Runic Commands

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In addition to the basic behaviors of a Gezuuni's enchanted runic tattoos, more powerful and specific effects can be created by those knowledgeable in the lore of the runes and enhanced with the necessary tattoos to form key rune structures on their bodies. These structures enable one to call upon discrete powers not available to lesser bearers of the runes, and are known as Runic Commands -- the ability to enforce one's will upon one's enchanted runes.

Formula for unlocking knowledge of runic commands: Rune lore + 1/2 Symbology + 1/2 Kesliri

Luxzhi is at 200. Others are at 300. More are at 500. Some have individual requirements. There is supposed to be a particularly OP one that is only barely possible to get without being a Gezuuni.

If you have Varn remove a runic command, there will be a cooldown period before he will remove more from you. This can be measured in days, but Varn will state the exact time remaining down to the second.

Some runes take up more rune space than others. Couldn't add Agosae but was able to add Isilreun.



  • I don't know where to put this so people are aware but it appears that you need >40 Symbology to see any Runes other than the basic Luxzhi, I had 231 Rune Lore and saw NO RUNES, once I spec'd Symbology to 1 and trained it they all showed up
    • It's unclear if this is intentional or a bug, but it is what it is


Eadon (nightvision)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified animal lore skill
 Energy Costs                : seventy-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to grant increased hunting aptitude
   A more nebulous and spiritual set of runes than most, this runic command bestows upon its
 invoker a semblance of a hunting cat's aspect, allowing the bearer to see in the darkness for a
 time. The effect also grants increased skill at stalking one's prey.

Gearaiqan (analgesia)

Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in having the unmodified psychophrasty skill with related skills contributing or have at least
   75 points in having the unmodified acupuncture skill
Energy Costs                : fifty points of spiritual energy
Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to make me immune to pain
   This runic command allows one to make oneself completely immune to pain, while still allowing one to feel other sensations.  Though highly
useful in battle or during extreme physical exertion, care must be taken to avoid injury without the critical warnings of pain, and the risk of
addiction to pain-free activity is high.

Isilreun (artificial mentality)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychophrasty skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified mathematics skill
 Energy Costs                : seventy-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to alter my mental processes
   A particularly esoteric set of runes, this runic command allows one to flood one's mind with a
 number of complex mathematical and geometric postulates, temporarily altering one's perceptions in
 a manner sufficient to allow one to perceive higher dimensions.  However, this power comes at a
 cost, altering one's mental functioning such that one's intelligence ceases to be able to feel or
 comprehend emotional concepts until the artificial thought patterns fade.

Luxzhi (light)

 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to illuminate the area
     One of the most basic functions of a Gezuuni's enchanted rune tatoos is the ability to shed
 light, illuminating one's surroundings.  To dismiss this light, simply concentrate on dimming the
 light from your runes.
  • Note: this is the only runic command that can be accessed by Weapons of Vengeance without getting a special tattoo from Varn

Ogoedle (internal respiration)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aeroturgy skill with related
  skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified metaphysics skill
 Energy Costs                : twenty-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to summon a shell of breathable air
   One of the more advanced runic sequences known to the Gezuuni, this runic command summons a
 shell of breatheable air around the bearer, enabling them to breathe in any environment.  However,
 this barrier is fragile and especially susceptible to kinetic force, and a sufficiently strong
 impact can strip it away.  To dismiss the shell voluntarily, simply concentrate on dismissing the
 swirling air around you.

Raisa (flight)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified geoturgy skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 35 points in unmodified kineturgy skill with related
   skills contributing; or have at least 75 points in unmodified physics skill with related
   skills contributing
 Energy Costs                : one hundred fifty points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to define a personal gravitic field
 A somewhat common runic command, this sequence of runes allows one to define and generate a
 personal gravitic field, allowing aerial movement and mobility.

Sinnimur (manavorism and astral perception)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified enchantment skill with related
  skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified arcane lore skill
 Energy Costs                : fifty points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to attune me to the flows of mana
   A commonly-sought runic command, this sequence of runes allows one to attune one's body to the
 flows of mana, granting oneself the ability to see astral phenomenae and subsist upon mana flows
 without any other form of sustenance, negating the need for food and water.  However, while this
 rune sequence is active, it is impossible for the bearer to ingest substances that are not
 magickal to at least some degree.
 Note: This is and I quote a "weak-sauce" rune and is unable to overcome diets such as a RW, so 
 you'll just get the astral perception and not the manavore diet part

Agosae (Regeneration Rune)

Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in having the unmodified aretophrasty skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 75 points in having the unmodified homeopathy skill
Energy Costs                : one hundred fifty points of spiritual energy
Process to Command          : will the runes on my body to regenerate my injured tissues
   One of the most powerful and presitious commands available to a possessor of Gezuuni runes, this command
allows its bearer to perform an instantaneous act of personal healing, regenerating most or all damaged
tissues within their body to a pristine state.  However, the recipient of this healing experiences tremendous
pain as a result of feeling extensive tissue and cellular regrowth in such a short time, and the regeneration
will not restore severed limbs unless the bearer has such a capability from another source.

Elemental Defense

Loemonlue (earth)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified geoturgy skill with related
  skills contributing or have at least 175 points in unmodified cosmology skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with earth energy
    This ability charges your runes with gravity energy, forming a protective shield of
 gravitational waves that strike out to crush any who attack you.  It also allows you to command
 the element of earth in combat.

Maiduro (lightning)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified elektraturgy skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 175 points in unmodified cosmology skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with electrical energy
   This ability charges your runes with electrical energy, forming a protective shield of
 lightning that strikes out at any who attack you.  It also allows you to command the amalgam of
 lightning in combat.

Maimurakoa (cold)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified cryoturgy skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 175 points in unmodified cosmology skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with cold energy
   This ability charges your runes with cold energy, forming a protective shield of gloom that
 sucks the heat from any who attack you.  It also allows you to command the amalgam of cold in

Maleles (fire)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified pyraturgy skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 175 points in unmodified cosmology skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with fire energy
   This ability charges your runes with fire energy, forming a protective shield of flames that
 strikes out to burn any who attack you.  It also allows you to command the element of fire in

Munoememl (metal)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified khalkiturgy skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 245 points among unmodified cosmology skill and unmodified smithing skill
 Prerequisite Commands       : Loemonlue and Maleles
 Energy Costs                : two hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with metal energy
   This ability charges your runes with metal energy, granting the strength of steel to your body for
  a brief period as well as striking back at attackers with blades of metal.  It also allows you to
  command the amalgam of metal in combat.

Sem (shadow)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified skiaturgy skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 195 points in unmodified cosmology skill
 Prerequisite Commands       : Loemonlue, Maiduro, Maimurakoa, and Maleles
 Energy Costs                : two hundred fifty points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to become charged with umbral energy
    This ability charges your runes with umbral energy, forming a protective shield of shadows
 that erases the existence of any who attack you.  It also allows you to command the amalgam of
 shadow in combat.


Araisnin (mental focus)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychophrasty skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 145 points in unmodified piety skill
 Prerequisite Commands       : Eintai, Gearaiqan, and Isilreun
 Energy Costs                : one hundred twenty-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to align my thoughts with my purposes
   Regarded as the pinnacle of runic achievement to the Gezuuni, this runic command focuses the
 bearer's thoughts into a state of perfect devotion to the ideals of Gezuuni society.  While in
 this trance, the bearer experiences no fear, becomes highly resistant to distraction by pain or
 pleasure, and has full command of their mental processes, allowing them to concentrate on multiple
 tasks simultaneously and even react to events as they occur.  The bearer also experiences sizable
 increases in their general mental acuity, as well as most skills related to concentration and
 mental coordination in combat.  However, being stunned by any influence will cause one's focusing
 trance to break.  To dismiss the trance voluntarily, simply concentrate on releasing your
 conviction regarding mental perfection.

Aro (agility)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 115 points in unmodified enchantment skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to enhance my physical agility

   This ability invokes your runes to weave pathways of magick into your muscles and nervous
 system, increasing your physical agility and increasing your ability at some related skills.
  • This command will overwrite Caibo or Ienu if they are currently in effect.

When used:

You feel more agile and more skilled at combat reflexes, the ability to elude pursuit, and
quickness as the runes on your body enhance your abilities.

Caibo (toughness)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 115 points in unmodified enchantment skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to enhance my physical vitality

   This ability invokes your runes to fortify your body's ability to resist and recover from
 stress and exertion, increasing your physical agility and increasing your ability at some related
  • This command will overwrite Aro or Ienu if they are currently in effect.

When used:

You feel tougher and more skilled at hardiness, recuperation, resilience, stamina, and
steadiness as the runes on your body enhance your abilities.

Duroen (physical stats)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 145 points in unmodified enchantment skill
 Prerequisite Commands       : Aro, Caibo, Ienu, and Nulain
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to enhance my physical perfection

   This ability invokes your runes to fortify your body's systems across all spectrums, granting
 you increased capability in all physical attributes and many related skills.

Activation text:

 You feel stronger, more agile, and tougher and more skilled at combat reflexes, the ability to
 elude pursuit, hardiness, load bearing, the dealing of massive blows, the ability to make a
 massive exertion, quickness, and recuperation as the runes on your body enhance your abilities.

Eintai (berserking)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychophrasty skill with related
   skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified psychology skill
 Energy Costs                : seventy-five points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to fill me with rage
   A particularly fiendish set of runes, this runic command allows one to fill themselves with
 boundless rage, allowing their attacks to heighten their own fury until reaching a state of
 berserk blood frenzy.  Care must be taken, however, as the Gezuuni who bears this runic command
 has no way to calm themselves once the danger is past.

Gersear (ambidexterity)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified psychophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 35 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 75 points in unmodified psychology skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 35 points in unmodified biology skill with
   related skills contributing
 Energy Costs                : one hundred fifty points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to symmetricize my kinesthetic processes
 A fairly prosaic runic command, this sequence of runes allows one to operate limbs on either
 side of one's body with equal facility.

Ienu (strength)

 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in unmodified aretophrasty skill with
   related skills contributing or have at least 115 points in unmodified enchantment skill
 Energy Costs                : one hundred points of spiritual energy
 Process to Command   : will the runes on my body to enhance my physical strength

   This ability invokes your runes to strengthen and harden your muscles and skeletal structure,
 increasing your physical strength and increasing your ability at some related skills.
  • This command will overwrite Aro or Caibo if they are currently in effect.

When used:

You feel stronger and more skilled at load bearing, the dealing of massive blows, and the
ability to make a massive exertion as the runes on your body enhance your abilities.

Nulain (Tissue Softening)

Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 35 points in having the unmodified aretophrasty skill with related skills contributing or have at least 75
   points in having the unmodified biology skill
Energy Costs                : seventy-five points of spiritual energy
Processes to Command :
   will the runes on my body to soften my tissues
   will the runes on my body to soften my tissues slightly, moderately, or greatly
   By flooding one's physical form with destabilizing pulses of chaotic magicks, one can cause one's tissues to become softer, allowing a greater
degree of protection against blunt-force trauma and pressure from external sources -- however, this ability comes at a cost, with the softer tissues
more susceptible to cutting and piercing attacks.  At high levels of capability, this ability can even render bones and other solid materials
flexible enough that one's body can flow through small spaces normally impassible to solid creatures of one's natural size.  Particularly skilled
users can attempt a controlled softening, granting themselves amorphism while minimizing the amount of resiliency lost by one's tissues.

Combat Maneuvers

 Perform Kesli Qereun
 Gezuuni Runes Combat Maneuver
 Usage: perform kesli qereun [at <target> using <energy>]
 Typical Activity Cost: 25
 Activity Cost For You: 24
  The prestigious art of Kesli Qereun allows the user to trace a phantasmal rune which functions
 as a link between the bearer's runes and esoteric planes of energy, allowing the tracer of the
 rune to bring forth the energies evoked.  Most commonly, these energies are directed at an
 opponent as a combat maneuver.  The energies that can be used with this ability depend on the
 other runic commands that are available to the user.

The energies available to Kesli Qereun are based on which elemental defense commands one has.

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