt to teleport into a space that is nonexistent, then you will encounter immense pain.


Wander is a form that is used when the Mimesis form is activated. It consumes a entire motes impression and sends it flying towards whoever you target. You can't be to close to the target, but also not to far away.


Phase is one of the ultimate Aligned Forms. It shifts your body into the Umbra, giving you great martial prowess and some various other traits. Phase also gives you SD, so you will not be able to regenerate spirit points while using it.


These forms are gained by doing various quests.


Prism is another amazing form for Aligned. It's the AoE of our guild.

You must complete the Kill Blue quest to learn of it.


Puzzle is one of the most sought after forms for Aligned, as it allows you to re-size equipment much better than any NPC.

To acquire the Puzzle form, you must complete all 3 Catelius quests.


A important form for most Aligned, as it produces a mask which when worn, grants Invisibility and Intangibility.

To acquire Mask, you much have reached at least 100 quest points.