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/------------------------------------ The Tethysta Culture ------------------------------------\
| Races                           Typical                        Dioract, Kedeth and Loirekthen|
|                                 Atypical                       Amberite, Chaosborn, Fomor,   |
|                                                                Imp, Kalythreps, Slaad and    |
|                                                                Slaan                         |
| Languages                       Primary                        Nilasnai                      |
| Skills Taught                   Awareness                      25                            |
|                                 Bludgeon                       30                            |
|                                 Climbing                       30                            |
|                                 Cold Tolerance                 10                            |
|                                 Cosmology                      10                            |
|                                 Dagger                         15                            |
|                                 Dodge                          30                            |
|                                 First Aid                      15                            |
|                                 Heat Tolerance                 10                            |
|                                 Exoma Fieldcraft               15                            |
|                                 Shield                         20                            |
|                                 Shorelands Fieldcraft          15                            |
|                                 Spelunking                     20                            |
|                                 Staff                          15                            |
|                                 Stealth                        15                            |
|                                 Swimming                       30                            |
|                                 Sword                          10                            |
|                                 Ularu                          5                             |
|                                 Unarmed Combat                 25                            |
| Specialty Access                Spelunking                     available: degree II          |
|                                 Shorelands Fieldcraft          available: degree I           |
|                                 Flight, Swimming and           available: degree I,          |
|                                 Aquatic Fieldcraft             accumulative only             |
| Homelands                                                      the River Tethys              |

The fact that Dioracts, Loirekthens, Kalythreps and Slaadi are mentioned make me think they may be of Anthropic sentience.

  • Tethysta spawn atop Charon's skiff. He glides between the River's alcoves every 5 seconds, actually traveling between them, not teleporting as Vincentio does. This can cause funny situations where getting out to the river means that you drown or an autonomon kills you.
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