Player Zygefgh

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Atman: Zylox
Level: 32
Race: shoggoth
Sex: neuter
Culture: Zadnothruan wildling
Occupation: Rat Verynvelyr, Neophyte Warden, and Shadow Brother
Age: 2 weeks, 3 days, 8 hours, 25 minutes, 6 seconds
Quest Points: 69
Natural Attributes (without flgathl):
    Strength      30
    Intelligence  114
    Constitution  40
    Dexterity     54
    Willpower     50
    Charisma      10
    Perception    30
    Size          increasing

Leaderboard Rankings

#1 in Best Conceptual Navigation Mathematical Theorem Score, Active
#2 in Best Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Theorem Average, Active
#7 in Best Conceptual Navigation Mathematical Theorem Score, All Time
#8 in Best Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Theorem Average, All Time
#12 in Best Total Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Score, Active
#29 in Best Total Mathematical Conceptual Navigation Score, All Time
#43 in Age To Level Ratio, Active
#47 in Best Conceptual Navigation Linguistic Theorem Score, Active

Other Stuff

I have a blog!

I'm thinking about combining all the existing newbie guides into something that's easier for new players to read through - it's very easy to miss or misunderstand some of the material presented in the various guides.

I'd like to become a dev eventually, but I'm in no hurry - I think I could implement some player housing and work on the perpetual storage for non-artifact items.

(Why do you care about this?)

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