Eishund (Empathic Bond)

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Bond Test

You imagine what it would be like to have a deep bond with the white dog,
and you feel a distinct echo from within it.
You experience feelings of predation, cunning, and ruthlessness.
You experience visions of a glacier.

Bond Failure

The white dog seems to consider you for a brief moment, but then bares its
teeth and you sense that the white dog feels you lack the ability to endure
wintery weather and hunt the taiga and tundra landscapes with its pack.

Bonding Requirements

Judging from the bond test/failure info, probably some combination of ice affinity, cold tolerance, arctic fieldcraft, killer instinct, intimidation, and/or tactics. Note that the more difficult part of bonding an eishund is extracting it from the Exoma without becoming separated, as the animal is quite heavy and not easily picked up; and it will not follow the consort through Exoma exits. Also, since it requires air to breathe, it will flee from the current Exoma room if no air is present, which is frequently the case.

Known Abilities

The eishund is a powerful extraplanar canine animal native to the elemental plane of Ice; it can also be found in the Exoma. It is a large, powerful physical combatant with its teeth and the cryomer spikes mounted on its forelegs. The leg spikes do ice damage masked as piercing. It has a carnivorous diet and can see in the dark. It requires air to breathe and cannot fly.

Contact Damage

You pet Griff with your right claw.
You feel yourself slowing down from the effects of ice.
Your right claw is chilled somewhat by contact with Griff's white fur,
though you resist the attack slightly.

This effect is applied in combat when opponents hit the eishund, and will damage the limb used to perform the attack.

Attribute Modifications

The eishund familiar grants its consort a large bonus to constitution (100% of bond strength) and a large bonus to perception.

Combat Bonuses

The eishund's consort gains a bonus to attack and damage ratings based on Tactics and Courage skills; and a bonus to defense ratings (dodge and deflection) based on Lack of Weakness skill. Also, the Intelligence statistic is a much larger factor in all types of combat ratings.

Specialty Bonuses

Specialty access and bonus specialties increase with bond strength.

Tier 1

Initially on bonding:

NB: Spec I access to Regeneration is available immediately on bonding.

Tier 2

Also at bonding:

NB: although these specialties are granted at first bonding, they are not incremented as quickly as the Tier 1 skills, so they are listed separately here.

Tier 3

Very shortly after:

NB: although this specialty is granted at first bonding, it is not incremented as quickly as the Tier 1 or 2 skills, so it is listed separately here.

Tier 4

Tier 5

Towards the end of 'very frail' bond strength:

Tier 6

During 'somewhat frail':

Tier 7

At the middle of 'somewhat frail':

Tier 8

At 'fairly healthy':

At 'very healthy' bond strength, the first tier specialty bonuses (Arctic Fieldcraft and Ice Affinity) are increased to 2.

Tier 9

At the middle of 'very healthy':

Additionally at this point, the second tier bonus specialties (Cold Tolerance and Hardiness) are increased to 2.

Later in 'very healthy', the third tier bonus specialty (Tenacity) is increased to 2.

Tier 10

At the middle of 'robust':


Initially the eishund grants the following charms:

Shortly after:

At 'somewhat frail' bond strength:

At 'fairly healthy':

  • Rime, the ability to surround yourself with an icy shroud.

At 'resilient':

