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  • As of change 7401, Dreamwalkers can no longer be raised, revived or otherwise preserved in any way, but no longer ascend at level 50.
    • IMPORTANT: This MAJORLY nerfs DW since you now need to basically use Exploration, Quests, etc to get them to 50 to get the ring. You COULD let them fight, but if some freak occurrence happens and they die they are are gone forever.

So this page is going to be for the dreamwalker companions from the Aumbrie and the conversations you can have with them. Generally speaking, they go through "phases". Every time they enter a new phase, they get a new attack and more dialogue options open up. I missed most of the intial ones, so I'll just put up what I can and let others fill in the blanks - Telurel (someone should probably make this look more pretty, if you do much obliged) - Laithde (you're welcome)

To get a dreamwalker, kill Liches in the randomly generated exits room under the Aumbrie. If the lich evolves into a Demi-Lich, it will drop a jeweled skull. Touch the octahedron/repository with the skull and you'll get a dreamwalker summoning sphere.

1.58% chance per lich to form into a demi-lich; jewelled skull made out of 83% percent bone, 8% percent dweomer, and 8% lzarawn



Phase 1

Lvl 30

Shanryllcae opens her stasis sphere with her right hand.
A tan-skinned male advenus appears in a burst of bright cyan light.
The tan-skinned male advenus states, "What....what happened?  I don't remember anything..." in Latin.
The tan-skinned male advenus states, "Nevertheless, I'm grateful that you retrieved me from...wherever I was.  I suppose I should travel with you, at least for a while." in Latin.
Gets an attack called "nightmare blade." Deals shadow/cutting damage.
When asked their name, they respond "My name is Levnilio.  That is all I can remember."

Phase 2

Lvl 35

Gets an attack called "moon chakram." Deals lunar/crushing damage.
Asking their name prompts this: "My name is Celirylluial. I remember... very little.  Only that my training is not complete."
Asking about training prompts this:
Celirylluial says, "My memories are still greatly incomplete, but I remember a few things."
Celirylluial says, "I was one of a number of experimental test subjects, exposed to pure
dream-energy channeled through an artificial portal to the estoteric plane of Oneiron."
Celirylluial says, "As a result, I gained a number of powers.  However, I cannot... seem to recall all of them at present."
Celirylluial says, "There is something else... something important.  The memory eludes me, however, no matter how I try to recall it."
Celirylluial says, "Let us resume our travels.  Perhaps, I will remember more -- in time."

Phase 3

lvl 40

Gets an attack called "dreamlight bolt." Deals force/light/piercing.
Asking their name prompts this: "My name is Carnore. I am a Dreamwalker of the fifth circle, and my training is complete. Now only my  
great purpose remains."
Asking about the great purpose prompts this: "During my training, I received visions of a scarab -- a powerful magical artifact from 
the ancient days of the scaled ones." 
"In my dream, the scarab sucked the life from the world -- a cataclysmic shockwave of death covered all the lands, and nothing 
"I do not know the full significance of my vision, but I do know one thing --
that I must find and destroy this scarab."

The scarab referred is the Kamonthept-Ka artifact. And can only be given to the Dreamwalker when the first three phases are complete.

Phase 4

Upon giving the scarab to the dreamwalker:

You give Scarab to Carnore with your right foreclaw.
Carnore says, ->) Incredible!  I cannot believe this is happening. (<-
Carnore stares at Scarab for a moment in amazement, then suddenly vaporizes it in a burst of
oneiric power.
Scarab is destroyed.
Carnore surges with incredible power as her body is bathed in potent magickal energies.
Carnore smiles serenely.
You feel a sense of accomplishment.
You have gained one hundred fifty-three thousand seven hundred thirty-three experience.
Carnore says, ->) At last, my great purpose is accomplished.  Let us see where our travels
take us next, and perhaps I may share a boon with you someday as well. (<-
Gets an attack called "dream lash." Does force/extropy/chaos/light.

Phase 5

lvl 45

Saying boon to them afterwards prompts this:

Carnore says, ->) Very well.  Be cautious, however, for I may only do this once. (<-
Carnore is surrounded by an intense iridescent glow as Carnore begins to form something out of
pure oneiric power.
A diamond-runed quartz ring appears out of the air in her possession.
Carnore gives a diamond-runed quartz ring to you.
Carnore says, ->) I pray that it will give you great power, eventually.  Seek out its
properties in the air, and the sea, and the world around you. (<-

The Dreamwalker must complete all 4 phases to unlock the 5th


 This is a ring made of iridescent diamond gem runes and quartz.  The quality of its craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as a rare 
 ring of Poieoneira, or Dream Actualization.  It grants the ability to summon a weapon made of pure oneirax by imagining a dream of the desired 
 weapon type, the strength and power of which are enhanced by the experience accumulated by the ring and certain events experienced by the 
 wearer while wearing the ring.  The wearer of the ring may also banish their dream weapon by imagining an awakening, query the status of the 
 ring's power by concentrating on feeling drowsy, and attempt to enter a reverie by imagining a dreamscape.  It has a few thin streamers of 
 glinting pattern within and around it.  You estimate its value at about eight hundred eighty gold.  You are wearing it.  
   It is in perfect condition.  
   It is intermediate in size, and looks just about right to fit you.  It looks about a twentieth of a dimin across and a fifth of a dimin 
   around.  It weighs about a five-hundredth of a dekan.


  • Ring is kinda crappy, only makes max Good quality. Fine in a pinch if you need something but not worth using as a primary.(this is outdated, they can get to exquisite.)
 >imagine a dream of dagger
 You imagine a dream of dagger.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow fiercely.
 An aelithandar dagger appears in your possession in a flash of iridescent light.

Ring Experience

 You concentrate on feeling drowsy.
 A dreamlike whisper floats across your mind, impressing upon you that your ring of poieoneira has accumulated one hundred forty-one points of 
 experience and has absorbed the oneirological principles of extropy.


To receive aligned principles (order, unholy, chaos, holy), your alignment must be close enough to the alignment of that principle.

In the Et'zlaerhi palace throne room - Water

 You imagine a dreamscape.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
 You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
 You take in the seascape around you, drinking in the sensations of the underwater world.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a shimmering blue radiance.
 You fall gently out of your trance as the gentle flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in 
 the waking world once more.

In Bartziluth's Lair/Muspelheim - Earth

 You imagine a dreamscape.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
 You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
 You contemplate the underground majesty around you, feeling the slow, massive pulse of the subterranean world.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a stony gray radiance.
 You fall gently out of your trance as the gentle flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the 
 waking world once more.

In the Lost Lamb Tavern - Extropy

You imagine a dreamscape.
The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
You stagger as you are overwhelmed by the sheer force of life and energy exuded by the seemingly endless throng of creatures reveling around 
you across the limitless dreamscape.
The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a blazing whiteness.
You fall gently out of your trance as the gentle flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in   
the waking world once more.

In Exoma - Entropy (contains random dreamscape elements)

 You imagine a dreamscape.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
 You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
 You experience the scorching inferno surrounding you, reveling in the fury of the cataclysm unleashed.  You survey the expansive panorama 
 below you, feeling the vast, charged power of the clouds and open sky.  You recoil from the utter madness of the senseless, overwhelming chaos   
 surrounding and assaulting you.
 The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a blazing orange and an airy blue radiance.
 You fall gently out of your trance as the gentle flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the 
 waking world once more.

5 up from Losthaven - Air

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You survey the expansive panorama below you, feeling the vast, charged power of the clouds and open sky.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with an airy blue radiance.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once more.

Top of Mount Doom (Northlands) - Entropy

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You admire the icy dreamscape around you, drinking in the feeling of pure, utter cold and hunger.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a mysterious emptiness.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once more.

Temple of Agnihotri - Holy

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You transcend the mundane, transported by the revelatory grandeur of the pure, unadulterated holy majesty surrounding and infusing you.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a beautiful pearly white radiance.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once more.

Sodality of the Nine-Spoked Wheel - Earth

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You contemplate the underground majesty around you, feeling the slow, massive pulse of the subterranean world.  You recoil from the depraved hatefulness of the foul, roiling corruption surrounding and assaulting you.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a stony gray radiance.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once more.

Ivory Tower - Order

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You become one with the perfect harmony around you as you experience a sublime and majestic vision of a perfectly-arranged, endlessly-repeating  dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with a perfect golden light.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once  more.

Kragathkul - Unholy

   You imagine a dreamscape.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira glow with a soft iridescent light.
   You fall into a dream-like trance, feeling a gentle flow of dream energy envelop you as the world around you sublimates into a dreamscape.
   You descend into a sublimely depraved realm of pure evil, reveling in the pure, unadulterated wickedness surrounding and infusing you.
   The iridescent diamond gem runes on your ring of poieoneira briefly glow with baleful darkness.
   You fall gently out of your trance as the flow of dream energy recedes and the dreamscape around you fades away, leaving you back in the waking world once more.